err0r oneshots

By namescape

24.2K 971 182

Y know The tittle Just a bunch of err0r one-shots and stories because I can They're mostly stories but somet... More

True Judgment
Log 90
The Brave, The Bold, and the Fool
What is Mine
"New Life"
Taken in
A LOVEly pair
Something Well Deserved
Little Ducklings
Our Home
Child's Play
She missed
TW: Panic Attack
Star Pupil
Sacrifies ll
Sacrifices |||
Nom nom


1.2K 43 3
By namescape

[ There's mentions of religious stuff for plot but for the most part it'll be as subtle as I'm willing to make it ]

[ hi future me here, uh hehe so it turns out that's not what the yin yang symbol means but I don't want to erase 1675 words of writing or I'll go insane so imma have to adjust some stuff...

fuck ]

[ HA!! I GOT IT ]

Recently a new AU was made without the creator's input. Other AU residents seemed interested in this new universe as for the reason mentioned before. The AU was closed off as per usual with new AUs letting the AU develop before the actual introduction to the multiverse.

Time passed by, and the new AU was introduced to the multiverse by the creator, Ink. The new AU was mainly based on religion, mostly from Humans and few from the monsters themselves. Of course with the monster's own take on it. SectTale. The sans of that universe was a religious leader who many trusted no matter the religion and was pretty laid back. He wore a trench coat over a sweater with fancy pants and the normal slippers. Being introduced to the multiverse was also followed by some rules and news such as the roles of gods—

"The gods are here?" oh right. Religion and stuff. "Oh yeah! I'm a god and there's ReaperTale which is full of gods, and there's the twins who I'm sure are also mini gods" Ink mentioned, looking towards Dream for confirmation. Right just mention the fact the gods live among you to the religious skelly monster. Perfectly Fine. "You yourself are a god?" The sans, nicknamed Faith, looked astounded and some excitement within his eyelights. "Yeeeeeep" Ink replied, popping to 'P' in the end. "And there are multiple other gods in these AUs? What rules and responsibilities do you have? How do you decide the rules and the balance around each and every god?" firing questions at the god of creation. The sans seemed more open and energetic compared to his alternative with the questions.

After a while the meeting ended and some stayed to mingle while others headed back to their own universes, Faith was one of those who stayed. A scarf wearing skeleton, blue sweater dawning, and a taller robe wearing skeleton seemed to start a conversation with Faith. "Hello, I'm Alter from AlterTale, It's nice to meet you" Alter, the robe wearing skeleton, greeted. "There aren't a lot of AUs made without the creators' input so it's great to see something nice out of it" "I Agree With Alter, You See Like A Great Guy! Especially With Your Position In Your AU! I'm Blue, From UnderSwap!" The blue scarf clad skeleton, Blue, introduced. "And This Is Classic! He's The Original Of All AUs" Motioning to the final skeleton wearing a blue hoodie.

"Well this is a lot to take in..." Faith looked content with the situation along with the possibly new pals. "So you're the original? As in... what we're based off of?" Point to Classic who had a relaxed smile on his skull. "yep"

"Well that's something you don't see everyday" Chuckling Faith was asked a question by Alter "So you're a religious leader in your world if I recall correctly. What does that entail exactly?" Looking at the former all seemed interesting with the answer. "Well basically, I run a lot of the events. I'm the equivalent of what most know as a priest. But I could be other things with the different religions there are and that most people trust me with nearly everything." Looking proud at the explanation.

[ - - - ]

A week later there was another meeting held in the doodelsphere.A yellow void filled with papers that floated for what seemed like infinity. Papers that represented every AU and it's copies. Most were there, though awaiting the newer original was taking a while. "Y'know, He's Got Other Duties In His AU. We Could Start Without Him And Catch Him Up Later" The guardian of positivity, Dream, stated. The meeting was something Ink really wanted held so holding it back would make things more tense. "I guess... but I mean he may be helpful" Ink looked like he wanted to begin the meeting but wanted to see if Faith could help with their multiversal problem. "We all got shit to do in our universes yet we come here because of something important. Might as well get along with it" G, a sans and gaster fusion argued, despite his own AU being a mess and not really having a story. Ink looked thoughtful at that comeback but decided to go with G's statement. "Yeah okay. So as usual Error's been quiet as of late and it's a bit unnerving. Especially with the new AU— WAIT!!" Suddenly shouting and startling most in the room. "HE COULD BE TERRORIZING THE NEW AU! OR KIDNAP SOMEONE AGAIN!" There was Ink's sudden thought process being said aloud, worrying few but there was a doubt. "He doesn't target originals. You've mentioned besides coming through every now and then he doesn't really seem to destroy the originals" G argued back.

