Seduction: The Taste of Lust

By Rain_xxxo

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COMPLETED In exchange for her friend's life, A ruthless billionaire asked her to play a game. A game that i... More

Chapter 1: New York
Chapter 2: Good Morning
Chapter 3: Drunken Mistakes
Chapter 4: Hospital
Chapter 5: Leonard
Chapter 6: Office
Chapter 7: Rumors
Chapter 8: The Plan
Chapter 9: Because..
Chapter 10: The Dress
Chapter 11: Butterflies
Chapter 12: Marking her
Chapters 13: Me, moon and you
Chapter 14: Headlines
Chapter 15: Investigation
Chapter 16: Backfire
Chapter 17: My Turn
Chapter 18: It's Fake
Chapter 19: the start of something
Chapter 20: The contract
Chapter-21 Pillow fight
Chapter 22: Dirty Dream
Chapter 23: shooting day
Chapter 24: The start his game
Chapter 25: The First Seduction
Chapter 26: Kissing her forehead
Chapter 27: This is not my Apartment
Chapter 28: I did what?
Chapter 29: The walk of disaster
Chapter 30: The closed gate of feelings.
Chapter 31: Aftermath
Chapter 32: Deep Breaths
Chapter 33: Solace
Chapter 34: Leonard's Brother
Chapter 35: Heart to Heart Conversation
Chapter: 36 Mirrored Heart
Chapter: 37 Feelings that surfaced
Chapter: 39 Friends Indeed
Chapter: 40 Alls well the Ends well
Chapter: 41 Dark Desires
Chapter: 42 Disaster doesn't knock
Chapter: 43 Blood and Friction
Chapter: 44 Delicately Losing each other
Chapter: 45 Annihilation
Chapter: 46 Love means Us
Bonus Chapter
Sneak Peek Of The NEW BOOK

Chapter: 38 Home is where your Mom is

614 21 3
By Rain_xxxo


"Kelly?" I walk inside my apartment, throwing the shoes on the floor and putting the takeouts on the table, "I brought food" I looked around the room but she wasn't there, maybe she's out.

You know what that means, I finally got some time for myself. I quickly slip my fur slippers and hop on the couch, resting my head on the headboard and letting a long breath out, "I'm tired" a yawn escapes my mouth and I slowly close my eyes thinking about the car ride I had with Leonard.

*Thirty minutes ago*

"What?" he asks dumbfounded

I creek a smile " wasn't the main point of our meeting was Rome?" I gesture towards the Seasons building reminding him why we were here in the first place. 

I was supposed to answer him but got caught up in something else, "right?" he looks at the building as he remembers the very thing he asked me,

"you want to come?" he said not believing that I agreed just like that, maybe he thought I would hold back because of our situation and the stupid media complications but I don't want to deal with any of this. I need a break and maybe a change of scenery will help both of us.

"you know we'll have to stay till New Year's" 

I nod my head giving him the answer to whatever his brain is being suspicious about, "Veronica" he shrugs still being unsure,

"yes?" I lean my head against the window and watch him struggling to say the words of doubt which is one of the reasons why most couples don't last. They hesitate and pull back, keeping the stuff inside them when they should have done the opposite

I pulled the seatbelt and shifted closer to him, "say it" I mouthed the words like an order while cupping his face and assuring whatever he's hesitating to speak is something I'm already familiar with.

I know he's hesitant that I'll have second thoughts about spending Christmas together, welcoming a new year with him, and more so isolating myself with him for a month. 

It'll just be us and no one else and that idea not only freaks him out but even dragged me in it too, although I did a lot of thinking in the elevator and came up with a forefront answer of yes considering all the reasons and things that could go wrong.

As much as I was nervous and scared about this trip, I still wanted to give it a try, to be alone with him, away from this hustle, and spend at least some time without anxiety, fear, or doubts.

"You do realize that you will spend both New Year and Christmas with me?" 

"Yes, what's your point?" 

"Nothing" he shakes his head and goes back to his seat, 

"You know, you, yourself asked me to come?" I cross my arms and give him my good R.I.P stare after the "nothing" stunt he pulled in front of me. I seriously hate that word, unlike its name it has totally different meaning, behind the nothing mask there is a hidden meaning that says there's more than nothing, like the word "fine" which is very dangerous in an argument. 

He meets my eyes and quickly diverts it, " yes but I didn't know you would say yes" 

"So you want me to say no?" my brows furrowed,

"No, I mean I just want to make sure you've thought about this" he puts his hand on my thighs softly rubbing it, " seeing how you're in a controversial situation with your past and Nicole, I thought you would wait for things to calm down"

"That's more of a reason to take this trip" I glance outside the window and my eyes are stuck at a piece of billboard that had my face in it and beside it was written justice in bold letters. 

