Foster Love (Interracial)

By ImagineMe21

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Sarah is a black girl that's been unloved all her life she doesn't even know her parents or any family and li... More

Chapter One
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 3.1
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45

Chapter 12

497 24 8
By ImagineMe21

Sarah's P.O.V.

He kissed me on the forehead! The Harry Styles, richest kid in school kissed me on the forehead! I mentally scream,"is this a dream?" I asked out loud, I pinched myself "Ow! Nope definitely not a dream" I mumble as I rubbed the place I pinched.

"Is what a dream Say-Say?" I see Lyrica poke her head in the bathroom, "Nothing" I say as I smiled, "have you already done your homework?" She looked down at the floor, before shaking her head no, "Well, let's get to it" I smile as I ruffled hee pigtails and we walked downstairs.

I still wonder what's gonna happen to them when I leave, once I turn 18. It does bother me because Ms.Bridges is the World's Worst Caretaker, I've ever known and I know once I'm gone, these kids don't stand a chance.

As Lyrica gets her book out of her backpack, I start the laundry; another chore Ms. Bridges so happily bestowed on me. I place all the children's clothes in the washer, before adding some detergent.

Befire I know it Ms. Bridges is moving around,"Good, you got the washer going" she mumbled. Dang! Was she ever in a good mood? "Ugh! You don't have this floor swept?!" I guess not. "No ma'am I wanted to get the clothes washed first" I say quietly.

"You can't ever do anything right can you?!" Ms. Bridges questioned, "I gave you chores and you can't seem to do a lot at the same time?!" she yelled, "All you care about is that boy,  that wouldn't even spit in your direction, unless you were giving him something!" she said, in utter disgust as she looked at me before looking around and slamming her door.

"He wouldn't" I whispered to myself, "He said, we're friends." What happened to this woman, foe her to be so cruel to us? I don't understand, I do everything she yells at me to do, I don't think I'm any i?

My mind seems to be a tornado, every thing in one spot but jumbled together. 'Is she right? Does he just want me, so he can get what he wants? Or could it be a small chance that he really does want to be friends?' I hold my head, and rubbed my temples, "God, this is so hard!" I mumbled to myself, more than to anyone else.

"Say-Say? I'm sleepy" Lyrica mumbled " ok, let a go to bed" I sat gwnrlt, as she packed her books into her backpacks, while I go to dicTating and Thomas's bottles.

I go upstairs to find Lyrica already changed and in bed sleeping next to Lux. I coo at the sight but also knew that Harry and I definitely are gonna talk. I place the bottles on the table, praying they stay asleep before falling asleep myself, exhausted by the emotional as well, as physical pain from today.

The Next Day...

Harry's P.O.V

I woke up from the best sleep ever, thoughts from yesterday cone flooding through ny nibs again as I start getting ready hopefully with it being Monday, they'll be more happier days.

I feel unbelievably happy, happier than I've ever been. To think that this shy, misunderstood girl could create, this was beyond me and I almost stopped her.

As I finished tying my shoes, I hear ny mom's voice" Don't forget to remind Sarah she's coming here from now on ok? I can't wait to meet her!" she said, smiling as she kissed my cheek.

"I will, you'll love her" I say, as I get ny jets off the counter. "I could say the same about you" she said as she shut the door. I stood there not shocked because it could be possible enough that I could fall in love with her.

I started my car and soon enough was on my way to school, seeing that it has been raining the past couple of days, the lads wouldn't be out here, so I just go ahead into the school.

I make my way to my locker as I hear, "Hey Styler" I promise that voice is like nails on a chalkboard! Why was I even into her?! 'Cause you had poor judgement' my thoughts answered.

"Uh hi Saylor" I say not even looking her way, "you don't wanna talk to me? After all we done your just gonna send a text like that to me?" "No all we done was something meaningless, sure it was a good ride, but you're too busy trying to be something that you're not and you know you can't be!" I yelled.

She scoffed, "And what's that?"


Was all I said as I slammed my locker door, and went to my first class.

I felt good but I would feel better knowing Sarah was here, she's the real thing. 30 minutes later in walks Sarah, and she doesn't look too good, she's wearing a hoodie with sweats, her eyes puffy, her face is pale, she's walking slowly, and it looks to be a headache, as I watch her rub the sides of her temple. She sits down and lays her head on the desk.

I quietly walk up and sit beside her, "What's wrong Sarah?" I ask concerned "I'm sick and I don't feel good" she replies hoarsely. "Aww well let's get you to the nurse" I say.

