Rebirth of a Loser = TURN THE...

By funstoriestelling

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This is a rebirth story about a young man named Lan Boyi. He has lost everything and died tragically. He was... More

Chapter 1 - Rebirth
Chapter 2 (His Foolish Self)
Chapter 3 (I am not alone anymore)
Chapter 4 (We are one family)
Chapter 5 (Grandparents Gift to Boyi)
Chapter 6 (Boyi, the Prince Charming)
Chapter 7 (Not April Fool Day)
Chapter 8 (The Young Patriarch)
Chapter 9 (Wei Zhan accepts marriage arrangement)
Chapter 10 (To each its own planning)
Chapter 11 (What's wrong with MacDonald)
Chapter 12 (McDonald Happy Meals)
Chapter 13 (Boyi feeds Wei Zhan)
Chapter 14 (Marriage Contract Signed)
Chapter 15 (Birthday Party at the Ho's)
Chapter 16 (Wei Zhan to the rescue)
Chapter 17 (You can also call me Zhan-ge)
Chapter 18 (My best birthday party)
Chapter 19 (This should be the right decision)
Chapter 20 (Naked Ghost)
Chapter 21 (Comfy Pajamas, SpongeBob SquarePants Underwear)
Chapter 22 (Fresh Start)
Chapter 23 (Boyi shares his recording with Wei Zhan)
Chapter 24 (Shopping fiasco)
Chapter 25 (Ice-Cream)
Chapter 26 (Are we fated?)
Chapter 27 (You are important too)
Chapter 28 (I will always be your supporter)
Chapter 29 (Mandarin Ducks playing in water)
Chapter 30 (Wei Zhan will help Boyi with L&M)
Chapter 31 (L&M - AGM)
Chapter 32 (I am here)
Chapter 33 (Boyi and Zhan are motivators)
Chapter 34 (I am here to help you to the end)
Chapter 35 (Wei Zhan's gift)
Chapter 36 (Wei Zhan is a show-off)
Chapter 37 (Boyi a thief?????)
Chapter 38 (Am I being teased?)
Chapter 39 (T-r-u-s-t)
Chapter 40 (Exclusive Interview)
Chapter 41 (The Assignment)
Chapter 42 (The Accusers)
Chapter 43 (Care for Boyi)
Chapter 44 (The mosquitoes sisters are stingy)
Chapter 45 (Chairman Wei)
Chapter 46 (Heart to Heart talk)
Chapter 48 (The Sweet Concoction)
Chapter 49 (The Cheeky Matchmaker)
Chapter 50 (Twin?)
Chapter 51 (Troublemaker)
Chapter 52 (The many more good times together)
Chapter 53 (Dating in Style)
Chapter 54 (Not allowing others to eat Boyi's Tofu)
Chapter 55 (Zhan-ge, you are like my mentor)
Chapter 56 (Meeting Grandpa Wei)
Chapter 57 (Napping Together)
Chapter 58 (Grandpa's surprise)
Chapter 59 (Protective Wei Zhan)
Chapter 61 (What a TOUGH NIGHT!!!!!)
Chapter 62 (You can only share things with me only)
Chapter 63 (Boyi's Vision)
Chapter 64 (Visiting the deceased parents)
Chapter 65 (Best groceries shopping ever.....)
Chapter 66 (Yes, I will love you forever)
Chapter 67 (Zhan-ge, you are a great comforter)
Chapter 68 (Is this Love?)
Chapter 69 (He is the Dreammaker)
Chapter 70 (It is all because of Little Boyi)
Chapter 71 (You are a brave boy)
Chapter 72 (Boyi deserves it)
Chapter 73 (Scene of a Happy Family)
Chapter 74 (This is the like I am talking about)
Chapter 75 (What is important is not the past but future)
Chapter 76 (Wei Zhan's possessiveness)
Chapter 77 (Wei Zhan feed Boyi)
Chapter 78 (Cast the net wide and catch them in one scoop)
Chapter 79 (Let's work hard together)
Chapter 80 (Grandpa's deal)
Chapter 81 (We will defeat them as a team)
Chapter 82 (The Battle)
Chapter 83 (Let's catch those bastards)
Chapter 84 (You both are such a destined couple)
Chapter 85 (Let the game begins)
Chapter 86 (A plan with no escape)
Chapter 87 (Marriage Certificate)
Chapter 88 (Everyone here is a family to me)
Chapter 89 (A drunk Boyi is so damn cute)
Chapter 90 (Wei Zhan is a baby when he is sick)
Chapter 91 (A shy Boyi is cute to death)
Chapter 92 (Family must be united and stand together)
Chapter 93 (Xiao Yi has been kidnapped)
Chapter 94 (Friends with the same enemy)
Chapter 95 (Xiao Yi is my bottom line)
Chapter 96 (Confession)
Chapter 97 (Wei Zhan is a vinegar jar)
Chapter 98 (The Hidden Truth)
Chapter 99 (Wei Zhan is a matchmaker)
Chapter 100 (Wei Hong and Tang Xiao Yan
Chapter 101 (Boyi is pregnant)
Chapter 102 (What happened?)
Chapter 103 (The shocking news)
Chapter 104 (Let's get the boy back)
Chapter 105 (Anything about Boyi, I love it)
Chapter 106 (Boyi's uniqueness)
Chapter 107 (My baby is amazing, carrying twins)
Chapter 108 (Desired Connections)
Chapter 109 (Taking care of Boyi)
Chapter 110 (unpredicted emotions of Boyi)
Chapter 111 (Boyi giving Birth)
Chapter 112 (Wei-Lan Wang and Wei-Lan Xian)
Chapter 113 (Taking good care of Boyi)
Chapter 114 (BY for Boyi)
Chapter 115 (Never underestimate the babies)
Chapter 116 (In America)
Chapter 117 (Reunion)
Chapter 118 (The Yan family)
Chapter 119 (Double rewards)
Chapter 120 (Boyi chooses family)
Chapter 121 (The Wedding - END)

