Batfamily imagines and one sh...

By lwjawwx

1.4M 35.8K 9.7K

Request book! ~REQUESTS ARE CLOSED~ ** Some of the following stories are not for readers under 18. Warnings a... More

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Dick x Reader
All x reader: Valentines
Tim x reader
Dick x Reader
Damian x reader
Jason x reader
Jason x reader
Damian x reader part 2
Tim x reader
Damian x reader
Jason x reader
Damian x reader
Special Request: Bruce x reader
~Mothers day Special~
Tim x reader
Jason x reader
Dick x reader
Batboys x dominant, male! reader
Damian x reader p1
Damian x reader p2
vampire!Jason x reader
Tim x reader
Dick x reader: Exercises
Tim x reader
Dick x reader
Tim x reader
Jason x reader: Just a kiss
~Christmas Special~
Jason x reader: Wait for you
Tim x reader: "Don't call me sir"
Tim x reader: Children
Dick x reader: Family
Damian x reader
Jason x reader
Valentines Special! Part 1: Dick
Valentines Special! Part 2: Jason
Valentines Special! Part 3: Tim
Valentines Special! Part 4: Damian
Valentines Special Request! Part 4.2: Damian
Tim x reader
Dick x reader
Dick x reader Part 2
Dick x reader Part 3
Jason x reader
Batgirl x male! Reader
Tim x reader
Tim x reader
Damian x reader
Jason/Red Hood x reader
Jason x reader
Damian x reader
Jason x reader
Bruce x Batmom
Bruce x Batmom p2
Batbros x batsis
Batboys x Reader
Jason x reader
Damian x Reader
Damian x Optimistic! Reader
Batboys x reader
Jason x reader
Jason x reader
Tim x reader
Batboys x Reader
JasonTodd!Daughter! Reader x Bart Allen
Batbros x Batsis! Reader
Jason x reader
Jason x Reader
DickGrayson!Daughter!Reader x Bart Allen
Bat family x Batsis! Reader
Damian x reader
Bruce Wayne! Daughter! Reader x Beast Boy
Damian x reader
Jason x reader
Bruce x Reader
Tim x reader
Bruce x Neko! Reader
Damian x Superman's Daughter! Reader
Damian x Sniper! Reader
Damian x Reader
Jason x Reader
Tim x reader
Damian x reader
Dick x reader
Tim x reader
Bruce x reader part 2
Bruce x Reader p3
Damian x Reader
Dick x Blind! Reader
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Bruce x Reader Part 4
Bruce x reader part 5
Nothing - Dick x Reader
Bruce's daughter! Reader x Conner Kent
Jason x reader
Damian x reader
Special Chapter: All x reader
Dick x Reader
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Dick x reader part 2
Dick x reader Part 3
Dick x reader part 4
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Dick x Reader part 3
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Dick x (daughter) reader
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Dick x Reader
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Damian x Reader
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Tim x Reader
Damian x (Amazon) reader
Jason x reader
Jason x (daughter) reader
Jason x reader
Damian x Reader
Damian x Reader
Dick x Reader
Damian x reader
Dick x reader
Jason x reader
Damian x reader
Jason x Reader
Dick x Reader
Damian x reader
Damian x (daughter) reader
Dick x Reader
Tim x Reader
Jason x Reader
Dick x Reader
Dick x Reader part 2
Bruce x Reader (step daughter)
Batbros x batsis
Tim x Reader
Damian x (blind) reader
Jason x Reader
Damian x Reader
Batfam x batmom
Bruce x (latina) reader
Batfam x batmom
Damian x (male) Reader
Batbros x reader
Jason x Reader
Damian x (albino) Reader
Bruce x (latina) Reader part 2
Jason x Reader

Damian x reader

2.9K 90 5
By lwjawwx

Requested by: 👻Anonymous 👻

"Oh my! You've grown up so much!" I looked up at the woman in front of me. Koriand'r, a childhood friend of my mother.

I just looked at the group of people standing behind her. "Let me introduce you to everyone!" She held my hand pulling me towards the group.

"This is Raven, Robin, Beast Boy, Blue Beetle and Nightwing." She listed them off.

"Nice to meet you." The one called Beast Boy began talking to me.

"If you have any questions, feel free to ask!" The one called Blue Beetle said holding out his hand. I looked down at it in confusion then to Koriand'r.

"It's called a hand shake. Put your opposite hand in his." She told me.

I did as told and shook his hand. "I look forward to living here with you all." I smiled at him.