"Right, forgot. So Error. He's been quiet. And that's worrisome, so really that's a multiveral update and really all I gotta say" Ink calmed down and explained the multiversal news. "Of course that and SectTale but y'know good stuff. Anything from the AUs?" This was a normal multiversal meeting. Ink or Dream would give multiversal updates, or news, then go about helping any in-universe problems.
Majority of attendants were those in the judge's position but there would be the occasional toriel or alphys who would ask for assistance. At this meeting everything was running smoothly with all the AUs and the multiverse so for the most part residents left to continue in their universe but some stayed and were left to mingle. Pretty calming stuff considering the major problems at hand. Like office life.

A few days passed, the creator decided to check out SectTale which lead to copies 1 - 14 being made, all with different timelines and events. 'What ifs' if you will. There wasn't much activity from the opposite side. Why not check it out?

[ - - - ]

A dark boned skeleton with tears that flowed endlessly from his eyes was lying on a dark blue bean bag which was located on what could be the floor of a white void. Generously named the Anti-Void. You could say it helps ground the dimensions and directions of the white void. He wasn't really sleeping but more of just resting his eye lights. With what varied time he has he takes it to rest and recuperate, which is rather challenging with the lack of time management both he and the Anti-void lack. Folks this is the infamous destroyer err0r. Hated by all due to his endless destruction of AUs and taking of lives. Feeling this new AU Error decided to check it out. Opening a glitch portal that could only be seen by its constant glitching and occasional color difference, he stepped through towards the new addition to the multiverse.

- SectTale -

Entering the AU there was the normal set up of the exit of the ruins and looking towards the barricade more commonly made by Papyrus equivalents the wood used for the barricade had some symbols and runes painted on it. Error couldn't make it out but overlooked it. I mean if it killed him. That'd be some way to go. Passing through the gates and moving on to snowdin where there were the usual buildings, landscapes, and residents. But some wore weird clothing but most of the town seemed like a normal Snowdin.

'w3lL wha+sz so0) diFer33nt?' [well what's so different?]
Teleporting to all the other parts of the underground, Waterfall, Hotlands, and New Home, there wasn't much of a difference from the original. There were different clothes and at times symbols but that was the best difference he could find.

'wHAT+ tH#E h[-_---]lLl? WhHtaqt diFf.ereNECE is hthtere? 15n*K?' [What the hell? What's difference is there Ink?"]

Deciding to exit the apparently-not-a-copy original as staying in Original is something he's avoided for many reasons, opening another glitched out portal to the Anti-void hoping to give more rest to his magic.

"Hey buddy"

Turning his head he saw this world's sans. Standing next to him. He looked as if he was not just standing next to a world destroyer.


"Well I just thought since ur visiting might as well wanna visit the royals. Plus I'd assume you're looking for me?" The sans still seemed laid back, which is unnerving. This sans is either very confident in his ability—

he called ink.


[ *Error fled* ]

There was no longer a tall dark boned skeleton next to Faith, leaving him alone in the judgment hall.
There was no longer a tall dark boned skeleton next to Faith, leaving him alone in the judgment hall.

"Sans? What happened to the visitor?" a female goat monster, wearing a purple foot long dress with a delta rune symbol in the center, came out of the castle entrance that connected to the judgment hall. Sans shrugged in response.

[ - - - ]

Many weeks passed with the same level of activity. Error started destroying as usual. And Ink attempting to stop him, as usual. Not much changed in this endless war. Until it was.

"So I've been wondering about this destroyer you continuously fight '' Faith started, going up to Ink after the weekly meeting was over. "Yeah, he's a menace and a pain to deal with" Ink responded. The same amount of AUs were destroyed, not counting that one LittleTale he could save but there were many AUs out for the count. Still fighting Error, who held the same if not more power than Ink, was exhausting for. Pretty much both of them. FIghting back to back portaling and teleporting to different areas or AUs entirely. Battles were brutal when it came to Gods fighting. "Yea well, there's something I've noticed and it involves the destroyer" Faith looked, not uneasy but seemed to be contemplating what he was about to say.

