TROUVAILLE // H.Granger x Mal...

By JuanWriter

151K 4.7K 690

Draven Abraxas Malfoy, son of the vicious wizard, and Draco Malfoy's fraternal twin falls in love with the Br... More



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By JuanWriter

"You almost killed him!" Hermione shrieked as she advances toward Celeste and gave a sounding slap on her face. "You're so fucking selfish!"

That was the very first time, Hermione went on full rage as she pulled her hair out of anger, while the Slytherin girl pleaded and cried at her to let go. Draco and Theo tried to diffuse and separate the girls but Hermione was too strong.

"You're selfish just because you like him! You almost got him killed by your egotistic acts! Don't you know how much he suffered all his life, and now you're adding up the burden to him!" The bushy browned-haired girl couldn't contain her rage against her as she freed herself from Draco's grasp and grabbed Celeste by her arm. "Do you realize what you did!? You don't know his story or his suffering! And now that you almost got him killed because of your stupidity and selfishness, his life is on the line now! He just wanted to live freely, to feel alive!"

"I-I'm so... sorry..." Celeste whimpered and she slumped down the floor, tears running through her cheeks. "I didn't... m-mean for this t-to happen..."

"Don't you realize that every potion you messed up making, can lead to serious situations like these!" She pointed at Draven's unconscious state. "If he drank all of that potion you did, then he's probably dead by now!"

"Granger, stop it now. My brother wouldn't want you to be like this." Draco said, making the bushy browned-haired girl let go of Celeste's arms. She looked back at Draven who was lying helpless in the bed.

Hermione was drawn back from the fact that Draven could've been declared dead by now... She would lose him just like that... She would... lose the love of her life like that. Losing him would make her feel empty like life was not worth living anymore. It just sank through her that she almost lost him.

"Draven..." Her tears fall as she looked at his comatose state. His breathing is shallow, and there were no signs of movement from him. It pains her to see him like this. She doesn't want this to happen.

"I-I was selfish..." Celeste's words made Hermione and the two boys look at her. "J-Jasper already talked to me about it. Daphne and I were both planning this ever since last month..."

"You're evil, Cel. You almost harmed my brother. You never considered his feelings. All that you think is yourself." Draco pointed at her. "If anything happens to him, you'll be responsible for it until you die."

"Daphne always wanted to hurt Granger in ways she could imagine. She is still bitter about how Draven was so in love with her, that is why she planned this too." Theo grimly spoke. "I thought she already changed. But every time she sees Granger and Draven together, her bitterness comes back again, making her feel mad at Granger."

Celeste nodded. "S-She said that t-this plan will s-successfully benefit us."

Hermione sighed but remained mad in her tone. "That doesn't change the fact that you two were self-centered. Your plan was the stupidest thing I've ever heard. Brewing love potions are already banned at school! You just didn't jeopardize someone's life, but also broke a lot of school rules!"

Madam Pomfrey arrived with Professor McGonagall and Professor Dumbledore. They saw Hermione, Theo, Draco, and Celeste who were in the middle of the commotion. The Gryffindor girl was looking boldly at Celeste, while her tears are falling. Theo and Draco were both restraining them down on their grasps, avoiding the possible scenario that could happen. Celeste was shuddering and crying in fear as well in Theo's clenches.

"What happened to the four of you?" Professor McGonagall asked them. The four students were silent, but she saw Celeste's reddened cheeks. It dawned on her that Hermione and Celeste got into a fight. "Nevermind. I think I already know what happened."

"Ms. Celeste Dumont, you do know how gravely you disobeyed the school's rules and regulations about brewing love potions, hm?" Professor Dumbledore spoke which made the Slytherin girl nod. "Punishments will be imposed for you, and Ms. Daphne Greengrass as well since she already came up to us, admitting her involvement in this atrocious act. Professor Snape will be the one who will take care of those."

Celeste nodded, and then looked at Draven's fragile state. "I-I didn't mean for this t-to happen, Professors."

"But you have already done it, Ms. Dumont. The best way that you can do, is hope for Mr. Malfoy's fast recovery and for you to be able to understand and repent on what you did." Professor McGonagall told her.

As Celeste was escorted from the hospital, Theo and Draco also followed them leaving Hermione with Draven, who still show no sign of activities. His shallow breathing is the only one that could tell that he is alive.

"I'm sorry, love..." She whimpered, holding his hand. "There are a lot of people... who will try to harm you. Some of them will be successful but I want you to know that... you don't deserve any of those horrible things."