"You know Spanish?" Blue asked me.

"Our people have the ability to learn the vocabulary of another species or ethnicity through a simple touch or passing graze. The most effective is through lip contact." Starfire explained.

"Thanks to you I now know Spanish and English, so thank you." I smiled at Blue.

"That's so cool!" Beast boy said to me. "Oh! Me and Blue can give you the tour! Come on!" He excitedly pulled me towards their T-shaped tower.

I passed by Robin seeing as he didn't look to happy with my sudden arrival. The whole day was spent showing me every floor every picture, plant and technology inside the tower.

"This is your room! At least it's an open room, that can be your room if you want." Beast boy explained and opened the door.

"You can input your own password if you want this room." Blue explained and I looked around. It had half an ocean/beach view with the city on the other half. There was enough room for at least 3 large beds if I wanted, a personal bathroom and walk in closet.

"Are all the rooms this big?" I asked.

"The rooms at the end of the hallways are smaller but we use those as storage areas for extra blankets, pillows, lamps, batteries and all that stuff." Blue explained and I nodded.

"I'm fine with this room then" I smiled.

"Great! Tomorrow we can but some things! Like a table, towels, a toothbrushes, and all that stuff." Beast boy smiled.

"That seems like a lot to do in one day." I told him.

"Oh no, we're doing it all....... Online!" He smiled showing me his phone. "Actually we're going to use a computer for this not my phone, but you get the idea. Saves time and no need to wait in line!" He smiled.

"The bed we might have to go in person. To test out the firmness or cushion-ess." Blue said.

"I don't believe that cushion-ess is a word?" I asked him.

"It's not, but like... the softness of it?" He asked looking at Beast boy who just shrugged. I just smiled as they continued talking back and forth about how to decorate my room. Either with pictures, toys, or just random things. I stared out my window, thinking my life here wouldn't be that bad.

~time skip~

It's been a month since I've arrived and I haven't done any hero work yet. The reason being I've been working on my team work with everyone. "Does it hurt?" I asked Robin who was talking with Nightwing.

"I'm fine." He said and walked away.

I sighed. "Sorry about him." I looked up at Nightwing.

"It's okay, really. I can tell he's not the best with strangers.." I said and he just smiled at me, and then went to talk to Kori.

I turned to look at Robin again to see he was talking with Raven. "They look cute." I thought slightly smiling.

I sighed, not knowing how to get along with him. Out of everyone, my team work with Robin is the worst since there is a lack of communication, however when he gives orders and that stuff where we can coordinate, everything works out fairly well. Our only interactions are during these mock practices and meal times, since he seems to be in a bad mood when I'm around.

Everyone had wandered off to do their own thing, so I went back to the tower, and up to the roof. I sat on the ledge, staring out at the stretch of water in front of me. "If I could learn his interests maybe we could get on better terms? At least speaking terms?" I thought. All I knew was that he liked animals, vegetarian and a good fighter.

"Dinner is ready." I turned seeing it was Raven, to my surprise.

"Thanks." I smiled, standing up.

"Robin doesn't mean to be rude." she told me.

"Hm?" I looked at her in confusion, not knowing why she was telling me this.

"He takes a while to warm up to people." she told me.

".. you don't have to make excuses for him. It's fine if he doesn't like me." I smiled at her.

"He doesn't dislike you. Trust me." she smiled and went downstairs.

"From his point of view.. maybe he doesn't trust me? My circumstances for being here weren't exactly explained and I usually talk with star in Tamaranean so maybe he finds that rude? or weird?" My thoughts wandered as I went downstairs. "Maybe he doesn't like I'm alien? I mean those movies I've seen seem to depict us as an evil entity trying to take over the world.. but there are other species here so it can't be that." I thought as I sat down at an empty seat, not realizing it was next to Robin. "Maybe I smell..?" I finally thought.

"-out in the field. (Y/n)?" I looked up and everyone was staring at me.

"Sorry?" I asked.

"They asked if you think you're ready to go out in the field." Robin said before quickly leaving the table, saying he was full.

"(Y/n)?" I looked at Kori again.

"I.. I think? I mean, I can take care of myself well and I can easily provide others with cover or escape if needed." I said.

I sighed, as we all got a briefing. It was a string of clues, all leading to different locations in the city. All of which are definitely traps. "Splitting up is our best bet." Robin suggested.

"I agree, but who goes with who?" Kori asked. There were 6 of us, total, but there were 3 possible locations.