"What involves the destroyer?" Ink was curious, I mean it's an AU he didn't create, so he doesn't know the full backstory, which brings many questions. Was somebody or bodies worshiping the destroyer? Why would he be involved in anything? Does this include Ink in any beliefs?

"Well a...peer of mine is a taoist, which is a philosophy and religion that originated from humans. It's a basic belief of how to exist in harmony with the universe, and my buddy explained about the entire basics of Taoism, which is the religion she's a part of, and this involves the common symbol of yin-yang. SO i was just wondering if you've ever considered that?"

Ink looked confused, yeah he's heard of the yin-yang symbol it's a pretty easy symbol to remember and simple enough to draw. But how would that apply to the destroyer? Voicing his thoughts, Ink asked, "How does that apply to the destroyer?" Maybe this could help stop the constant destruction happening. "Well... The yin-yang symbol describes how contradictory forces are essentially balanced and cancel out each other. Without one OR the other, there is no balance. Like a scale." Faith explained, "So because you're essentially creation and this destroyer, who I have yet to see, is destruction. So there's gotta be some balance or connection between you two."

There wasn't a response from either of them as Faith finished his small discovery. Ink seemed to be processing said discovery so there wasn't much to do except wait.

And wait they did.


And waiting

still waiting

Ink what the fu—

"So you're telling me...Have a relationship with Error?"

", I'm saying that there's some connection to both sides of the coin. Think about it. Creation can't be creation without destruction. And destruction is nothing without creation" Faith attempted to more broadly explain the concept of balance with yin-yang but it didn't seem to get through the artist's head."Do you understand yet?" Receiving a negative nod, Faith thought once again. Why was he trying so hard? Well it could help this year long problem of creation and destruction, which is basically yin and yang so, he's trying to help. Also he hasn't really seen this destroyer so he's in no right place to judge.

"Could you create a balance scale?" Faith questioned, snapping Ink out of his thoughtful, not, thoughts and conjuring up a balance scale. Funny enough, one being greatly depicted in religious works. It was black in color and had a balanced beam supporting two hanging pans which you would place your objects on. Faith asked for 2 blocks that weighed the same, both blocks differentiating in color, white and black. Grabbing both magically created blocks, Faith re-stated his explanation. "Okay so this block" motioning to the white block, "represents you and your cause, The 'good' guys if you want to think of it that way". Faith placed the block on one pan of the scale. Doing its job the scale tilted towards the blocks side, continuing his explanation, "As you can see your block, or side, is overpowering. There's nothing to hold it back. Or balance it." Grabbing the black block he continued, "And let's say this block represents the destroyer, the 'bad' side" Taking the white block off the scale, he placed the black block on the other side of the scale. Respectively the scale weighted towards that side.

"Now similar—"

"They both weigh the same right?"


"And we want them to balance out right?"


"Okay" grabbing both blocks and placing them both on either side of the scale balancing both sides equally. "There!" Ink looked proud of himself.

"Ink do you actually understand what you did, and what I'm saying?"

"...Possibly... Care to explain?"

"Well if both sides balance out each other, then there are both reasons for balance. And that's what we need. What is needed"


There was silence from both persons, neither of them speaking. Faith letting Ink take it in and Ink taking it in"

"Holy Shit"


"So. Error is needed?"

"From what I've gathered and from your reaction. Yeah."

Ink looked like he was making ideas and just thinking overall. This made sense. But it doesn't? How would there be balance? Would he really trust an AU's religion?

"Mmm. Y'know Imma check something" Ink took out his brush and swiped open a portal, hopping through

Faith looked a bit hopeful, but there was still concern in the back of his head. Deciding to push it down, Faith turned to leave through a public portal as originals can't really conjure up portals with their own magic. Turning, Faith saw Dream standing in the doorway. "Oh Sorry 'bout that pal. Didn't see ya there" Faith moved to the side, only to be caught by Dream "...Is What You Said...True?" Dream looked distraught. Seems like he was listening in. "I can't confirm it's true as it's something a friend of mine stated. But it makes sense when it comes to opposing forces" Dream also took a moment to process the news. This was a way to end this, debunkle. This multiversal w—conflict.