"All right but just so you know we don't have to rush, I mean we could leave after a week when things get a little better" his eyes follow mine, and looks at the same billboard, " people have just started supporting you, maybe we should wait"

I'm listening to what he's saying and I understand each word. I was also doubting this part but now that he made it clear there's no rush then maybe we should leave after a week or so when things calm down a little. 

I don't want to mess this up because of a getaway and to be honest, I was kinda hesitating to bring this matter up but now that he said he's okay then I should take this chance and cut all the backlash off my life that started two years ago. End it once and for all.

I press his hand and nod my head, "fine, let's wait"

We didn't stretch the matter any further and silently inside a comfortable atmosphere we drove to my place,

"In case you feel bad about postponing the trip then I'll take you out dinner, just to make you feel better" he helps me unlock the seat belt and I give a thought,

"I'm fine with the postponing but dinner sounds nice" I grab my stuff from the backseat and fixed my hair a little before getting out, "my place or yours?"

"Neither, I'll take you somewhere else" he was resting his arms sideways flexing his veins. I smile and walk to his side of the car, looking at him from outside, " you want me to wear something specific? Casual, formal, anything?" I place a strand of hair behind my ears.

"Just Red," he smirks and softly pecks my lips "see you," he winks and drives off.

I bit my lips and smile like a dork before entering the building,


I didn't realize I doze off but thank god I did. I'm feeling much refreshed now, I check my phone and there was one message from Mr. Lewis that said he arranged a press conference for next Tuesday.

A press conference is not a bad idea, I wanted to complete the previous interview and now it seems like I can do it through this conference but before that, I need Ms. Velcour's help. 

She's a family lawyer and very reputable in this field, I need her to help me sue Nicole for defamation. When I said I will protect myself, I wasn't kidding, I'm going to make her life hell for ruining my career, for mentally playing with me and fucking slandering me.

I got up and dialed Monica's number asking her to set a meeting with Ms. Velcour for tomorrow. I need to file the case before the press conference so that I could announce it then and there. I'll even need someone to take a picture of me going inside the court to spread the variability about it, I want Nicole to find out I'm suing her, through media.

I hung up the call and decided to take a shower, freshen my mind, and actually give a thought about things that's happening around me. 

I pick my dry clothes and put them on the bed as I beeline to the bathroom. Turning the shower on I wash my hair and give a long thought about the current events of my life. 

Five months ago I wouldn't even imagine the things that are happening right now. My mom would be telling me to come home if she sees the mess I'm in. As much as I want her to visit me, I was glad that she made a sensible choice of not coming here for the time being. 

After everything calms down and there is no Nicole issue left to deal with then I'll personally fly to D.C and bring her with me or I'll stay whatever works. 

I grab a soap bar from the top and rinse my shoulder greeting the fragrance that I missed, Lavender, 

After my successful bath session, I put on my robe and walked to the kitchen for a drink when I heard the doorbell. 

I put the glass in the sink and watch the monitor see who it was. Normally people don't ring the doors of my apartment. All my friends have a key to this place and even Mr. Lewis and Monica know the passcodes so my eyebrows creak trying to figure out who would come to meet me on a Sunday afternoon. 

I press the button to see the image of the person standing outside the building and all I could see was a zoom picture of someone's nose, I turn the speaker on, "step away from the camera" I said when the person suddenly backs up and smiles like they're on a TV.

My eyes widen when I saw the person smiling and also giving me a look that is quite terrifying, "Mom?" 

"Open the door Veronica" she commanded, 

I quickly pitch her into the building and hurriedly wore my clothes. I bun my hair and open the door, "Mom" I said convincing myself that she is actually here even though I told her not to come,

"You said there would be reporters," she forwarded a few bags onto the living room, don't tell me she's staying.

"There are reporters but not here" I grab a small bag and put it on the couch, "why did you come? didn't I tell you how-"

"I know and I don't care. I don't the permission from your media to meet my only daughter. I wanted to check on you myself and maybe give those reporters a very traumatic experience for messing with my daughter"

I chuckle and wrap my arms around her tiny frame "that was a bit dramatic" I nuzzled closer to her neck and smell the homely feeling that was missing from this place, "I missed you"

I feel her smile at my comment as we slowly broke the hug,

"Did you eat anything?" she said looking me up and down before concluding her own theory that I've lost some weight and should eat something.

She walks around the kitchen asking me to hand her the small bag that I just put on the couch, "don't tell me you brought food?" I asked with a rhythmic joy of finally having some home-cooked meals,

She slowly opens the bags and the soothing smell of her famous chicken pot pie greets my nose, she heats the container on the microwave and grab some water for herself just then I hear a few noises outside my door,

No shit they are here, why? just why do they have to disturb my chicken pot pie? I quickly ran to the door locking it from the inside before they have a chance to open it, 

They tried unlocking the door but I was already blocking it, "hey, Veronica?" Aiden shouts from the other side, "open the door" he knocked,

"I uh can't" I pull my lips trying to think of a lie to send them away. If they find out my mom is here, they'll spend the entire day with her giving me no space to have one moment with my own mother, and not forgetting their obsession for my mother's food.

