Rebirth of a Loser = TURN THE...

By funstoriestelling

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This is a rebirth story about a young man named Lan Boyi. He has lost everything and died tragically. He was... More

Chapter 1 - Rebirth
Chapter 2 (His Foolish Self)
Chapter 3 (I am not alone anymore)
Chapter 4 (We are one family)
Chapter 5 (Grandparents Gift to Boyi)
Chapter 6 (Boyi, the Prince Charming)
Chapter 7 (Not April Fool Day)
Chapter 8 (The Young Patriarch)
Chapter 9 (Wei Zhan accepts marriage arrangement)
Chapter 10 (To each its own planning)
Chapter 11 (What's wrong with MacDonald)
Chapter 12 (McDonald Happy Meals)
Chapter 13 (Boyi feeds Wei Zhan)
Chapter 14 (Marriage Contract Signed)
Chapter 15 (Birthday Party at the Ho's)
Chapter 16 (Wei Zhan to the rescue)
Chapter 17 (You can also call me Zhan-ge)
Chapter 18 (My best birthday party)
Chapter 19 (This should be the right decision)
Chapter 20 (Naked Ghost)
Chapter 21 (Comfy Pajamas, SpongeBob SquarePants Underwear)
Chapter 22 (Fresh Start)
Chapter 23 (Boyi shares his recording with Wei Zhan)
Chapter 24 (Shopping fiasco)
Chapter 25 (Ice-Cream)
Chapter 26 (Are we fated?)
Chapter 27 (You are important too)
Chapter 28 (I will always be your supporter)
Chapter 29 (Mandarin Ducks playing in water)
Chapter 30 (Wei Zhan will help Boyi with L&M)
Chapter 31 (L&M - AGM)
Chapter 32 (I am here)
Chapter 33 (Boyi and Zhan are motivators)
Chapter 34 (I am here to help you to the end)
Chapter 35 (Wei Zhan's gift)
Chapter 36 (Wei Zhan is a show-off)
Chapter 37 (Boyi a thief?????)
Chapter 38 (Am I being teased?)
Chapter 39 (T-r-u-s-t)
Chapter 40 (Exclusive Interview)
Chapter 41 (The Assignment)
Chapter 42 (The Accusers)
Chapter 43 (Care for Boyi)
Chapter 44 (The mosquitoes sisters are stingy)
Chapter 45 (Chairman Wei)
Chapter 46 (Heart to Heart talk)
Chapter 48 (The Sweet Concoction)
Chapter 49 (The Cheeky Matchmaker)
Chapter 50 (Twin?)
Chapter 51 (Troublemaker)
Chapter 52 (The many more good times together)
Chapter 53 (Dating in Style)
Chapter 54 (Not allowing others to eat Boyi's Tofu)
Chapter 55 (Zhan-ge, you are like my mentor)
Chapter 56 (Meeting Grandpa Wei)
Chapter 57 (Napping Together)
Chapter 58 (Grandpa's surprise)
Chapter 59 (Protective Wei Zhan)
Chapter 60 (Ice-cream and sleeplessness)
Chapter 61 (What a TOUGH NIGHT!!!!!)
Chapter 62 (You can only share things with me only)
Chapter 63 (Boyi's Vision)
Chapter 64 (Visiting the deceased parents)
Chapter 65 (Best groceries shopping ever.....)
Chapter 66 (Yes, I will love you forever)
Chapter 67 (Zhan-ge, you are a great comforter)
Chapter 68 (Is this Love?)
Chapter 69 (He is the Dreammaker)
Chapter 70 (It is all because of Little Boyi)
Chapter 72 (Boyi deserves it)
Chapter 73 (Scene of a Happy Family)
Chapter 74 (This is the like I am talking about)
Chapter 75 (What is important is not the past but future)
Chapter 76 (Wei Zhan's possessiveness)
Chapter 77 (Wei Zhan feed Boyi)
Chapter 78 (Cast the net wide and catch them in one scoop)
Chapter 79 (Let's work hard together)
Chapter 80 (Grandpa's deal)
Chapter 81 (We will defeat them as a team)
Chapter 82 (The Battle)
Chapter 83 (Let's catch those bastards)
Chapter 84 (You both are such a destined couple)
Chapter 85 (Let the game begins)
Chapter 86 (A plan with no escape)
Chapter 87 (Marriage Certificate)
Chapter 88 (Everyone here is a family to me)
Chapter 89 (A drunk Boyi is so damn cute)
Chapter 90 (Wei Zhan is a baby when he is sick)
Chapter 91 (A shy Boyi is cute to death)
Chapter 92 (Family must be united and stand together)
Chapter 93 (Xiao Yi has been kidnapped)
Chapter 94 (Friends with the same enemy)
Chapter 95 (Xiao Yi is my bottom line)
Chapter 96 (Confession)
Chapter 97 (Wei Zhan is a vinegar jar)
Chapter 98 (The Hidden Truth)
Chapter 99 (Wei Zhan is a matchmaker)
Chapter 100 (Wei Hong and Tang Xiao Yan
Chapter 101 (Boyi is pregnant)
Chapter 102 (What happened?)
Chapter 103 (The shocking news)
Chapter 104 (Let's get the boy back)
Chapter 105 (Anything about Boyi, I love it)
Chapter 106 (Boyi's uniqueness)
Chapter 107 (My baby is amazing, carrying twins)
Chapter 108 (Desired Connections)
Chapter 109 (Taking care of Boyi)
Chapter 110 (unpredicted emotions of Boyi)
Chapter 111 (Boyi giving Birth)
Chapter 112 (Wei-Lan Wang and Wei-Lan Xian)
Chapter 113 (Taking good care of Boyi)
Chapter 114 (BY for Boyi)
Chapter 115 (Never underestimate the babies)
Chapter 116 (In America)
Chapter 117 (Reunion)
Chapter 118 (The Yan family)
Chapter 119 (Double rewards)
Chapter 120 (Boyi chooses family)
Chapter 121 (The Wedding - END)

