Rebirth of a Loser = TURN THE...

By funstoriestelling

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This is a rebirth story about a young man named Lan Boyi. He has lost everything and died tragically. He was... More

Chapter 1 - Rebirth
Chapter 2 (His Foolish Self)
Chapter 3 (I am not alone anymore)
Chapter 4 (We are one family)
Chapter 5 (Grandparents Gift to Boyi)
Chapter 6 (Boyi, the Prince Charming)
Chapter 7 (Not April Fool Day)
Chapter 9 (Wei Zhan accepts marriage arrangement)
Chapter 10 (To each its own planning)
Chapter 11 (What's wrong with MacDonald)
Chapter 12 (McDonald Happy Meals)
Chapter 13 (Boyi feeds Wei Zhan)
Chapter 14 (Marriage Contract Signed)
Chapter 15 (Birthday Party at the Ho's)
Chapter 16 (Wei Zhan to the rescue)
Chapter 17 (You can also call me Zhan-ge)
Chapter 18 (My best birthday party)
Chapter 19 (This should be the right decision)
Chapter 20 (Naked Ghost)
Chapter 21 (Comfy Pajamas, SpongeBob SquarePants Underwear)
Chapter 22 (Fresh Start)
Chapter 23 (Boyi shares his recording with Wei Zhan)
Chapter 24 (Shopping fiasco)
Chapter 25 (Ice-Cream)
Chapter 26 (Are we fated?)
Chapter 27 (You are important too)
Chapter 28 (I will always be your supporter)
Chapter 29 (Mandarin Ducks playing in water)
Chapter 30 (Wei Zhan will help Boyi with L&M)
Chapter 31 (L&M - AGM)
Chapter 32 (I am here)
Chapter 33 (Boyi and Zhan are motivators)
Chapter 34 (I am here to help you to the end)
Chapter 35 (Wei Zhan's gift)
Chapter 36 (Wei Zhan is a show-off)
Chapter 37 (Boyi a thief?????)
Chapter 38 (Am I being teased?)
Chapter 39 (T-r-u-s-t)
Chapter 40 (Exclusive Interview)
Chapter 41 (The Assignment)
Chapter 42 (The Accusers)
Chapter 43 (Care for Boyi)
Chapter 44 (The mosquitoes sisters are stingy)
Chapter 45 (Chairman Wei)
Chapter 46 (Heart to Heart talk)
Chapter 48 (The Sweet Concoction)
Chapter 49 (The Cheeky Matchmaker)
Chapter 50 (Twin?)
Chapter 51 (Troublemaker)
Chapter 52 (The many more good times together)
Chapter 53 (Dating in Style)
Chapter 54 (Not allowing others to eat Boyi's Tofu)
Chapter 55 (Zhan-ge, you are like my mentor)
Chapter 56 (Meeting Grandpa Wei)
Chapter 57 (Napping Together)
Chapter 58 (Grandpa's surprise)
Chapter 59 (Protective Wei Zhan)
Chapter 60 (Ice-cream and sleeplessness)
Chapter 61 (What a TOUGH NIGHT!!!!!)
Chapter 62 (You can only share things with me only)
Chapter 63 (Boyi's Vision)
Chapter 64 (Visiting the deceased parents)
Chapter 65 (Best groceries shopping ever.....)
Chapter 66 (Yes, I will love you forever)
Chapter 67 (Zhan-ge, you are a great comforter)
Chapter 68 (Is this Love?)
Chapter 69 (He is the Dreammaker)
Chapter 70 (It is all because of Little Boyi)
Chapter 71 (You are a brave boy)
Chapter 72 (Boyi deserves it)
Chapter 73 (Scene of a Happy Family)
Chapter 74 (This is the like I am talking about)
Chapter 75 (What is important is not the past but future)
Chapter 76 (Wei Zhan's possessiveness)
Chapter 77 (Wei Zhan feed Boyi)
Chapter 78 (Cast the net wide and catch them in one scoop)
Chapter 79 (Let's work hard together)
Chapter 80 (Grandpa's deal)
Chapter 81 (We will defeat them as a team)
Chapter 82 (The Battle)
Chapter 83 (Let's catch those bastards)
Chapter 84 (You both are such a destined couple)
Chapter 85 (Let the game begins)
Chapter 86 (A plan with no escape)
Chapter 87 (Marriage Certificate)
Chapter 88 (Everyone here is a family to me)
Chapter 89 (A drunk Boyi is so damn cute)
Chapter 90 (Wei Zhan is a baby when he is sick)
Chapter 91 (A shy Boyi is cute to death)
Chapter 92 (Family must be united and stand together)
Chapter 93 (Xiao Yi has been kidnapped)
Chapter 94 (Friends with the same enemy)
Chapter 95 (Xiao Yi is my bottom line)
Chapter 96 (Confession)
Chapter 97 (Wei Zhan is a vinegar jar)
Chapter 98 (The Hidden Truth)
Chapter 99 (Wei Zhan is a matchmaker)
Chapter 100 (Wei Hong and Tang Xiao Yan
Chapter 101 (Boyi is pregnant)
Chapter 102 (What happened?)
Chapter 103 (The shocking news)
Chapter 104 (Let's get the boy back)
Chapter 105 (Anything about Boyi, I love it)
Chapter 106 (Boyi's uniqueness)
Chapter 107 (My baby is amazing, carrying twins)
Chapter 108 (Desired Connections)
Chapter 109 (Taking care of Boyi)
Chapter 110 (unpredicted emotions of Boyi)
Chapter 111 (Boyi giving Birth)
Chapter 112 (Wei-Lan Wang and Wei-Lan Xian)
Chapter 113 (Taking good care of Boyi)
Chapter 114 (BY for Boyi)
Chapter 115 (Never underestimate the babies)
Chapter 116 (In America)
Chapter 117 (Reunion)
Chapter 118 (The Yan family)
Chapter 119 (Double rewards)
Chapter 120 (Boyi chooses family)
Chapter 121 (The Wedding - END)

