OC & Canon Crossovers

By LuunaaPhase

548 32 20

Crossover fics involving my OCs meeting characters from canon works that I love or hate. There will be crosso... More

Author's Note
Hell Girl x Demonophobia
Hell Girl x Demonophobia 2
Green-Eyed Monsters vs. Twilight pt. 1
Green-Eyed Monsters vs. Twilight pt. 2
Green-Eyed Monsters vs. Twilight pt. 3
Green-Eyed Monsters vs. Twilight pt. 4
Green-Eyed Monsters vs. Twilight pt. 5
Green-Eyed Monsters vs. Twilight pt. 6
Green-Eyed Monsters vs. Twilight pt. 7
Green-Eyed Monsters vs. Twilight pt. 8
Green-Eyed Monsters vs. Twilight pt. 9
Green-Eyed Monsters vs Twilight pt. 10
Green-Eyed Monsters vs. Twilight pt. 11
Green-Eyed Monsters vs. Twilight pt. 12
Green-Eyed Monsters vs. Twilight pt. 13
Green-Eyed Monsters vs. Twilight pt. 14
How to write a crappy fanfiction
Green-Eyed Monsters vs. Twilight pt. 15
Green-Eyed Monsters vs. Twilight pt. 17
Green-Eyed Monsters vs. Twilight pt. 18
Green-Eyed Monsters vs. Twilight pt. 19
Green-Eyed Monsters vs. Twilight pt. 20
Green-Eyed Monsters vs. Twilight pt. 21
Green-Eyed Monsters vs. Twilight pt. 22
Green-Eyed Monsters vs. Twilight pt. 23 (END)
Resident Evil Village vs. Twilight
Resident Evil Village vs. Twilight pt. 2
Resident Evil Village vs. Twilight pt. 3 (END)

Green-Eyed Monsters vs. Twilight pt. 16

11 1 0
By LuunaaPhase

Part 16

Jacob slowly picked himself up and got to his feet.

Hyun-ae and Jong-suk were about to exit the gate but stopped.

No! He's gonna get Seohyun! Hyun-ae thought.

Quick as a wink, Jacob ran towards the pair. He shoved Jong-suk, causing him to land on the gate and fall onto the ground, and grabbed Hyun-ae, pinning her against a stone fence wall.

Hyun-ae yelped in pain after bumping the back of her head. Her vision started to get blurry and it felt like the world is spinning.

Jacob took off the stolen hoodie, stolen sweatpants, and then his shirt, throwing them both away.

"Now, you're going to see what's good," Jacob said.

Hyun-ae grimaced and gasped. Jacob grabs one of Hyun-ae's arms and made her rub all over his naked torso. Hyun-ae grunted and groaned in disgust, trying to break free of Jacob's grip.

"Feels nice, doesn't it?" Jacob asked. He then grabs Hyun-ae by the chin and presses his lips against hers. He laid a land on Hyun-ae's breast. 

Hyun-ae let out a muffled groan and tried to smack Jacob's face. She scratches Jacob's left chest, causing him to let go of her. Hyun-ae gasps and coughed in disgust. Jacob stared back at Hyun-ae, smiling lustfully and delightfully.

A brick hits Jacob in the back of the head, startling him.

He turned around to see who threw the brick at his head.

Seohyun picked up another brick, preparing to throw it at Jacob again.

"You leave my sister alone, you weirdo!" Seohyun shouted.

Hyun-ae looked up and stared with shock, clutching her head with one hand. Jong-suk, clutching his back with one hand turned to look at Seohyun.

"Seohyun, run! Get the police!" Hyun-ae shouted. Jacob looked back at Hyun-ae.

Seohyun drops the brick and ran in the direction of the secret entrance. She frantically climbed up the crates and over the fence.

Jong-suk grabs the brick Seohyun threw at Jacob and strikes him in the ankle with it. Jacob cries out in pain. Hyun-ae, now standing, turned to look at Jacob after hearing his pained cry. Jong-suk frantically tried to run towards Hyun-ae before Jacob can but Jacob trips him with his leg. Jong-suk landed on the ground face down.

Jacob grabs Jong-suk by the neck with one hand and pins him against a stone fence wall.  Hyun-ae gasps. She hastily looks around, trying to look for the nearest blunt object. Jacob reached out and placed his other hand, clasping Jong-suk's neck with both hands.

Jong-suk gagged and gasped, clawing at Jacob's hands, trying to break free.

A spade lay a meter away from Hyun-ae's feet. Hyun-ae grabbed the spade and lunged toward Jacob, yelling as she went.

She strikes Jacob's upper back with all of her strength, causing the head to bend into a 90-degree angle. The impact startled Jacob, causing him to release Jong-suk. Jong-suk clasped his neck, coughing and gasping as he went.

Jacob turned around to face Hyun-ae, glaring at her with his teeth clenched, his eyes nearly popping out of his head.

Hyun-ae stood frozen in fear, still holding the damaged spade. In Hyun-ae's perspective, it looked like there are a crowd of Jacobs looming towards her.

