Shark Bait [H.S.]

By sogoldenarry

912K 25.5K 127K

Shark Bait: One who is in a precarious or vulnerable position. Harry's life consists of power and control, on... More

Chapter One.
Chapter Two.
Chapter Three.
Chapter Four.
Chapter Five.
Chapter Six.
Chapter Seven.
Chapter Eight.
Chapter Nine.
Chapter Ten.
Chapter Eleven.
Chapter Twelve.
Chapter Thirteen.
Chapter Fourteen.
Chapter Fifteen.
Chapter Sixteen.
Chapter Seventeen.
Chapter Eighteen.
Chapter Nineteen.
Chapter Twenty.
Chapter Twenty-One.
Chapter Twenty-Two.
Chapter Twenty-Three.
Chapter Twenty-Four.
Chapter Twenty-Six.
Chapter Twenty-Seven.
Chapter Twenty-Eight.
Chapter Twenty-Nine.
Chapter Thirty.
Chapter Thirty-One.

Chapter Twenty-Five.

35.6K 799 5.7K
By sogoldenarry

With Dan on one side of me and Jesse on the other, we enter Zayn's apartment.

The muffled music from behind the door only intensifies as Jesse pushes it open, letting me go through first. I was initially freezing cold standing in my dark blue dress – wearing a coat just seemed like an extra hassle – but the body heat of countless people is quickly warming me up.

We're a bit late to the party thanks to Jesse's multiple outfit changes and incessant need to shove alcoholic shots down my throat, but we're finally here and I couldn't be more excited to see Harry.

Ever since he vanished a few days ago, I've been eager to see him. He's had me worried and even though I didn't want to be overbearing and come off that way, I know I was. I'm thankful I've had Zayn around.

I can tell that Harry's absence has been particularly hard on Zayn so I was excited when invited me to go with him and get his tattoo. I secretly hoped it would help get his mind off of everything and I was thrilled to see that it worked, even if it was just for that little while.

Knowing a bit of the backstory to the jellyfish tattoo has stuck with me. I still don't know their entire story but I definitely know what it feels like to miss a mom. We're all so similarly different, but that just goes to show that at the end of the day we're all stronger than we were before.

While I miss the absence of a mom who never showed me love and affection, they crave to feel that once again.

That only adds to the guilt. I know deep down that both Harry and Zayn are good people even if I may not know them as well. It's obvious that there is so much more to their story, the reason why they do what they do and I want to be the one to find that out. I can't let Derek do it.

For now though, I'm going to try and enjoy this party in hopes that maybe this new year will hold something better for all of us. A new start, with new beginnings and new people.

I feel Jesse's hand on my back as he steers me further into the apartment and I'm finally zoned back into the loud party, people surrounding me everywhere. It's obvious that Zayn is quite popular considering the amount of people filling his place but I know that none of these people will ever be to him what Harry is.

Harry. Just thinking of his name gets my heart beating faster. I'm done denying the chemistry that's so evident between us. I've tried to fight it and I've failed miserably.

It doesn't mean I'm not scared though. I don't want to drown.

"Gonna take Dan and get us some drinks," Jesse yells in my ear, pressing a kiss to my temple before dragging Dan away. I hum out in response, my mind and sight already drifting away to look for the one person I'm actually here for.

It doesn't take long for me to spot Zayn, standing by the makeshift bar with Dan and Jesse. I'm not surprised Jesse would go straight to him first. A smile appears on my face as I watch them interact. Jesse says something, Zayn blushes, and Dan laughs. It's cute.

My eyes linger on the three of them for a moment longer before they move towards the kitchen. At first, I just see some people lingering around the island, nursing their drinks and laughing, but my eyes are quickly drawn to the man leaning against the fridge. Harry.

My breath catches in my throat, nerves filling up my body as I take him in. Even though I've been wanting to lay my eyes on him, actually seeing him a few feet away from me has me feeling like a giddy school girl.

He looks good. Really good. In black slacks, he's got on a pink dress shirt with a dark blue cardigan thrown over it in an attempt to dress it down. We kind of match considering I'm wearing my neon pink fish clips.

Despite the nice clothes he's wearing, his face is anything but that. He's got a black eye, a deep cut on his eyebrow and a big bruise on his temple. The multi-coloured injuries on his face make my heart race.

Is he okay? Who did that to him? How did that happen?

I watch as he brings his cup up to his mouth and notice his knuckles all scratched up too. My worry only heightens.

I keep my eyes on his figure as I begin to walk over there but I don't get to admire him for long before ice shoots through my veins. A woman, a really pretty woman, suddenly appears in front of him and rests her hands on his chest, running them up and down.

I stop in my tracks and my entire body goes rigid at the sight in front of me. The longer her hands stay on his chest, the quicker the ice in my veins turns into fire. A raging, hot jealous fire. The alcohol coursing through me only intensifies it.

I don't get jealous often because most times it's always been Jesse and I. Every party we've ever gone to has either ended up with us in bed together or going home and wasting the night away together in the living room. Even if Jesse went home with someone else I never got jealous because our relationship isn't like that.

This feeling though, it's different. Maybe it's because Harry practically claimed me as his the last time I saw him. Or maybe it's because I've seen his jealousy whenever I've had interactions with anyone other than him.

I watch them mumble words to one another, Harry's expression never changing. Hers on the other hand, she looks like she just won the lottery. Too bad she doesn't know that the jackpot is mine.

"Here, your favourite." Jesse suddenly materializes beside me, cup in hand. I grab the malibu and rum concoction from him without taking my gaze off of Harry and the woman, which only leads Jesse to follow my eyes. He sucks in a breath.

Her hands are still placed on his chest and it stings that he's making no moves to push them off, or step away from her. Why isn't he? What happened to the 'I am yours and you are mine' declaration? Why does this sting so badly?

"What are you gonna do?" Jesse asks. I mask the sting with my anger and down my entire drink, relishing in the burn as it glides down my throat. When I see her reach up to caress Harry's injuries I force myself to look away and I turn to face Jesse.

"You don't know how badly I want to go and kiss Dan right now in front of him for this," I spit under my breath. Jesse chuckles, "I know, but you won't. Know why? 'Cause you know you're better than that." I give him a dramatic huff, tossing my cup in the trash before folding my arms across my chest. "I know. I fucking hate it."