"The world is cruel... but I promise you that things will get better... and I will always be with you through everything. I love you so much."

She kissed his forehead, saying that everything will be alright, and she will forever stay by his side.


Days after the incident, Draven was still recovering, yet unconscious at the hospital. Hermione would go to him every breaktime or every after she was done with her rounds. She will bring all of her books to the hospital, and do her homework there beside Draven. Some students also left some gifts for the Slytherin boy. Even some of his admirers but Hermione didn't mind them at all. She's happy that a lot of them love and adores her boyfriend.

She was also given detention for two days by Professor McGonagall for what she did to Celeste that day. The old professor understood why she did that but still doesn't tolerate violence. Hermione accepted the consequences, though it was her first time being sent to detention, unlike Harry and Ron who were always in detention especially when they were kids.

"How's he?" Harry asked when he visited Draven at the hospital. Hermione was there, still watching over him. "It's been days."

"Yeah. Madam Pomfrey said that he's reacting well to the medicine she made, though it will still need a couple of days before he can fully recover. His breathing went back to normal, saying that the poison in his body is almost gone." She explained to him. "I miss him every day."

"He'll be fine, Hermione. Don't worry. He's a tough guy." Ron assured her.

"Thanks, Ron." She told him and went back to looking at Draven.

"I'm sorry that I didn't warn you earlier," Jasper spoke. "I already overheard what they planned, and I must've told you about it so that this would be avoided. But she threatened me."

"Threatened you?" Ginny chimed into the conversation. "What did that bitch tell you?"

"That she'll tell Draven that I..." He paused for a while, choosing his words carefully. "... had feelings on Hermione."

The Gryffindor trio, including Ginny, looked at him in surprise.

"You... have feelings for me?" The bushy browned-haired girl asked awkwardly to him.

Jasper nodded but quickly explained. "It's not like that. Well, I mean who wouldn't have a crush on you. I mean... yeah but don't think of it the other way. I'm not like her, stooping so low, being selfish, and all that. I respect you and Draven because he is my childhood buddy and I want what's good for him. Seeing you two, makes me feel relieved that my friend is in good hands with you, after all of the things he'd been through. And Hermione, you're a great friend to me and I want that friendship to be last long."

"It's fine, Jasper. You don't need to apologize and explain." She told him. "I'm thankful that you're Draven and I's friend."

"I just got scared for a moment that if Celeste would tell Draven about it, he would think something bad about it, and our friendship will be shattered just because of this." He bowed his head. "Though I tried telling you, but yeah I was too late, it already happened."

"You tried your best, and it's fine. What matters to me is that he'll wake up soon." Hermione looked back at Draven, still sleeping deeply.

"He will." Jasper comforted her.


Draven felt his body starting to go back to normal. His strength is getting back, and everything inside of him is feeling alright now. His head was still throbbing a bit since he realized that he's been sleeping for so long. He rubbed his eyes and opened them a bit. Seeing that he is in the hospital made him confused a little. Why is he here? What happened?

A familiar figure stumbled upon him, which made his heart beat quickly. It's Hermione, sleeping on his bed while sitting down. Books are on the floor everywhere, and it seems like she's been studying here.

"You're awake." He heard Madam Pomfrey speak as she went towards him. "How are you feeling now, Mr. Malfoy?"

"Fantastic." He groaned. "How long I've been out?"

"Two weeks. That potion was strong, but unfortunately, it went wrong that is why it became a poison." She told him. "Don't you remember the events before you pass out?"

He tried remembering. The game night that they did, until Celeste gave him some juice bottle from France, and then that's it.

"Celeste was giving me some juice bottle. That's the last thing I remember." Draven said to her. "Did she poison me?"

"Ms. Dumont didn't know that Ms. Greengrass incorrectly brewed Amortentia. Their intention was for you to be obsessed with Ms. Dumont, but it didn't happen since it was made wrongly." The old healer said to him then looked at Hermione who was sleeping. "She's always here, bringing all of her books to study, and then watching over you."

Draven smiled and glanced at her again. "I'm lucky to have her."

"You are both lucky to have each other." She said, giving him another bottle of medicine. "Take it so that you can fully heal and get back to your classes."

The Slytherin boy gratefully smiled and took the bottle from her. After that, he gazed at Hermione once again, caressing her face.

"I missed you..." He whispered.

