The Drunken One Night Stan...

By Lucinda_love39

154K 5.8K 245

Nineteen year old Clara-Belle is simply a beautiful young girl, she is known as the good girl in the family w... More

The Drunken One Night Stand.
Chapter 1: Disowned by her father.
Chapter 2- Ricardo's Note
Chapter 3-Six years later and Clara and her 5 year old daughter Megan.
Chapter 4- Monday Morning and Mr Wallace Important Announcement.
Chapter 5- Tuesday morning the first day with her new Boss Ricardo Wallace.
Chapter 6- Clara-belle's lunch date with Ricardo and almost getting fired.
Chapter 7 Ricardo and Clara'
Chapter 8: Michelle's P.O.V. Devon and Michelle new Plan.
Chapter 9: Emelia's Perspective .
Who's ringing the doorbell this late?!.
Chapter 11: The DNA results day.
Chapter 12: Anna-belle caught Tyler cheating and she got dumped.
Chapter 13:Is Ricardo Wallace meeting his match at last?.
Chapter 14:Clara urgent call and her meeting with Clarissa.
Chappie 15: Author's Note.
Chapter 16: 1 week earlier and Clarissa plan to sabotage Ricardo wedding.
Chapter 17: 1 week later and Clarissa's plans and Ricardo's Wedding day.
1 week later since Lance's funeral and Clara tickets back to New York City.
Chapter 19: Clara and Grant Discussion and finding out the truth finally.
Chapter 20: Two years later & Clara-Belle's pregnancy tests & Alex surprise.
Chapter 21: Alex surprise for Clara-belle and their dinner date tonight.
Anna-Belle and Landon's first date and Anna P.O.V.
Chapter 23: Clara-belle's and Megan conversation.
Ricardo's P.O.V and online dating.
Chapter 25: The following morning and Megan find the best dating site.
Chapter 26: Megan and Richard shopping and Ricardo's first online message.
chapter 27: Three months later and Ricardo and Katherina online chat.
Chapter 28: Three weeks later & Ricardo and Katherina meeting in Person.
Arrival at the Restaurant and introduction.
Chapter 30: Anthony P.O.V
Chapter 31: Alexya in labor and at the hospital.
Chapter 32: Ricardo taking his children on shopping spree.
Chapter 33: The continiuation of Chap 32.
Chapter 34: The test postpone because Clara was feeling unwell.
Chapter 35: Ricardo's proposal to Katherina.
Chap:36 Clara-belle break off the engagement and ties with Alex & his family.
Chap:37 Almost three months later & Ricardo suspect Katherina of cheating.
Chapter:38 Clara-belle and the girls' conversation about Alex.
Chap:39: Clara-belle's P.O.V about regrets but never losing faith.
Chap:40 Ricardo's P.I returned with proof a week after his visit.
Chap 41: Decorating Wallace Brothers Co for the upcoming company party.
Chap 42:Ricardo's visit to Clara-belle & the fall.
Chap 43: Following morning & Ricardo's P.O.V.
Chap 44: Grant giving Alex the news & Conrad having a minor attack.
Chap 45: The Wallace's Christmas with Clara& Ricardo...
Chap 46: Wallace &Taylor's New Year dinner &Ricardo & Clara steal glances.
Chapter 47: Megan's POV and Ricardo's invitation to Special drive-in Movie.
Valentine's Day and back in Florida Sapphire getting ready for her date.
Chapter 49: Flashbacks of 7months ago how we meet.
Part Two: Chapter 50: Megan's family dinner invitation from Ryan.
Part two: 51: Clara-belle's girls' night out & Ricardo & Richard chat.
Part two 52: Clara-belle & Anna setting up a dating profile for Clarissa...
Part two: Chapter 53 Two years later and Emelia Wedding day.
Part Two Chapter 54: Megan's final exam & Megan's POV.
Part two: Chapter 55: Ric's proposal & his surprise birthday party.
Part two: Chapter 56: Megan's final exams results.
Part two: Chapter 57: 1 week later & Megan high school winter ball.
Part-two: Chapter 58 Richard & his grandkids on X-mas shopping spree.
Part two:Chapter 60: Two months later and Richard's minor stroke.
Part two:Chapter 61: A few weeks later and Ricardo's & Clara-belle wedding day.
Part two 62: Three months later & Megan twin siblings birthday.
Part two and Chapter 63: Three months later & Megan and Ryan's graduation day.
Chapter 64: Moments and Clara-belle's Perspective.
Part two: Chapter 65: The McLaren's surprise& Richard's and sons heart to heart.
Chapter 66: Epilogue. Ten years later and like father like son.

Part-two chapter 59: Christmas morning Wallace & Taylor trading gifts.

192 6 0
By Lucinda_love39

It was now Christmas morning and everyone was sitting in the living room at the Wallace mansion and the children gathered around the huge Christmas tree as Richard and his sons sat waiting for Clara-belle and Clarissa who Richard has sent James to pick up from Clara's mansion as usual but this time it was both Clara-belle and her sister Clarissa...

Clara-belle was already awake and the time was now precisely seven-twenty-two she got out of bed and run to the bathroom and wash her face thoroughly and brush her teeth and dried her face then wrap her beautiful red and gold silk nightgown over her matching thigh-high spaghetti straps nightwear her initials were embroidered on her nightgown the belt was secure enough Clara made sure it was soon after she exits her bedroom and was soon in the living room waiting for James after getting a text that he was coming to pick her up soon

In a couple of minutes, time and James was at Clara-bell's gate 

Once Clara heard the car horn outside she left through the front door in a haste with her bag of gifts she was still wearing her nightwear and her furry two-inch heel bed slippers too and her hair was still in a very cute wrap bun after she arrive at the gate she greets James...

