Disenchantment Sagas

By TheDisenchanter

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Everything begins to change on Bean's wedding day when she encounters Luci, a demon sent to curse her life, a... More

The Princess, The Elf, The Demon, and The Wanderer Part 1
The Princess, The Elf, The Demon, and the Wanderer Part 2
The Princess, The Elf, The Demon and The Wanderer Part 3
The Princess, The Elf, The Demon and The Wanderer Part 4
The Princess, The Elf, The Demon, and The Wanderer Part 5
The Princess, The Elf, The Demon, and The Wanderer Part 6
The Princess, The Elf, The Demon, and The Wanderer Part 7
The Princess, The Elf, The Demon, and The Wanderer Part 8
The Princess, The Elf, the Demon, and The Wanderer Part 9
The Princess, The Elf, The Demon, and The Wanderer Part 10
The Princess, The Elf, The Demon, and the Wanderer Part 11
The Princess, The Elf, The Demon, and The Wanderer Part 12
The Princess, The Elf, The Demon, and The Wanderer Part 13
The Princess, The Elf, The Demon, and The Wanderer Part 14
The Princess, The Elf, The Demon and The Wanderer Part 15
Home Sweet Home
Bachelor Party Part 1
Bachelor Party Part 2
Knight's Of the Zog Table
Bandits of the Plains
Courtyard Spar
Snakeroot Shenanigans Part 1
Snakeroot Shenanigans Part 2
The Underground Tomb Part 1
The Underground Tomb Part 2
The Underground Tomb Part 3
Bounty Hunter Bean Part 1
Bounty Hunter Bean Part 2
Bounty Hunter Bean Part 3
Bounty Hunter Bean Part 4
Bounty Hunter Bean Part 5
Knight's Festival Part 1
Knight's Festival Part 2
Knight's Festival Part 3
Knight's Festival Part 4
Knight's Festival Part 5
Prince Derek
The Confidence with Fairy Dust
Dreamland Babysitter
The Prince, The Demon and The Pig
Party at Number One Castle Drive Part 1
Party at Number One Castle Drive Part 2
Party at Number One Castle Drive Part 3
Party at Number One Castle Drive Part 4
Spooky Campfire Stories
Exotic Insects
Gentle Giantess Part 1
Gentle Giantess Part 2
Gentle Giantess Part 3
The Elf and The Wanderer
Demon Time Part 1
Demon Time Part 2
Demon Time Part 3
Demon Time Part 4
Demon Time Part 5
Dear Freya
The Prince out and about
IronHeart Part 1
IronHeart Part 2
IronHeart Part 3

Wedding Day

588 22 6
By TheDisenchanter

The next day, the tale of the attack on the party barge had spread through the castle and Dreamland.  The tale of how Merkimer had fought off the bozaks AND pirates all by himself was told by Tavish. "Don't tell them it was me...let Merkimer have the credit," He said to those who had attended the party. Merkimer even took the head of the Bozak captain and placed it on a spike at the front entrance of Dreamland along with the other severed heads. Following that same day, It would be Bean's wedding day. Or, in her mind...the last day of freedom. Countless nobles would arrive in Dreamland to attend the wedding between Bean and Merkimer, including Merkimer's family. His father (Also Uncle) Lorenzo and his mother (Also Aunt) Bunny would arrive at the wedding hall. Lorenzo was a round, bobbed hair burnet man who was built like your typical King. He only had some hair on his bottom lip and a hooked nose. Bunny was a beautiful woman with long blond hair that was wide and had a bird in a cage placed in her hair for some reason.

Bean had resided in her room for the time being. She sat by her window along with Elfo and Luci. She watched as the nobles slowly arrived and headed into the wedding hall building. Bean was fully clothed in her mother's wedding dress. Of course, in times like this, it was supposed to be the happiest time of a woman's life. But for Bean, it felt like hell. As she looked out the window, she tried her very best not to cry. But the tears were beginning to come through.

"Oh, Bean..." Elfo said, sounding as if he was about to cry.

Bean looked at her dress. She glides the tips of her finger through the puffy parts of it. "My mom wore this same wedding dress on her wedding day," She would then look up at the painting hung up on her wall of her mother and father at their wedding. The two of them looked so happy. Bean would let out a shallow laugh "I used to think that if I were to get married one day I'd be just as happy as them..." She lowered her head and sighed. "But...I guess that's not how my life should turn out..."

Elfo would reach over and grasp her hand. Bean didn't bother to hold Elfo's hand. Any emotion that she would feel was nothing but dread. The bell went off at the wedding hall. Bean would sigh as she got to her feet. "Well...It's time..." She said. Elfo would wrap his arms around Bean, bringing her into a hug. But...she didn't return it. She walked forward and out of her room.