Chapter 60 (Ice-cream and sleeplessness)

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By funstoriestelling

Chapter 60 (Ice-cream and sleeplessness)

Wei Zhan knew in his heart that today, they needed to act lovely dovely as they just announced their engagement but he knew honestly in his heart that whenever there are any issues that come upon Boyi, there is actually no need to act, he will instantly want to protect and shower him with care. The big question to this aloof and indifferent young patriarch is

"What is happening to himself?"

Wei Zhan is still hovering that thought but for now, he decided to take care of the boy that had just overcome the distressing emotions bravely.

"How about some dessert?" Wei Zhan asks as he read somewhere that some sweet stuff is good for the mood. He doesn't really like sweet stuff but for the boy, he is willing to try.

Boyi nods as he really likes something sweet at the moment.

So, both of them walks towards the dessert area and they could see all sorts of sweet cakes, double chocolate puddings, and even ice-cream

Wei Zhan picks some chocolate desserts and also some small tubs of ice cream for Boyi. People who don't know Wei Zhan will think that he is actually a very gentle person but those that are aware of him, will think that Wei Zhan had changed his soul with someone else, this is because Wei Zhan is soft and very gentle with Boyi, treating him with extra care.

Grandpa Wei from far away saw all the happenings but he stand aside and decides to let Wei Zhan handle the situation as far as he can see, grandpa Wei is really happy that his grandson had protected Boyi, and chased away those pesticides.

Grandpa Wei walks towards Boyi and Wei Zhan and he stands beside them

"Wow!!!!!, Boyi do you like ice cream?" Grandpa Wei asks Boyi and Boyi nods his head and smiles

"Mmm...yes...mummy used to buy for me," Boyi told Grandpa Wei.

Upon hearing this, Grandpa Wei feels sad, he is not only sad for Boyi but also for Wei Zhan, both lost their parents when young. This also made grandpa remember that he lost a wonderful son and a beautiful daughter-in-law.