Chapter 71 (You are a brave boy)

1.1K 121 31
By funstoriestelling

Chapter 71 (You are a brave boy)

Li Ning waves at them and then he told them

"Will update you all soon" Li Ning promise them

Wei Zhan walks with quick steps into the elevator and the secretaries were talking among themselves, the boss never go to the hospital when the employees give birth

Then, all giggles and looked at each other and shouted

"It is all because of LITTLE BOYI"

The secretaries are all laughing and actually quite happy that the boss has found someone like Boyi, they all love their boss even though he is indifferent and can be very cold towards them when it comes to dealing with work.

However, everyone knew how many challenges and how good it is to work with Wei Zhan, he is at the forefront of technology and also the mover and creator of new insight to the whole world.

Thus, those ladies are all highly motivated and excited every time they have a new project, no one really complains too much about overwork but they are really scared to make the boss angry.

Thus, most of them lived in joy and fear at the same time, now they seem to think that Boyi will bring equilibrium to the whole atmosphere here in the department and also to their big boss.

In the hospital, the poor boy is now inside with Mrs Tang, apparently, they finally managed to get Mrs Tang to let go of Boyi's wrist, which is now red and maybe a little bluish in color.

The staff taught Boyi how to change into the hospital wear and also sterilized their hands as well. Boyi then follows the team into the operation room. There are types of equipment for breathing hanging overhead of Mrs Tang who is now lying down on the bed in pain. Boyi had entered into the hospital before and it was before his death and so there is still trauma over going into the hospital room. However, because of Mrs Tang, Boyi walks in slow steps and took many deep breaths to try and calm himself down.

A needle has been inserted into the wrist of Mrs Tang and the doctors all didn't even seem anxious but looking at each other with a nod and then there was like a countdown to 5 and the hand of Mrs Tang that had been holding Boyi seemed to relax a little

Then, there was a cover over Mrs Tang from the belly downwards and the doctor looks at each other while and nods again.

