Every New Beginning... (Chris...

Par belleofmarvel

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Every New Beginning Comes From Some Other Beginnings End I'd have been completely fine, living in my littl... Plus

.167. ~FINAL~


438 22 4
Par belleofmarvel

Opal POV

Knock, Knock. The sound coming from my knuckles hitting the light wood of the door lightly. "You decent, old man?"

There's a quiet chuckle coming from the other side of the door before I hear the usual, "Never."

I slowly open the door to Pop's room at the rehab. He's been here now almost three weeks, trying to get strong enough to go back home on his own. So far he hasn't given an answer about the new treatment, but the doctor did at least continue the one he was already on.

"Happy Thanksgiving, Pops!" I exclaim once I am out of the doorway and further into his room. "I come baring Mila's Thanksgiving feast." I wave the covered plate around in front of my body.



"Sweet potato souffle?"

"Of course."

"Smoked or oven roasted turkey?"

"She went smoked this year. Is that a problem?" I ask.

"My recipe or hers?" He's narrowed his eyes at this question, watching my expression.

Let's see if all those straight faced, white lies in my youth can still hold true today. "Yours, of course. She knows not to mess with your recipes."

He leans his head back just a little, still watching. "Good woman that Mila. She still married?"

"Good gravy, old man! You still on that?"

"Of course I am. She's a redhead," he tosses a wink my way. "Come sit. Tell me all about the happenings in Opal Lucas' life."

I place his plate down on the table next to the chair he's occupying, choosing to sit on the edge of his bed facing him. I breathe out a long sigh, unaware that I'd even been holding it in. "The happenings, huh?"

"All the happenings," he says again with a wiggle of his brow.

"Let's see. We've got our Friendsgiving day after tomorrow at Lily and Jameson's place. Laura and I both will be each other's date this year since neither of the boys can make it."

"How's that going, by the way?" He's digging.

"The undercover thing, or the 'me and Chris' thing?" I ask wanting to be specific and not speak on things he doesn't actually care to know about. But knowing him the way I do, I know he wants to know it all.

"All of it. Spill it, Ope."

"Truth is, I'm not sure on any of it, honestly." I kick off my shoes and pull my legs up onto the bed, pulling my legs up to my chest, resting my head on top of my knees. Pops motions for me to continue.

"Well, we've not actually spoken in over a week. Even texting has been pretty sporadic. He can't carry his usual phone with him when he's out and about completing whatever meeting or task they have him doing, at the time, ya know fear of someone realizing he's not who he says he is. So, our relationship is basically at the mercy of the Atlanta police department."

"I'm sorry, sweetie. But, you knew this going in."

"I know," I whine. "But-"

"But it doesn't make it any easier. I know, angel," he interrupts me, completing my thought.

"Even when I text him back, it's sometimes hours before I hear anything from him. Most of the time it's in the middle of the night, or like 4 AM. I know it's nothing he can help. I'm just ready for it to be over."

"Has he given you any indication of when it might be finished?" Pops asks before shoveling a bite of turkey into his mouth. He pauses, mid chew, and I'm positive he's realized this isn't completely his recipe. "Even better than I remember it being." I smile to myself.

I shake my head. "He's hoping before Christmas, but no one really knows. Apparently, if it goes well, it'll be the largest bust in Atlanta. The thought of that alone, scares me."

"So, you definitely like him, huh?"

"Pops, you ask me that each visit!"

"Maybe I keep asking because I expect a better answer than 'yeah.' So, help an old man out, and give him some details," he presses further.

"Isn't this an odd conversation to have with your granddaughter?" I'm holding off as long as I possibly can.

"Nope," he states simply. "Now, answer the question."

"Yeah," I say like normal. "I like him."

He drops his head to the side, giving me that 'cut the crap' look, causing me to blush and put his pillow in front of my face as I start giggling like a little school girl. "He's amazing, okay? Does that answer suffice?"


Walking out of the rehab center, the sun already setting, I take my time walking back to my car, mesmerized by the beautiful sunset. An idea springs to mind and I move quicker to the parking lot, jumping in my car and starting the short journey.

The rehab center was only about six blocks from the river. I pull into a spot, parallel park, before jumping out with nothing but my cell and my keys. I make the short trek to the river walk way and find an empty bench. The city is pretty quiet today, probably due to the holiday. This weekend will be a different story as they prepare for the lighting of the Christmas tree and the boat parade that takes place each year. Both things that I'd hoped to experience with Chris this year. 'Here's to next year. I hope.'

From my spot I can see the whole landscape of downtown Jacksonville lit up by the setting sun, variations of orange and purples coloring the sky. I breathe in the moment, taking in the simplicity and peace it brings me, a calmness pouring over me. Before the sun dips any further I snap a photo on my phone. I send Chris the photo, along with a short message.

Me- God's painting a beautiful picture tonight. Wish you were here.

