TROUVAILLE // H.Granger x Mal...

By JuanWriter

151K 4.7K 690

Draven Abraxas Malfoy, son of the vicious wizard, and Draco Malfoy's fraternal twin falls in love with the Br... More



1.9K 74 12
By JuanWriter

Draven and Hermione are together in the library. As usual, the Gryffindor girl is studying, while the Slytherin boy is just sketching on his sketchpad, doodling and doing nothing. In two weeks, it's already the Quidditch cup and they will be against Ravenclaw. Their team luckily advanced to the finals, possibly winning this year's cup so the pressure for him is on. Hermione on the other hand just keeps his nerves calm and relaxed. Seeing his boyfriend pressured for the upcoming game makes her nervous too, that is why she's doing everything she can to calm him down.

"What if I messed up? Pucey wouldn't like that, love. He'll get mad at me. Merlin, I know how our team prepared..." Draven sighed. "I can't make mistakes."

"You won't, love. Look at me." Hermione said, cupping his face and meeting his eyes. "You will perform well at the cup, and you will not be a shame to your team. Okay?"

Draven nodded, looking at his girlfriend's eyes and absorbing every word she said. "Your whole presence makes me feel better. Having you here beside me is enough for me to calm my shits down."

"Language. We're inside the library." She said, pressing her finger on his lips while chuckling.

"Sorry, Ms. Granger." He apologized and smiled. "Well, why don't I help you study now hm?"

"Not when you let me see what you're sketching there," Hermione said, trying to peek at the sketchpad on the table but Draven is quick to cover it.

"Ah ah... There, there Ms. Granger. Patience is a virtue." He shot her up a look. "It's a surprise."

"Another one? You're always pampering me with your surprises, love." She said and went back on opening her book.

"It's because I want to. Maybe that's the perks of being in a relationship with a Malfoy." Draven shrugged and laughed. "Well? Can I help you now study? I promise, no kissing. Just purely business."

"You promise?" She asked him again and the white blonde-haired boy nodded, even raising his right hand.

"I solemnly swear, my Stella." He gave her his word and picked up his book to help her study.


Draven was pacing back and forth. Today is the Inter-House Quidditch cup. This is important for his team, especially to Adrian Pucey who is going to be his last game this year since he's graduating this term. He was a great captain, and Draven has a lot of respect for his leadership.

"Alright team, this is the last game. I want you to focus, and give all your best shot!" Pucey said, lifting his team's spirit.

"Malfoy, you got someone." One of his teammates said, pointing outside their waiting tent. He already knew who it was as he excitedly walked outside but he was surprised to see Theo and Draco, both of their faces painted with 'Malfoy' on their left cheek and his jersey number which is '5' on their right cheek. They look ridiculous, to be honest, but he's thankful for the support.

"Ooohhh... Someone thought that it's his special someone, eh?" Theo said, nudging Draven's arm lightly. "I still haven't seen her, to be honest."

"Same," Draco spoke, which made Draven look at him. "I don't know why."

The Slytherin boy just nodded. "She'll be here any minute, I can feel it."

"Yeah, you know Granger. She wouldn't miss this for the world." Theo said to help his friend feel better. "But don't worry, I'll try to ask some students if they saw her."

Draven smiled. "Thanks for face painting my name and jersey number onto your faces. Especially you, Draco. I never thought you agreed to do this."

"Blame this guy. He just pulled me and made me wear this face paint." His brother pointed at Theo who was just whistling, not minding the conversation happening. "But it's fine, it's for you anyway."

"Well, we must better leave. The match will start soon. Good luck, my pal. We're rooting for you!" Theo cheered and raised both of his hands.

"Of, course. Slytherin's your house." Draven rolled his eyes and laughed as he entered the tent again. Yes, he said that Hermione would come, but he couldn't help himself to worry about her. This is not like her, being late in these times. She would always kiss or hug him for good luck before the match starts.

Harry and Ron are quickly running towards the Slytherin tent to catch up with Draven who was about to go out towards the pitch with his teammates.

"Draven!" Harry shouted, panting while still running. "Malfoy!"

Draven heard someone call his name so he turned around and saw Harry and Ron, sweating hard and panting heavily as well.

"What are you both doing here?" Pucey asked them but they cannot answer quickly because they were still catching their breaths.

"Draven, she's in the hospital..." Ron panted. "H-Hermione... Cormac..."