Jesse hauls me into his side, pressing a kiss to my temple before walking away. He knows what I'm going to do. My bet is he's going to grab Zayn so he can be another spectator and watch this unfold.

I take a deep breath before willing my feet to unglue themselves from the ground. Slowly, I walk towards Harry and the woman, my stomach in knots as I get closer. Nerves wanting to spill out.

"It's been weeks Harry, why haven't you just texted me back? I miss you." I have to strain to hear the woman whine, her fingers slowly tracing shapes across his chest. My teeth grind as my eyes focus on her hands that I want to rip away from his chest.

I step closer. "Sorry, he's had his hands full with me."

The girl jumps away from Harry at my sudden interruption but Harry immediately freezes. I keep my eyes on him as his mouth parts, face paling. "B-Blu–"

"I'm sorry, you are?" She asks in a condescending tone. I cock a brow. "It's none of your business who I am. I just want you to take your hands off of him. He's not available."

I cross my arms over my chest, tilting my head to the side as I watch her with a sarcastic smile. I blink at her once and that's when she realizes I'm being serious, a smirk coming to rest on her lips.

The woman sputters out a laugh, flitting her eyes between me and Harry. "He's never mentioned you before when we've fu–"

"Fuck off, Maeve. Leave. Now."

She closes her mouth and glances back at Harry. With his injuries accompanying his furrowed brows, he looks angry. Maeve attempts to open her mouth again only to have Harry cock a brow, testing her. With another harsh glare thrown my way, she lets out an audible huff before she's walking away, leaving Harry and I alone.

Harry tries to reach for my waist but I quickly step back and out of reach. "What the fuck was that?" I ask him. He goes to respond but I keep going, the alcohol doing wonders to my sense of inhibition.

I know that we aren't dating, never mind the fact that we shouldn't be. In all fairness, we've never exclusively talked about whatever it is that's going on between us but I would think that when he was the one getting jealous over me and when he was the one who was kissing me and saying that I'm his and he is mine, that it meant something. Anything.

"You disappear for fucking days and when I finally see you you're letting some woman touch you like that? What the fuck happened to that 'I am yours' bullshit? You are insufferable, Harry! I have half a mind to go find Dan and let him be the one who takes me home tonight beca–"

Harry shuts me up with a kiss but I'm too pissed to enjoy it so I shove him back. "You're dumber than I thought if you think a kiss will fix what you did." I don't even give myself time to dwell on the fact that he just kissed me in front of other people.

I cross my arms over my chest, looking around to see people looking at the two of us. Jesse, Zayn, and Dan are among those people, anger and confusion in their eyes.

My gaze on them is pulled away when suddenly Harry grabs my elbow and drags me into the hall to get us away from prying eyes. He presses me up against the wall, resting his forearms on either side of my head to cage me in. "Listen. Maeve is just....she's sensitive. I can't just pull away from her like that or she'd go fuckin' crazy."

"So what, the better option was to make me watch that instead of just telling her to stop? Do her feelings matter more than mine? Get away from me, I just want to enjoy the rest of the night with my friends."

I feel like I'm about to cry so I go to duck under his arm but he grabs a hold of me again, keeping my chin grasped between his fingers.

"No, of course not and don't ever fuckin' think that." He lets out a sigh and drops his forehead against mine. "I'm sorry. This is going to sound so fuckin' stupid but letting her do that shit to me is just out of habit now. Been that way for a few years and I didn't fuckin' think about how it'd look to you."

I resist the urge to let my eyes water, clenching my jaw. I don't want to cry over this, I don't want to seem clingy.

I don't want to get emotional. I shouldn't be letting him affect me like this, but I can't help it. He's dug his way beneath my skin and now this is turning into something I'm beginning to lose control over.

Harry moves to cup my jaw, forcing me to look at him. "I'm really fuckin' sorry. I'm not used to....this. Not really something I've done before. I've never met someone I wanted to try it with before. I'm gonna fuck up again in the future, I just know it, but I promise to learn from each mistake, yeah? I'm sorry. It won't happen again."

"If I was like that with Dan in front of you, you'd kill him."

"I know."

"You're not off the hook for doing that to me."

"I know."

"You're a big fucking idiot."

"I know."

"Even your cowfish are ashamed of your actions."

"I know."

"You really hurt me."

"I know."

Harry hauls me into his chest, keeping his arms locked tight around my shoulders. I feel him kiss the top of my head. "You look beautiful," he whispers. I pinch his hip. "Shut up."

Harry breaks the hug, cupping my cheeks before dipping down to kiss me. It's soft and light, the taste of whiskey infiltrating my mouth as he sweetly pecks my lips. His hands trail down my body as he breaks the kiss, boring his eyes into mine.

"I'm sorry. I did mean it, I meant every fuckin' word. I'm yours. Let me make it up to you. I'll be the best date tonight. I'll let Jesse annoy the fuck out of me and I won't say a word. I'm all yours, hm?"

So many butterflies.

I caress his face, thumbing the injuries as I nod my head. "I'm okay," he whispers, sending me a small grin. He's lying but I know if I push him he'll just resist. Hopefully he'll tell me later on his own.

My hand falls down to his chest. Tugging lightly on the lapel of his shirt, I bring his ear down to my mouth. "Don't think those injuries will stop me. You're still gonna apologize to me tonight the way I see fit. On your knees and at my mercy, just the way I like you."

His shaky exhale heats the side of my face as his hands squeeze my waist. "Yes ma'am."

He pulls back from me and I smirk up at him before leaning up to lightly press my lips to his jaw. "That's later though." I tap his cheek once and watch his lips part before turning around and leaving the hallway.

As soon as we re-enter the party, Jesse immediately approaches us. "If I ever see you do something like that again I'll use my tattoo gun on you in places it should never touch." Zayn clasps a hand around Jesse's shoulder, a light grimace on his face.


Jesse glares at him a bit longer before letting out a huff, leaning over to kiss my cheek. I give him a subtle nod to let him know I'm okay. I just want to enjoy my night. I'm willing to just move past it for the sake of our friends. I'll be pissed at Harry tomorrow.