Elfo would sigh and wipe his eyes. "I can't take this...I'm going back to my cage..." He said as he hopped off from where he was sitting. Luci decided to follow along.

So much was going through her head as she met with her father. The two of them would walk into the wedding hall. All eyes were on them. Some of them were faces she barely recognized, and others she did. Her stepmother Oona, Her stepbrother Dererk, her blood brother Tavish who didn't bother looking their way, Pendergast and his knights were on standby with Nicholas and his team. Of course on standby just in case she tried to run away again. Bean had her arm around her father as they both walked to the alter. Once that was done, Bean stood there, waiting for Merkimer to appear.

What was going to happen once they got married? Bean would have to...give herself to him. She'd have to...do so much for that man. A man that she didn't love at all...Everyone turned towards the opened doors of the wedding hall. Loud gasps could be heard.

Bean looked over at the entrance. Her eyes widened.  Was her grief causing her to hallucinate?

Standing at the entrance of the wedding hall was not Merkimer...but a man that was at least 6'4 with long black hair, tanned skin, and now sporting a new light brown attire. He had a large colossal greatsword hoisted on his back and his hand around the hilt of it. He also had bright green eyes.

"N-No way..." Bean hushed

"Are you serious?" said Nicholas with widened eyes.

It was Koga. He was alive. The only thing that was different about him now was that he had a large scar on his right eye. "Looks like I made it to the party just in time," He said as he walked forward.

"KOGA!" Bean called out to him happily as tears had flown down her eyes. All the dread and sadness she had felt previously had left her completely.

"Hey, Bean!" Koga waved at her. "Nice dress! You look great!"

Zog turns to Nicholas with an expression of fury on his face "YOU TOLD ME YOU KILLED THAT GUY! HE DOESN'T LOOK DEAD TO ME!"

"I thought the same damn thing!" said Nicholas in shock. "I tossed his ass off a cliff!"

"I told you that you should've cut off his head!" said Agatha giving him I told you so look.

"Yeah, and you almost messed up my eye, too," said Koga pointing at his right with his thumb. "I don't mind having scars on my body. But on my face...that's pushing it..." He takes out his colossal greatsword and points it at Nicholas "Round 2...right now..."

Tavish's eyes widened as he stared at the sword in awe. "T-That sword must weigh a ton...and he could just hold it with one hand?" He said in his head. "Incredible!"

"HA! You think you can still beat me after I kicked your ass the first time?" Nicholas boasted with a grin.

Koga then wields his sword with two hands. "You're not fighting a wounded man anymore," His tone was serious, and his voice sounded determined. "Now get your bald ass down here and fight me."

Nicholas flinched. As he stared at Koga, he could feel some heaviness on his body, and he began to sweat beads. Koga wasn't bluffing. Nicholas gulped, and he turned towards his men. "MEN! KILL HIM! OUTNUMBER HIM AND FINISH HIM OFF!" He shouts at the top of his lungs. And four of his men did so. They take out their swords, and they charge at Koga.

"Oh please..." Koga said as he took a deep breath. He places his left foot back, twists his hips, and swings. With one swing, he sliced all four of Nicholas's men in half. Blood splattered on the nearby nobles and across the stone walls. "HOLY SHIT!" shouted Bean. Tavish's jaw dropped at this. He'd never seen anyone, not even his father in his prime, take out that many people with one swing. Seeing someone able to use that sword, in general, had already impressed him...but this had excited him so much. Nicholas and Agatha were stunned. Nicholas watched as his men's upper bodies hurdled into the air, and they crashed onto the floor, some landing on nobles. With another single swing, the blood on Koga's sword was gone leaving it spotless, and he again pointed It Nichola's "Your turn..." He said.

Nicholas stared at Koga. Koga's emerald eyes were piercing through him. Agatha had never been more scared in her life. She looks at Nicholas and back at Koga. Then an angry expression appeared, and she said, "W-WELL NICHOLAS! GO FIGHT HIM! YOU'RE THE LEADER DAMN IT!"

"I-I!" Nicholas froze. His entire body was filled from head to toe with fear. Koga just sighed. "Alright...I'll come to you," Koga said. He took one step and lunged over at Nicholas. Nicholas shoves Agatha out of the way, taking out his sickle and chain weapon. He tosses the sickle at him, but Koga dodges it by leaping into the air with his sword overhead. Nicholas would last see Koga's bright green eyes and sword slicing him in half. The served bodies of Nichola's fell on the left and right. Parts of the insides spewed out across the floor. Koga would flip his hair back and let out a deep sigh, then say, "And done," Agatha stared at Koga. Her legs wobbled, and her mouth hung open. Koga turned to her. "Well...do you wanna fight?" He asked. Agatha slowly shook her head no. "Well...I'd go before I decide to slice you in two..." He holds up his sword. Agatha screamed, and she sprinted off. Hoping over the dead bodies of her former allies.