Chapter 8 (The Young Patriarch)

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By funstoriestelling

Chapter 8 (The Young Patriarch)

The young boy steps on his bike again, heading to the new place that he truly calls home, praying and hoping that he can achieve what he wants in the near future.

Zhang Ma was already cooking dinner when Boyi steps into the entrance of the house with big and small bags,

"Zhang Ma, I brought clothes" Boyi shouted as he walks in with a voice full of excitement

Zhang Ma is in the kitchen and she hurriedly put down the big spoon that is stirring the chicken soup

"Heh, I am in the kitchen," Zhang Ma told Boyi and she walks out to meet the boy.

When Zhang Ma saw Boyi, her eyes brightened with a wide smile

"Wow!!!!! What a handsome boy" Zhang Ma praised and she really likes his new hairstyle.

Boyi then told Zhang Ma another great news

"I got a scholarship to study business at Albright University," Boyi told Zhang Ma with great joy.

Zhang Ma eyes brimmed with happiness and even joyful tears

"I-I am s-so happy"

"However, this is kind of expected from you" Zhang Ma mumbles and Boyi then asks

"Huh, expect what from me?" Boyi asks with curiosity

Zhang Ma now had tears in her ryes and not sure whether the tears are joyful or happy tears now, a heavy sigh from Zhang Ma and then she speaks

"Boyi, I don't know much about your father and maybe only your mother knows him well, but from what I know of your father whose name is Lan Yiyuan, he is from American, an American born

Chinese" Zhang Ma then breathe a little and continue

"Your mother went to America for a jewelry course, and from there she got to know your father and they fell in love over two months and got married. We don't know much about your father's background. Only know that his side of the family opposed to the marriage but your father is firmed and so he broke off the relationship with his family and follows your mother to China and they got married here" Zhang Ma told Boyi

"However, your father is super intelligent, he works in the Institute of Science here and he is the one that develop some medication that boosts your mother's health so that she could bear a child, and this is why you are here, however, the effect of it, you know yourself as you know  your own body," Zhang Ma told Boyi with sadness in her eyes.

"That is what I mean, your father is so intelligent and you probably will be like him," Zhang Ma told Boyi and starts to pat his head.

"Always remember that you are a special child, deeply loved by your parents, you are extraordinary, a gift from heaven to your parent and to us" Zhang Ma continues to look at the boy lovingly.

Boyi nods his head and he actually didn't know much or was too young to know about his parents and now that Zhang Ma told him, he understood now, that why his memory power is so great and study is actually easy for him.

"Zhang Ma, papa is really intelligent and I am afraid that you will be disappointed in me" the young boy hang his head low and he still remembered the face of his beloved father who smile gently at him and his mother.

Boyi couldn't remember much of his father but he remembered his smile and the gentle voice talking to his mother and him, for that is enough, his father is a professor highly intelligent and loves both his mother and him.

On the other side of the city, a huge mansion with a butler and servants was seen busy cleaning the luxurious Mansion. The Mansion is set in a very central district, prices of a house there can only be owned by very high post official or governmental post.