As the night progresses, Harry stays true to his word. He's even nice to Dan. I don't see Maeve again which lets me know that at least she's smart, staying away from us.

I don't know anyone at this party, so I let Harry and Zayn lead the conversations with people while Jesse, Dan and I make conversation of our own or chime into Harry and Zayn's when we can.

Despite what happened earlier, my night has turned out to be pretty good. It's definitely a change from one of my more typical New Years Eve just spent with Jesse at one of our apartments, but it's a change that I welcome. One that I embrace wholeheartedly.

"Here." Harry appears, holding a drink out for me. He leans against the island beside me, sipping a drink of his own while I sip mine. "Thanks," I murmur. He just shrugs. "Jesse said it's your favourite. He can be fuckin' useful when he wants to be."

I hide my smile behind my cup, tuning back into the conversation Zayn is having with a fellow friend from vet school. It's kind of cute watching them drunkenly talk about this new ultrasound machine and I giggle at the sight of Zayn's friend shoving him lightly when Zayn tells him he's already ordered one.

"Fuckin' nerds," Harry mutters under his breath. I turn to look at him, seeing a small grin on his face as he watches Zayn laugh. I knock my hip against his. "Okay, Mr. Fish Encyclopedia."

All I get in return is an eye roll as he downs the rest of his drink, tossing the empty cup onto the counter behind us.

My attention shifts from Harry to Jesse, who has reappeared with Dan. Instinctively, my head tilts down towards Jesse, letting him press a quick kiss to the top of my head before he goes to stand by Zayn, sizing up the guy beside him. "I'm Jesse, and you are?"

As Jesse asserts his dominance, I take a sip of my drink and talk to Dan. "How's your night?" I ask. Dan scans the room once before smiling. "It's been fun, I met someone. Think she might be my midnight kiss."

Harry shifts beside me, grabbing my waist to pull me away from the counter. He slides in behind me and hops up onto the counter, spreading his legs to bring me back in. My upper body rests against his chest and warmth spreads through me at his actions.

I try to focus on replying to Dan, but it's hard when Harry's arms wrap around my chest and his legs cage me on either side, keeping me close to him. "That's great, Dan." I manage to get out.

His possessiveness is amusing. It's something I don't think he'll ever not feel, it's just a part of him. He should know by now that I wouldn't even think about being with anybody else but the fact that he still shows hints of jealousy makes me want to laugh. It's cute.

"Aren't you two cozy." Zayn calls out, making everyone around us look over. My face flushes at the sudden attention. Harry lifts a hand from off my chest to flash him the finger, muttering a quiet "Fuck off."

People around us quietly chuckle. One of Harry's hands smooths down my body and clutch onto my cup, taking it to have a sip of his own. When he finishes, his head ducks down. "Hope your lips taste just as sweet as this fuckin' drink."

I blush before I grab the cup back from him and take my own gulp, finishing it off and placing it on the counter beside us. Harry chuckles and presses a kiss to the top of my head.

I attempt to tune back into the main conversation Dan, Jesse, Zayn, and Zayn's vet friend are having but I find it hard to do so when Harry keeps nudging his nose against my cheek.

"Zayn's friend looks like a pygmy red rooster waspfish."

I tilt my head back against his chest, smiling when I see Harry smirking. "Is that so?" I ask. He hums against my temple. "Mhm, got that red hair with the white shirt and the fuckin' hair quiff shit too. Plus he's tiny. Just missing the venom."

My hands reach up to my chest and rest on Harry's forearms. I love when he tells me random facts about fish. I love how much he cares about them and knows every single thing about every single type. I love his passion and dedication. I love seeing that glint in his eyes and that small smile on his face when he talks about them.

Half of the time I don't even know what he's talking about but it's cute to see him ramble. They make him happy so that's all that matters, right?

The rest of the night continues in a blur with us content and making small talk. Harry stays glued to my side even when I take a break to use the bathroom but I don't mind it one bit. He's cute when he looks lost without Zayn or in this instance, me.

Harry doesn't stop touching me either. Whether it's his fingers brushing up my arm and hooking into the strap of my dress or lightly pressing his lips onto whatever part of me he can reach, he's constantly on me. I can't even complain because I love the physical touch. It only makes me eager for later tonight which isn't far from now.

"Five minutes everybody!" Someone yells from the living room, causing the crowd to huddle around the TV, everyone quickly finding a person to kiss as the clock gets closer to midnight.

I wrap my hand around Harry's wrist, tugging him behind me as we reach the edge of the crowd. I drop his wrist and spin around to look up at Harry, an excited smile on my face.

It's silent between us for a moment as we admire one another. I can see the way he scans my face almost as if he's trying to read me. He has a faint smile on his lips and at this moment I wish I could read exactly what he's thinking.

"Any resolutions?" I ask. His knuckles brush against my collarbone as he pushes my hair back, keeping his gaze on me. He twirls a strand of my hair before lightly tugging on it. "No. They're fuckin' stupid. I'm just gonna do what I want, when I want."

My tongue swipes across my lips and my eyes roll at his attitude. I go to retort but something catches my attention, or I guess I should say, someone. I lift my chin in a nod. "Harry, look."

Beside Dan and the girl I'm assuming is his midnight kiss for the night, Jesse and Zayn stand in front of one another, whispering.

I watch as Jesse whispers something to Zayn and my heart swells when I see Zayn flush, his fingers fiddling with his shirt. "Oh my god, oh my god!" I laugh, smacking Harry's chest.

Jesse mutters something again, resting his finger under Zayn's chin to make their eyes lock again. I smack Harry's chest again in pure excitement. "Okay easy, Ali," Harry jokes, grabbing my hand in his and bringing it down.

"Harry, look at them!" My smile couldn't possibly be any wider. Jesse and Zayn were never a pairing I saw coming but it's one that also makes total and complete sense.

"One minute!" Someone in the living rooms calls out, earning a round of cheer from everybody else. I reluctantly break my stare away from Jesse and Zayn to look up at Harry. He's got his eyes on the two of them, smiling with soft eyes.

He turns back to me, his brows furrowed. "He's not gonna....hurt Zayn, right? I don't care that he's your friend, Blue, I will kick his fuckin' ass if he does anything to Zayn. If he hurts Zayn, he hurts me."

