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ŲØŁˆŲ§Ų³Ų·Ų© LibertySense

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7.3K 169 176
ŲØŁˆŲ§Ų³Ų·Ų© LibertySense

Trigger warnings: Emotional pain, mentions of death and mentions of torture


Athena was finally back at her dorm, wearing one of Draco's black t-shirts. She was late for breakfast, but she didn't care at all.

And she didn't know how to face Harry today. Not because she was ashamed for helping Draco, but because she felt let down by her friend. She would never expect him to act so brutally against another human being.

Yes, Draco and her might have hexed Katie, but that was not a reason for Harry to attack Draco with such a violent spell.

She took a quick shower, got back to her room and got dressed for the day. She then went to the Great Hall, and quickly found the rest of them.

Draco was at the Slytherin table with his friends, and all of them looked at her when she entered the Great Hall. She instantly felt herself blushing, so she looked the other way.

Draco definitely had told them about what happened last night; or maybe Andrew did. Because judging by Draco's face expression, he seemed outraged.

Athena went over to her friends' table, feeling her heart beating violently, like it was ready to leap out of her chest; she didn't know what to say to them.

''Good morning, guys...'' she lowly said, and they all turned around to face her.

Harry looked at her for a brief moment, but then turned his back at her again.

''Athena, I think you should sit somewhere else today...'' Hermione said to her.

Athena looked at her, not knowing what to say. She gulped hard before talking. ''Guys, I just want to talk with you. Please,'' she begged.

Hermione looked at Harry, unsure. He turned around again. ''Sit next to me,'' he hoarsely said, and moved over for her to sit.

Athena sat down, her heart rate skyrocketing. ''I don't want to fight with you guys, but I don't believe that I did anything wrong yesterday... Draco was literally dying...'' she started.

They all looked at her. ''It's not about what happened yesterday! You helped Malfoy hex that poor girl Katie, Athena. I believe you did something, not just wrong, but cruel! How could you? I thought you were a nice person!'' Hermione was trying too hard not to yell at her.

''Yes, but Harry —'' she started saying, but she was cut off.

''Harry was only protecting himself from Malfoy! He raised his wand at him first! He attempted to Crucio him!'' she exclaimed, but still keeping her voice down. She didn't want them to become a spectacle in front of the other students.

Athena's breath hitched. She didn't know about that detail. ''Is that true, Harry?'' she asked him, her voice soft.

He nodded. ''Yes, it is. But this doesn't justify my own actions. I feel awful, but I had no other choice. I hope you understand that...''

Athena couldn't blame him. Yes, what Harry did was cruel, but they were both fighting against each other. And Draco started it first; of course Harry had to defend himself somehow.

''I didn't know about that, I swear. I don't blame you for anything, Harry...'' her voice cracked.

Ron huffed. ''Not that you would have anything to blame him for! We specifically told you to stay away from them all, and you didn't listen. We have told you everything they have done to us for the past six years. And you just didn't care!''

''I know, I really am sorry. But I can't help it. I have feelings for him...'' Athena admitted. It was the first time admitting it out loud.

Hermione shook her head in disappointment. ''I can't believe you even said that...''

''Hermione, stop,'' Harry said to her. ''Leave her alone. We all have made our mistakes. We can now move on.''

''I am sorry, but I can't. I don't want anything to do with her anymore!'' Hermione spat, and got off her seat. Pressing her palms on the table, she looked intensely at Athena. ''You better find another room to move in. I don't want you in there with me.''

Those were her last words before leaving, and Ron followed her, not bothering to say another word to Athena, who was now in tears.

Harry looked at her. ''Athena? Say something, please...'' his voice was a whisper now.

''I didn't mean for things to turn out this way... But I can't ignore my feelings for him. But I also don't want to lose you, guys. Please, let's try and make this work.''

Harry shook his head, a sad expression on his face. ''I am really sorry for doing this to you Athena, but I am afraid that you have to choose. It's either us, or Malfoy. You can't have everything.''

Athena was at loss for words. She was torn and she felt like her heart was torn as well. But she couldn't stay away from Draco, and she knew it.