"Let's Hope That This 'Balance' Is Correct. Or Near The Truth At Least." Dream seemed somewhat hopeful yet doubtful. Nodding in agreement, both took their leaves. Leaving us to wait.

[ - - - ]

The weekly Multiversal meeting was called. All originals were gathered but there was a lack of the guardian and creator. Asking Blue was trivial as he too wasn't aware of the reason for this meeting.

A portal was made in the front of the meeting room. This portal was Ink's, signified by the back inky substance and by the fact it's on the floor.

He makes floor portals.

Hoping out of the portal was the creator himself, he was holding a purple chain that led through the portal obviously holding something on the other end. Pulling on the chain the purple chain it reeled into the meeting room showing the destroyer struggling to get out.


there were codes and words mixing with each other when Error spoke. The words that could be understood were out of order and made little sense on their own.


"Oh calm down you big baby. I want to talk to you and I know Imma forget so just getting it out of the way with everyone here is great and a better decision" Ink's look from serious to confident in that statement which silenced the error from his glitched yelling.

"W3ll? CaRr<3 2 sh--rare??m0ourS geNESISs" (Well? Care to share Mr. Genius?) Error himself looked upset at the entire situation he was in. Was this revenge for the Swap kidnapping? He thought he already apologized, not that it made a difference. Still got beat for it.

"Well yes I would. Now our new addition to the multiverse, Faith from SectTale, gladly informed me of something in his AU that may affect the Multiverse and since it involved you I decided to—"


Breaking and entering into the meeting was none other than the self-proclaimed king himself. Nightmare. The opposite guardian and twin of the guardian of positivity, Dream. Immediately going for the mentioned artist, the tentacles on his back went for the throat and pushing towards the back wall. "What The FUCK Is Your Problem Creator" glaring at Ink, Nightmare looked as pissed as Error. Who of which wasn't noticed by him.

"Oh neat! You came! Good to know you got my message!" Ink seemed oblivious to the obvious threat and situation he was currently in.

"Your 'Message' Was To Arrive UNNOTICED To My Residence. Kidnap All Of My Men. Tie Every Piece Of Furniture To The Ceiling, AND THEN ORGANIZE A DINER REMINISCING OF THAT OF A DATE AND LEAVING ME TO READ YOUR SORRY POOR EXCUSE OF HANDWRITING!!" Shoving a crumpled piece of paper into the artist's face, still strangling him. After his rant he noticed the destroyer on the floor chained up just accepting his fate.

"Destroyer." Nightmare greeted now seemingly calm

"NuggEET+ pUxxx$$" [Nuggetpuss, So Nugget and octopus]
"...Well That's A New One"

"O0h-II! LEA$nrtt waT /-\ 'nu0g^2geT' izs &+ iI lik#3 ->it^2 ti+ l00/kz Fiiun^2nn7&y" [Oh! I learnt what a nugget is and I like it! It looks funny]

"What Does That Have To Do With Me?"

"...fa[ri]ck yuuyou" [...fuck you]




"...Are ya both done with your date?"

Both snapped their necks to Ink who interrupted their conversation. Nightmare blushed while Error looked confused. "This Is NOT. A Date." Nightmare clarified, re-realizing the situation, Nightmare's tentacle tightened around Ink's throat. "Enough trifling. Why Did You Even Want Me Here?"

"Well our new addition to the multiverse, Faith from SectTale, gladly informed me of something in his AU that may affect the Multiverse and since it involved you two I decided to call you both to this meeting!"

Well still not realizing the situation here Ink revealed he brought two of the worst villains. To this multiversal meeting filled with all the AUs. ONE of these villains were the infamous destroyer, who DESTROYS universes.


There was finally an outburst of rage, confusion, and concern. Everyone in the meeting except a few were at a loss. Their protector lead villains to their—

"OKAY! I can, and will, explain!" Ink announced over the yelling and screaming of the courts. There were a few seconds wasted as people tried to calm down. And calm down they did. Facing the AUs Ink stated explaining, "Okay Now that everyone is calm... I'm going to put this out nice and simply. There is a balance to the multiverse that involves—"

"w$a4AT?—" [What?— ]

"BEFORE you interrupt me. Faith, the juuuuh, religious leader of the AU SectTale mentioned a balance in his AU and decided to point out that what he has could somehow apply[ it auto correcto to a p p l e lol ]that balance to the Multiverse. Thoughts?" Ink finished his explanation of was was said a week ago, be it not exactly what Faith said he seemed to get the concept.