His protectiveness is rolling in at full force, swelling my already overflowing heart. I reach up to cup his cheeks, feeling his arms wrap around my waist. My thumbs run along his jaw, softly, gently, soothing whatever worry is floating around in that big beautiful mind of his.

"I think this thing between them has been brewing for a little while. Zayn's in safe hands. I promise."

His eyes flutter shut for a moment, relishing in the slow strokes of my thumbs. He lets out a breath as he opens his eyes, giving me a nod and a quick foot tap as people begin to count down from 10.

The sound of people around us becomes muffled as I stare at Harry. My eyes wander over his face and he notices it, his mouth quirking up at the corner as he looks at me. He pulls me closer, my body flush against his and I blush a little, tightening my arms around him.

"Three! Two!" I hear the others around us yell and I barely have time to take in Jesse and Zayn leaning into one another before Harry ducks his head down and presses his lips to mine.

It's cliché to say that time stops, but that's exactly what this moment feels like. It feels like Harry and I are the only two people in the room. I move closer to him as his arms tighten around my waist before trailing up my back towards my neck.

His fingers brush against the back of my neck before he cups my face, fingers tangling into my hair. His tongue darts out to push into my mouth and I eagerly part my lips for him, letting his tongue meet mine. The kiss is messy, it's desperate but it's everything.

I arch my back, pushing myself into him more and I can't help but to whimper quietly into his mouth as he kisses me with so much passion I'm convinced I've never been kissed with before. When we finally pull away from each other, I keep my forehead resting against his as the two of us breathe each other in.

I open my eyes to see him already looking at me, his lips swollen and wet, harsh breaths coming out from both our mouths. He smiles at me softly and I blush instantly. "Happy New Year, shark boy."

Harry rolls his eyes before leaning down to press his lips to mine again. Before he pulls away this time he moves his mouth to my ear, tugging at the lobe teasingly. "Happy New Year, Peach. Now, you gonna take me home or what?"

I can't help but laugh at his words before I pull away. "Mhm. You remember my words from earlier don't you?" I can feel my cheeks hurting from how much I've been smiling but talking to Harry like this with the two of us being playful with each other is one of my favourite things.

Right when Harry goes to answer, I'm pulled away from his arms by Jesse who squeezes me into his chest. "Happy New Year Indy, I love you!" He practically screams and it's obvious he's drunk with the way he sloppily kisses the top of my head. "We'll have a talk about that kiss I saw you two share later." I whisper in his ear, laughing when I see him blush.

Pulling away from Jesse, I look around the room and notice many people doing the same thing as us, hugging and kissing each other as they start the New Year. I watch as Zayn and Harry share a long hug before they whisper something to each other,

Harry catches my eye over Zayn's shoulder and he shoots me a wink that has me instantly blushing. I break my gaze from his, tucking myself into Jesse. "I love you J, you know that, right?" I say, looking up at him and he pinches my cheek. "You better or I'll just have to kidnap Ms. Banana girly."

I reach up to press my lips to his cheek and when I pull away from him, I'm met with a hard chest behind me instantly telling me who it is. Harry places his hands on my shoulders, reaching out one of his hands towards Jesse, indicating a handshake. "Happy New Year, man."

Even Jesse looks shocked at the action, blinking at his hand once and looking at me. "Am I just overly drunk or is that Harry's hand?" I slap the back of my hand against Jesse's chest, laughing as I move towards Zayn whose arms are open for a hug.

With my head resting against his chest, I notice Jesse takes Harry's hand and the handshake seems longer than necessary but I'm not going to be the one to stop it. "Thankful for you, Indy love." Zayn mumbles to me and I pull away from his hug, smiling up at him. I reach up to pinch his cheeks, watching his eyes crinkle at the corners as he grins at me. "Thankful for you too, my handsome vet."

I look around, seeing people leaving for the night as others continue to mingle and I notice Harry making his way over to me, a different look in his eyes than before as he keeps his intense gaze on me. I hold my breath until he's finally in front of me and I place my hands on his waist staring up at him.

Harry keeps his stare on me for a moment before finally ducking down to my ear. "Can we leave yet? I thought you wanted me on my knees for you."

His words are enough to have me clenching my legs, desire for him flowing through me. I watch him with need in my eyes and his gaze burns through me as he motions for me to make the next move. Harry's leg pushes its way through both of mine as he stands against me and I almost whimper out quietly, noticing everyone already back in their conversations.

Right when he goes to kiss me again, I place my hands against his chest keeping him from moving any closer. "Patience, we're going back to mine."

I pull away from him, moving around his body and towards Jesse and Zayn to let them know. I see Harry stand in his place for a few seconds before he clears his throat and comes to join me as well.

"We're gonna head out." I say to both of them and feel Harry's hand rest on my lower back, my body subconsciously leaning into him. Jesse looks at us with a playful glint in his eyes and I know he's going to say something that'll just piss Harry off.

"Do I need to give you a safe sex lesson? Or maybe I should give Harry some tips on what you do and don't like in bed...both are probably essential for your sake, Indigo."

Zayn smirks while I roll my eyes, a playful glare on my face. Harry huffs. "Fuck you."

I watch Zayn tug on Harry's cardigan before Harry grabs my wrist and drags me away from them. I can hear the two of them laughing and I crane my head back to wave at them. Jesse makes hearts with his hands as he watches the two of us go. He's insane but I love him.

From there, everything goes so quickly. Harry calls a taxi, feeling me on his neck as I struggle to keep my hands off of him now that we're away from everyone. I know he's just as eager, his body's saying everything, there's no need to read his mind.

He wraps his arms around my waist and keeps me flush against him while we wait in the cool air of the night. As soon as the taxi pulls up he's the first one to get in the backseat, tugging me to climb over him as he climbs in the backseat. It feels like we're teenagers unable to control ourselves.

The driver takes off after Harry tells him my address and I fall into the seat beside him, making sure to keep my body angled into him.

Harry leans down to brush my hair away from my shoulder, trailing his lips along my ear. "Tonight babe, you can own me and we'll call this what you like. You control me." My body instantly flushes at his words, my legs clenching as a whimper threatens to leave my lips.