The Slytherin boy gripped his broom tightly. "What did Cormac do this fucking time, Potter, Weasley?"

"He... gave Hermione..." Harry was trying to catch his breath. "A sleeping potion so that he could--"

But before Harry could finish his sentence, Draven suddenly threw his broom aside and instantly ran outside the tent.

"Malfoy! Come back!" Pucey started shouting but the Slytherin boy seemed to not hear him as he was rapidly dashing away, going to the hospital.

"I'm going to fucking kill you McLaggen..." He gritted his teeth in anger while he kept on running faster. The distance between the Quidditch pitch and the hospital is very far but he doesn't mind it at all. He doesn't care if Pucey would punch him later once he got back, or if he won't even come back to play for the cup. He just wanted to make sure that Hermione is safe and unharmed.


The stairs were a burden as Draven felt his lungs almost giving up, and his feet are hurting but he need to reach her. Hermione is in the hospital because of McLaggen.

"Where is she!?" Draven was panting heavily, his Quidditch jersey was soaking from his sweat. "Is she alright?"

The Slytherin boy saw Ginny who was sitting beside Hermione. His girlfriend was sleeping peacefully and he held her hand.

"Harry, Ron, and I saw Cormac carrying Hermione as he was entering the boys' bathroom. We confronted him, and Harry saw the marks of sleeping potion from her mouth. McLaggen was fuming mad when we knew and he just tried to attack us, luckily Professor McGonagall and Professor Slughorn were there." Ginny told him.

"Why is she still sleeping?" Draven asked, still caressing Hermione's hair, and kissed her forehead. "Love, I'm here... I'm here."

"Cormac made a mistake on the potion he placed. The effects slightly changed." The youngest Weasley said and that made him angrier.

"What do you fucking mean the effects slightly changed?" He boldly asked her.

"Madam Pomfrey said that she will wake up after a day," Ginny told her, and it just made his anger towards McLaggen ignite. "But don't worry, Madam Pomfrey is now making a reverse potion to wake her up early."

"Where the fuck is McLaggen?" He asked her. His eyes are blazing mad, and his tone is scary.

"I-I think he's brought in to Professor McGonagall's office," Ginny said and was shocked when Draven quickly dashed out of the hospital.

Draven was running again going to Professor McGonagall's office. He was raging mad at him. He told him to stay away from her and now is just the final straw. He's planning to... sexually assault her while she's unconscious and it disgusts him. It infuriates him more.

"MCLAGGEN!" He furiously banged the door as the two professors were startled to see Draven's raging state. He lunged towards Cormac who was sitting down and didn't think twice to punch him squarely on his face.

"Mr. Malfoy!" Professor McGonagall said, and Professor Slughorn tried to separate the fuming Malfoy and McLaggen from each other but Draven was much more now blinded by anger he's feeling.

"I despise you, arsehole! You tried to assault her! You put a sleeping potion in her, you fucking maniac!" Draven spat at him and punched him again.

McLaggen couldn't back down without a fight and he reciprocated the punches he gave. Professor McGonagall and Professor Slughorn then used the binding spell to bind them into their places.

"Let me go Professor and I'm not yet done with this fucking piece of shit!" Draven hastily pointed at McLaggen and tried to remove the binds around his feet. His face is bloodied from the 7th year's punches as well as Cormac who is also injured from his attacks.

"Mr. Malfoy, I demand you to stop this aggressive behavior immediately." Professor McGonagall said in her stern voice. "We know Mr. McLaggen made a serious violation and desecrated major rules of the school. He will be punished accordingly."

"But you don't understand! That vile man wanted to take Hermione to bed! He threatened me that he'll do that!" The Slytherin boy said, gritting his teeth to control his temper.

"Yes, yes. We do know Mr. Malfoy. You must calm down now." Professor Slughorn tried to pacify Draven but he wasn't calming down.

"Don't you dare lay your filthy hands on her ever again, or else I won't fucking hesitate to fucking kill you!" Draven told him.

"Mr. Malfoy! Your language please!" Professor McGonagall said to him. "There would also be aggravated punishment for those kinds of words! I understand what you are feeling right now, but please... There is no need for those words. You are still a student of Hogwarts."

"I don't care if you are going to ban me from playing Quidditch ever. I just don't want Hermione hurt." His voice is quivering in rage.