"...W#w3el D[o]mn...ThVs 15s n//tot HO?!w I e><pecTed ibvVtit 2 _>>>ogo" [ Well damn... This is not how I expected it to go ]

"Well Yeah No Shit"

"...what...WAIT..Are you kidding me?!"

Being released from Nightmare's tentacle grip, Ink faced both guardian and destroyer after their inputs "You mean you kept this a secret? And didn't tell ANYONE?!" Ink was in shock. Faith's lecture made some sense but he didn't know it was COMMON SENSE.

"B11ues nowz#3$" [ Blue knows ]

"Yeah Reaper and Life Know Too. It's Common Knowledge Amongst Gods. And Dream And I Have Been Doing It Since Childhood Sooo."


The council was still in shocked silence. Balance? What was that suppose to mean for the multiverse. Is there peace? What does this have to do with the AUs? What is going on?!
"okay back up a bit" speaking up was Classic. He along with everyone else was trying to wrap his skull around this entire situation. "so there's a balance amongst gods and it's what you all know about. with the exception being ink." "That's... Right but I never knew!" "right and none of you gods decided to inform ink about this? or even anyone?"

"b@21lue" [ Blue ]

"If Everyone Of Us Knew About It, Then It'd Only Make Sense That Ink Knew As Well"

"Well...yeah but. Why doesn't he know?"

Both shrugged while Ink looked as if they were talking behind his back and he just found out. That's sorta of what happened. The council was in thought as what could this mean.

"Okay a few things" G asked1 Blue why didn't you tell anyone? 2 What and how does this affect the multiverse?"

"That's 3 Questions" Nightmare that smug bitc—

"Answer the damn question."

Turning their heads towards Blue who was also somewhat processing the first parts of the meeting. Y'know, the one where his two friends arrived. One in chains and the other of his own will seemingly pissed. I mean it's not everyday the creator grows a brain. Well there's the excuse of that fact he didn't know.

"I Was Told That All Gods— And Guardians— Were Aware Of The Balance. I Just Was Left At That And Error's Rants About Ink Keeping To His Balance Too Well" Blue defended himself. During His Kidnapping he was taken to Error's Anti-Void where he stayed for what felt like years, as he started to glitch out. But time moves differently in the white void than

"Those Not Involved In The Balance Aren't Supposed To Know About It" Nightmare stated glaring at Error who stared back.

"I wvvas HA4<>v-1n45g$ |a| BAAa-d[] dd4/33/Xyz" [ I was having a bad day ]

"Yea I'm Sure Having Your Skull Bashed In Is Considered A 'Bad Day' No?"

"Yeyasperz" [ yepers ]

"so there is a balance?" Nightmare and Error nodded in confirmation. This answer is revolutionary. There can be peace. There won't be anymore fear of being killed.

"So Now That Out Of The Way, This SectTale Sans. Which One Is He?" Looking towards the council of sanses. All of them felt nervous when the glare swept over them. Raising his hand, eyelights landed on Faith himself.

"I Have A Sneaking Suspicion That What Ink Said Isn't The Full Truth And I For One. Am Tired Of This Back And Forth So Care To Explain How You Explained The Balance To Ink"

"Okay, well first things first. I explained this because of my buddy Gerson, he's a Taoist which is a human religion. As my...Universe is based around apparently"

"Soo) Uuyuo jV^ust Ussed3 rr++el1!1igoen t2 soLVVe|//\ ad mul**ti-[erals] pr00blaeme VinV toHe .,><DSfe333# w wweaA4eXks uve OO/excitssted?" [ So you just used religion to solve a multiversal problem in the few weeks you've existed? ]

"I guess if you put it that way"

"ehehh#hehe#3" Error was left giggling like the maniac he is while Nightmare facpalmed in disappointment

"idiots... all of you" "H4$4hahahHAAHha!!"

Error burst into Hysterics still on the floor. He didn't bother getting up. He would have fallen down again now by laughing his ass off.

"Ignoring the insanity happen please explain"


[ 4130 words


Welp not what I originally wanted but hey I go 4000 BABY!!

Criticism is greatly advised

4151 + A/N ]

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