Chapter 16

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Leilani's POV

"I-I am not always horny." She grumbled. "Whatever you gotta tell yourself babe." I said. "Baby I'm nott." She whined. "Ok ok ok." I said and raised my hands in defense as my eyes were still closed. 

She groaned not believing me before I heard her step in the shower. I opened my eyes and grabbed my phone before mindlessly scrolling through instagram. "Hey babe you still wanna go to school tomorrow?" I asked.

She poked her head out of the shower. "Um no, but you can." She said as she went back to showering. I went back to scrolling on instagram and eventually" posted this quote I seen on my story.

After a few minutes I heard the shower cut off and billie told me to close my eyes so that's what I did. I heard her wet feet hit the floor as I'm guessing she stepped out if the shower. "Ok you can open." She said. 

I opened my eyes and she had her clothes on. "Ready?" I asked. She nodded and grabbed my hand before we left the house. "We're going to go get something to eat first so you won't have and empty stomach." I said.

"Ok." She mumbled as we got in the car. "Can we get taco bell?" She asked nervously. "In the morning?" I asked. "Well...yea." She mumbled. "Alright." I said as I drove to taco bell. I ordered the usual and paid before handing billie the bag. 

We ate on the way to the police station and billie was squirming in her seat with nerves. "Hey." I said softly. "Hold my hand." I suggested. We came to a red light and she looked at my hand then at me. 

She hesitantly grabbed my hand. She was a bit tense at first, but eventually loosened up. "Everything's going to be ok, I promise." I said. "Ok." She said quietly as she looked down at ehr lap. 

The light turned green and I pulled off.


We made it to the police station and we were in the car because billie is having a mental breakdown. "W-what if something goes wrong, what if-." I cut her off. "Billie, calm down take a deep breath." I said softly. 

She took a deep breath and then let it out. "Seriously there's nothing to worry about, I'm here ok." She nodded as a tear ran down her cheek. "I'm just scared." She whispered. "And I understand that billie, but we have enough evidence." I said. 

"I want a hug." She mumbled. "Ok, I'm going to get out the car ok." She nodded. I got out and went to her side and opened the door for her. I hugged her and she was tense at first, but soon melted into the hug.

I rubbed her back comfortingly. "You make me horny without even trying." She randomly says. I laugh loudly as I throw my head back. "You say the most weirdest shit in the most random times." I say.

She chuckled before letting go and grabbing my hand. "Remember you got this." I said as she trailed behind me. We walked in and the police officer at the front desk greeted us. "Hi how can i help you." He said.

"Um my girlfriend here would like to report something." I said. I turn to look at billie but she was hiding behind me. "Baby cmon you got this." I whispered to her. She came out a little and looked down at her feet. 

"Um I-I was raped a-at a party." She mumbled. "Do you know the names?" The police officer asked kindly. "I um- no, b-but the boy name was Calvin I think." She mumbled. "There was two people?" He asked as she wrote some stuff down.

"Um y-yea a um a boy a-and a girl." She said as she shifted on her feet. I squeezed her hand letting her know she's doing a great job. "Do you know the girls name?" He asked me. "Oh uh yea actually we have proof." I said as I pulled my phone out going to the video.

I gave him my phone and he played the video. "Ah Calvin, and Emma. Them two just got out of jail." He said. Billie froze and looked up. "T-this isn't the first time?" She asked quietly. "I'm afraid not." He said. 

He handed me my phone back and I put it in my pocket. "We can get a restraining order for you ma'am and yea that's the best thing we could do." He said.

"The best thing you could do?" I asked while raising my voice slightly. "How about putting them back in jail!" I yelled. "Babe it's fine." Billie mumbled as she held onto my arm. "I sighed before calming down a bit. 

I turned around and walked out with billie attached to my hip. "I'm sorry they can't do anything better." I said as we got in the car. "It's fine, I kind of expected it." She mumbled. "It's not fine." I said as I put the keys in the ignition. 

"Wanna go home or drive around?" I asked billie. "I wanna go home." She mumbled as she played with the rings on my finger. I nodded and headed straight to billie's house.


We made it back like an hour ago and billie is currently sleep on my chest. For some reason she got really horny, but I told her to wait until she's ready. She began to stir and finally opened her eyes. 

"I have to pee." She mumbled before getting up. "Want me to go with you?" I asked. "I-I wanna try going by myself." She said. I nodded. She made it halfway out the door before she stopped and her breath hitched.

Billie's POV

I couldn't do it. The flash back from when he grabbed me came into mind. I began to panic slowly. "Lei." I mumbled as tears ran down my cheek. "It's ok. I'm here." She whispered as she hugged me.

I cried in her arms as she led me to the bathroom. "W-what if I never get over this." I said to her. "Trust me no one ever gets over it, but you will learn how to cope." She said as she turned around giving me my privacy. 

"I hope so." 


A/n- Sorry for the late chapter, yesterday was a long day for me and by the time I got home I was ready to go to sleep. So enjoy this chapter. Sorry for mistakes, stay safe. Love you.!

1080 words

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