The doctor called to Mrs Tang

"We are going to deliver the baby now, you are all ready to give birth," the doctor told Mrs Tang who is now although relax a bit due to some mild anesthetic to calm her but she will still be able to feel the pain as this is a natural birth.

The doctors are now talking among themselves

"Ready now for birth"

"Now Push!!!!!"

They told Mrs Tang to push and at this moment, loud yelling could be heard from Mrs Tang

"Ahhhhh........" then the grips on the hand tightens again on Boyi.

Boyi bites his lips so that he will not scream as he did not want to add to the stress and tension already in the room.

A doctor is a middle-aged man with lots of experience and he is also a gentle soul, he looks at Boyi and felt a little apologetic for such a young teenager as a supporter.

"Boy, encourage her" the doctor told Boyi after seeing Mrs Tang didn't push hard after a while.

Mrs Tang is breathing hard and she felt out of breath and the pain is so painful that she actually also becomes a little irritated, she yells at the top of her voice

"Ahhhhh.....come out, you little evil rascal....." the screaming lady who is also sensible with a good temperament, now beginning to swear because of the intense pain.

Boyi can see clearly the difficulty and the sweat on Mrs Tang's face, giving life is so difficult and this is the first time, he saw a woman giving birth in real life and thinking about how his mother gave birth to him, all these pains and sufferings, Boyi has tears in his ears and his nose is suddenly red due to his fair skin, he begins to get back his sense and he fist up his hand and encourages Mrs Tang

"You are the one giving life"

"The one inside you is depending on your strength"

"Push!" Boyi shouted.

The doctor had a satisfied smile on his face and nodded at Boyi

Mrs Tang seems to be struck by lightning after hearing what Boyi said, yes, someone inside her is waiting for her hard work and how can she disappoint him, immediately unknown strength comes from who knows where and Mrs Tang, muscled up her body and even pushes her upper body up and screams


"Comee out........."

Mrs Tang used up all her nine cows and two tiger strength and gives a hard push and the doctor immediately smiles

"Coming ...."

"The head is coming out soon" the doctor shouted and the nurse are all busy preparing for the new life to see the world.

The doctor then looks at both of them, especially Boyi, and nods at him as Mrs Tang is now taking deep breathe due to her push and panting away

Boyi although couldn't see ahead, as it is all very well covered due to the high tech hospital, knew a new life is emerging and so he rest his hand on Mrs Tang's shoulder and told her

"Baby coming out....."

"Let' 's help him"

"Push..." now both Boyi and Mrs Tang seems to join in forces and even shouted together.. and this goes on a few times and each time is much more difficult than the next but Mrs Tang who is sweating profusely and didn't give up, Boyi is always a the side yelling a shouting more encouraging words until the last push

"Wwuuuwwwuuuu" the sound of the baby could be heard.

The nurse all clapping and the doctor smiles sweetly at them

"Baby is out....:" the doctor told them

Mrs Tang suddenly drops her body onto the bed and still panting away, the pain had suddenly left and she had a weak smile on her face and looking at Boyi, who is now sweating all over his face, Mrs Tang then realized that the young boy is with her and helping her. All the time during the childbirth time, she was in such pain, that she only hear the encouraging words ad er mind is still dazed, fill with invigorating pain that she lost her sense of suddenly but only the constant encouraging voice and words.

Now, looking at the boy who is only a teenager but braves the wind and storm to help her, Mrs Tang speaks weakly

"T-Thank you, little brother" Mrs Tang feels a close attachment to the cute boy and changes from "Little Boyi" to "Little brother" warm and sunny.

Boyi shakes his head weakly and mumbles softly to Mrs Tang

"Jie Jie is awesome" Boyi eyes follow the baby who is now wrapped up like a meat dumpling and take away.

The doctor comes towards Boyi and pats him lightly.