We walked down to the nurse's office, on the door it read, Mrs. Aide' how original'  I thought, as I wrapped my arm around Sarah's waist, to hold her up. I felt her body heat, through her clothes.

She laid her head on my shoulder. I know she's miserable ans this is the first time I've seen her like this,it scares me and I'm gonna be here for her.

"Okay, what seems to be the problem?" Mrs. Aide asked, while examining Sarah's eyes, as she lay on the examining bed. "Um, I woke up this morning and I was feeling run down and tired" Sarah replied, her voice still hoarse from this morning.

"Okay, did you go out into any rain? Or stayed out in this cold weather?" Mrs. Aide asked hee, "um yeah, I walked in this rain for a couple of days" she replied, closing her eyes slightly. "Okay I'm gonna check your temperature and see what we can do from there, ok?" Mrs. Aide replied, as she washed her hands and placed the clear white gloves on her hands.

"ok" she mumbled, I lay on the side of her bed, and rubbed her forehead slightly, I felt her mold herself into my side. She needed comfort, and I knew this was another big step for hee and I was proud to say that I'm the one that gets to share it with her.

The nurse takes her temperature, after a few minutes we'll hear the beeps. "Lets see what we have" Mrs. Aide says, she puts the thermometer out of Sarah's mouth, slowly. "104.6! She has to go to the hospital!" Mrs. Aide says frantically.

"No!" we hear Sarah scream, as she looks between Mrs. Aide and myself, "Honey you could possibly have any kind of infection or illness, and with a fever like this you have to go" she said, "No I'm not going" Sarah said, sternly. I've never heard or seen Sarah like this, usually she's calm and timid; can't lie I like the fire behind those golden eyes.

"Sarah" I interjected, "This is gonna make you better ans I'll be by your side...always" I told her, as I moved the hair off her forehead that glistened from the sweat. "No Harry I'll be fine, I'll just do what I always do" she says, as she thanks the nurse before hopping off the bed, and walks out of the room, leaving us in a state of shock.

Sarah's P.O.V.

I kept walking, knowing that I had to be back at the orphanage, I started to feel weaker it seemed like with every step, I felt the need to throw up, as I waited for the sudden violent nausea comes up.

I wiped my mouth, as I kept walking to the orphanage as I got there I felt out of breath and cold, even if I had a 104.6 temp. I can't stop they depend on me too much, to just think of myself like that, that would be selfish of me.

I get the same 2 bottles; one pink, the other blue, as I mixed the formula, as I set them in the microwave to heat up. I run upstairs as I put gloves on to make sure I don't spread germs to Rainy or Thomas. I get them changed quickly, as I made sure Lux was ok, I opened the door, as I see her sleeping, "Thank God" I silently prayed.

I go downstairs to get their bottles, as I go back to feed them, 40 minutes later both babies are sleeping. I kiss them all on the foreheads, as I go out the door, to go back to school.

As I shut the door, I sais a silent prayer for them, that they'll be safe. I started walking, thinking of how I reacted to Harry. I know he meant well but at the same time he doesn't understand if I go to the hospital, and they try to find my file, which I don't even know if I have, its gonna tear us all apart and I don't want that.

It would mean every one of us, would go to a different family or someone worse than Ms. Bridges and God only knows when we would ever see each other, that is if we did. It's heartbreaking to know that one day, this nightmare could possibly happen.

I breath out an exhausting sigh, as I make it to lunch, knowing I'm not hungry, as I approach the table, I just sat down and laid my head on the table, welcoming the coldness to my heated head.

"Hey Sarah" the boys all said, "Hi" I replied hoarsely. I was tired, and I know everybody could see ir, "Are you okay?" Niall asked me, I shook my head yes, before hearing Harry say" No she's not, she has a 104.6 temp and she won't go to the hospital" Harry said sounding concerned and hurt. "Sarah, to u should go" Liam said, rubbing my arm, "yeah, no big deal, they'll give you a shot and then BAM! Good as new!" Louis sais, as he laughed.

"Are you scared of hospitals?" Zayn asked me, "No, it's nothing like that but thanks guys but you just wouldn't understand" I said, my voice getting no better than a hoarse. My emotions were getting carried away, I felt like crying, they care, all of them I thought, 'That's never happened before,never' I smiled as the thought as I got up as I heard the bell.

"Time to go" I hear Harry,  whisper in my ear, as he helped me up, "Good thing we got classes together, huh? Now I have a reason to hold you" he said, while wiggling his eyebrows, I giggled" Yeah, and I wouldn't want or have it any other way" I smiled up at him before I leaned my head against his shoulder, as we went to our Science class.

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