TROUVAILLE // H.Granger x Mal...

By JuanWriter

151K 4.7K 690

Draven Abraxas Malfoy, son of the vicious wizard, and Draco Malfoy's fraternal twin falls in love with the Br... More



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By JuanWriter

The weeks quickly passed and it's now the first week of March. The professors are giving examinations and assignments to all 7th years. They are graduating in a few months, and the pressure is on them. Hermione was doubling her efforts in passing all the requirements and studying their upcoming quizzes while balancing her duties as Head Girl. Draven, on the other hand, was also making effort in his studies, while being Head Boy and Quidditch captain at the same time. It was stressful for both of them but even if their day is exhausting, at the end of it they would go to the library, or to the clock tower courtyard to find each other, and just be with each other. In this way, they both know that they already find rest in each other's existence. It was the rest that they both needed. They are both now at home.

"Why don't we plan a group study session, love?" Hermione suggested while they were both in the courtyard, relaxing after their rounds. "It would be much more effective. Harry and Ron are asking me if I can help them study, which I think would be a great chance for us to study together."

Draven nodded at what she said. "That's a great idea, love. Do you think the library sounds great to have a group study?"

"The library closes at 8 PM and we needed more time to review. Gryffindor common room? What do you think?" She asked him.

"Well... since I've already gone inside your common room, and the majority of you are all Gryffindors. I think that would work for me." The Malfoy boy told her. "When do you plan to have the group study then?"

"Tomorrow night. I realized that there are a lot of things that we need to finish." She said, putting her head on his shoulder.

"Why not later?" He asked dubiously. "I mean, if we have a lot of things to finish, then why not start now? I know you wanted to get things done early."

"I wanted to spend the rest of my day with you, of course. We always had little time for ourselves, especially since we are so busy. Graduating students, and added responsibilities but yeah, spending time with you is all I think about today." The bushy browned-haired girl said, looking at him seeing that he also beamed.

"I always miss you every day and always, love." He kissed her head. "Staying like this with you is already enough for me. You are already enough for me."

"I couldn't ask for more than the love that you give me, Draven. Because this is the one, I've been waiting for, and then you came along." Her tone speaks lovingly. "You came along, and I couldn't ask for anything anymore."

They stayed like that for hours, admiring the garden scene unfold in their very eyes. The clocktower courtyard is always empty since it's a bit far from the main hall, but this place is also special for them because this is where they had great times together. Where they had their little escapades. This is as special as the Astronomy Tower for them.


"Hermione, could you explain to us this part? They're about the dark matter." Harry gave his book to her and the Gryffindor girl started to explain. They were in the Gryffindor common room, and Draven is the only Slytherin in the group. Harry, Ron, and Jasper were also there, staying up late to study.

"Hey." Jasper moved beside Draven who is busy writing his essay in Potions. "How are you? I missed bumping into you in the halls."

Draven chuckled. "I'm fine. Just busy these past few days."

"How's everything between Hermione? I see that you grew pretty much stronger than ever." He chattered and they looked at Hermione who was busy explaining the lesson to Harry and Ron.

"We made sure that we still have time for each other. I mean, time is important for a relationship to continue." He told him. "How about you? Things getting better with your girlfriend back in Ilvermorny?"

"Well... we decided to cool off for a while. Think things through, but we promised each other that once I come back home, we'll talk and see where this will lead us." Jasper said to him.

"I hope things will get better for you." The Malfoy boy patted his back. "You deserve it."

Jasper Wright beamed at him, seeing how his childhood friend changed from the moment he first saw him. It is clearly because of Hermione's influence on him, and her love for him. Love does make people change for the better. But it was all Draven's choice to change, and Hermione's love is one of the reasons why he wanted to. Jasper hoped to have a special love like them and he was beyond happy to know that his childhood friend had already gotten the love of his life.

Draven was looking at his girlfriend, busy doing her writing. Strands of her hair fall on her face. His hand unconsciously moved and parted some of her hair strands placing them behind her ear. The Gryffindor girl felt her cheeks rush as she looked at him, who was staring at her, and smiled.

"Are you okay?" The Slytherin boy softly asked. "Do you want me to make your coffee?"

Hermione gratefully nodded at her as he stood up and went towards Gryffindor's kitchen. It was a simple gesture but she appreciated how he knew what she needed. Their understanding went to a deeper level which only the two of them knows.

"Thanks, love." She smiled as Draven gave her a cup of coffee he made. The Malfoy boy just smiled and sat down beside her. "You need help on that essay?"