"And then there were none," said Koga proudly. He then began looking at everyone in the wedding hall who remained. Odval, The arch druidess, A woman dressed in a bright purple robe, wore black eyeliner and black lipstick; King Zog, along with his wife Oona, Derek, Tavish, Lorenzo, and Bunny. Koga looked at everyone and held up his hand "Sup!"

"KOGAAA!" Bean screamed. She ran over to him and wrapped his arms around him. Bean nearly tackled and hugged him to the ground, but Koga caught her with one arm. "OH MY GOD KOGA I THOUGHT YOU WERE DEAD! I MISSED YOU SO MUCH!"

Koga couldn't help but smile. "Oh, come on, you should know it takes more than that to kill me," He said happily. "Sorry, I crashed your wedding!"

"Are you kidding me? To hell with this wedding!" Bean said as she tossed the flowers in her hand away and messed up her hair.

"HEY WAIT A SECOND!" Zog said as he sprung to his feet, but Bean cut him off.

"NO DAD YOU WAIT!" Bean said, glaring at him. "You think this arranged marriage is going to solve all the problems we have? Do you think that magic will? You're selfish! You don't care about me and what I want! There's a moment in everyone's life when they know what they want to do and who they want to be! And I know one thing is that I don't want to get married to some fat stupid prince!"

As soon as Bean spilt her heart out to her father. Merkimer appeared. He had a big smug grin as he walked down the red carpet but stopped immediately as he saw all the bodies and guests covered in blood. "My goodness, what happened in here?" His eyes would then fall upon Koga and his blood-soaked sword. "You there! Are you behind all of this?"

Koga looked down at his blade and the severed body of Nicholas. He would then meet eyes with Merkimer. "No..." he said jokingly.

"Now see here-Oh..." Merkimer suddenly placed his hands around his stomach. "Oh my..." He burps. "Something feels off-"He burps once more, and then it was followed by a pig squeal."W-What's happening?" Merkimer asked himself as he doubled over. Merkimer began to crawl on all fours over to Bean. Pink sparkles began to surround his body as it began to change. When Merkimer was at Bean's feet, he had completely transformed into a pig. The only thing that remained of him that was noticeable was the crown. "Hey," said Merkimer with a smile.

Tavish had placed his hand around his mouth, holding in his laughs. Koga looked at Bean and nudged her. "Well...kiss the groom!" He teased, and then he burst out into a loud fit of laughter.

"KOGAAA!" said Elfo as he sprinted over to Koga, jumping over the bodies on the ground and hopping into his arms. Koga catches Elfo with one arm, then Elfo hugs him tightly around his neck. "YOU'RE ALIVE! YOU'RE REALLY ALIVE!"

"Man, this is the most hugs I've gotten in a single day," said Koga, chuckling as Elfo rubbed his head against Koga's neck.

"OH TO HELL WITH THIS!" Zog shouts, "Bean may be crazy, but she's right! This stupid wedding is cancelled!"

"Well, if you're calling off the wedding, I'm calling off the alliance!" said Lorenzo as he sprung to his feet.

"Oh yeah? Why don't my knuckles make an alliance with your face?!" Zog said, holding up his fist.

"Oh yeah? Come on!" said Lorenzo as he took off his robe. Zog did the same. Everyone in the wedding hall had quickly forgotten that there were dead bodies in the room as they all started shouting, "KING FIGHT! KING FIGHT!"

At that point, Tavish knew that the excitement was over. He gets to his feet and makes his way towards the exit. He gave one last look to Koga, who was too busy laughing with Elfo, Luci, and Bean as they watched the brawl. Tavish would sigh in relief.  Everything had turned out ok after all. The wedding was off, and Bean had her friends with her. But to Tavish, all that mattered was that her sister was happy...and wouldn't be spending her life with Merkimer. Tavish would then leave the wedding hall. Feeling a bit happier than he previously was.

"Thanks for making my wedding day something to remember guys," said Bean smiling at them.

"So...these are kings, huh? Wow..." said Koga watching as Zog gave a left hook to Lorenzo.

"Pitiful isn't it?" asked Luci.

"Yup," Koga replied with a nod.

"You can do that again," said Bean. "Now, let's just drink and forget we saw this. Agreed?"

"Agreed!" said Koga, Elfo and Luci. 

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