"You will not be banned from playing Mr. Malfoy." Professor Snape instantly spoke as he went inside Professor McGonagall's office. "But hearing those threats and words, you will have detention."

"She's awake, Professors." Harry came inside the office, seeing Draven and Cormac being tied down the ground with their faces with blood and the three professors inside.

"Is she alright, Harry!?" Draven quickly asked, trying to break free from the binds on the ground.

"Yes. She's fine. You can check on her now." He said, then looking back to the professors inside. "Sorry Professors for the sudden interruption. I just think Draven would've wanted to know that she's fine."

Professor McGonagall untied the bind from Draven's feet. "Off you go now, Mr. Malfoy. But you will report to Professor Snape later to talk about your detention."

"Thank you, Professor," Draven said, as he rapidly sprinted with Harry towards the hospital.


Just as he arrived from the hospital, Hermione is now awake, sitting down while Ginny and Madam Pomfrey are beside her. She saw him running towards her and immediately hugged her.

"Draven? What are you doing here?" Hermione asked and looked at Draven's face. "What happened to your face? And why aren't you playing right now?"

The Slytherin boy didn't reply and just hugged her again. "Thank Merlin's you're fine..."

"I arrived at Professor McGonagall's office and saw him and Cormac under the binding spell. I think things went violent." Harry told them.

"Why aren't you at the pitch now? It's the Quidditch cup, love." Hermione muttered to her boyfriend who looks at him with concern.

"I don't care about the cup. I quickly left when Harry and Ron told me what happened to you." Draven told her and he caressed her face. "You sure you're feeling alright now?"

"Yes... I was well tended off, my Cielo." The Gryffindor girl assured him. "But the cup, I think you can still play now. I know how important this game is to you."

"Nothing's more important to me rather than you, my Stella. Hermione over everything, remember that." He said and kissed her hand. "I'm sorry, I wasn't there to protect you..."

"You have nothing to apologize for, love. You were being called in early every Quidditch match, and no. It's not and it will never be your fault." She said to him. "Please let Madam Pomfrey check you up. Your face is bleeding."

Madam Pomfrey then called Draven quick and tended onto his bruises. His busted lip, his gashed right cheek is bleeding and the old healer placed some bandage and had him drink a medical potion. As soon as he's done, Draven quickly went back to Hermione's side. Harry, Ginny, and Ron are there too, keeping her company.

"I think we should now go. What do you think, boys?" Ginny said, looking at the two Gryffindor boys knowingly.

"Yeah... I still have to do something, I forgot." Harry said to them. "Ron, you're also doing something today, right?"

"Oh yes yes... I'm hungry and I want to eat." Ron clutched his stomach.

"I'll see you later, Hermione. For now, just rest." Ginny said, pulling his boyfriend and brother away from the couple.

Now that Draven and Hermione are alone, the Slytherin boy couldn't help but notice that his girlfriend is wearing his Quidditch jersey which is much bigger than her but still looks fine for her.

"What do you think will happen at the match?" Hermione asked him, and Draven just shrugged. "What if they needed you to be there, love?"

"I don't know. Honestly, I don't care about the cup or anything. It is you who I care about now, Hermione. How are you feeling now?" The white-blonde boy asked with concern.

"I'm fine... Madam Pomfrey brewed me a special potion to reverse the effect of Cormac's potion. I just drank some water from the goblet and then all of a sudden, I felt sleepy." She explained and saw her boyfriend listening intently.

"Professor McGonagall said that he'll be punished accordingly. But I still punched him so I do hope he gets the message stuck in his microscopic brain." He scoffed and looked back at her girlfriend. "I still won't leave you even if you feel fine."

Hermione saw how Draven would give up everything only for her. Her boyfriend loved Quidditch and wanted to give Slytherin the cup, but he left the team just to check up on her and even defended him from McLaggen. She saw how much he would do everything just to make sure she was safe. 'Hermione over everything' that is what he said to her, which only realizes that she is the most important person for Draven Malfoy right now, and she couldn't contain the happiness and contentment she's feeling at this very moment, seeing his boyfriend in his Quidditch attire but he's here beside her means something. And that something is driven by the love they feel for each other. And for the bushy browned-haired girl, she would also promise...

Draven over everything...


(A/N: I can't wait... We're almost at the end of the 6th year. And things would get interesting...)

For some reference: 

Cielo means sky in Italian

Stella means star Italian

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