Chapter 23

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Billie's POV

I woke up to my alarm blaring in my ear. I groaned softly as I reached over to turn it off. I rubbed my eyes and stretched until I realized leilani wasn't in bed. I got up and picked an outfit for school.

This is what I choose 

Lets just hope I don't get dress coded

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Lets just hope I don't get dress coded. After doing my morning routine I walked downstairs and saw Leilani eating avocado on toast while scrolling through instagram. She looked at me and she looked me up and down.

"How do I look?" I asked shyly. Leilani has never seen me in a skirt let alone how girly I could dress. "I- you look beautiful." She said as she stood up and walked over to me. She kissed me and I wrapped my arms around her neck. 

Her hands went down to my ass and squeezed and I let out a soft moan into her mouth. Her hands went under my skirt and I gasped. "Baby." I squealed as I smacked her hands away. "Alright love birds lets go." Finneas said.

We got into his car and soon enough we were at school. We walked in and went to our lockers. "Leilani!" Someone said, me and lei turned around and saw it was Zoey. She ran to her and jumped into her arms.

I thought they were having friendship problems. Leilani put her down. "Um hey." She mumbled. "You still mad at me I see, you look nice bil." She said to me. I was taken aback because she was never nice to me.

"Uh thanks." I mumbled uncomfortably. The bell rung and we headed to our classes.


It was now fifth period and people have been flirting with me all day and I can tell Leilani was getting frustrated." As we were walking this girl came up to me. "Your hot." she said as she grabbed my waist. 

"Um I-I- thanks." I said nervously as I literally felt Lei burning holes into me. "Maybe we could hang out sometime. She said as she squeezed my waist. "I-I um rather not." I said scared. Leilani ripped me away from her and stared at the girl. 

"Ew you, what do you want." She said. Leilani stared at her for a moment before slapping her and grabbing my hand. I was shocked and so was everyone else around. She went to her locker and grabbed her bookbag. 

I didn't dare ask any questions as I was to afraid. She dragged me into a bathroom. "Baby I-." She cut me off. "Shut up." She said. I quickly shut my mouth as she dragged me into the big stall. I gulped as she sat her bookbag on the floor.

"Why didn't you tell her you had a girlfriend? In fact why didn't you tell everyone that has came up to you that you had a girlfriend?" She asked. "Baby I-I'm sorry I was just-." She cut me off. She turned around and wrapped her hand around my neck and pushed me against the wall.

I whimpered as my knees got week. "Look at you, I haven't even touched you and your already a mess." she whispered. I can literally feel her anger. What is she going to do? "B-Baby what are you-." She cut me off by kissing me and of course I kissed back.

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