I keep my face close to his, reaching my hand up to tangle in his hair, playing with it. He keeps his heated gaze on me, his hand resting on my thigh, the warmth of it seeping into my skin. We're both filled with need for each other and it's impossible to resist one another but we make it work for the short ride to my place.

Soon enough my place comes into view and the two of us scramble out of the taxi, Harry grabbing my wrist and pulling me towards my place. I laugh at his eagerness, loving the playful and needy side of him because it's not often that I get to see it.

When I fumble with the lock and we get through the door, Harry wastes no time pushing me against the wall, slamming his lips down onto mine. His hands reach the hem of my dress, inching it up and I smile against his mouth before I push him back just enough so our lips part. "Not so fast."

Before we go into my room, I stop by Princess' tank to feed her some treats. "Happy New Year, baby," I whisper as I drop some food in. She comes out of her witch's hat to grab them with her tongue and I turn to face Harry, cocking a brow.

He sighs, grimacing when he sees half of a superworm dangling out the side of her mouth. "Happy New Year, you scaly fuckin' thing."

My eyes involuntarily roll knowing that's the best he'll do tonight. With that, I grab his wrist and drag him into my bedroom, closing the door behind us. I drop his wrist and turn the lamp on, casting a soft glow over us.

I turn to face Harry. "Take your clothes off and get on the floor on your knees."

An amused smirk graces Harry's features as he shrugs his cardigan off, tossing it to the side before undoing his belt. "Yes ma'am."

As Harry strips, I kick my shoes off and go over to my bedside table grabbing what's necessary. Once I've prepped it, I go back over to Harry and take in the sight before me. While his eyes are trained on the cock ring in my hand, mine are too busy raking over his body.

Resting on his knees on the backs of his heels, his legs are spread. One hand slowly strokes his cock as he watches me kneel down in front of him. I cup his cheek. "I already lubed it. Are you okay with using this?" Harry nods, his breath hitching as I slowly roll the cock ring down onto him.

His fingers curl into his thighs as he already begins to feel the pressure and I stand back up, looking down at him. I stand between his parted knees, running a hand through his hair.

"Water?" I ask, reaffirming our safe word. He gives me a quick smile following a nod. "Water."

Quickly, I tug hard on his hair to pull his head back, his throat bobbing as he hisses. "You look so good on your knees for me, Harry."

I feel his hands rest on the backs of my thighs, just beneath the hem of my dress. There's something so powerful about this. Having Harry completely naked and at my mercy while I stand tall above him, fully clothed. It gives me a rush. A sense of power and control and overall trust. I love it.

"You weren't very nice to me earlier tonight," I remind him. His jaw clenches when I yank on his hair again, craning his neck. I use my thumb to open his mouth and his tongue automatically flattens as I spit onto it. "Gonna have my way with you tonight, Harry. Use you like the cheap fucking whore you are, hm?" I chuckle. "Get your hands off of me and play with yourself."

I let go of his hair and his head bobs back into place, his hands dropping from my legs. The slick sounds of his hand moving over himself is loud between us causing me to reach under my dress and tear my underwear off immediately. "Bet you're fuckin' soaked under there. Christ, lemme see."

My hand wraps around his throat, adding slight pressure. "I don't think you have any right to be making demands of me. Just shut up and listen, yeah?"

Harry shudders, his dick already throbbing. I know I need to act fast, he can't have that ring on for too long.

As he continues to work himself with one hand, I grab the wrist of the other and guide it underneath my dress. I slide his fingers over me, my thighs immediately clenching as I swipe some of my arousal onto his fingers.

He attempts to curl them into me so I reach out and slap his cheek, redness immediately beginning to appear on his cheek. "Merda."

Harry stares up at me with parted lips as I bring his hand out from under my dress, his fingers glistening in the glow of the room.

I bend down and guide his fingers into my mouth, sucking my arousal off. My tongue swirls and my cheeks hollow around his fingers. I let my eyes flutter shut as I moan, hearing Harry whimper from both the sight and the throbbing of his dick.

As I pull my mouth away, I lean forward and give Harry a kiss. He devours my mouth, bringing both hands up to cradle my face as his tongue swipes over my own, attempting to taste any last drop of me that's left.

I rip away from the kiss with a hard bite to his lower lip, drawing blood as I stand tall again. I slap his other cheek. "Don't touch." I command. Harry squirms on the ground. "Y-Yes ma'am."

My chest heaves as I slowly curl my fingers around the hem of my dress and slide it up, letting it rest above my hips. Harry's eyes immediately focus on my pussy, taking in the arousal that coats my inner thighs.

He knows better than to touch now.

I tug on his hair again to pull head back, his face angled towards the ceiling. I step closer, my pussy right in front of his face now. "Open your mouth. You're gonna devour this pussy and then maybe I'll let you come."

I don't give Harry a chance to answer before I'm standing over him, his mouth quickly latching onto me. I gasp at the sensation, both my hands tangling into his hair as his tongue laps around my clit. He swallows down my arousal, sucking on my clit. I can hear his hand moving faster over himself.

"God, Harry, just like that- fuck." My legs are already struggling to support my weight over him so I let myself sink further down, pressing more of my weight onto his face. Harry groans which causes me to look down at him. His flushed face looks so pretty between my legs.

"Such a good boy for me, fucking me with that filthy mouth of yours." I curl forward at the intrusion of his tongue. My entire body is on fire as Harry expertly weaves his tongue in and around, sucking and biting in all the right places. I need more.

"Touch me," I whisper. Harry's hand falls from his aching dick and I feel both his hands on my ass, squeezing the flesh in his palms and holding me closer to him. My fingers dig into his scalp as I rock my hips, trembling above him.

He turns his face to suck on my inner thigh. "'M gonna come, Blue. God, fuck it hurts I need to come already, please. Shit, babe."

I don't answer. Instead, I pull his face back towards my pussy, forcing him to continue working on me. He squirms on the ground, whimpering into me. His hands keep a firm grip on my ass, pulling me impossibly closer to him. I groan at the feeling.

My core tenses around his tongue a few times, the pressure becoming unbearable. Harry pulls me away, taking deep breaths, eyes glistening. "I n-need to come. Shit, please, I'm fuckin' throbbing. You taste too good I need to come. Please, I'm so fuckin' hard. I can't– please, please, please."