"I'm fine. You go on, I know you needed to study." He said and continued to write down his essay.

It's been 1 AM, and the Gryffindor boys are almost sleepy, their eyes are starting to close. Hermione noticed their drowsy state, Harry was forcing himself to open his eyes, reading the book. Ron was already sleeping and Jasper covered his face with a book, and he was already snoring.

"Alright, you can now go to your dorms. Draven and I will just clean this up." She said, waking up Ron and Jasper and the boys groggily stood up and walked upstairs. Harry also yawned and stretched his arms.

"Thanks, Hermione." He said and left the couple in the common room.

Draven yawned and stretched his arms. "I just finished studying Charms and Herbology, and I feel like my head's spinning around with words."

"You'll be fine, love." Hermione leaned at him and Draven wrapped his arms around her. "Can you still go back to your room?"

"I have no choice. I mean, I can't sleep here because your housemates may see me, and report me." He yawned again. "I'll help you clean this up, and then maybe I'll go."

"You can sleep here on the couch. I'll wake up early so that I can do the same to you before they all go down." She suggested. "I can't let you walk out on your own, seeing that you're already sleepy."

"But what if they see me sleeping here?" He asked her.

"I'll lend you, my blanket." She said, standing up quickly to go to her dorm. She picked up her blanket and went down to give it to Draven. "Here."

"Well, okay love." He said and picked up the plates they used a while ago and also some of the papers and books piled onto the floor and table. Hermione helped him in cleaning their mess. "Finally. All done."

Hermione looked at him like she wanted to do something and Draven seemed to understand what she wanted to tell. He walked towards her and hugged her.

"I want to cuddle you..." She muttered. "Promise I'll try not to fall asleep."

"Do you think we would fit in there?" He pointed at the red couch.

"I'm not sure, but we can try." She pulled him down on the seat and they both lay down. "Well, not a bad fit I guess."

"Yeah, I mean I wanted this level of closeness so no complaints here," Draven said and they both chuckled softly. "I'm glad that we still make time for each other, even if the school's demanding."

"This is the only way where I can fully rest, love," Hermione mumbled as she snuggled close to him, her head sinking through his chest affectionately. "I missed this so much. Wish we could stay like this forever."

Draven just combed her hair using his hands, giving a comfortable feel to the bushy browned-haired girl. "I missed this too... Think we can have the whole time tomorrow after the quizzes?"

"Seems like I don't have any plans to do after doing my rounds. I've already finished some of the homework." She said to him.

"I just want to spend my whole day with you tomorrow. Just us." He sighed and yawned again.

"Let's sleep now." She said, arms wrapped around him.

Draven closed his eyes, cherishing this feeling. This just feels right for him. And he's hoping that this would stay forever.


Hermione woke up and luckily, she was the first Gryffindor student to be awake at that time. Draven was still sleeping soundly beside her. She kissed the tip of his nose which made the Slytherin boy move a bit and she chuckled.

"Love... wake up." She gently tapped his shoulder. "Hey, love..."

Draven stirred a bit and opened his left eye slowly. He then realized that he was not in his room and quickly shot up straight. "Good morning..."

Hermione found his morning voice very alluring. She doesn't know why but it seems like he sounds sultry in that tone. She then quickly shook her head, going back to reality.

"Uh... You must go now, love. Gryffindor students are about to come down." Hermione slightly nudges him.

Draven quickly stood up and picked up his things. But before he left the Gryffindor common room, he quickly pulled her for a kiss. Hermione was a bit surprised but later on, responded to his kiss.

"I love you." He said to her while caressing her face.

"I love you too." She quickly replied and closed the door before someone from her house woke up.


Draven was walking down the halls in the afternoon after their first subject periods. They will have classes in the afternoon and he knows that Hermione will be waiting for him at the Great Hall so that they can have lunch together.

"I already got you some food," Hermione said as he sat down beside her. He then gave her a quick kiss on her cheek.

"Thanks." He then started eating. "That exam a while ago in Charms almost wracked my brains. I never thought Professor Flitwick would give us one hell of a test."

"I kind of agree with you." Harry chimed in while taking a bite of his food.

"See, Hermione. Even the second brightest wizard in school said that our quiz in Charms is nerve-wracking." Ron added. "I don't know what kind of brain you have."

"I just study a lot, Ronald. Unlike you, sleeping in our study sessions." She argued which made the ginger-haired boy silent.