Grandpa Wei pats Boyi shoulder and told him

"There will always be delicious food for you, whatever you like"

"You are now part of the family, remember that"

"Anyone offend you, offend the Wei Family," Grandpa told Boyi and the voice is not loud but he didn't intend to make it soft.

Thus, people that are around them can hear every word clear and loud, the message is very strong, if you touch Boyi, you are going against the Wei Family.

After the speech, Grandpa feels like he had made his statement very clear, however, people are always plotting and the only way to ensure them not to bully or make trouble for Boyi is to ensure his status is stable in the Wei family.

Grandpa, also make some loud suggestions to Wei Zhan

"Tonight can be late"

"Just sleep in the mansion tonight with Boyi"

Grandpa Wei told Wei Zhan, in the middle of their dessert eating, of course, Wei Zhan is very aware of what medicine grandpa is stirring in his pot, he knew that no matter what, people are still not to convince especially his uncle and aunty.

So, Wei Zhan nods to his grandfather and then he looks at Boyi, Boyi just nods whenever Wei Zhan nods, apparently, he has total trust in Wei Zhan now.

Boyi is now enjoying his ice cream, it seems like heaven to him, he bites into the cold ice cream, lets it melt into the insides of his mouth, making the inside of his mouth, cool, cold and creamy. Boyi is having chocolate ice cream, the fragrant of the cocoa and the sweetness makes Boyi feel like he is in heaven, the tongue is swirling around the melted ice cream, tasting its' coldness and sweetness, and the milky smell makes Boyi remember that his mother brought him the chocolate ice-cream when he was young in the mall.

Boyi has so indulged in his ice cream that his whole mouth is a little numb and so he didn't feel the ice cream flowing down the side of his mouth. However, Wei Zhan is standing beside the boy and watching him enjoying and savoring the ice cream and sometimes even smacking his lips like a little kid very adorable and cute. The boy is in his own ice-cream world. All those hurtful words from the people's ugly mouths and also those disgusting faces that are sneering at him are all gone due to Boyi putting himself into his own "ice-cream" world, enjoying the here and now taste that would take him out of his mind at the moment.

Wei Zhan took a tissue from the side of the table and he pulls Boyi to face him and told him

"I am cleaning your mouth," Wei Zhan told Boyi and without giving the boy any time to change his mind, his hand is already gently wiping away those dripping ice-cream on the side of the mouth.

The long fingers and gentle hand's moment is very smooth and delicate, those lingering ice-cream that should be on the mouth were wiped out from the mouth.

Boyi almost had a heart attack, because other than his mother, no one had done this for him, in his mind, he cursed himself a bit, he is nineteen years old and someone is cleaning his mouth like five years old and he wishes to have a hole to hide. Also, he could see the well-defined shaped hands of Wei Zhan, very long and slim fingers that signed billion-dollar contracts but are now cleaning his face.

Boyi feels his face a little hot but he was fortunate to have the cold ice cream to cool off that brushing red face.

The outside garden has a gentle breeze that made people feel cool and calm. Wei Zhan did not feel the calmness at all, he thought he was just doing a simple task of helping Boyi to clean off the ice cream but he did not expect the impact that he is facing now.

Wei Zhan's eyes are so focused on the boy that he can see every smoothness of the skin of the face Boyi. Wei Zhan had never seen anyone with such flawless skin, there isn't any blemish on the white skin, the skin is fair and white like the 'snow white' mooncakes. Also, it has a porcelain look, the pink color that creeps onto Boyi's skin when he was shy, could be seen by Wei Zhan. Wei Zhan's hands start to shake a little as he cleans the mouth area of Boyi, those cherry lips are in full bloom and thick, those making it look deliciously attractive to bite, anyone would want a taste of those lips.

First time in Wei Zhan's life, he feels like he wanted to bite that lips, he wanted to taste that lips, although he already knows by the lop that it is definitely sweet but the itch on his own lips is arching to taste it. Thus, Wei Zhan has to control and swallow his salvia, with his adam apple rolling up and down looking at the fair porcelain skin at such close proximity, making his whole being in a state of trance. However, due to his strong mind that had been trained over the years, Wei Zhan had the endurance and resilience to manage to clean that ice cream off the mouth with his slightly shaking hand.