Jong-suk, finally being able to breathe again, took notice of Jacob slowly walking towards Hyun-ae. He looked around trying to find something to attack Jacob with.

Hyun-ae slowly walked backward as Jacob loomed towards her. Jacob breathed heavily as he went.

A hoe lay facing up with its head touching the ground and resting on a stack of fertilizer. Hyun-ae, noticing the hoe, widened her eyes with realization.

She looked back at Jacob, seeing that he is still staring at her. She immediately lifted up her leg and sluggishly stomped her foot on the handle of the hoe.

The hoe shot up, its head striking Jacob's scrotum through his pants and underpants. Jacob's expression switched from predatory to agonized.

He let out a mixture of a high-pitched pained squeal and wolf whine. He clasped his injured crotch and fell forward onto the ground.

Jong-suk groaned upon seeing the scene. Hyun-ae glanced at Jacob with astonishment, blinking rapidly.

Jong-suk noticed a wheelbarrow with sand nearby. He grabbed a handful of sand and threw it into Jacob's eyes, causing him to scream in pain.

Since his crotch is throbbing with pain, he could not put his hands over his eyes to rub out the sand.

"You dick!" Jong-suk hollered, not sounding like himself, grabbing a handful of dirt and throwing it at Jacob.

Jacob grunted and looked around with squinted eyes, trying to find someone to attack. He slowly gets up and charged towards whoever is in his sight.

He happened to confront Jong-suk, grabbing him by the shirt with both hands and growling at him. His eyes were still covered in sand.

Jong-suk looked downwards, noticing a vulnerable spot exposed.

He grabbed Jacob's nipples, each with one hand, and twist the nipples with all of his strength until he can see the skin folds from twisting, groaning as he went. One counter-clockwise, the other clockwise.


Hyun-ae covered her ears and closed her eyes shut, nearly falling down due to balance trouble. Jong-suk, still pinching Jacob's nipples, turned his head upward, facing away from Jacob, clenching his teeth and groaning louder.

The sound of Jacob's bloodcurdling scream caused the lights of many homes to turn on, windows to open, and residents to exit their homes.

A small murmuring crowd formed.

"What was that?" An elderly woman asked.

"It's coming over there. The inn." A middle-aged woman answered, pointing at the Jang inn.

Tears streamed out of Jacob's eyes. He had never felt so much pain and agony in his life. He dropped Jong-suk and fell on his side and landed on his back. His nipples throbbed rhythmically and swelled. Hyun-ae, back on her feet slowly walked over. Jong-suk ran towards Hyun-ae and embraces her. They turned to look at Jacob, who is still lying face up and groaning in pain.

Hyun-ae, embittered by Jacob's sexual harassment, lifted up her foot and stomps on Jacob's face. She picked up a handful of sand and drops them onto Jacob's eyes, causing him to cry out in pain. She gave Jacob a terrific kick upside his head.

The sound of police sirens echoed. Hyun-ae and Jong-suk turned their heads. The front gate opens and Seohyun, Shin, Lee, and two more officers.

Lee and Shin escorted Hyun-ae and Jong-suk, seeing that they're injured. The two other officers pointed their guns at Jacob. The tears have obscured Jacob's vision, causing him to not notice he is being confronted by police officers.

Hyun-ae and Jong-suk looked back at Jacob, watching as one of the officers turned him over and handcuffed him.


Lee and Shin took Hyun-ae and Jong-suk to the hospital and waited with them. Seohyun sat in the waiting room with the two officers.

 A doctor diagnosed Hyun-ae and Jong-suk, revealing Hyun-ae had a concussion while Jong-suk had first-degree burns on his biceps and around his neck.

Mr. and Mrs. Jang finally arrived at the hospital. They met with Lee and Shin. Seohyun ran to her parents and embraced them.

"What happened, officer?" Mrs. Jang asked Shin.

"There was an intruder who attacked Hyun-ae and her friend. We finally arrested him. I will explain more when we find the room they're in." Shin explained.

Mr. and Mrs. Lee also arrived at the hospital. They asked the two officers where their son is before following them and the Jangs.

Hyun-ae and Jong-suk were in the same hospital room, lying in beds adjacent to each other. Hyun-ae stared at the ceiling, her head wrapped in a bandage. She felt nauseous and a throbbing pain plagued all sides of her head.

She groaned in pain, the headache was persistent and stubborn. She closed her eyes, deciding to try to sleep it off. She gasps sharply and whimpers.

Jong-suk turned his head to look at Hyun-ae. He wanted to comfort her but he can't reach her.

Their parents along with Seohyun and the two officers finally arrive.

"Jong-suk? What happened? What-what did the ruffian do?" Mrs. Lee asked hysterically. She gasped upon seeing Jong-suk's bandaged neck.

"He-he tried to strangle me.." Jong-suk answered softly.

He turned to Hyun-ae, who is trying to fall asleep and is surrounded by her family.