However, this Mansion occupied such a huge land mass the overlook the sea on top of the houses, the land is so big that it looked like a little island itself. The gate is far down at the hill and it takes a long drive up to the entrance of the Mansion.

The owner of this Mansion has brought the land like more than hundred years ago, this house has never changed hands and everyone knows the owner of this mansion. This super-rich family never travels along, the owners of this family always travel by super luxurious car and usually with tinted glass and also bodyguard cars follow along.

The household name is world-famous and especially in this country. The Wei Corporation owns luxurious hotels, entertainment companies, electronics, factories, and real estate. It has a saying in this country, whatever you touch and see, the Wei Country always have a part in it.

Everyone in the business world is amazed that the Wei Corporation is under a young man who is only twenty-five going to be twenty-six years old. However, even at such a young age, Wei Zhan is already well known for his handsome look as well as his fast and merciless way of business dealings. The saying is always "When the Wei is involved, don't think you stand a chance at all". This is the reputation Wei Zhan has in the business world society. Several old businessmen who did not believe in his ability and capability, and they tried their best to go against Wei Zhan in bidding for a job or even competing in ideas of business methodology were all defeat with their faces flat on the ground, very shameful and embarrassing. Wei Zhan is a man that cuts through the meat cleanly and sharply like an expert butcher with no mercy or pity to the animal at all, this is the way Wei Zhan exhibit in his business dealings.

The young patriarch whom the old patriarch had chosen and personally trained to take over the massive conglomerate is not sitting in the black Bentley driven some his expert driver heading back to the Wei Mansion. The car is slowly and steadily driving through the city, heading out of the city to the location of the Wei Mansion.

Wei Zhan is sitting comfortably in the back of the Black Bentley, the tinted glass of the Bentley is now winded up, cool air from the car air conditional is blowing onto the atmosphere of the car space. The head of the security, Mr. Lam is sitting in front of the passenger seat, giving space and peace for the young boss to work, sitting opposite Wei Zhan is his Personal Assistant, Li Ning who is now sitting quietly waiting for the young patriarch to go through those contract and to sign his name to seal the deal of a big hotel that they are about to purchase in another city.

Li Ning is observing every expression on his boss facial expression, a furrow his brow will brings some tensed atmosphere in the back space of the black car.

"Why is the deal based on 5% discount only" Wei Zhan shows a raised of his eyebrow

The inner thoughts of Li Ning are already doing tumbling

"No Good"

"Boss is not satisfied"

Li Ning is an oxford graduate with double major in management and Finance and he had excellent academic results, he is the same age with the young patriarch. He has a highly paid job which non of his peers can be compared to his payroll here. He probably earns more than double what his peers who are of the same good results and academic level as him.

Li Ning values his job very much, he had been working with Wei Zhan for two years, the longest PA, the young patriarch ever have. Wei Zhan doesn't tolerate silly mistakes but he pay extremely well and expect the best from Li Ning.

Li Ning is having cold sweat even though the air conditioning in the car is cool enough,

"Ehem... the deal is 5%, the last meeting two months ago, however........" Li Ning stops as Wei Za already raised his slim hands and steer a stern look at his PA.

"The situation has change now, his hotel occupancy rates are low for this month" Wei Zhan speaks not too loud nor soft but the temperature in the car space has already lower by a few degrees.

"What would suit?, Sir" Li Ning asks his boss

Wei Zhan leans his strong and slim body back and then crosses his left leg over the right leg with easiness.

"Do you think we are short of a hotel?" Wei Zhan asks

Lin Ning was taken aback

"No, we are the largest hotel owner in this country and overseas," Li Ning told his young with a heavy breath, maybe his lung is slightly short of air.

The cold and icy Wei Zhan pursed his lips and then told his PA
"10% off or no deal at all" that Wei Zhan closed his tire eyes and rest with his head resting at the back of the car seat.

Li Ning hummed immediately

"Yes, Sir" Li Ning hurriedly put the contract back in the briefcase and gently asks his boss as he pass him a drink bottle

"Sir, your drink" Li Ning knows Wei Zhan habit, his boss drink pure plain water in this not so cool weather. The water bottle cap has been loosening for Wei Zhan by his PA.

"Hm' Wei Zhan took the water bottle and open the capped bottle easily and drink a few mouthfuls in a few gulps.

Then the young boss continues to close his eyes and rest. Wei Zhan has been working hard most days, however, today, he had been called to go back to the Wei Mansion.

Wei Zhan lives in one of the company's Penthouse, this is for his easy travel to the head office of Wei Corporation.