"It's fine Ron. I'm sure you passed the exam." Draven lightened up his mood and he gave him a small smile.

As soon as Draven finished his lunch, the head prefects then went now to do their afternoon rounds. The younger students quickly scrammed their way to the Great Hall for their lunch. Some of them were playing gobstones on the castle grounds and they quickly told them to proceed to their next classes or to the hall to have their lunch. As Head Boy and Head Girl, that is one of their responsibilities. It was quite hard, but patrolling the castle halls benefits them since they could spend time together.

"That's the last of them." Draven happily sighed seeing some younger years skedaddling their way out of their sight and looked at his watch. "Oh, still have 30 minutes left before our next class."

"What's the next one?" Hermione asked him.

"Transfiguration." He told her. "Come on, we can still do something to kill the time."

They walked together down the halls, holding hands but something is forming between them. It's like the burning desire inside them for each other that has been suppressed for days. As soon as they passed through the empty halls and the broom cupboard being near to where they are right now, the couple couldn't help but release the passion that's been on their mind ever since.


The Malfoy boy was the one who moved first to cup her face and kiss her. Their kisses were fervent and passionate as he pushed her to the wall and gently trailed his hands all over her back.

"I think we should continue this privately..." Hermione's tone sounds enticing which made the Slytherin boy more aroused.

"The broom cupboard sounds very private right now," Draven whispered to her ear and the bushy browned-haired girl didn't waste any moment as he yanked his Slytherin tie and pulled him inside of the cramped space, and kissed him again. Their hands were roaming around each other's bodies, trying to remove their clothes.

Draven's kisses trailed her neck, his teeth grazing through it as he finally managed to remove her Gryffindor robes. Hermione also struggled a bit undressing his Slytherin robes but she also managed it successfully. They both kissed each other again, her arms entangled around his nape, pulling him more as the Slytherin boy softly bit her lower lip, asking for entrance. She opened her mouth a bit, and it gained access for Draven to suck her tongue gently, which made Hermione turn on. He's a great kisser, and she must also give that good experience to him.

Her hands roamed down to his body, tracing his obvious abdominal muscles until they reached the buckle of his belt. Draven parted their kiss a bit to fully gaze at Hermione. He traced the lines on her face sexily as the bushy browned-haired girl's desire just rose. 

"You're fucking magnificent." He groaned kissing her earlobe and biting it gently.

Their lips crashed onto each other again hungrily, but passionately as well. As Draven was about to touch her thighs, the sound of the clocktower bell rang and they both went back to reality.


"What time is it?" Hermione frantically asked him.

"Shit, we got 5 minutes to go to the next class," Draven replied to her as they both fixed themselves and hurriedly wore their neckties and robes scattered on the floor.

"Let's go!" She said, pulling her boyfriend out of the cupboard, running towards the next part of the castle, and laughing at each other.

"Maybe we can continue it some time?" He told her while they were both sprinting through the halls. "What do you say?"

"Sure. Some other time, then. I hope we won't get disturbed." She replied as they both went inside the Transfiguration classroom, panting. Their classmates were all in there and Professor McGonagall's about to start.

"Oh, Mr. Malfoy and Ms. Granger. You two are almost late? A lot of young students to assist?" Professor McGonagall asked them.

"Yes Professor, a lot of them," Draven answered her.

"Very well..." The old professor said, watching them closely again. "But why are your robes different? Ms. Granger is wearing a Slytherin one, and Mr. Malfoy is wearing a Gryffindor one as well..."

Draven and Hermione both looked at each other, and saw that the crest etched on their robes are each other's houses. Draco and Theo, both gave themselves a high-five while Harry and Ron are both snickering in their seats. Some of their classmates had already taken a hint of what they did.

"Uh..." Hermione tried to answer but Professor McGonagall stopped her.

"It's fine Ms. Granger. Please just swap your robes and take a seat." She said and walked back in front to prepare for the lesson.

The couple both removed their robes and gave each other their respective ones and wore them. Hermione's cheeks went a bit red and Draven just gave her a quick hug.

"I'm sorry." She muttered.

"Why are you saying sorry? I should be the one to apologize. I didn't check my robe." He replied and stroked her back gently. "I love you."

"I love you too." The Gryffindor girl spoke and they both went to their seats, feeling a bit satisfied, but for sure there would be a perfect time to finally fulfill the thing that almost happened.


(A/N: You know what's gonna happen next and yeah)

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