"He...he molested Hyun-ae. When he broke into her inn, he attacked us and we did our best to fight back. He forcibly kissed her, groped her, and before that, he spied on her while she showered. He's been stalking her..." Jong-suk explained.

Mrs. Lee gasps in horror and disgust, putting her hands over her mouth. She turned to her husband, who is just as horrified and disgusted.

"I heard that the ruffian they arrested is actually the suspect they've been trying to catch for months. Those fliers of him all over the neighborhood..." Mr. Lee said.

"This is hard to believe, I don't think that ruffian is human. He can jump very high and his skin feels hot. Like a stove. He burned me when he strangled me and he burned my arms when he restrained me. All just by touching me." Jong-suk explained.

Mr. and Mrs. Lee gasp. Lee and Shin, who've been listening to Jong-suk the whole time looked at each other in horror.

"If you don't believe me, I don't blame you but I'm serious," Jong-suk said.

"I think we are dealing with more than just a criminal. It looks like a monster. Remember when we chased after him the other day and he turned out to be too fast?" Shin whispered to Lee.

Lee widened his eyes and swiftly nodded his head, pointing his finger at Shin.

"Yes! Yes!" Lee said.

"I thought that I was dreaming but it was all real," Lee replied.

"We believe you," Shin told Jong-suk.

Jong-suk gasps softly in surprise and confusion.

"The other day when he was caught spying on your friend through a window and we chased after him. He ran inhumanly fast which is why we failed to catch him at the time," Shin explained.

"I've always been a skeptic but it seems...monsters....may be real," Lee said, sweating nervously.

Hyun-ae gasps and awakens.

"Hyun-ae!" Mrs. Jang shouted in relief, embracing her.

"Ow...my head.." Hyun-ae said.

"You had a concussion," Mr. Jang explained.

Jong-suk, his parents, Lee, and Shin turned toward Hyun-ae, relieved that she awakened.

"The perpetrator is currently in custody. Since he is a foreigner and doesn't know Korean, we will need an officer who knows English or a translator for the interrogation." Lee explained.

Hyun-ae sighed while smiling. It's finally over. Jacob's reign of terror is over. She turned to Jong-suk, seeing that he is also smiling.

"We did it!" Jong-suk said.

Hyun-ae nodded her head in agreement, tears of joy streaming down her face.


Jacob sat on a chair in an interrogation, still shirtless. Handcuffed and monitored, he sat with a masked facial expression.

Why am I here? I didn't do anything wrong? I just wanted to meet her. Jacob thought.

Two officers, a tall man, and an average height woman walked inside. The man stood next to the door and the woman sat on the chair across from Jacob and leaned over the table. She placed a pen and a large notebook on the table.

"Hey, Kim, make sure he doesn't try to exit the room," The female officer ordered.

"Right, Park," Kim agreed, nodding his head.

(In English) "Okay first, what's your name?" Park asked Jacob, staring dead in his eyes.

Jacob surprised that she knows English widened his eyes before replying.

"Jacob Black," He replied.

"How is it spelled?" Park asked.

Jacob picked up the pen and wrote his name in English. After Park, notices Jacob's name, she rewrites his name in Korean.

(In English) "Now, how old are you?" Park asked.

"I'm 16," Jacob replied.

"16? A minor. Is he traveling here or did he emigrate here?" Park remarked. 

(In English) "Why were you going after an innocent girl? From what I heard, you've been stalking her for months and you spied on her when she was taking a shower," Park asked.

Jacob did not answer and stared down at his feet.

(In English) "You don't want to admit it? I see. You care more about your pride and inflated ego," Park said.

She slammed the table, grabbed the lamp, and shined it into Jacob's eyes, causing him to whimper.

(In English) "Confess!" Park shouted.

"I wanted to make sure that she is okay. She was so beautiful and I can't help it." Jacob replied.

Can't help it...Can't help it?! Park thought in disbelief and disgust.


Park remembered getting kidnapped and raped at the age of 12. When the perpetrator was apprehended, he claimed he "couldn't help it". Park, still obviously traumatized from the ordeal, has been embittered by the words.

Back to the present

Oh...he's one of those sex offenders. Uses his sex drive as an excuse to deflect blame. Park thought bitterly.

(In English) Do you think that you have no full control over your sex drive? " Park said.

(In English) "This is the real world, punk. You are old enough to take accountability for your actions. Sorry to burst your bubble, actions have consequences." Park said firmly.

Jacob lowered his head and looks away from Park.

(In English) "I can see that you have no shame," Park said.

"Now, I heard that you groped the poor girl, forcibly kissed her, and gave her a concussion. You also attacked her friend by strangling him and giving him first-degree burns. They all attacked in self-defense and you wondered why," Park continued.

"She doesn't know what's good for herself," Jacob blurted out.

(In English) "She doesn't know what's good for her?" Park asked.

"She. Doesn't. Know. What's. Good. For. Her." Jacob mumbled under his breath.

Part 16 End

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