Green-Eyed Monsters vs. Twilight pt. 20

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Part 20

Song Residence

Jun stood behind the living room couch, staring at the TV with his eyes wide and mouth agape. He had been trying to call Biyu after hearing about Jacob rampaging in his wolf form. Right when he tapped "Call", Kun alerted him and pointed to the TV. Kun turned on the TV, planning to watch a horror film that was recently released on streaming services. The news happened to be on currently right when the TV flicked on.

Kun sat on the living room couch, staring at the TV in awe. The Song's family cat, Azuki crawls by and hops onto the couch, sitting next to Kun.

Biyu finally answered Jun.

Biyu: "Hello? Jun?"

Jun: "Biyu! Yes! You're all right! Where are you? I saw the news! I was so worried when you didn't pick up."

Biyu: "I'm in a chopper. I'm fine. I'm not hurt. But I've seen way too much today"

Jun: "Thank God. And what happened?"

Biyu: "Weimin and I ran out to find Jian. many bodies. Bodies...everywhere...Jian.. turned out to be fine. He was safe in an internet cafe and we tried to head back home. Fortunately, we ran into some soldiers and they rescued us. We never saw the wolf."

Jun: "I'm so glad that you, Weimin, and Jian are all right."

Biyu: "We're coming home soon."

Jun: "We better check up on Hyun-ae and Jong-suk as well."

Jang Residence

Mr. and Mrs. Jang and Seohyun stared at the TV in the restaurant area of their inn. The guests who happened to be watching and eating dinner as well stared at the TV with their jaws agape.

Hyun-ae, who is resting in her bedroom, suddenly awakens. Getting up in a sitting position. She is covered in sweat. She had a nightmare that Jacob in his wolf form kidnapped her and tried to rape her. She thought it was real until she woke up in her bed.

"It was...just a dream...?" Hyun-ae mumbled to herself. She closed her eyes, sighed in relief, and slowly lay down. Before she can fall back asleep again, she stopped upon hearing commotion from downstairs.

"That giant wolf is finally caught!"

"It's actually one of the fugitives in a wolf form."

"I didn't know monsters exist."

"It feels like a dream."

"Giant wolf?" Hyun-ae mumbled to herself in confusion.

Before the rampage...

Alice gasps in horror and stopped dead in her tracks. 

Snippets of Jacob in his wolf form mauling and maiming locals in the urban area flashed in her head.

A vision of Jacob trying to murder Jong-suk appeared.

Lastly, a vision of Jacob naked and lying on the ground with a tranquilizer dart stabbed into one of his buttocks appears.

After the vision ceased, Alice raised an eyebrow upon seeing Jong-suk in the vision.

"Why in the hell is that mutt so fixated on that boy?" Alice mumbled, remembering seeing Jong-suk when she and her family stayed at the Jang inn.

"I have to tell the others!" Alice said.

Later at the time (before Jacob's rampage)...

Bella gasps in horror and shook her head in denial.

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