"Well Done, young man"

and then looks at Mrs Tang

"You are amazing"

Outside the operation room, it is now filled with human traffic. Wei Zhan had arrived with his team of four bodyguards and they met with James and Frank who are now waiting outside the operation room with anxious looks.

Wei Zhan had a heavy heart, he somehow felt worried when he couldn't see the boy, thus, he walks with wide steps, followed by Lam and Li Ning closely behind.

They took the exclusive elevator for top executives and comes onto the birthing floor, saw James and Frank waiting outside from the far end. Wei Zhan was about to call them, but then behind him, a man came running like a headless chicken and almost knock onto Wei Zhan.

The man has a very anxious look, he is wearing a shirt and some kind of work pants and Wei Zhan seems to recognize him or find him familiar but Li Ning immediately calls out to him

"Allan!" Li Ning calls him.

The man then saw Li Ning and he stretch his hand and grabs him

"How is Louyan?" Allan asks (Louyan is Mrs Tang maiden name but they called her Mrs Tang in the office environment"

The poor man must have been running because he was sweating but he doesn't care. Allan is an engineer in one of the big companies and at this time and today, he happened to be at a site nearly two hours away from the hospital.

When Li Ning texts him the message that his wife is about to give birth. Allan almost lost his mind, he dropped the equipment that he is holding testing some electrical circuit and then turns to his colleagues and caught hold of their shoulders and shouted like a madman

"My wife is going to give birth!"

"I am going to be a father!"

All the colleagues knew Allan's excitement and told him to go to the hospital and they will all take care of things here, that is why Allan was supposed to take 2 over hours here but somehow, he drives a little faster and took just below two hours and running and looking like a madman searching for his wife until he met Li Ning.

Allan is a man in his early thirties with average height and average look, he is an honest and decently hardworking man that cares and provides for the family. Allan had met Li Ning and even Wei Zhan during the company's annual year-end party, thus, Li Ning and even Wei Zhan had an idea of who he is.

Now that Allan saw Li Ning, his head is still muddled up, and looks at Wei Zhan dazedly and then he reacted

"Mr Wei..." Allan greets and a slight bow.

Wei Zhan saw his excited face and knew he is worried about his wife and child

"Come, follow us" Wei Zhan told Allan, who is so dumbstruck that he just follow listlessly but is filled with anxiety. Li Ning choose to walk beside the man and tries to calm him down

"She is in the best hands and doesn't worry," Li Ning told Allan who just nods his head but sweat is forming at his forehead.

Allan has a sense of the measure of what is happening and wonders why Wei Zhan is here, although his wife is one of the secretaries in his office the big boss whose time is like a million a minute is here which is strange.

As soon as they reached the surgery room, James and Frank report to them briefly what is going on and why is Boyi inside the operation room.

Wei Zhan's response is not too pleasant as he worries about the boy who is only a teenager

"Why, Boyi is only nineteen" Wei Zhan comments unconsciously as he is a little stressed now with his face all scourge up and his brow almost touches each other, Jame and Frank bend their heads low as this means they should have stopped the boy.

Li Ning knew why the boss is anxious rather than angry and so he walks towards Wei Zhan and tries to console him

"Boss, the little boss has some strange gifts that make people like him," Li Ning told Wei Zhan

Wei Zhan stares at him with his big eyes and even frowns more.

Suddenly, Li Ning realizes his mistake and almost slaps his own mouth in front of the boss, this will make the boss more worried that others are coveting against his Boyi.

"What I mean is he bring good vibes wherever he goes, so people naturally feel comfortable with him," Li Ning told Wei Zhan and he tries to explain why Boyi goes into the operation room because he carries the good vibes and so Mrs Tang is very attached to him.

Wei Zhan closes his eyes and he could see the smile of the sunny boy in his mind, Boyi has saved his life with the car and also matchmake Lucy and Lam, now the baby is coming.... all these are floating in Wei Zhan's mind when the door of the operation room suddenly pull opens shockingly.

