
By billie_is_dxddy

62.1K 1.1K 353

Leilani a 17 year old girl has anxiety and barely talks to anyone at school, she doesn't get noticed and she... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33

Chapter 10

1.8K 36 6
By billie_is_dxddy

Srry I forgot

Leilani's POV

"But bil I have school and-." She cut me off. "P-please lei." She whispered as tears slipped out of her eyes. "I told my dad I would go-." She cut me off again. "Please Lei." She looked me in the eyes as a tear dropped out of her eye.

I could tell she was really hurt. I'll just have to tell my dad that i wasn't feeling good. "Ok." I whispered. She hugged me and I sighed and hugged her back. "Cmon guys lets go." Finneas said.

I helped billie up and we got in the car.


We've been watching tv for a while without saying a word. I kind of figured this is something she wouldn't want to talk about, but this isn't something she should keep to herself. It was obviously bothering her.

"Billie I know you don't want to but we gotta talk sooner or later." I sighed as I paused the tv. She looked at me with glossy eyes. "I know." She whispered as she looked down. "When did it happen and why didn't you tell me?" I said as I scooted closer to her.

"I-I was scared and at the time I was only 14 I-I didn't know what to do. I d-didn't know who to tell. I didn't e-even know what was happening." She said quietly as her voice cracked. "I was scared to talk about it a-and I just kept it to myself." She sniffled.

"Billie." I whispered as I hugged her. " I went through a rough time and my mom didn't know how to help me and at night I would hear her crying and talking to my dad about how worried she was about me." She sobbed.

"I wanted to tell her, but I just couldn't." She said. "Billie it's ok. you were only 14 you didn't lnow how to talk about it." I said softly as I ran my fingers through her hair. "I wish I met you back then." She sniffled.

"Me too I would've took care of you." I whispered. she sat up and looked at me and stared into my eyes. I raised an eyebrow when she started to lean in. In a matter of seconds her lips were on mine and together our lips were moving in sync.

She climbed on top of me straddling me. I held her waist as we continued to make out. I squeezed her hips and she moaned into my mouth. We heard a knock on the door and billie jumped away from me.

Her cheeks were flushed red and her lips were a little swollen. She gave me a small smile before yelling come in. Finneas walked in and looked at the both of us. "If I was interrupting something I could just-." Billie cut him off.

"N-no you weren't." She said as her cheeks went redder. i smirked and shook my head. "Alright...billie how are you feeling>" He asked. "Um I-I I'm great actually." She smiled a bit. "You sure?" He asked.

"Oh uh year I'm sure, earlier I just um.." she trailed off. I can tell she really wanted to tell her brother she just didn't know how to say it. I grabbed her hand, "You got this bil." I whispered to her. She looked at me and took a deep breath.

"I-I saw Brandon and um h-he-." Her voice cracked as a tear slipped form her eyes. I squeezed her hand comfortingly. "He um r-raped me w-when I was 14." She said quietly. She quickly jumped into my arms and buried her face into my neck.

I wrapped my arms around her as finneas's eyebrows furrowed and his eyes watered. I've never seen finneas cry so I was kind of shocked. "Oh billie." He whispered as a tear slipped. "Why didn't you tell anyone?" He asked quietly.

"She didn't know how to tell anyone." I said softly as I rubbed her back comfortingly. "I'm so sorry bil, I wish I knew." He said. Billie sat up and looked at him. "I'm sorry I didn't tell you." She whispered as she looked down and played with her rings.

"No I understand why you didn't. It's hard to tell someone that. I just wish I knew sooner so I could help. Is that why you wouldn't come out of your room and would take a shower 5 times a day?" He asked carefully.

Billie nodded. "I-I couldn't get the feeling of his hands off and I-." Her voice cracked as she began to cry. I hugged her and she buried her face in my chest. "It's ok bil, we'll talk later ok?" I felt her nod and finneas left the room silently.

"Wanna go to sleep?" I asked her carefully. "It's the middle of the day." She chuckled a bit as she sniffled. "But i am a bit tired." She said. "How about you take a nap and I'll have a surprise for you when you wake up." I offered.

your sure you're going to be here when I wake up?" She asked. I nodded. She gave me a peck on the lips and laid down. "What does this make us?" She asked.

"What do you wanna be?" I asked her. "Can we not put a label on it yet?" She whispered. "anything you want bil." I said as i kissed her on the forehead. Her cheek s flushed red as she smiled.

"Go to sleep miss softy." I chuckled. She closed her eyes and sighed.


I went to taco bell like a minute ago and got billie 20 bean burritos. Now I'm just getting her some takis . I paid and headed to her house. I walked in with the bags and went straight to her room.

She was still sleeping peacefully with her hair sprawled out everywhere and her head poking just a little bit out from up under the covers. I sat the food on her dresser and went to go wake her up because she been sleep for a while.

It's now 9:24 pm and she went to sleep around 8:32 am. "Billie baby." I whispered as I shook her. She hummed in response but didn't wake up. "Cmon wake up I got your surprise." I said softly. Her eyes opened a little as she looked up at me.

"Surprise?" She rasped out. "Yea, cmon get up." I said. She sat up and rubbed her eyes. She let out a yawn and looked around her room until she did a double take on the dresser. Her eyes lit up as she saw the takis bag and taco bell bag.

"My surprise?" She pointed. I nodded. She jumped up and hugged me. "Thank you thank you thank you!" She said. "Your welcome baby." I said. She smiled and got her food. Her smile never faded as she sat down and ate her burritos.

A smile creeped on my face as I watched how happy she was with just burritos and takis. She looked at me and back at her bag. "Want one?" She asked cutely. I watched as her eyes sparkled.

"No baby it's all yours." I smiled. She smiled and opened up another burrito. My phone started ringing, I looked down and it was my dad.

My smile faded as I knew why he was calling.


A/n- Sorry for ending it like this, but uh hey. My birthday was November 21 and by the time I upload this chapter it's probably going to be December 1 or 2. Hope you enjoy this chapter though. Sorry for mistakes, stay safe. Love you.!

1274 words

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