Harry practically cries, his entire body flushed red. I shake my head at his plea. "No."

I straddle his face yet again but this time Harry becomes reckless, messily and furiously working me to my end. His hands squeeze and slap my ass as he devours me with little whimpers and moans falling from his mouth, vibrating through me. He's restless on his knees, his dick throbbing, verging on dangerous with how long I've left it on him.

"Gonna come in your mouth. Take it." I whisper down at him, running my hands through his hand. "Make me come and I'll let you come too."

Harry takes this as a challenge and within mere seconds I'm seeing stars. I hunch over on shaky legs as I let go, my vision going blurry as Harry coaxes me through it. He sucks on my swollen clit, making me cry out. My entire body tingles.

My legs shake. "Harry," I cry out, feeling my muscles spasm as I work through the bliss. His hands smooth down my legs as I come down, feeling spent.

"Peach, please. I-I need to come. Get this off me for f-fuck's sake. I can't– I– Jesus fuck I'm gonna fuckin' lose it. I've been g-good, right? Shit, please babe."

His words bring me back and on shaky legs, I slowly kneel in front of him and peel my dress off. "'M gonna come as soon as it's off. A-Already seeing stars," Harry slurs, leaning forward to burrow his face into my neck. "You're so pretty, Blue. F-Fuck."

His mouth lazily sponges kisses onto the curve of my neck as I work to take the ring off. He's throbbing, aching, leaking like no tomorrow that I almost feel bad for torturing him like this.

As soon as I've got the ring off Harry comes, spurting all over my chest and stomach. "Oh god, oh god," Harry cries, his entire body shaking. He bites down onto my neck, his hands squeezing the life out of my hips as he works through his orgasm.

I cradle the back of his head with one hand, hushing him and soothing him with quiet murmurs as the other reaches down to lightly stroke his cock. He hisses at the feeling as I work him through this, his cum seeming to never end as it coats me and the floor.

"You're okay. You did so well, Harry. Such a good boy. This feels good, yeah?" Harry lifts his head up, pressing his forehead against mine as he slowly comes back to me. His eyes are hooded and glossy and with a lazy smile on his flushed face he's never looked prettier.

"So fuckin' good."

I run my hands through his hair as he swipes some of his cum off my stomach, bringing it up to my mouth. I hum around his finger as he pushes it into my mouth, before I do the same to him. Harry eagerly sucks his arousal off my fingers, eyes still locked with mine.

His entire body is still trembling as I reach up onto my dresser to grab my box of kleenex. With his help, we wipe up his remaining cum from off of me and the floor. I compile the tissues into the corner with the intention of throwing them out later when Harry stands, picking me up and carrying me into bed.

He tosses me into the air, making me laugh as I bounce on my bed and he's quick to clamber on up and hover over me. "We're not done yet, right? I still need to get inside you."

I reach up and loop my arms around his neck, a tired smile on my lips. Harry's hands move to my hair, delicately taking my fish clips out and placing them on the nightstand. "We're nowhere near done."

With that, I flip us around and straddle his hips. Harry's hands trail up my stomach and cup my tits, squeezing them in his hands. My own rest on his chest. "You just about made me lose my goddamn mind down there," Harry says. I twist his nipples. "Not like you didn't deserve it."

He smirks. "I never said I didn't." My hands trace over some of the tattoos on his damp skin. "Remind me to never disobey you again though. Fuckin' hell of a slap you deliver, Blue."

My eyes widen. I lean down to cradle his face inspecting his cheeks to find them still tinged red, only adding to the other multi-coloured injuries he sports. Harry's hands gravitate further south to cup my ass, keeping our chests pressed together as I kiss both his cheeks.

My hands move to tangle in his hair as I slowly rock my hips over him, feeling him slowly begin to harden again. "Sorry about your cheeks," I breathily whisper, kissing along his jaw. I feel myself get wet again, coating his dick as Harry guides my hips. "Don't. I loved it."

I blindly reach towards my nightstand and fish for a condom, pulling one out and handing it to him. Harry tears the package open and reaches down around me to roll it onto himself, hissing as he does so. He takes one of my breasts into his mouth, sucking on it as he fondles the other.

"Go stand at the end of my bed."

I crawl off his lap as he stares at me with a look of both interest and amusement. His hand darts out to lightly tap the side of my ass as he sits up. "Yes ma'am."

He stands up and walks to the bottom of my bed, cock in hand. With his brow cocked, I slowly crawl towards him, turning around as I reach the edge. I position my knees on the edge of the bed and Harry is quick to flatten his hands on the sides of my ass as I drop down onto my forearms.

I rub my ass over his dick, making him smack one cheek and then the other. I hiss at the sting. "You're gonna stand still. I'm still in charge here, shark boy." I crane my head back to catch his eyes, seeing his bottom lip curled into his mouth. He gives my ass a squeeze and nods.

I turn back to face the front of my bed, my hands fisted into the sheets as I feel Harry tease my entrance. He circles it for a minute but I get impatient and push my hips back, forcing him in me. His hands tighten on my hips as I push back all the way, feeling him bottom out.

The both of us groan as I stretch around him. "Oh my god," I mutter into the mattress, drawing my hips forward only to push back against him even harder this time.

"There you go. Taking all of me. Fuck."

Harry does what I ask, standing still as I take control. I increase the speed, my pussy already throbbing. I circle my hips over him, slowing my pace as I grind down and feel him deep inside me. Harry grunts at the feeling, his fingers digging harder into my skin.

"So good for me, hm? Letting me have my way with you." My words come out breathless, already wound up tight. Harry's hands smooth down my back before resting on the curve of my ass. I look back and find him looking down, watching where he enters me.

I snap my hips back harder, faster, messily jerking back. His jaw clenches at my rough actions, legs straining. "Always so fuckin' wet. Christ, Blue, soaking the fuck outta me. What a mess you've made."

I reach down between us, swiping some arousal onto my fingers. I turn my head back and catch Harry's eyes as I suck on my fingers, my hips still harshly moving back against Harry's hips.

He can't hold back anymore and jerks his hips hard into me, reaching around my front to slap my swollen clit. I whimper at the sting and draw my hips back, just keeping the tip in. "Fucking stay still, Harry." I swivel my hips around his tip, lightly bobbing on it to tease us both.