Allan has been sticking himself like a plaster towards the door hoping to hear or even sense some movements. Now, the suddenly pushed open of the door means he almost lost his balance and fortunately Lam catch hold of him as the poor man has been very jerky and Lam has been trying to calm him down.

The nurse carried the baby and looks around and asks

"Who is the father?" however, when the nurse saw her big boss, she immediately acknowledge Wei Zhan

"Mr Wei"

Allan runs forward and told her

"I am the father" the nurse hand over the baby to Allan and smiles

"Mom and baby fine"

"A cute boy, 3.5kg"

Wei Zhan but he is only looking behind the nurse for Boyi and did not acknowledge the nurse, then Li Ning asks for his boss

"Where is the teenage boy?" Li Ning asks

"Oh, they are taking him to change his hospital wear and will be out in a minute" the nurse inform them and she also hurriedly went into the operation room to change her gear. The slightly elderly nurse smiles and congratulates Allan before she left.

Allan has been surrounded by a team of bodyguards who are busy looking at the cute baby, however, Wei Zhan is leaning on the hospital chair but not sitting, and his eyes are looking at the door.

After a while, the door is opened and the doctor came out together with Boyi, Boyi looks a little lost and his face seems paler than normal which worried Wei Zhan.

The middle-aged doctor immediately saw Wei Zhan and greet him respectfully

"Ahhh........Mr Wei is here" the doctor wonder why the top boss is here but he keep quiet.

Wei Zhan only has eyes for Boyi and he wasn't pleased with the paled face Boyi and so he walks towards Boyi

Boyi saw Wei Zhan and it is like he has gone through an aging period that he hasn't seen Wei Zhan which actually they just had lunch a few hours ago. However, being inside the operation room does have a certain impact on the boy. And so, when he saw Wei Zhan, he stops walking and his foot is stuck to the ground and it becomes weak. Boyi is now like a huge balloon, as he has forced and blown up himself so much to support Mrs Tang. In fact, the boy has given beyond himself the room, and thus when this is over, he feels like a balloon that has lost all the air that is holding him and so he feels his body is weak and his head is spinning and then without him knowing, Boyi felt the world is in a circle and then he lost his balance and fell forward and with half-consciousness, Boyi thought he is going to kiss the floor but he was held by two strong arms and the smell of it is very familiar and that is the last thought in Boyi's mind.

Wei Zhan saw the boy fainting and he was shocked but he is a calm man outside and so he hurriedly caught hold of the cute boy and shouted to the team who are not encircling the newborn baby and forget the big baby in Wei Zhan's arm

"Get the doctor now!" shouted Lam as the previous doctor has disappear into one of the rooms.

The shout is sharp and loud and the team instantly looks at Wei Zhan and everyone springs into action, Lam came forward to try and help Wei Zhan to support Boyi, however, Wei Zhan is a stingy man and he carried Boyi and refused anyone to touch him.

The team called the doctors and the previous one that helped to give birth saw Boyi fainted and was shocked.

"Go to the presidential suite" Wei Zhan shouted and everyone follows behind and press the lift for the big boss.

This is the family hospital and it is private and large, they have a presidential suite especially reserved for the Wei family. It is seldom used and kept for those that are close to the head of the family. Wei Zhan is now the patriarch of the family. He has the say as to who is allowed in the presidential room.

There was an incident when Wendy Ho had minor surgery and wanted to stay in the presidential room was turned down by Wei Zhan, making her scream like a madwoman in the hospital as she declares her status but no one can do anything as the authority of the presidential room can only be admitted by the head of the Wei Family and that is Wei Zhan. The only other exceptional person is grandpa Wei which Wei Zhan make it a rule that grandpa has the right.

