Chapter 17

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The Next Day

Billie's POV

I woke up to Lei's alarm going off, but she didn't wake up. I swear she sleeps through anything. I hit her in her chest and she shot awake. "If you don't turn your damn alarm off I will personally beat your ass." I grumbled.

"Ok ok jeez." She said as she rubbed her chest. She turned off her alarm before getting out of bed. "Where are you going?" I asked as I sat up. "To school remember." She said. "Oh." I looked down and fiddled with my fingers.

"Hey look at me." She said as she came and stood in between my legs. I looked up at her. "Everything will be fine, plus your parents and finneas are here if you need anything. I am only a call away if you need me too." She said softly.

I sighed as I looked down. "I know I just- I haven't told them yet, and I don't want a repeat of last time." I said. She grabbed my face softly and made me look up at her. "I'm sure they'll understand and if your not ready you don't have to tell them, just say you're not feeling well." She said.

"But I-." She cut me off by pressing her lips to mine. I kissed her back and wrapped my arms around her neck. Her hands went down to my waist and gave it a small squeeze and I moaned into the kiss.

Not gonna lie I was getting wet. She pulled away and I whined. "Baby cmonnnn." I said. "As much as I would like to make out with you right now, I have to go to school." She said. "But I want you to stay." I said in my baby voice.

"I understand that mama, but I have to go so I can bring your work for today." She said. "Fine." I said and pouted. "Babe don't be like that." She said. I turned my head away from her and folded my arms.

She wrapped her hand around my neck and I gasped. Immediately just turned me on. "Your such a whiny baby today." She said. I looked at her with a surprised facial expression. Never in a million years would I have thought I would be a submissive.

"Now if you be a good girl, when I come back we can have all the makeout sessions we want ok?" She said. I opened my mouth to say something but nothing came out. Her grip tightened a bit and I moaned.

My cheeks flushed red from embarrassment. "Ok?" She repeated. "I uh y-yes." I mumbled. She let me go and I sat their kind of shocked. Never expected that from her. I looked down to my lap and saw a wet spot forming on my shorts.

I covered it as my cheeks flushed a darker shade of red. "Um c-could you get me another pai of underwear." I mumbled with my head down. I heard her chuckled before a pair of underwear came in my view.

I looked up and there she was standing in front of me. I felt my cheeks heat up even more as I looked back down. "I'm going to take a shower, then Imma head out. Make sure you be nice to finneas." She says as she leaves the room.

"Oh god." I whispered out as I felt the wetness. I got up to lock the door before taking off my shorts and underwear and one swift motion.

Leilani's POV

I love making billie all nervous, it's kind of fun. I took a quick shower before doing the rest of my morning routine before heading out. I got in my car and headed to school. I saw Zoey and I tried to walk past her, but she stopped me.

I groaned before turning around towards her. "Yes?" I said. "Please can we just talk?" She asked. "I'm listening." I said. "I'm so sorry I've been a bad friend. I should've took into consideration that maybe you wouldn't wanna go because of your anxiety." She said.

People started gathering around and I got anxious. "Can we talk about this later." I mumbled as I felt my anxiety creep up. She looked around us and then nodded. She let me go and I walked off with my head down.

I sighed as I grabbed my books for first period. I hope billie's doing ok.


It's now the last class of the day and it's almost time to go. I was packing up my stuff when some girl came up to me. "Hi." She said cheerfully. "Oh uh hi." I mumbled shyly. "Why so nervous?" She asked.

"Um anxiety." I said quietly. "Oh I see, well my name is Asia, what's your?" She asked. "Leilani, lei for short." I said as I was starting to warm up to her. "I like your name." She said. "Thanks." I said. The bell rung meaning it was time to go.

"It was nice meeting you Leilani, see you around." She said and ran to her friend group. I heard one of them say 'why are you talking to that freak.' I sighed before grabbing all my stuff and walked out of the classroom.

I got in my car and drove to taco bell before heading to billie's house. I used billie's key and went straight to her room.

Billie's POV

I was just watching Netflix on my laptop when the door opened and I saw leilani. I smiled and ran and jumped into her arms. She dropped everything she had in her hand so she could catch me.

She chuckled, "I missed you so much." I said. "I miss you too." She said as she closed the door with her foot. "How was school?" I asked as she sat me on the bed. "Not bad actually. We didn't have any work today so your lucky." She said as she picked up her bags.

"Oh I got this for you." She handed me a taco bell bag and I smiled. "Thank you." I beamed. "No problem." She said. "So how did it go, you know with being by yourself." She said. "Oh it went fine, I did great actually." I said as I took a bite out of the burrito.

"That's awesome." She said. After I got done eating I threw my trash away and sat on the bed. Lei took her shit off and I just stared at her. "What are you looking at." She chuckled. I felt my cheeks heat up as I started to blush.



A/n- Sorry form mistakes, stay safe. Love you.!

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