''I am sorry, Harry. But I won't choose. If you don't want me to be around you anymore, I promise you I won't. I have to go,'' she whispered and ran out of the Great Hall.

''Athena!'' she heard someone shouting her name, just some seconds later.

She turned around, and through her blurry vision, she could still see the blond Slytherin coming her way.

He pulled her into his tight embrace, and she hugged him back, sobbing against his chest. He caressed her hair, but he didn't say a word. He wanted to let her cry everything out, before asking her any questions.

Athena felt a little strange that Draco was suddenly so soft with her. But she loved it. God, she loved it so much.

She inhaled his masculine scent, mixed with his cologne. ''Just like heaven,'' she thought.

''Are you feeling any better?'' he murmured against her hair, before kissing her there.

For the first time, Draco felt sympathy for a person that wasn't him. When he saw her crying because of Potter and his blood traitor friends, he wanted nothing but to comfort her.

She nodded, but didn't raise her eyes to look at him. Because she believed that if she opened them, he would magically disappear.

Like when you have such a beautiful dream, and you cry when you wake up from it, because it wasn't actually real. That's exactly how she was feeling about them.

''Look at me,'' he whispered. ''Let me see those eyes.''

Athena shook her head no.

He chuckled, his chest vibrating. ''I am not going anywhere, just look at me...'' he promised, like he had read her mind.

She shyly raised her head, and looked at him through her eyelashes. Icy blues against greens; the perfect combination.

''God,'' he whispered and gently cupped her chin. His eyes were tracing every future of her face, carefully. "How can someone be so breathtakingly beautiful?''

Athena blushed. ''You are too corny, Malfoy. It might get me sometime to get used to it.''

He smirked at her comment, and softly kissed her lips. ''That doesn't mean that I won't fuck your brains out though...'' he said on her lips as pupils expanding, resulting into his eyes turning darker.

She laughed. ''There's the good, old Malfoy,'' she mocked him.

His eyes were sparkly now; he was enjoying this. ''Let's get to class. Snape will be furious if we're late.''

Athena nodded and slowly got away from him. ''I'll go first, alright?'' she softly asked him.

Draco nodded, agreeing with her.

They had just made a silent agreement; they had to hide whatever was going on between them.

Athena gave him a half smile, and walked away, going to Snape's classroom.

He wasn't there yet, so she instantly relaxed. But this was not like him. Snape is never late.

Some moments later, Draco and Harry entered the classroom at the same time. They both looked at her, but Athena turned her head away.

Harry sat far away from her, but close to Hermione and Ron. Draco sat in front of Athena, just like the first day.

They didn't even exchange a look. They acted like they were two people, that wanted nothing to do with each other.

But Athena didn't know why they were acting like this. His friends knew; her friends, too. So who were they hiding from?

Draco was playing with his wand in between his fingers, not even turning to take a look at her. Athena had an unpleasant feeling already formed in her chest, that she tried to ignore.

She didn't have another chance to give more thought into this, because Snape had just entered the classroom. He seemed upset, but he managed to hide it from everyone.

But he couldn't hide it from Athena.

He started the lesson, and he was stricter than usual. If anyone even dared to say anything stupid, he would go straight to detention.

The class ended after what was a rather intense hour. When everyone literally ran out of the classroom, not wanting to feel Snape's rage, Athena remained at her seat.

Draco also left, but he managed to give her a scrambled piece of paper.

Athena put it in the pocket of her robes and went over to Snape, wanting to ask him what was going on with him.

"Severus?" she cautiously said his name. "Is everything alright?" she asked.

He sighed before looking at her. "No, it's not, Athena! After what happened yesterday between Malfoy and Potter, the Dark Lord is outraged with Draco!"

Athena's eyes widened in worry. "What? Why, what's his issue?"

Snape gave her a funny look. "His issue is that because of Malfoy's lack of temper, he would have killed Potter. And if that happened, the Dark Lord would be really outraged. He is the one that wants to do it! And not that idiot Malfoy!" he said through gritted teeth, fury emitting from each syllable.

"And now what will happen?" she whispered, not really wanting to find out. She had a bad feeling about this.

Snape shook his head. "He has to be punished."

