Chapter 5

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Sorry I'm late

Leilani's POV

We were in the middle of the movie when billie tapped me. I looked over to her and raised and eyebrow. "I'm going to go to the bathroom, and then get some more pizza want anything?" She whispered

"No I'll just go with you, I can pay for my stuff." I said as I began to stand up. She pushed me back down gently. "No it's fine really, do you want anything or not?" She rasped. I looked into her eyes and my breath hitched.

I never really noticed how beautiful her eyes was. "Hello Lei?" She whisper yelled as she waved her hand in my face. "Oh uh n-no I'm good." I said. "Ok if you say so." She shrugged and walked away.

"I don't like her." Zoey whispered to me. "You've mentioned it." I said bluntly while paying attention to the movie. She faced me towards her as she had an annoyed look on her face. "Why are you acting like you don't care?" She whisper yelled.

"Maybe because I don't Zoe, She's my friend not yours. You don't have to like her if you don't want to, but for now it doesn't concern me. That's a problem for you and her." I snapped. Someone turned around and shushed me and I flipped them off.

I tuned back around in my seat as I let out a huff. "How can she be your friend Lei, you barely know her." Zoey said. "You don't have to know someone for a long time to be their friend, that's what being friends does you're supposed to get to know them." I said.

"I don't understand why you're making a big deal out of this." I said as I stood up and went to the bathroom. "Um no I'm good." I heard a voice say. I walked in further and saw billie up against the wall and a girl flirting with her.

Billie looked bored and annoyed, so i decided to help. "Hey baby, I was looking for you." Billie looked towards my direction and raised an eyebrow before she caught on. "Uh yea sorry, got held up." She said as she pushed the girl away from her.

"Ready to go?" I asked. The girl looked annoyed and walked out. "Thanks." Billie sighed as she washed her hands. "No problem." I said. She gave me a small smile before drying off her hands. "Should we go back now?" She asked.

"Yea." I sighed. "Hey what's wrong?" She asked. "Nothing, cmon." I said and pulled her by her hand. "Whoa slow down." She said as she tried to hold up her pants. We made it in the theater and we took our seats back.


After the movies we all went home, I had been texting billie ever since I got out of the shower. She's pretty cool, she told me a little bit about herself too. She sings, loves taco bell, and she dances, well that was until she got injured pretty badly.

"Alright mija, go to sleep so you won't be sleepy in the morning for school." My mom said. "Alright mom love you." I said as I texted billie a quick goodnight text and shut my phone off.

I woke up the next day and stretched. Today might actually be a good day. I did my morning routine and got ready for school. "Hey dad I'm going to walk to school today." I said. "Okay sweetie be safe." I nodded.

I walked out of the door and put my airpods in my ear as I played music. I finally got to the school and smiled as I saw billie. "Hii." I said cheerfully. "Hey Lei how are you?" She asked. "I'm amazing, my anxiety is not that bad today." I smiled.

"That's great." She smiled and gave me a hug. "Ready to go to our first period?" She asked. "Yea." She grabbed my hand and we walked to class together. I haven't seen Zoey all morning so I was a bit skeptical.


Billie's POV

It was now the end of the day and I was waiting for Leilani to come out of the bathroom. As I stared in the mirror I heard the door open and close. I saw zoey walked in and she eyes me. She then slammed me up against a wall.

I groaned from the sudden impact. "Listen stop trying to get into Leilani's pants, she's been through enough. I don't like you and I never will. Stop trying to take her away from me. leilani is mines and mines only. Got it." She said.

I didn't respond and she slammed me against the wall again a little harder. I whimpered and pushed her away from me as I slid down the wall. My head was pounding. "Zoey what the actual fuck." I heard Leilani say.

Zoey looked towards her and her eyes widened. "W-where did you come from?" She asked nervously. She scoffed, "Really? That's what your worried about? I'm not yours Zoe, and why would you do that to billie." She said.

My vision started to get a little blurry. "Um Lei." I mumbled. Suddenly the lights became to bright and everything was sounding muffled. "Yes billie." She said.

"My head hurts." I mumbled. "What did you do?" She asked Zoey. Zoey looked scared. "Cmon billie, I'm going to take you home. Zoey text me when you get your shit together, your supposed to be my bestfriend." She said as she helped me up.

I stumbled a bit before everything went black.


I woke up in a room that wasn't mine. I groaned as I sat up a little. "Oh good your awake." Leilani said scaring the shit out of me. "Where am I?" I asked as I looked around. "My room silly." She giggled.

"Oh." I mumbled as I sat up a little more. "Here this should help with the pain." She handed me some ibuprofen and a glass of water. "I called your mom, she thinks you should stay here." She said as she sat next to me.

I took the medicine and laid back down. "I'm fine with that." I shrugged. "Dinners ready so, do you want something to eat?" She asked. "Uh yea that'll be great." I smiled. She got up and let out a quick I'll be back before walking out.

I observed her room and got up and walked around. I started touching things until something fell and hit my foot. "Jesus that hurt." I mumbled to myself. I picked it up and it was a vibrator. I chuckled softly.

The room door swung open and I quickly put my hands behind my back. She sat my plate on the vanity she had in her room. "What do you have behind your back?" She asked as she stepped closer.

I took a step back until I hit the wall. "U-uh nothing I just was um- I was uh-." I fumbled over my words, I couldn't really find a great excuse. She examined her room before her eyes widen. "Put my vibrator back you idiot I didn't clean it yet." She chuckled.

My eyes widened as I quickly dropped it. "S-sorry I was just snooping around and it fell on my foot and I-." She cut me off. "It's fine billie, I'm not ashamed of it or anything." She shrugged as she picked it up and put it back where it was.

"Cmon lets watch a movie while we eat tacos." She said as she laid on her bed. I smiled and went to go wash my hands, that is until I noticed I didn't know where it was.

"Um where's your bathroom?"


A/n- Sorry for mistakes, stay safe love you.!

1262 words

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