"Blue..." Harry warns, but I pay no mind to him. I continue focusing on the tip, feeling the strain of his legs against my calves. He's wound tight, hands firmly planted on my hips. Shaky breaths puff out of his mouth as I sink back halfway only to draw back up to his tip.

I clench around it. "B-Blue, enough already. Fuckin–" I slam back against him, feeling him bottom out against me before I pull back up to his tip, only to do it again. Harry whimpers. It's driving the both of us crazy.

I swivel on his tip once more before Harry decides he's had enough. He reaches around to slap my clit as he pulls my hips back hard against him. He rests a knee on the bed and leans down near my ear, a handful of my hair in his hand.

"Stop with the fuckin' teasing, Blue. Let me feel that wet little pussy of yours. Fuckin' give it to me."

He pulls back with a hard yank on my hair and I draw my hips forward enough that he falls out of me. Silently, I turn back and tug on his arm to pull him onto the bed, shoving him towards the headboard.

He tries to grab me and flip us so I'm underneath him but I fight back. I grab onto his shoulders and roll us over so I'm straddling his lap. I hold his hands above his head, the both of us panting.

"You don't get to fucking fight me on this–" I grind down onto his thigh, "–what happened to my good boy, hm? You get what I give you, Harry–" I force his jaw open and spit into his mouth, watching his throat bob as he swallows, "–and you're going to love every fucking second of it."

With that, I drop his arms and pull him to sit up before I turn around, pressing my back to his chest.

Not being able to see Harry heightens my other senses and I can hear him behind me practically panting. He brushes my hair to the side exposing my neck to him and pressing a soft kiss there, before nuzzling his face into the crook of my neck.

"Blue, fuck–" he mumbles, and I can't help but to grin at how hoarse his voice sounds all because of me. With my knees pressed on either side of his thighs, I sink down over him once again, letting him fill me whole.

"Harry," I moan, dropping my head back and fitting my body perfectly into his chest. He feels so good, so warm, so full, and I'm almost certain that neither one of us are going to last long. Not like this.

Harry's hands come up to rest on hips, his fingers brushing small circles into my skin. Every spot he touches feels like he's leaving a burning hole there. I've never been so turned on by someone in my life, Harry just knows.

"Mm babe, you gonna move for me?" He drawls into my neck. I sigh out as his lips pepper small kisses onto my skin, licking and sucking. I hum in response, smiling as I turn my head to face his and reach my arm back to lock it around his neck, tugging him closer so I can press my lips to his.

I kiss him messily, sucking his bottom lip into my mouth, letting go quickly but not before biting down on it just enough so it has him sucking in a sharp breath. Shifting myself so I'm facing away from him again, I grab both his hands in my own and drag them up my body, letting him touch me how he pleases.

"Is that what you want, hm? You want me to fuck you like the good boy you've been? I can do that." I grind my hips against his, before I begin to bounce over him, making sure to keep a steady pace. His chest heats my back, sticking to me.

Harry groans out, his teeth biting down on my shoulder as his hands cup my tits. He squeezes them between his hands, his fingers playing with my nipples and I choke out a moan of my own, trying to keep my composure and not fall apart just from the way he's touching me.

I clench around him a few times which has him sucking in a sharp breath, his hands tightening around my tits. "Do that again. Fuck–" he chokes, and I have to bite down on my lip to keep me from crying out because of how good he feels inside me.

As much as I love having control over him like this, I hate that I can't see his face right now. I love watching him fall apart under me. The way his face flushes and his eyes close in pleasure is a sight that I continue to see for days after we fuck.

Continuing to move over him, one of his hands lets go of my tits to make its way up my chest and to my neck. He wraps his hand around my neck and forces it to turn towards him, smashing his lips against mine and shoving his tongue into my mouth. I don't even try to stop the moan that leaves my mouth at that.

He fully takes over the kiss, biting my lips and sucking on them, his fingers tightening around my jaw as he keeps me in place. I've never been kissed like this before and after today, I don't think there's any other way I want to be kissed.

When he breaks away from the kiss, the two of us are breathing so loud the sounds of that along with our skin hitting each other is deafening.

"Holy fuck," I gasp out and he only chuckles at my reaction, dropping his head back into my neck and kissing the hinge of my jaw lightly.

His hands drop to trail down to my stomach, flexing against the skin there before moving towards my hips again. He manuevers my body over him, letting me fuck him and with the way our bodies are moving in languid motions, I know that the two of us are close to our ends.

My movements start to get sloppy, my legs burning as I move over him. Harry's hands grip my hips tight, his warm puffs of air warming my damp neck, his chin resting on my shoulder.

"Harry," I whisper, gasping when I feel his hand sneak around my front and rub my swollen clit. My hand flies down to cover his own, moving his hand over me in a way that I know will have me crumbling any second.

He cranes his head over my shoulder, spitting onto my chest. His other hand comes up to spread his spit over my tits, squeezing them and pinching as he pleases. I jerkily move over him feeling his legs trembling under mine. I clench around him.

"Ah, shit," Harry hisses, putting more pressure on my clit. I squirm in his lap, reaching up behind his head and clasping my hands through the strands of hair that stick to his sweaty skin.

I tilt my head to catch his eyes. With a soft glow on his face and wet parted lips, it only motivates me to bring him to his end. I grind down onto him hard, clenching again feeling his chest shudder against my back. "Let go Harry, I've got you."

His entire body is trembling underneath me. I take his hands and drag them up my torso, making them cup my tits as he veers towards letting go. I continue clenching around him, feeling his teeth leave their mark on my shoulder.

"I-I'm, do that again," he pants. I swivel my hips, keeping him deep in me as I clench again. Harry lets go with no warning.

His hands shake against me. I keep one hand over his as the other moves to cup the side of his face. My fingers tangle in his hair as Harry whines. "I'm never- never gonna get over this. Fuck- I'm not- I can't, Blue. Feels so good, so, so, so good. Christ babe, don't move. Stay, please. Fuck."

His rambling as he comes is one of my favourite things.

I'm too preoccupied with soothing him and watching him unravel that my own release hits me out of nowhere. My slower movements compared to Harry's jerky thrusts underneath me have him hitting a spot that has me immediately going limp.