Athena covered her mouth, in order to cover her -almost- scream. "P-punished? How? How is he going to be punished?"

He was looking at her, his forehead wrinkled. He seemed like he really didn't want to answer her question.

He sighed again and shook his head. "He has to be tortured in front of the rest Death Eaters. As an example of what happens if someone disobeys him."

Athena's head was now spinning. She caught Snape's hand, in order to not fall down. Snape held her hand tightly.

"Severus, please. Tell me this isn't... Tell me it's just a sick joke," she breathlessly begged him, while closing her eyes shut.

Her head kept spinning like crazy.

"I am afraid I can't tell you that... And, Athena... That's not even the worst part..."

She finally opened her eyes, looking at him. "What could be worse than this?" her voice was just a faint, pained whisper.

He paused before answering, his eyes turning sad. "He wants you to do it."


Everyone was at the Malfoy Manor, not having a clue about what was going to happen.

Athena felt like she would die any minute now. And she honestly wished that this would happen, so everything will be easier.

Because death is easier; she has actually grown to believe that.

Death is final; you don't need to make any more choices, you don't need to lose your friends, you don't feel or cause any more unnecessary pain. It's not only the end, but a redemption as well.

Athena looked at Narcissa and Lucius Malfoy; she felt terrible about what they would have to witness.

If only they knew...

Draco held his head low, also oblivious to what was about to happen in a few minutes.

Athena closed her eyes, and remembered the note he left at her desk this morning:

"Meet me at the Astronomy Tower, at midnight. -D.", it read.

Athena knew that they would never meet at the Astronomy Tower tonight. He would be too busy plotting her murder. And she wouldn't even have the right to complain.

As the Dark Lord was talking about the tortures a family of Muggles suffered today, because of his sadistic complex, Athena was trying to find a way to get out of this hell hole he wanted to put her though.

Or to find a way to save him.

But it was already too late.

Voldemort had called Draco's name.

"Draco, please. Come closer to me, my child," his smile was sadistic. He wanted to see Draco suffer, he was actually very eager.

Draco didn't move a muscle; Athena could see that his breathing had increased, and a drop of sweat was running on his forehead.

"Draco..." Lucius said with a hoarse voice. "Do as the Dark Lord says."

Narcissa looked at her son, nodding her head at him, trying to give him some courage.

Draco's lips were semi open, while trying to breath normally. But he eventually stood up from his seat and went closer to Voldemort. Athena felt like she was about to pass out.

She couldn't take this.

"It has come to my attention that you were fighting with Harry Potter yesterday. And that you used a certain spell, that would have been lethal for the boy. Is that correct?" he rhetorically asked.

Draco's eyes opened wide in fear, as he looked at the Dark Lord's cold ones. He didn't answer his question immediately.

Voldemort's smile faded away, and now he was looking at him with a literal death stare. "Speak up, my boy! Don't waste my time!" he almost yelled.

Draco jolted up, and took a step back. "Y-yes, my Lord. What you have heard is correct..."

Athena was not taking her eyes away from them, while mentally praying for this to end here.

Voldemort shook his head. "You naive, idiot boy. You almost ruined everything, are you aware of that?" his voice was so calm, that made Athena's skin crawl. He was way more terrifying when he tried to act like everything was fine.

Draco's lips quivered, because he knew that this was not going to end well. "Yes, I am," he breathed.

Lucius was holding his wife's hand tightly under the table. They both were scared out of their minds about their son's safety.

"Oh, Draco... I am afraid I can't let this slide... You have to be punished for your disobedience."

Draco's eyes got watery, while feeling fear taking over him.

"Lucius, do something!" Narcissa whispered; she was shaking.

Lucius remained silent. They both knew there was nothing he could do.

"Dear Athena, please. Do me the honor, and come here by my side," Voldemort extended his hand at her.

Athena gulped and got up from her seat, feeling Draco's red eyes burning her scalp.

She didn't dare to look back at him though; she knew she would fall apart.

She went over to them, and Voldemort took her cold, shaking hand in his. Athena felt disgusted by his touch.

"Athena will punish you for your immaturity. She is the only one in this room, that has never let me down."

