All your Fault

By Juicystarz10

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Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapyer 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
chapter 42
Chapter 43

Chapter 1

13.6K 342 8
By Juicystarz10

I had been still trying to make it to schools trying at the studio but they started asking questions when they caught me in there and then school they wanted to know why I was always  late for school so I stopped going all together.

I was walking and I seen a club called Jewels. I pulled down my crop top and walked in it was open but there wasn't many people in there at this time of day. I walked pass the bar to the big guy standing in the corner. "Can I speak to the guy in charge?" He nodded and guided me to the office and walked away. I took a deep breathe and knocked "come in" a deep baritone voice spoke. I walked in a looked around and then laid eyes on a impeccable black man about 5'9 very muscular dressed in an all black suit. When he finally looked up from the money machine his bright smile greeted me first. "Hello darling what can I do for you?" He said standing up coming around the front of the desk and leaning back on it. "I was wondering if you had any positions available?" He nodded "as a matter of fact I do. But I need to see you dance first." I took off my over the body bag. And he turned on the radio and Grown woman by party next door came on.

I whined my hips to the beat at first making sure he followed my hips then and turned around and dropped down bounced and dropped to my knees arcing my back and turning around to him and crawling . He looked like he was hypnotized . The song had changed to Jungle by Drake. "Take it off" was all he said I paused for a second and then slowly took my my crop top my green bra coming into view with my legging I tease him by showing my thong but not taking them all the way off. I turned around and looked back at him and then took them off so he could have a good look. He licked his lips. "Damn" he mumbled. He clicked off the music. He looked at my body I had Wide hips with a country booty and Carmel skin with a thin waist a round perky C cup and curly frizzy shoulder length brown hair with hazel eyes all that contained in a 5 foot 145 pound frame.
"Well?" I said waiting for him to stop drooling. "Okay you start tonight you won't have a solo until Friday since you a newbie at the pole. You'll be doing VIP and lap dancing." "Thanks" he smiled "you gonna be my money maker baby girl so thank you go see Gia she'll show you some tricks on the pole that is" he said smiling his million dollar smile again. I walked out looking for Gia but I had no clue who she was so I went back to the Bouncer. He seemed like he would be a good help. "Excuse sorry for bothering you again but do you know where I could find Gia?" "No bother she right on stage. Names Zane by the way" "okay thanks Zane" he smiled "I'm Kash" Zane was 6'2 240 pounds of big dark and scary but he had a nice smile and deep dimples . "Nice to meet you Kash." I smiled back walking away towards Gia as she worked the stage she did types of tricks. When she noticed me watching she stopped "what?!" I almost snapped but I knew I needed her help. "Jewel told me to come see you tonight's my first night" "how old are you first off? "She shook her head "look I'm old enough" "whatever get up here" I hopped on stage. "Climb up the pole and slide down I just wanna see how much strength you have." I climbed and slid down with ease. "Okay cool" she got up on the pole and did a trick it seemed easy enough. So I tried it and I struggled a little but completed it not with much grace but I had it and even added a split on the end just cause I could. I seen Zane watching us.

We had just finished practicing and Gia looked at me "you'll be good after a week with me on Friday you'll be a beast like me" "thanks are their any other girls here cool like you?" She laughed "they don't talk to me I pull all the  money and I'm just as new as you I've only been here for a month." "Oh uhm I have a question" "what's up?" She said climbing down from the stage. "Can you help me pick an outfit for tonight?" She looked at me to see if I was for real. "Yeah sure"

We walked out and Gia was looking around I guess wondering where my car was. "Where your car?" I was embarrassed "I don't have one I ride the bus" she ran her hand through her weave "okay uhm I'm not riding on no damn bus so we can take my car." She walked over to her big orange jeep. "Thanks I'll give you gas money" I was hoping she declined because the little money I had I needed. "Don't worry about it."

What YALL think??

Kash working at jewels let's see what happens next!

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