My lips part and my eyes flutter shut. My arms drop to my side as I go to curl forward but Harry's arm locks around my chest, keeping me upright and against him as I let go. I sporadically clench around him, my nerves on fire as every inch of me tingles in euphoria.

"That's it, babe. Clench around me just like that, yeah? Fuckin' pussy is mine, pretty girl."

All I can muster is a groan, everything else blurred. All I can feel is Harry's chest expanding against my back, our sweaty skin sticking to each other as his hands lock on my stomach.

The feeling of Harry's warm palms caressing my body have me melting into him, my face snuggling into the crook of his neck. My own hands lazily reach up to clasp around the back of his neck.

"Shit." His warm breath fans over my cheek, his scar rubbing against me. His hands smooth up my stomach to cup my tits before falling down onto my thighs, splaying over them.

"Turn around," he whispers. With muscles that ache, I rise up on my knees with Harry's grip strong on my hips as he pulls out. I turn around on his lap, sinking back down onto him with a groan. My arms immediately loop around his neck and his hands splay over my back.

"Hi," I whisper with a smile. I nudge our noses together as he gives me one of his pretty smiles back. "Hi."

I can't hold back any longer and slowly lean in for a kiss. As soon as our lips touch, Harry's hand slides up my back to tangle in my hair, pressing hard to keep our faces connected. I force my tongue into his mouth as my hands fall to flatten against his chest. His heartbeat fast and strong.

Reluctantly, I pull back from the kiss only to lean up and kiss his injuries. I move from his eye to his eyebrow before finally resting my lips on his temple. I reach behind me to grab his hands, thumbing the healing cuts on his knuckles.

Not knowing where he was or what he was doing was already scary enough, but factoring in these injuries only makes me worry more.

Where was he? What did he do? Why didn't Zayn go?

"I'm fine. Promise." Harry whispers. He pulls his hand out from my hold, moving it up to caress my cheek and press another kiss to my lips.

I bite my tongue at the use of 'fine'. We've already established that using 'fine' most definitely means that you're not fine but I can't find it in me to push this any further. I just want to enjoy the rest of the night with Harry. Just me and him.

With a sigh, Harry pulls me off of him and shifts us so we're laying on my bed, chest to chest. He's quick to lift my leg up and ease back into me once we're settled, keeping us close.

He props his head up on one hand while the other rests on my waist. I tuck my hands under my cheek as I peer up at him. "I'd say your apology is accepted," I tiredly mutter. Harry chuckles, pinching my hip.

As his chuckles quiet down, his face morphs into one of concern. His brows furrow as he slides his hand up to tuck it under my chin. "You know that I'm genuinely sorry, yeah? Kept looking at the door every fuckin' minute waiting for you to walk in."

His thumb lightly strokes my cheek. I pull my hand out to rest over his, giving it a quick squeeze. "I know." What's done is done. We can't go back in time, we just need to move on from it now. Learn from it.

"Good." He leans in and kisses my forehead before slowly pulling out of me. My teeth clench as he does so, causing him to mutter small apologies.

I watch on as he takes the condom off, tying it up and placing it on the nightstand before he swings himself out of bed. He tosses the condom and our used tissues into the trash, putting the cock ring on my dresser before he starts re-dressing himself. That has me sitting up in a panic.

Is he leaving?

"Stay." I blurt out. His hands freeze over the zipper of his pants, his torso still bare. My eyes trail up and rest on his face as I blow out a steady breath. "Stay the night."

The silence is deafening between us. I force my eyes away from him and focus on my nail beds. He sighs, the sound of his phone unlocking rips through the quiet before I hear his fingers tapping away on the screen. "Okay, I'll stay."

Slowly, I look back at him to see a grin on his lips, his hands already working to pull his slacks back off. In his boxers he walks over to me, swiping his cardigan from off the floor and holding it out to me.

My smile widens as I shove the covers off and eagerly slide my arms in, immediately being enveloped by the smell of him. Sea salt and vanilla.

I sit on the edge of my bed as Harry buttons it up, effectively making it be like a dress on me. The length of the arms give me sweater paws but it doesn't stop me from cupping his cheeks when he finishes. I lean up and give him a quick kiss.

In response, Harry grabs my wrist and pulls me off the bed and into the bathroom. I give him a spare toothbrush before we brush our teeth and once he leaves, I use the bathroom and take my makeup off.

Heading back into my room, I chuckle at the sight of Harry laying in the middle of my bed, limbs spread open like a starfish. He hears me approaching and lifts his head up. "I see the appeal now about these circle beds. Zayn would love it."

My brows raise as a smirk forms on my face. "Oh, I most definitely know Zayn loves circle beds. When you were gone, we made sure to have some fun and explore mine for ho—"

A hard tug on my arm has me flying onto the bed. My laughter rings throughout the room as Harry pins me beneath him. "Shut the fuck up."

I wrap my arms around his neck and tug him down, forcing him to lay on my chest like he did in Portugal. His body heat sears through the cardigan, warming me up. As my hands run through his hair his mouth moves across the expanse of my neck.

He freezes suddenly and his head lifts from my chest. I crane my neck and follow his line of sight, smiling when I realize he's seen Misty in her tank by the window. "Princess kept trying to jump through the glass to get at her, thought she may be less traumatized here. Her name's Misty."

My hands continue to run over his scalp as he looks at Misty before returning his eyes back to mine. "Gonna have to move her again. We definitely just fuckin' traumatized her."

I let out a groan at the realization, causing Harry's chest to rumble in a low chuckle as he rests his head back on my chest, his mouth continuing their earlier actions of exploration.

It's quiet between us as my hands lazily explore his back, tangling into the loose strands of his hair when they make their way back up. Eventually, Harry's mouth stops moving and he fully sinks into me, resting his face between my breasts with his legs tangled with mine.

"This has been one of the better New Years I've had. Thank you, meu pêssego."

I feel his lips lightly pucker against my chest and my arms squeeze him tighter. I say nothing in return and instead just press a kiss to the top of his head.

Littles does he know that this was one of the best New Years I've had too. All because of him.

Author's Note: God, they're getting so soft already. Let's see how long that lasts (:

See you lovely people next week <3

A & S

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