As if Wei Zhan had not been tormented enough, the cute boy raise his spoon of ice cream and asks Wei Zhan

"Do you want some ice cream" that innocent eyes asking Wei Zhan, Wei Zhan wonder who on earth can actually resist that boy

"Mmm...." so Wei Zhan opens his mouth and took some ice cream from the same spoon of Boyi and suddenly he felt that this is the best ice cream he had ever eaten in his life.

Wei Zhan slowly savors every bit of the ice cream and then he slowly tastes the sweetness of it and swallows it into his throat, it tastes better than caviar that caused thousands of dollars, just because the ice cream has been spooned by Boyi and that is the difference.

Although people are all chatting away actually they are talking to each other and at the same time eyeing the development of the young patriarch and his new fiancé. This is just human curiosity as everyone just didn't want to believe that the golden bachelor is gone. Some are trying to see if this is their fault to push others away or that this is just a momentary liking that will be gone soon or some even secretly hoping to be just a second wife, as long as they got Wei Zhan's attention then their lives are secured or their companies are secured. Many people all have evil schemes to try and break out the relationship so that they can still have second chances.

However, the ice-cream scene between Boyi and Wei Zhan had shown them that the two persons are actually closed to each other. Wei Zhan had a reputation of being cold and icy but this is not the scene they saw when he was taking food for the boy, cleaning his mouth, all in all, very lovey-dovey. This scene has clashes the hope of some of those unyielding parents and also the young people themselves. Their hopes and dreams of coming to the Wei's Family Lantern Festival every year to try their chances had now been washed down the drain.

After such satisfying desserts, Boyi is already tired, it is mainly because of the stress, the overwhelming people that are staring at him, talking about him, and making judgments about him, however, Boyi kept quiet and he didn't want to voice a sound.

Some people saw that Wei Zhan and Boyi had now finished their dessert, they took their bold steps forward to try and talk to Wei Zhan, some of the CEO of the smaller companies are waiting till their neck is stiffed, to try and have a conversation with Wei Zhan about some business proposal. Any business with the involvement of Wei's Corporation is almost a guarantee for success because of its wide network.

So, some brave men walk toward them and talk to Wei Zhan

"Congratulations Mr Wei and Mr Lan" one of the older men trying to find an opening for a conversation.

Boyi is not experienced and he smiles and nods at him

Wei Zhan maintained his cold face as he knew their tricks

"Mr Wei, I am Wong from Lead Computers. I sent some proposal to you, did you have a look" Mr Wong asks Wei Zhan, trying to make good use of every second and minute.

Wei Zhan shakes his head and told him

"Today is my engagement and I don't want to talk about business" Wei Zhan is like a knife, he cut and divide the question and doesn't even allow any birth to the question.

"Oh, I see, if you have any time, I can you...." Mr Wong is an old fox and he still trying his best.

Wei Zhan points to his PA, Li Ning, who is now chatting with Lam.

"Go, talk to my PA" Wei Zhan told Mr. Wong.

Wei Zhan's eyes are cold, it can be seen that he will get angry the next minute if Mr Wong persists and the experienced old fox hurriedly walks towards the PA.

Others are observing and when they found that Mr Wong had been rejected, all of them immediately change their minds and no one dares to approach Wei Zhan.

The cute boy looks at Wei Zhan

"Did I cause you to lose business?" Boyi is not sure what is going on and he just doesn't want to have anything that is a disadvantage to Wei Zhan

Wei Zhan is so pleased with the boy's worry for him and he curves up his lip and told Boyi

"Not at all, their project didn't past the sales department, they are just trying to come to me for a short-cut," Wei Zhan told Boyi

Boyi rolls his eyes and say


"No good"

"Play cheat"

The boy is so cute that he just thought of these people are not honest and are cheating, Boyi doesn't know that in business, they will try all ways that will lead to their success, commercial marriage is common for the benefit of the business and Wei Zhan hates that.