"Merry Christmas James and how are you?."

"Same to you, madam, and I am good, and as usual Mr. Wallace would like you to join the family at the Wallace mansion."

James replied as he told her  Richard's request.

Very soon after James pick up Clara-belle he was off again to the Taylors mansion to pick up Clarissa around fifteen to twenty minutes later and James was now back on the way to the Wallace mansion however soon they arrived back at the Wallace family mansion and the two sisters thank James after he opens their doors and they step out of the Hummer and both walk up the balcony steps and they both step inside the living room where the others were, however, there was no hot chocolate on the table only eggnog and milk and so Clara-belle asks everyone...

"Merry Christmas, everybody, I noticed that one special Christmas drink isn't present on the table," Clara-belle exclaims with a small smile as she hugs Richard and Ricardo, and Anthony and also Anthony's wife.

"Well, dear that is because we all were waiting for you to come and prepare that special drink,"

Richard exclaims as he greets Clara and her sister Clarissa...

"OK, then come to the kitchen with  me Megan, and Reanna, and we will all prepare Hot chocolate with marshmallows for everyone OK."

Clara-belle explained as she tells the girls to come with her and they all went and soon and Clara-belle prepare the hot chocolate in the teapot with the word Christmas on it however very soon after Clara-belle placed the teapot on one of the large silver trays and she and Megan both fold napkins and place them on the tray too and after placing 16 empty mugs on the tray with two large bags of marshmallows Clara-belle takes the tray and bring it to the table in the living room and Clara pour a mug for Richard and prepare the top with marshmallow and even Anthony's mug has marshmallow and look delicious and she did one for his wife until she was finished and now everyone has a mug of hot chocolate with marshmallows only Lexy-Ann because she needed her spout cup which Megan fetch inside the kitchen and Clara did her own...

It was soon time to trade gifts...

Very soon after when everyone was now gathered around the Christmas tree including Rose and James too...

"This year Christmas, I would like to be the first one to trade my gifts with all of you but before I do that," Merry Christmas everyone, and to all the staff here too may  the Lord bless you all."

Megan exclaims with a cheerful smile...

"First of all to my younger brother," Ryan this gift is for you," Megan hands Ryan a PsP5  as she wishes him Merry Christmas and he thanks her for it soon after she exchanges an IPhone13 with her other brother Ricardo who was happy for the gift he hugs her and thank her...

However soon after she also exchange a pair of cuff links and tie pin with her granddad Richard and she also exchanged a golden Rolex watch with her father Ricardo and two thigh-high sexy dolly nightwears with matching nightgowns with her mom Clara-belle after she hands her the gifts Clara give her a huge hug as she exchanges her  two gifts with her daughter which was a twenty-four karat white platinum gold bracelet adorned with diamonds with the matching necklace with the diamond teardrops pendant and a white and black stripes strapless  skin-tight ankle-length dress with a thigh-high split in the front to the hem which is adorned with gorgeous lace." 

"Thank you, so much mother this is beautiful."

Megan exclaims as she hugs her mother kissing her on the cheek as well.

"No, thanks to you my beautiful daughter Megan," Clara-belle retorted with a smile from ear to ear.

"Oh BTW, Rose I also got you a small gift it is both your Christmas gift and just a token of my way of thanking you for always helping me OK," Megan hands the huge wrapped box to Rose as she gives her a small hug and Rose who was so surprised thank, Megan.

"Thank you so much," Ms. Wallace, and no problem it is my pleasure to assist you."

Rose replies smiling as tears slide down her cheeks.

However, after Megan gives James the gift she bought for him too and she gives her baby sister Lexy-Ann the two gifts she bought for her too, and Lexy and James thank her for the gifts...

Then last but not least Megan took out the gifts she bought for her sister Reanna which were a pair of grey warm ugg boots and a new satin wrap four corner jewelry box with the embroidered words PRECIOUS JEWELRY...

"Thank you, sis, and merry Christmas," and here is your present from me Megan,"    Reanna exclaims as she hands Megan her gift from her and Megan thank her sister with a hug.

Soon and a half-hour or an hour later everyone was now finished trading gifts however Clara-belle had an important announcement to make to everyone now...

"Everyone I have an important announcement to make to all of you especially to the Wallace family."

Clara-belle announces to everyone.

"OK, dear go ahead," Richard tells her as he pours himself a glass of eggnog from the pitcher.

"Well, congratulations to your son Ricardo Wallace," and Megan darling you will be a big sister to a brother or sister I am four months pregnant!."

Clara-belle screams in excitement as Ricardo and Richard hug her and Richard congratulates both his son and Clara-belle.

"Congratulation son, and also to you Clara-belle."  Richard shakes his son's hand as he hugs Clara smiling he was happy for them...

Very soon and everyone was now enjoying themselves and Megan and Reanna were in Megan's bedroom with a huge bowl of butter toffee popcorn and two more mugs of hot chocolate with marshmallows which her mom prepared for both girls for their movies, so Reanna and Megan was watching the third and new installment of the Princess switch this third installment was called the Princess switch 3 Romancing the star and they were watching it on Megan's new television her Granddad got her for Christmas it was an 88inch flat screen Plasma tv however the movie was on Netflix it was grand it was really great and it was also very funny too which was a bonus for Megan anyway...






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