I slip the phone back into my pocket and sit back once again, savoring this moment, letting my mind wander. I'd be lying to everyone including myself if I said that I wasn't bothered by Chris canceling on me. But, like Pops said, I knew going in, which is one of the reasons why I fought the thought of an 'us' for so long. But, Chris showed up and showed out, in so many ways that I could no longer continue to fight with myself. And to be honest, I've felt lighter since giving in, no longer having to guard myself, letting down so many walls that I'd built up over the years. Who knew that a man I randomly met outside of a concert, 300 miles from home, would be the one to change everything?

I'm pulled from my thoughts by the sound of my phone, except it's not a text message, it's an actual call. Quickly grabbing it from my pocket I slide the arrow across, answering the FaceTime call.

"Chris?" I ask in disbelief as his face comes into focus on the screen.

"Happy Thanksgiving, gorgeous," he says with a wide smile.

"To you too! But I can hardly recognize you!" I exclaim, taking in the fact that his light scruff is filling in quite a bit more.

   "What? You mean this?" he says pointing up to his smiling, bearded face. "What, you don't like it?"

   "I certainly did not say that! I'm just taken by surprise is all. I mean, you barely had a five o'clock shadow the last time I saw you, and now..." I trail off trying to find the right words.

   "And now...what?"

   "And now you're even hotter than before, Evans!" I admit. "It's truly unfair that the addition of more hair makes you more attractive."

The smirk I've grown to love comes across my screen. "Oh really?"

"Yes! Men everywhere should be jealous as the women are going to just fall at your feet in surrender," I tease. "I've got to figure out how I can compete with all of them."

"No reason. There's no competition, sweetheart. I promise," he says with a shake of his head.

    I continue my joking, enjoying the smile on his face more than I should. "How different are you going to look by the time I finally get to see you in person again? Am I going to even recognize you?"

   "Well," he starts, "if you can't recognize me by looks, maybe you'll recognize me by my lips covering yours." I feel the blush rising across my cheeks. "Because I plan on attaching myself to them for quite some time."

   It's around 58 degrees in North Florida today, and yet I'm having to fan myself to calm  down the heat that is suddenly spreading through my body. "What's wrong, Opal? Florida having a heatwave?" He jokes with a quirk of his brow.

   I clear my throat. "Something like that." Time to change topic of conversation. "How are things in the ATL?"

   "Slow, and slightly boring," he admits. "I can't really go out and do anything, not even grocery shopping so I've been using that delivery service.  Kind of looking forward to going to the bar again, even if it is with Cooper." 

   "No end in sight still?"

   He shakes his head slightly, before pausing and letting out a short sigh. "Not really. Apparently drug deals take a slight hiatus during the holidays. The guys in narcotics say something should happen in the next couple of weeks, but we'll see. It's not my area of expertise, so I can only go on what they tell me."

   "I miss you," I say softly, my gaze averted away from the camera, almost positive there's no way he's heard me over the noise of nature around me.

   "I miss you too, Ope." I take a chance and look back at the screen, seeing his eyes soft, his lips almost turned down into a full frown. "I was really looking forward to having you in my arms again this weekend. I hate that I can't tell you when it'll actually happen again." His shoulders now slump in defeat, a vast difference from when I first answered the phone. 

   I need to give Chris reassurance that I'm okay. "Hey, stop that," I say. His brows furrow. "I'm not going anywhere." I try my best to assure him. "I mean, technically not much has changed from standpoint since I haven't actually been in a relationship for quite some time."

  "So, nothing has changed for you?" Chris asks, confused.

   "I mean, I'm use to only having the girls and Pops, so I guess not."

   I watch him sit back in his chair, a strange expression crossing his face. "What, Chris?"

   "I'd have expected there to be some change, Opal. A desire maybe, to not have the life you previously had, but one that included me in somewhere," he snaps back.

   I'm taken by surprise at his comment. "You are here, somewhere, as you put it. But, the few text messages and the one call since you left, it's kind of like I'm still in the same place."

  He sits there, shaking his head, looking down, frustration covering his face. "You wanted me to be open and honest with you, right? So there it is, Chris. Take it or leave it."

  "The old Opal is showing up again, isn't she?" he questions.

   "What does that mean?"

   "The 'I don't need anyone' Opal. The Opal I saw back in the bar. The Opal I saw trying to keep everyone away from her when her grandfather went into the hospital. The Opal who is still trying to push me away!"

   I want to hang up. That's what the old Opal would do, and I'm fighting with myself to not do it right now. I decide to give him the benefit and not throw my phone right into the river out of my own frustration. "I'm going to assume you're under a lot of stress and pressure right now, so maybe it's best we end this conversation until we both are in a better place."

  "Don't do that! Don't just give up," he pleads. "You need to realize that a couple can argue or disagree and still be together. If done correctly, it's actually even healthy. But no, you're wanting to push it away and end it."


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