Wei Zhan seldom comes back to the Wei Mansion. The Wei Mansion is the home of the generations of the Wei descendants. Wei Zhan's grandfather is still alive and living in the Mansion. He is a seventy-over-year old man. He is still healthy and very sturdy. Wei Zhan had a close relationship with his grandfather, he has been brought up by him personally and he also knew that his grandfather adores him.

However, his uncle, the second son of his grandfather lives in the mansion with his family. His uncle Wei Hong is a man in his fifties with two children, a boy, and a girl. Wei Hong and his wife has always bad hostile relationship with Wei Zhan, Wei Hong is definitely not happy with his father decision of handling over the patriarch position to his nephew Wei Zhan.

The eldest son of Wei Hong is about twenty-one years old, he is seriously a rich second-generation kid. He has no interest in doing well in the company but had decided to turn to act recently. He has a cute boyish look, which may look attractive to some. He hates Wei Zhan as their grandfather dotes on Wei Zhan, as the head of the Wei Corporation is Wei Zhan and not him. Thus, he has a bitter relationship with Wei Zhan. He hates Wei Zhan but he is also fearful of Wei Zhan. Wei Teng is now a sort of actor in the entertainment company owned by the Wei Corporation.

The daughter is an art student who loves art and is not truly interested in the family squabbles. Thus, Wei Zhan has a calmer relationship with her. Wei Tian has not been favored by the family due to her status as a girl and not being able to inherit the head of the Wei Corporation.

Due to all these hostilities in the Wei Mansion, Wei Zhan moves out citing the convenience to work as an excuse which his grandfather is fully aware of the true reason behind his move.

The black Bentley gives a rhythm that is smooth and quiet, which allows the young boss to actually close his eyes for a quiet and peaceful rest moment.

Li Ning knew how hard his young boss works and so he even level out his breathing so that his boss can take a short deserving nap.

Wei Zhan falls into his nap very quickly as soon as he leans his head back onto the seat of the car. He cherished every rest moment and works very hard for the family business

Li Ning gently sound his voice

"Sir, we arrived," Li Ning told Wei Zhan

Wei Zhan is actually taking a power nap and so he wakes up quite readily.

"Hm" Wei Zhan replies as the car stops.

Wei Zhan slowly opens his hazy eyes and told Li Ning

"Go home" after giving instruction for his P.A., the young patriarch let his long legs out of the car, straightens himself, and button his branded Armani jacket.

The black car crawl away quickly as the driver sent the P.A. away.

Wei Zhan stands outside the mansion with a deep breath, this is his home till he reaches twenty-one. Wei Zhan took over the company at twenty-one and this is where the drama starts in this mansion, it is worst than the soap opera in the American sitcom. Wei Zhan sighed again, if not for his grandfather calling him to come back, Wei Zhan really wishes that he doesn't have to step into the mansion to watch those angry and jealous eyes upon his face. It is not that Wei Zhan is afraid of them, he knew they have no power over him, it just breaks his heart that those only relatives are now all against him, only his grandfather is on his side. Sometimes, Wei Zhan is so tired that he wishes to just be an ordinary man and let those idiots fight among themselves. However, the future of Wei Corporation might ruin in their hands as his grandfather told him.

"They are a bunch of idiots even though they are my children, how I wish your parents are alive" Grandfather Wei Zong will have tears in his eyes.

Wei Zong knew how much his grandfather adores his parents, they passed away when Zhan is about twelve in a private jet where they were in for a business trip and the plane crashed into the mountains and nothing could be found of his parents, not even their bodies. Apparently, it was snowing and thus the rescuers can only get assessed to it after 1 week and they only found the debris of the plane, as it is only a private plane so it is not big, however, the bodies have not been found and it is said that the plane could have somehow overturned and the bodies fell into the sea, only the pilot dead body was found.

This is the reason why every year Wei Zhan would make a trip together with his grandfather to Taiwan and they will stand at the edge of the sea where the plane was found in the deep forest and brought flowers to send into the ocean for his parents.

Recalling all these, actually makes Wei Zhan into a sad mood and thus, he lift up his face and let the cool wind of the sky which the sun is now slowly shying away with only a shadow of the sun can be seen high up in the sky. Wei Zhan is taking a deep breath, where he could feel his own hot air around his nose but the cool wind takes and infused into the hot air as if trying to bond with the hot air to cool the person's temperature. This is welcomed by Wei Zhan whose eyes saw the third-floor window where his grandfather is living and the light in the room is on now. Zhan just let his handsome face be at peace with his surrounding and then takes a light step with his long legs into the Mansion.


Thank you for reading

Wei Zhan has now entered into the story

I hope you all like it

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