Make You Mine

By pinktulips13

130K 2.8K 80

The Dark Angel's Series. "You are mine and no one can't have you other than me. Soon, I will make you mine be... More

Damn Paperwork's!
Men are the worst!
See her again soon
You'll see
Until hell freeze!
I hate roses
A flower again?!
Did you see the news?
You mean your date?
That jerk!
Wrong decision
Don't give up
No freaking way...
I like you
This is a mistake
You're just jealous
Brutal, but nice
Are you jealous?
Fun reunion?
Trip down to memory lane
Your secret safe with me
Sweet? More like weak
One date
The date
The ex-boyfriend
When can we meet him?
Meet the sisters

I love you

2.9K 77 2
By pinktulips13

Lauren Gray

"Are you really okay seeing Claire with that jerk?" I asked Adrianna as soon as we hop inside the car.

"No." she answered. I stared at her in surprised as my eyebrow raised up. "But seeing how happy she is with him; I couldn't tell her to leave him. Besides, Claire did say he changed into a better person. Let's just see how their relationship goes."

Adrianna's right let's see how far their relationship goes. I swear if that jerk hurt Claire, I'll kill him.

Feeling the vibration from my phone, I took it out from my clutch only to see an unknown number called. I frowned staring at the screen. Who is it? Don't tell me is...

Adrianna noticed I keep staring at the phone and speak up. "You're not going to answer that?"

I shook my head and turn my phone off. "No, I don't know who that is."

"Who knows maybe someone important." I scoffed. "I doubt someone important will call me late at night."

The driver stop the car as we arrived at my place. "Thanks, Anna, for the ride." Her eyebrow scrunched up in annoyance as I called her with her nickname. "Don't call me that." She really hated when someone call her Anna.

I chuckled and stepped out from the car. The window rolled down as Adrianna called my name. "Lauren, is that guy still after you?" I shook my head. "So far there isn't any sign of him. It has been 2 weeks after our encounter in France and after I stabbed his shoulder. Maybe he decided to stop chasing me."

"Try to avoid him at all costs. If you see him, call me." Adrianna didn't wait for me to respond as her window rolled up and drive away. I rolled my eyes. Typical Adrianna. Making my way inside the building, I press the P button for penthouse. Opening the door, I stop in my track as I remember something.

I have locked the door, but why the door is unlocked?

A cold metal rested at the back of my head. The person closed the door shut and speak. "Try to scream and you'll be dead." He said in a dangerous tone. Now I know why the door is unlocked.

"Oh, I miss you too." I said with a slight chuckled.

Claire Amber Rose

"They are not that bad right?"

"If you get on their good side, no. But Lauren kept staring at me with a creepy smile on her face. It's freaking me out." I let out a chuckled. "That's Lauren for you. She always do that to intimidate people. Lauren words not mine."

"And Adrianna, she doesn't talk much but I feel as if she is staring straight to my soul." I can't help burst out laughing. "Hey! Why are you laughing?" Dennis protested with a frowned on his face. "Nothing, it's just I've often heard people said that every time they meet Adrianna. I mean come on, she ain't that bad."

He rolls his eyes. "Of course, you'll say that you are her friend." I peck his lips as I place the wine glass down on the table. We are currently at my penthouse. After our dinner, Dennis took me home and somehow, I invited him to come inside.

"Claire," Dennis softly called me. I turned my head to him only to find a pair of soft lips on mine. He gently kissed me, and I kissed him back. Wrapping my arms around his neck, he pulled me to his lap. We broke apart as we ran out of air. He rested his forehead to mine as his fingers caressed my jaw and cheek.

"I love you."

A wide grin spread on my lips. "I know. You've been saying that since you have a courage to say that in front of my face."

"What can I say? I have love you from the first time I laid eyes on you." I pulled away as I raised my eyebrow. "You mean when you only saw me as a challenge because I was the first woman who rejected you?"

"Well... at first yeah, but then I grow attached to you and somehow you are the only person I thought about a lot."

Dennis kissed me again, but this time the kissed is growing intense. He roamed my back freely as the dress I am wearing is a backless dress. My hands made it's way to his chest and slowly unbuttoned his shirt. He picked me up bridal style and made his way upstairs. My back landed on a soft mattress which I didn't know which room we are in, probably a random room.

We pulled away and stared at each other's eyes. Placing my fingers to his cheek, I caressed his cheek, nose, and lips. I never thought I will find another man after my relationship with Eric, and that's why I promise myself to not date and stop believing in love. Eventually, Dennis show up in my life even though his intention at first was not genuine. I admire his courage after thousands of times I said no to him.

"I love you."

"I love you too."

That's how we spend the night after meeting with my sisters which I never thought would happened.


Throwing my hand to the side, I feel a vacant spot. Lifting my head up to the side, indeed it is vacant. With both my eyes still squinted due to the sunlight that penetrate through the blinds, I push myself up and took Dennis shirt I saw laying on the floor.

I looked around the room and was surprised to see that we are in my room. How did he know this is my room? As I recall, we are kissing passionately, and I know for a fact both of his eyes closed. I guess I better ask the man itself. Heading to the bathroom, I do my morning routine then head downstairs.

A shirtless Dennis is the first morning view I see as I walked in the kitchen. "Didn't expect to see you cooking."

"Good morning to you too."

He slightly glanced at me as he is to focus on his cooking. "I was feeling hungry after out workout last night, and I know you're hungry too, so I thought why not make breakfast." He sends me a teasing smile as he said the word workout and I rolled my eyes. I don't know what to respond so I only hummed and took a seat at the bar stool.

While he was putting all his attention on the food he make. My eyes capturing how toned his body is, his muscles flex as he lift the pan. I can't help remembering our night. It was passionate and sweet at the same time.

"Claire." I jolted up from my thoughts and looked up to see a smirking Dennis staring down at me.


"You're blushing."

"W-what? I'm not."

"Sure, you do." He grab his phone from the counter and place it in front of my face. My eyes widen as I see my cheek turns red. "This is my first time see you blush, and I am going to capture it." without any warning he press the side button on his phone and succeed in capturing me.

"Delete that."

"Nope." He said popping the 'p' and shove his phone back to his pocket. "Here breakfast." I pouted and he put the plate in front of me. The aroma of the food make my stomach grumble. "This smell good." And I immediately dig in. Dennis took a seat beside me and start eating his food.

"So, what were you thinking that makes you blushed?" I shook my head. "Nothing." I said and continue eating. "Hm... it must be about our night, am I right?" he whispered to my ear. Placing my utensil down, I slapped his bicep and glared at him.



"We are eating." He scoffs. "Oh, come on... you were fine when you were eating me last night." My eyes widen and I slapped his bicep again. "Can you please stop mentioning about last night?" I said feeling slightly annoyed. He only chuckled and ruffled my hair. "Ok, ok, I'm sorry, love. You can continue eating, I'll stop with the jokes." I narrowed my eyes at him and continue eating my breakfast before it runs cold.

"But I won't stop doing it." I gasped when I realized the double meaning behind those words.


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