The last time she visited me, she made my favorite mac and cheese that I didn't even get to eat, not even one bite, and now when she brought my second favorite, no way in hell I'm letting them in.

"What are you doing Veronica? open the door" Ed shrugged,

"I seriously can't" I held the door through my left arm and saw my mom's quizzical look, asking me what is happening. I mouthed to her to stay quiet before they hear her voice and barge in.

"Why?" that was Lexi, great now I need to think of a constructive lie to make her believe, especially her that I'm indeed occupied with something.

I rake my brain when I noticed my phone buzzing on the table, Leonard? was my first thought and suddenly I've got a perfect lie that'll send them away,

"I have someone" I peeked at my mom to go back in the kitchen and do whatever she was doing while I handle this. I don't want her to listen to my lie,

"Really? you don't want us to meet?" Turner questioned, now how many of them are outside the door and why are they speaking one by one.

"Not now, I'll uh tell you guys later" 

"You're not lying are you?" Lexi interrogated,

"Haha, lying no, of course not" I tried to sound as convincing I could but who am I kidding.

"Is it him?" Kelly responded and seriously I was surprised for a second that she was also here and giving hints about Leonard,

"wait you know who she's with?" Lexi asked and I tried to look from the peephole but Aiden's head was blocking the view.

"I don't know" Kelly hesitated,

"Common on, tell us who she's with" Turner joined which only elevated my heart rate. No no no, they can't know about Leonard now, not when my mom is here.

"How about you just tell us his initials?" Aiden supported while Ed kept quiet the whole time,


"Ahoy!!!" I quickly open the door stopping Kelly from saying whatever she was about to say, "come in guys" I clench my teeth while resting my hand on the hips. 

"Wow, you opened the door just when she was about to say something" Lexi glanced me up and down looking for something suspicious,

I avert her eyes and asked them to come in, "wait" Turner stopped at the entrance smelling the food, I close my eyes and mentally cried, "do I smell-" 

"Yes" I grit my teeth stopping him in the middle, " just don't say it" I smiled as they got inside,

"You didn't want us to know you're mother is in town?" Aiden asked,

"Hello Mrs. Matthews" Kelly greeted my mother while taking a seat on the dining table, "just call me Barbara honey" my mom smiled and take the food out from the microwave, "I've brought some dinner for Veronica but you guys are welcome to eat as always" she handed out the plates with the pie and by the time my number came, everything was finished,

Mainly because this time Kelly ate half of the food, my mother smiled and blinked towards me. I walk up to her and she slowly whispered, "I have packed a little extra for you so don't sulk" 

I smiled and side hugs her, this is probably the best thing I've heard so far. More food and only for me. 

"Mrs. Matthews this was awesome" Aiden thanked her while licking his fork and others too got busy with my mom. 

They moved their conversation to the living room couch leaving me with the dirty dishes, I started putting the dishes on the sink when I felt someone's presence beside me,

"You need help with that?" Ed asked,

I nod my head passing him the gloves while scrapping the leftover food bites on the dustbin, he was washing the plates and I'll be soaking them.

"Um," he clear his throat and side glance at me, " Veronica?" 

I hum as I wipe the plates he was giving me," what did Kelly mean when she said him?" 

I stopped and look at him "what?" 

He bites his lips and looks at the sink, hiding his hesitation " outside your door" he looks up and blinks " she said is it him? what did she mean by that?" 

I part my lips and avert his eyes, " it's nothing," I smile and gesture to him to give me the washed plate "she was talking about-"


I suddenly stop and one of the plates slip through my hand hitting the ground with a cracking sound turning all the attention towards me and Ed, 

I hold my breath and smiled at them, " it's okay the plate slipped" I told them and crouch down to pick up the pieces,

"Be careful honey" my mom says and goes back to her talk with the others,

Ed bends down as well picking the pieces with me, "sorry, I didn't mean to blurt his name like that" 

I put the big pieces on the dustbin and the remaining bits, Ed wiped them with a broom and a dustpan, 

"How.. uh why do you think it's him?"  I nervously ask while cleaning the remaining dishes,

"Didn't you watch the news?" 

Right, I remember there are reports about me and Leonard. I totally forgot about that so wait a second he knows? do they know? 

"All of us know about this" he answered my unsaid question " in fact we were here to see how you were doing but we didn't expect to see your mother"

I nod as I place the dishes simultaneously, he removes his gloves and wipes his hand with the dishcloth, "I know the rumors are not true I mean you and him?" he laughs, "that's not-"

"It's true" I stop him, hearing him mock our relationship bothered me and I know I didn't want to tell them like this but I think I need to, "the rumor" I paused and look at the crowd of people hanging in my living room, "it's true Ed" I glance at him and smile, "everything they said on the news is true"

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