"Alright, Beetle and I can take the upper part of the city. It's the farthest and both of you can fly." Robin pointed out. "The next location is by the pier, so Beast Boy can team up with Raven. Robin and (Y/n) can take down town, we can blend in the best with the population." Kori laid out her plan. No one seemed to object, "Okay, we don't have time and have until midnight. Be careful all of you. If anyone finds the bomb, call in." she said and everyone quickly split up into their respective pairs.

"Um, Robin I- I can switch with someone if this set up makes you uncomfortable." I told him.

"It's fine. Hurry up." he said. Easily taking off his hooded cape and putting on what seemed to be a regular hoodie. "Wear this, your clothes stand out." he threw a jacket at me which I easily slipped on as we made our way outside, and I flew the both of us down town.

We landed in an alley and blended in with the evening crowd of people heading home from work. We awkwardly walked along the streets to the marked location. "Here we are." Robin said and I glanced at the hotel in front of us.

He casually walked in and to the lady in the front. I couldn't hear the conversation, but the woman seemed to understand and handed over a key. I joined Robin as he headed to the stairway to the basement. "Are there people in the hotel?" I asked.

"A lot. If we're lucky there isn't a bomb here and just an ambush." he mumbled as we hurried down the stairs. The roof of the stairway was too low for me to fly us down. Robin used the key he received and we entered the dark room.

The lights flashed on and I squinted at the sudden blast of light. My eyes adjusted seeing a good handful of men armed with different variations of guns. "Kids? Well, this is going to be easy." One of them said.

".. Isn't that one Robin?" One asked.

"Whose that?"

"Oh my god."

The fighting began quickly, bullets flying everywhere. I was thankful nothing in here was flammable. I couldn't use my powers much since the space was small and with everyone moving around so much, I didn't want to needlessly damage the building. Simple hand to hand was enough for these men since they weren't super powered or anything like that.

I ducked as someone swung a bat at my head, hitting one of his own allies, and kicked him against a wall. "Gotcha!" I felt someone pull on my leg, or try to. I looked down at him and he looked up at me.

"Keep your hands to yourself." I said picking him up, and throwing him into the group of incoming bastards. They themselves seemed very careful of when to use their guns, not wanting to hit their own allies.

After what felt like hours, everyone was defeated. I sighed, feeling oddly tired. I looked at Robin who seemed tired as well, and not hurt too bad. "Well, we can bring them in for questioning." I smiled and Robin just looked at me and nodded.

"As if." I heard one of them begin coughing. He had what looked like a remote in hand. He clicked a red button, and the bodies on the floor began to light up. I quickly grabbed Robin and blast open the door. "This is going to hurt, sorry." I said and quickly threw him up the stairs wincing as I heard the crash. I bit my lip, not knowing if this would work.

I made star bolts in my hands, my eyes glowed (fav color), and mist like threads flowed from my hands, quickly encasing the area and everyone in it. "If it was Raven this might've been handled better.." I thought not even knowing if my plan would work. I closed my eyes, hoping for the best.

~no one's pov~

Damian had been thrown into the door to the basement, knocking the door off it's hinges and landing in the hotel lobby. Before he could regain his breath or footing, the whole ground shook making people panic, thinking it was an earthquake. Damian with much effort got on his feet, and called in to everyone else. "We.. didn't have the.. bomb. But we need help over here." He mumbled into the comms, heading towards the basement where black smoke was coming out.

As he hobbled down the stairs, fir fighters rushed past him, some accidentally pushing him as they hoped to put out any fires that may have started. "We have a body!" someone yelled.

Damian heard the news and did his best to run down to the bottom floor. He tripped at the door seeing multiple charred bodies, and closest to the door was (Y/n) covered in burns, and dried as well as fresh blood.

Star fire was the first to arrive as the firefighters tried to touch (Y/n). "Wait, don't touch her." Star fire stopped them, and went to her side.

"Robin, what happened?" Star looked at him.

"They blew themselves up. She threw me up there and stayed here. I don't know what happened." he explained. "Is she okay?" he asked.

".. She absorbed the radiation and somehow even the impact." Star said looking around the room. She then carefully picked up (Y/n) and Blue Beetle arrived next. Blue helped Damian up and they quickly left saying they'd make an official report on what happened at a later time.

"Is she going to be okay?" Beast boy asked, once everyone returned to the tower.

".. Radiation overload is rare, but if too much radiation is absorbed, our cells can slag. Causing our enhanced powers to shut down, and sometimes disappear." Star explained.