Looking around, there are so many people, Wei Hong seems to take the center of attention since Wei Zhan closed up himself, some of them thought that Wei's family all carried the same weight, some has internal news and they are aware but not all.

Wei Zhan looks at the boy, his face looks dull and boring but he kept quiet and stays by his side without making a sound. There are seas of people eating and chatting and some loud noises with the cheering of alcohol. In the old days, Wei Zhan will stand beside his grandfather to block the wine for his grandfather but Wei Zhan knew that if he is not there, Butler Han who is blunt will tell the guest straight to the point that drinking is bad for the old master and so no one dares to push too hard.

Wei Zhan turns to Boyi and asks

"Shall we go up and rest?" Wei Zhan asks

Immediately, lights shoot out of the boy's eyes, and Wei Zhan knew that the boy is not used to entertaining and Boyi finds it a bit overwhelming and stressful. Then, the next thing, the boy nods his head multiple times, almost making Wei Zhan laugh.

"Hey, are you not worried that your head might drop from nodding" Wei Zhan is now someone that knows how to tease someone.

Boyi pouts and then he told Wei Zhan

"I am trying to express myself clearly ma" Boyi cutely told Wei Zhan.

Wei Zhan stretch out his hand and pats the boy's head and then holds his hand, but before they go, he wanted to go and tell his grandfather.

So, the two make their way to their grandfather.

"Grandpa, we are going up to rest," Wei Zhan told grandpa Wei.

Grandpa Wei is very happy and he turns to look at both of them, doesn't know what his mind is thinking but whatever it is, Grandpa Wei tried to conceal it because the old man is giggling which is something that Wei Zhan had not seen for a long time.

"Grandpa, why are y-you???" Wei Zhan asks

Grandpa immediately straightens his face

"Oh...nothing...quickly go and sleep"

"Have a good sleep"

"Don't bother to wake up early"

"Sleep is very very good"

"Sleep with exercise is very good"

"Yeah, with exercise is good"

Grandpa blabbers non-stopped but Boyi is innocent and so he tilts his head and asks grandpa


"If exercise then the brain will be too awake and cannot sleep" Boyi widens his eyes and told Grandpa

Wei Zhan knew what is in the mind of his sneaky grandfather but not the boy and so Wei Zhan looks at his grandfather with narrowed eyes.

Grandpa pats Boyi head and then told him

"Some exercise tired the body very much and then you can sleep easily," Grandpa told Boyi holding onto his laugh.

Boyi still thinks this is wrong and he tries to explain again.

"Grandpa, scientifically speaking, exercise causes the mind to be awake and people take longer to sleep after exercising," Boyi told Grandpa very slowly and gently trying to help the old man to understand the theory of exercise.

However, the poor Boyi doesn't know that the grandpa is not talking about this exercise but the R18 exercise which makes the boor boy lost in thought.

Wei Zhan couldn't take it anymore and so he told the boy

"Let's go, grandpa is different, his mindset is different" Wei Zhan just wants to take the poor boy away as he is too innocent for his tricky grandfather.

Boyi looks a little miserable as he could not get his idea across and so when Wei Zhan wants to take him away, Boyi was aggrieved and even told the young heir

"Zhan-ge, need to talk to grandpa and explains to him properly"

"Imagine, grandpa exercise before sleep, then he won't be able to sleep"

"It will not be good for health" Boyi explains to Wei Zhan

Wei Zhan is holding Boyi's hand, leading him upstairs to his bedroom, as the boy speaks, Wei Zhan keeps quiet, he did not want to embarrass the boy but his grandfather is one kind of character to play this trick on the innocent boy.

"Don't worry"

"Grandpa is a military man"

"He survived till now and he is good"

In Wei Zhan's mind, his grandfather is strong and healthy and can even think of this R18 thing.

Boyi nods his head and he still tells Wei Zhan

"Mmmm......just don't want grandpa to have a sleepless night," Boyi told Wei Zhan

Wei Zhan had a deep breath, in his mind, tonight, his grandfather will have a very good sleep, the one that does not have a good sleep could be him with the cute boy sleeping beside him.


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