Finding Myself In The Forest

Por CuriousThoughts

61.8K 1.9K 310

My name is Felicity Chapman, My family and I recently moved to the woods of Montana. Literally. The closest... Más

So Sorry!
36. Plus Recap!


584 22 0
Por CuriousThoughts

Edited 5-11-15

Picture is Felicitys and Mercurys marks:)

Song is I Bet My Life by Imagine Dragons :)

Shout out to the South Africa readers!

Check out the COMING SOON stories if you haven't!



Mercury -

 I glance around the messy room and remember what happened last night and smiled widely.

We're married, AND mated.

"Wow" I say quietly, I hear a small giggle next to me and see Felicity awake smiling at me, showing me her new mark, it's the face of a wolf identical to ours with a Yin Yang symbol as the face, Felicitys white wolf has her bright purple eye and my black wolf has my bright green eye.

I quickly run to the bathroom in our bedroom and look at my mark, it's the same, I smile even wider looking at it, then Felicity who's standing in the doorway behind me looking at me through the mirror.

I turn to her and sigh, "ready to train Mrs. Jones?"

She frowns a little but nods her head, "let's do this Mr. Jones." 

I know she's still a little upset that we can't have our honeymoon until the war is over with, but we have to sacrifice it. 

I grab her hand and pull her into the shower with me so we can clean up and get ready. 


"I'm done Mercury, when are you?" Felicity yells from the doorway to the hallway while I'm in the bathroom brushing my teeth, I roll my eyes and take the brush out my mouth and rinse.

"Yeah I'm almost done, hun." I yell back, I can almost hear her rolling her eyes, I quickly floss and head out with Felicity and Doc Tim after everyone else goes to train away from us as well as the guards surrounding us.

"Okay, the book says....." I trail off quietly reading the first part of the book.

1. Mate: Check

2. Acceptance Of Powers: Check

3. Opening Your Powers: No

4. Controlling Your Powers: No

5. Fighting Together: No

I look through the pages until I reach chapter 3 and begin to read over it and sum it up.

After 5 minutes, I got it, I close the book and set it down behind me and grab Felicitys hands and look her in the eyes.

"Okay, we gotta open our powers by letting our wolves take over and kind of posses each other, only we can find each others powers not by ourselves that's why we had to mate, even though it sounds crazy, our wolves know what to do, okay?" She nods her head with a confused expression, I nod my head and look in her eyes as I let Kotu and she lets Toyaz take over us.


Kotu -

"Ready Toyaz?" I ask her once we take over, she smiles and nods her head, I back up to the back of Mercurys' mind as does Toyaz and we both bolt towards each other as fast as we can and jump into the others minds.

"You okay?" I hear Toyaz yell as we land.

"Yeah, man it's cleaner in here than my place, you okay?" I yell back.

"Got that right, I'm good but I'm cleaning this dump, come on Kotu this is nasty." She yells with attitude, I roll my eyes and begin to look for Felicitys' power house, not the Mitochondria people. 

I look all around Felicitys' head but nothing.

"Find it?" Toyaz yells.

"No, you?" I yell back.

"No, where do you think it could be?" She yells, I think of the most cliche place to where it is.

"Try the heart." I yell and head towards Felicitys' heart.


"Anything?" She yells.

"Nada, you?"

"Nada, let's just look around their bodies, it's here somewhere." She yells, I nod my my head and begin to look further.


It's been an hour or so and I've looked everywhere in Felicitys' body, even down under but no, I decided to look through her legs to see if it's there.

"Found it!' Toyaz yells.

"Where was hers?" I yell.

"It was in his spleen! Weirdo." She yells back with a confused tone, I laugh and head back to look through her legs.

"Found his!" I yell after a few more minutes.

"Where was his?" Toyaz yells.

"In her big toe." I say with a confused expression, I hear Toyaz begin to laugh as we head back up to their heads. Once there we put the powers in our mouths and begin to run back to our body's.

In mid jump towards our heads, we bump paws and wink at each other and jump in with the powers in our mouths.

I turn to see if Toyaz made it, and she did, gracefully.

"See you soon Love!" I yell, she gives me a wolfy smile and nods her head.

Time to let Mercury back in control.


Mercury -

"Fel?" I say quietly, her eyes are glazed over still, Kotu quickly mind links Toyaz to see what's up, she should be back by now.

Doc Tim runs towards us and begins to inspect Felicity when I get Kotus response.

'She said she was cleaning.' Kotu scoffs.

"Her wolf was cleaning, it's fine Doc Tim, thank you." I say to him as she comes back.

"Hey," I say quietly pulling her closer to me so our noses are touching, she smiles.

"Hi, what's the next step?" She pulls away as I turn around and grab the book.

"Opening them, but it says leave it to your wolf." She rolls her eyes,

"My wolf is a clean freak, she said she had to clean Kotus place because it was disgusting. What's my powers then? I can clean anything on command?" She raises her brow, I laugh loudly at her comment.

"No, we just have to be in mid control." I say, she frowns.

"I never learned that."

"It means that Kotu and I are in control at the same time like one eye will change to bright green while the other eye stays blue, yours will change to bright purple and the other brown.

She nods her head slowly, "how do I do that?"

"It's like half the effort of giving your wolf control, does that make sense? Like, try to fall asleep, but not completely."

"Yeah, you're just making it more confusing, I'll just go with Toyaz." She laughs, I roll my eyes and give Kotu half control.

I open my eyes to see Felicitys eyes infact did change to one bright purple and one brown, she gasps and points at me eyes, I nod my head.

"Crazy huh?" I say as Kotu steps towards her.

"Yeah." She says as Toyaz takes a step towards me also.

Kotu begins to speak through me, this is so weird, "okay, we need to join hands and let everything go to black,  Toyaz, did you grab the powers?" Felicity, well, Toyaz nods her head, I nod mine and grab Felicitys' hands and close our eyes.

It feels like we're spinning, but we're not, like, just rocking, then I felt something warm come from my spleen? What?

"Why is my big toe getting warm?" Felicity mutters, Kotu scoffs.

"His power was there, you guys ready?"

We both say 'yes' and feel even more warm, almost hot but also the feeling of power.

"Okay, open your eyes slowly guys, things will be different, okay?" Toyaz says to us, again Felicity and I say 'yes' and begin to open our eyes slowly.


"It's so detailed now, even more when we had the wolf enhanced eyes." I mutter, Fel nods her head in agreement as she looks around, but then shakes her head and looks at me with a weird expression, "what?" 

"Your voice is deeper." She squeaks, I widen my eyes. 

"Your voice is higher!" I exclaim, she scrunches her face and covers her ears.

"Careful, your hearing is even more sensitive, but you'll get used to it, now we figure out what your powers are and control them."

"What do we have to do?" Felicity says quietly. 


Hey guys!

What powers do you think Felicity and Mercury have? 

Love you guys!


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