"So, she can't fight anymore?" Raven asked.

"It depends on her." Star sighed. "She's radiating radiation now, so none of us can go near her." Star said pressing a few buttons and an enclosed room with (Y/n) in the middle appeared.

".. Will she die?" Robin asked.

"I'm not sure." Star answered.


It has been a week and (Y/n) has shown no signs of waking up. Damian stared at the monitor in front of him. When she first arrived, he of course didn't trust her. She had no background, other than being a family friend's daughter for Starfire. She was quick to learn languages with her ability, and quick to pick up on habits in everyone's fighting style. She was sometimes naïve in dealings with the human world, nearly being scammed quite a few times. Damian knew he didn't have to be as rude as he came off, but having a new member is weakness for the team for the lack of team work and a weakness for him since before he knew it, he found himself always looking at her. Making sure she wasn't doing anything stupid, like getting scammed and making sure others didn't try anything stupid by flirting with her.

"I brought some food." Damian looked at Dick who held a platter of assorted fruits, vegetables and something for himself. "Any improvements?" He asked.

"The radiation levels have dropped, and the heartbeat is no longer irregular." Damian said while eating a strawberry.

"She'll be okay." Dick placed a hand on Damian's shoulder, giving him a quick squeeze.

"Everyone keeps saying that." Damian sighed.

"Just believe little brother." Dick smiled and left with the empty plates.


Another week passed and the radiation level has dropped enough to where we can move (Y/n) into a different and more comfortable room. Damian once again, sat beside her hoping todays was the day she would wake up.

"We all went to the movies today. It was boring but you would've liked it. It was (fav genre)." Damian told her. "Starfire has been teaching us Tameranean. I'll admit.. it's hard." He smiled to himself. "I wish you'd wake up soon." He sighed, reaching out to hold her hand, but at the last minute rest his hand over the blankets instead.


It was ridiculous warm and slightly uncomfortable. With much more effort than I thought, my eyes opened to a dark room. I slowly looked around, not knowing where I was. I saw a window and door, and there was nothing holding me down. I started a fit of coughs after I tried taking a deeper breath.

A thud echoed in the room amidst my coughing fit. The livht flicked on making me flinch and close my eyes. "Sorry." I heard and the lights dimmed and I opened my eyes again slowly getting adjusted to the light.

I looked towards the person who turned on the lights seeing Damian. He was dressed warmly in what seemed like sweat pants and a baggy shirt. "How do you feel?" He asked me as he got a cup of water for me.

"Strangely tired." I answered after taking a few sips of water.

"You've been asleep for about a month and a half." He told me.

"So.. do I have all my limbs and such?" I asked and he nodded.

"Everyone was worried." He told me.

"Everyone?" I asked and he nodded.

"... including me." He said in a quiet voice. I smiled not knowing how else to respond.

"I'll let you rest." He said about to leave the room.

"Robin?" I called out to him. He paused and looked back at me. "Thank you for staying with me." I told him. He nodded his head and left the room.


The next day I got a quick check up, seeing if all my powers worked, if there were any side effects, injuries and things like that. Robin stayed oddly close by the doctor as she noted things down on her board. "Everything seems fine, just have to take it easy before going back out in the field." She said and Star thanked her before escorting her out.

Once again, I was left with Robin. He sat in the chair next to my bed. "I forgot but, thank you for saving me that day... you didn't have to though." He muttered the last part.

"My body is stronger than yours, it made sense to me to help you escape first." I told him. "I don't know how I survived the impact but my power comes from solar radiation.. and bombs have some degree of radiation in them. I thought of just absorbing all of it and hope that it will minimize the damages." I explained. "Everything somehow worked out." I shrugged.

"You did all that on a guess? You could've died." I noticed his voice get serious.

"Earth made bombs aren't strong enough to hurt me." I tried to reassure him.

"But the radiation could have!" He said sternly and I could see the frown on his forehead. "Don't do something stupid like that again! You made everyone worried sick, and confused for the past month!" He crossed his arms.

Even though he was lecturing me, I didn't find his lecture to be of anything other than genuine worry, and maybe affection? Maybe?

"I'm sorry for making you and everyone else feel that way. I'll be more careful." I told him.

"You better. The thought of losing someone you ca... a team member is not a pleasant one." He said before quickly leaving the room. I couldn't help but notice the pink flush on his ears and laughed as the door closed.

Hope you liked it! Sorry it was a bit late!!!

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