The rest of the Death Eaters didn't even dare to protest at their Lord's words. They knew it was true; they all had their fair share of disobeying him sometime in the past.

"Take out your wand, Athena..." he ordered the girl.

Athena raised her watery eyes at Draco's red ones; the tears were running uncontrollably on his pale cheeks, as he was trying to catch his breath, his lips quivering.

His shocked and pained expression, made Athena's fragile heart shatter into pieces.

With a shaking hand, Athena took her wand out, but didn't raise it at him.

She was tempted to turn around, and kill Voldemort, on the spot. Yes, she would love to do that.

But she couldn't, because he would be way stronger. He wouldn't die so easily.

"Do it, Athena. Do it. I know you love causing pain, I've seen it in your eyes. Make him regret his actions, show me that you are the best Death Eater I have ever recruited."

Athena slowly raised her wand at Draco, who was watching her every move with terror.

"Say the beloved word, Athena. Torture him. Make him regret his stupidity. He doesn't deserve our sympathy," Voldemort continued with his inhuman monologue.

Athena's hand was shaking, as the tears silently fell on her face. "I'm sorry..." she whispered to him.

Draco closed his eyes, waiting for the pain to come.

"Do it!" Voldemort yelled. "Do it, now!"

Athena opened her mouth to speak. "Cru-" she spelled out, but her voice broke.

She heard laughters from the other Death Eaters.

"Say it!" Voldemort hissed.

"My Lord, please!" she heard Narcissa's desperate cry echoing around the dark room.

Athena closed her eyes, and bit her lip hard with her teeth, the taste of blood filling her mouth.

"Say it now, or you are both dead!" he yelled again, and Athena felt like it was needles and pins all over her body.

The young witch tried to say the word again, but she failed. She couldn't do it.

She let her wand fall on the ground, while trying to catch her breath.

She looked straight into Voldemort's eyes. "I can't do it..." she whispered, her voice trembling.

He looked at her. "You can't do it?" Voldemort asked her, appalled.

She shook her head. "I can't do it. Not to him."

There was complete silence.

Draco was crying, while watching Athena stand up to Voldemort.

She almost did it. She almost tortured him.

But she chose not to.

And that shocked him more than his almost torture.

Athena on the other hand, didn't care about herself dying at this point. If that was a reason for her to die, then she would be happy. It would be a meaningful reason.

"I am sorry if I had let you down, my Lord. But if you want to torture someone, please, torture me instead."

She heard Snape and Draco gasp at her words.

Voldemort was speechless. He couldn't believe the words coming out of her mouth. His snake eyes briefly flickered between her and Draco.

"You are asking me to torture you instead of him?" he asked her, unable to believe the situation unfolding in front of him.

Athena nodded. "I will take the blame for him. It's my fault they fought. Because they fought over me," she lied.

Silence again. Voldemort really had no words to say.

He was so used to causing pain to everyone around him, that he truly believed there were no good feelings anymore. Especially from people that were his followers.

"Young love..." he whispered. "Always comes in the way, at the most unexpected times. Ruining everything," he muttered.

A single tear rolled down Athena's cheek.

She didn't want Draco to find out like that.

But now he knew.

Draco was still frozen on his spot. He couldn't wrap his mind around this.

"Sit down, both of you," he ordered them.

Draco obeyed, but Athena remained there. "Aren't you going to punish me, my Lord?" she asked with a hoarse voice.

"You silly girl," he started. "You chose to torture yourself. You chose to love a boy, that can't even protect himself. You chose to love a boy, who could easily be dead because of his stupidity."

Athena heard her teeth screech, furious by his choice of words.

"So I will let you torment yourself, and live this torture to the bone. I wish you the best of luck. Take a seat," he repeated and Athena did as she was told.

His words were like bullets to her body, because she knew he was right.

She chose to love someone.

A boy, a misunderstood and fragile boy.

She chose torture.


This made me tear up, fr 💔

I hope you loved this chapter my lovelies... I can't wait for your comments! Please don't forget to vote ⭐️ .

I will upload another chapter later 🤍

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Much love xx 🤍

ŁˆŲ§ŲµŁ„ Ų§Ł„Ł‚Ų±Ų§Ų”Ų©


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