Once the door of the presidential suite is open, the team hurriedly open the curtains and fluff up the pillow for Wei Zhan to put the cute boy down. The same middle age doctor immediately looks at Boyi and then told Wei Zhan

"Emotional shock," the doctor told Wei Zhan and actually the doctor himself was shocked because he did not expect the young boy to have such a close connection with the heir of the Wei Family and even admitted to a presidential suite in the hospital.

"He will be awake in a while, too emotional in the operations room"

"No big deal but best to have someone close to him to take care of him for a few days, what he had done by helping the patient might have trigger something in him, maybe a little past thinking of his mother or someone close to him," the doctor told Wei Zhan and he felt sorry for the cute boy.

"I am not a therapist that goes into the deep details, this is what I know of patients suffers from emotional shock," the doctor told Wei Zhan

Wei Zhan gives an instant answer to the doctor

"I will take care of him," Wei Zhan told the doctor and the doctor has a curious mind but a professional ethnic and so he dares not ask any more

"That's good," the doctor told Wei Zhan

Suddenly, the doctor smiles at Wei Zhan

"Also, the operation is quite long and it is now already 6 pm, he could also be fatigued and needed some food, best give light food to him," the doctor told Wei Zhan.

Wei Zhan takes very clear note of all needs for Boyi into his mind.

"Anything else doctor," Wei Zhan asks

"Mmmm.....let see how the patient is when he is awake" the doctor told Wei Zhan

Just then, Boyi stirs a little, and Wei Zhan and the doctor immediately turns their attention to Boyi, Boyi opens his eyes halfway and asks in a daze

"Where am I?" Boyi asks

Wei Zhan sit beside him and let his slim long legs hands down the queen bed

"You fainted and are now in the hospital," Wei Zhan told Boyi

"Be good, let the doctor examine you" Wei Zhan tilts his head to the doctor who is now at the other end of the bed holding a torchlight looking into Boyi's eyes and also examining him

"How do you feel?" the doctor asks Boyi

Boyi shakes his head and told the doctor truthfully

"I felt a little weak after all from the hospital and I don't know why," Boyi told the doctor

"I feel better now, Zhan-ge is here," Boyi told the doctor unashamedly as he really feel better when he saw Wei Zhan as to him now, Wei Zhan is like his anchor and he feels safe and secure with Wei Zhan.

Wei Zhan's soul has flown off into the sky and made a few summersaults when he heard the boy speak to the doctor. The young heir has immersed joy in his heart. 

The doctor then nods his head and becomes more curious but he had to suppress his curiousty as this is his big boss and he cannot randomly ask about their relationship, those surges of curiousity have to be pressed down from his heart to his stomach.

"Sir, he should be fine, a good night's rest and some light food"

"Mmmm.....if needed to a good talk with someone close or a therapist" the doctor eyed Wei Zhan sneakily and then he bow his head and left.

The team is all inside the room and they heard everything the doctor said and were relieved that the boy is alright. Li Ning is a very smart man and he immediately tried to relax the atmosphere by praising Boyi

"Boyi, you did a good job and the Tang couple is very appreciative of you," Li Ning told Boyi

As Li Ning's girlfriend is a psychologist and so he learn a few tips and thus he knew that positive news is always good for patients.

"I am happy that I can help" Boyi immediately smile and then he felt shy

"Sorry I fainted" Boyi turns to Wei Zhan who is now sitting beside him

"Sorry, I worried everyone," Boyi told Wei Zhan

The team all wishes Boyi to take care and one by one the team and Li Ning left as they are a major and huge light bulb that shines too brightly in the room.

Wei Zhan let out a loud sigh and he raffles the boy's hair, those soft hair runs into wei Zhan's hand and makes his head itchy.

"Silly boy" Wei Zhan had a smile on his face and told the boy, his eyes is soft full of affections for the boy.

"You are a brave boy"


Thank you for reading

I think Boyi is very brave going into unknown territories

Please kindly comment and vote

Have a good day

I just woke up from a good afternoon nap

I have been working so hard and weekend is my catchup time for sleep and for my mind and slo writing hee hee

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