Chapter 14

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Billie's POV

I finished making Leilani's burger and now I'm putting the fries on the plate. I grabbed a bottle of water and headed upstairs. I walked in and I heard my phone ringing. "Someone named Drew is calling you." Lei said as she grabbed her plate of food.

I grabbed my phone and answered. "Yo." I said as I sat down at my desk. "Hey billie, you down to hang out right now?" She asked. "Uh I'm kind of busy- ow!" I said as leilani hit me. "What the fuck was that for?" I grumbled as I rubbed my arm.

"You're not busy, you can hang out with your friends bil I'll be fine." She said as she took a bite out of her burger. "Um yea, when." I said. "Now, there's this party going on that you could come to." She said.

"Uh ok, send me the address and I'll be there in a few." I said, she said ok and hung up. "You sure you're going to be ok here by yourself?" I asked lei who was stuffing a fry into her mouth. I chuckled at the sight. 

"Yea, plus I'm not completely alone, finneas and claudia are here and your mom should be on her way home right." She said. "Well yeah, but I mean like in this room by yourself, you'll be good?" I asked.

My phone dinged meaning Drew sent me the address. "Billie I'll be fine I promise." She said softly. "Alright, call me if you need me ok?" I said while getting up. "Bil go." She chuckled. "Promise me." I said seriously.

"Fine fine fine, I promise, now go enjoy yourself." She said. I gave her a peck on the lips and then left. I put the address into my GPS and then headed there.


I made it about an hour ago, and I was panicking because I wanted to make sure Lei was ok, but she told me to enjoy myself and I don't wanna annoy her. "Honestly bil just call her so you can have funn." Drew said. 

"Ok." I said quickly and ran to a quiet place and I called her. After the third ring, she picked up. "Hello?" She said tiredly meaning she was sleep. "Shit I didn't mean to wake you." I said.

"Bil, enjoy yourself, stop worrying about me, I'm fine I promise." She said sleepily. I sighed in relief. "I-I know and I'm sorry I just- I miss you." I said softly. "I miss you too baby, now go have fun. I promise I'll be here when you get home." She said in a cute voice.

"Ok." I said quietly, she said a quick goodbye and hung up. I smiled and went back to where Drew was. I sat on the couch while she danced. I can't get drunk because I drove here so. This girl came next to me and I smelt the alcohol and weed. 

"Hey love." She slurred. "Uh hey." I mumbled as I moved away from her a little bit. I'm one loyal person so. "Wanna have a little fun?" She asked while straddling my lap. "Um no thanks I got a girlfriend." I said as I pushed her off.

"Cmon have a little fun, I don't see her here so." She slurred. "Well just because she's not here doesn't mean I should cheat on her." I said. The girl had an angry expression on her face. She stood up and stared at me for a moment. 

"Your going to regret rejecting me babe, I always get what I want." She whispered in my ear and then walked away. Weird. I just pulled out my phone and went on instagram liking a few post. "Hey, do you know where the bathroom is?" A random guy asked me.

He was kind of cute and he seemed friendly, "Um yea, follow me." I said. He nodded before trailing behind me. We made it to the bathroom and I was getting ready to walk back to where I was when the boy grabbed me.

He was dragging me to a bedroom. "Wait no stop." I said as I struggled to get out of his grip. He closed and locked the bedroom door. I saw the same girl that tried to hit on me earlier. I should've fucking known.

I'm so stupid. He threw me on the floor as I caught my fall with my hands. I looked up and saw the girl in front of me. She had an evil smirk on her face as she bent down to my level. "Hey love." She said.

I moved away from her as I got up. "What in the hell is wrong with you!" I yelled. I turned around to walk out of the door but the guy slapped me and pushed me back on the floor. The girl got on top of me and grabbed me by my shirt. 

"I told you I get what I want mamas." She whispered. "Well I don't want you!" I yelled as i tried to get her off me. I could tell she was sober now, but how did she get sober so fast. It makes no sense. 

She punched me and I groaned. I tried to push her off me again and I began to fight her. That is until she got off me and told the guy to do something. I got up and walked back as he walked towards me.

He grabbed my wrist and I winced from how tight his grip was. He pushed me on the bed and began to try and take off my clothes. "N-no get off!" I yelled as tears ran down my cheeks. I tried to stop him I did everything in my power to get his hands off me.

But it doesn't take rocket science to know that men are naturally stronger than women. I cried as he got my shirt off. "P-please stop." I cried out. I scratched and kicked and did everything I could but it was no use.

"Please." I said, but it came out as a whisper. He tied me to the bed after he took my shirt and pants off. "Privacy, and stand just outside just in case I need help." She said. The guy nodded and walked out of the room.

She locked the door and smirked at me. I cried as I pulled on the roped. "Wow your figure is nice." She mumbled as she crawled on top of me. She began to suck on my neck and I squirmed trying to get her to stop.

"If you keep moving things will only get worse for you."


A/n- Sorry for mistakes, stay safe. Love you.!<3

1105 words

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