Hermione felt something touching her face. She squinted her eyes and stretched her arms. As soon as her eyes are now fully open, she looked at Draven's bed and saw the white blonde-haired boy, looking at him and smiling widely.

"You're awake!" She said and quickly hugged him tightly. "Godric, you don't know how much I missed you. Oh my gosh..."

Draven hugged her in return. "I missed you too, my love. Oh hell, I'm so sorry if I made you worried again."

"It's fine, love. What's important for me now is that you're okay." She kissed him. "I missed you and I love you."

"You make everything okay, Hermione." He softly spoke. "I can't breathe..."


It was Hermione's everyday duty to take care of her boyfriend until Madam Pomfrey finally let him go. It made Draven miss his brother and friend too since being bedridden for weeks is not a joke. As soon as he fully recovered, he then went back to his daily classes, and even the Quidditch practice since their next match against Ravenclaw will be in a few days too.

He also heard about Celeste's detention and punishment after what they did to him. The Slytherin team also decided to find a replacement for her position as a beater and luckily, the co-captain of the team found one while he was still at the hospital. Theo and Draco also gave him a welcoming treat and told him what happened while he was unconscious. Starting from Hermione, slapping the heck out of Celeste, and the whole commotion. Draven kind of expected that reaction from his girlfriend. She's silent but deadly, that is for sure.

Jasper also talked to him privately and told how he knew about Celeste and Daphne's plan and how she blackmailed him about his feelings towards his girlfriend. In the end, Draven thanked him and told Jasper that he once thought about him catching feelings for Hermione but he trusted him because of their friendship. They are good friends, and he knew that Jasper isn't that kind of person. They both shared a brotherly hug and continued with their friendship.

"'Dear, Draven. I hope that you'll be fine soon. I missed seeing you in the halls. Love, Cassandra Worthington.' Hey, isn't this the Ravenclaw student who has the hots for you?" Ginny said while reading some of the notes that Draven received while he was at the hospital. They were at the Great Hall for their lunch break and he brought a bunch of letters and all of them came from girls who have a crush on him as per the request of Ginny Weasley.

Draven shrugged. "I don't clearly remember her."

"I think I remember her," Ron said to her. "It's the Ravenclaw girl who also had a crush on Harry when we were in 5th year."

"Hey, here's another letter. 'Draven, get well soon. XOXO, from your secret admirer.' Come on, why don't you write down your name? Staying anonymous is way too boring." The youngest Weasley said, trying to recognize the handwriting.

"It's because they are scared of his girlfriend right here." Harry pointed at Hermione who seemed to be quietly reading while Draven was there beside her. "Theo told me what happened, and I don't want to witness that too."

"Yeah. Hermione is scary when she's serious, and scarier when she's mad." Ron added which made the bushy browned-haired girl glare at her. "See? Okay, it's my cue to shut my mouth and mind my own business."

Hermione shook her head and went back to reading while Draven was just watching her. She felt his eyes onto hers, and her cheeks reddened a bit. "Love, why are you staring?"

"Do you stop staring at something so beautiful, love?" He asked her which made the Gryffindor girl shake her head in disagreement. "See? That goes with me too, as well."

"Want to watch a movie sometime this week? If you're not busy..." She looked at him and smiled. "What do you say?"

"Sure, maybe this coming Friday. We'll have Quidditch practice in the next two days, and I'm still finishing some of my missed assignments." Draven chattered. "Then I think I'm done on Friday."

"I'll help you with your assignments later." She offered and saw that he was about to object but she quickly placed her finger on top of his lips. "No objections. I'm going to help you later."

"Fine, my love." He smiled and they both chuckled.

That afternoon after class, the couple made their way to the library and started on the missed assignment Draven has. It was a two-hour study session with a bit of hugs, kisses, and even some playful arguing. They were shoving each other's elbow while laughing softly, making sure that Madam Pince won't hear them. Then afterward, Draven will quickly steal a kiss on her cheek which makes Hermione glare at him, but smile eventually and the Gryffindor girl would do the same as well, making the Slytherin boy be distracted for a bit in his essay writing. They both missed this moment wherein they could only be themselves together, having this lovely relationship that no one will ever try to ruin. 


(A/N: I thought of having an April Fools day update but I realized that you don't deserve to get pranked so here you go. And yes, yes for some idea about the next chapter. Hm hm hm... Things will get... hot? 

Hm? What do you think? *wink emoji*)

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