All your Fault

By Juicystarz10

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Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapyer 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
chapter 42
Chapter 43


18K 410 9
By Juicystarz10

"Kash get ya ass in this house!" My mother said slapping me as I went by. This was normal. everything she did was abusive.
She was a crack head, weed head, she did anything she could get her hands . When she wasn't nodding or sleep she was beating on me.
When I was 10 she told me she never wanted me and if I wanted to survive I'd need to get a job tricking or something to provide for myself.
I didn't know what she was talking about I just ate when I could.

My mother didn't even have a job she did whatever and I mean whatever she had too get her fix for the day. My mothers name is Sunday she is a very pretty woman that's the one thing she had going for her. She was 5'2 light skin with grey eyes. She filled out her slim frame with curves of an Amazon with curly sandy brown hair.
Sunday always had men in the house more men then a men's bathroom. She would treat the men nice though and they would stay around for a little until she would get crazy over the dumbest stuff. They would ignore me and so would she, until Deuce came around he was getting money I was kind of surprised my mom managed to get someone halfway normal. He spoiled us with gifts, cars and he got my mom out of the little run down shack we were staying in. He refused to come there and stay so he bought her own she was really happy and plus he was supplying her with top of the line drugs. This kept her the happiest.
Everything was going good only thing my mom was withering away after years of doing this. That's when Dueces attention went from my mom and on to me. He had my mom satisfied with drugs so when she was high he would sneak in my room. At first he came in to just check on me and talk I was only ten with a crack head mother there was a lot I had to say so we talked and it was fine to me.

Everything changed on my thirteenth birthday.

"I heard about your party it's going to be the party of the year Kash !" I smiled at the people that at one point and time laughed at me because I was poor and had no clothes. I loved the attention though so I was happy. "Are you coming?" "Yes!" Was all of their responses. Deuce took me shopping to find a pretty dress. And everything I felt like a princess.

The night of my party before I made my grand entrance Deuce told me since he had threw me this big party that I had to do him a favor in return. I didn't care I figured I owed him that much. "Okay!" I said happy as I walked into my party and turned up. Dancing around like I had done so many times when I was bored or mad. It was my way of escape so having a dance party was the best thing I could of had.

When I got home I wouldn't have believe the next events would have ever happened even if someone would have warned me. Deuce had told me to shower and then when he walked into my room this night everything was different. He locked the door when he came in which he never did. And then he laid down and explained everything that we would do. I was so uncomfortable but his word kept replaying in my head that I owed him. That night he fooled around with me and after he  got done I laid there  afraid of life itself how could someone I trusted so much be so cruel to me. He got up "and you better not say nothing to nobody" I balled up and cried myself to sleep. That wasn't the last time he came in my room either .

At 15 I was still getting molested on the regular . I would stay out at the dance studio that my mom had signed me up for because I didn't want come home to Deuce.
I was angry at the world even my mom I knew at this point she knew she just didn't care to do anything about it because she was good. I would fight in school almost every other day. If somebody looked at me wrong I was fighting just because I was angry at my mother and how my life has turned out and this was just the beginning.

I came home one night and I was having a bad day as it was and Deuce snuck in my room demanding me to do things to him. I couldn't  take it anymore. "Can we not do this?" I asked afraid of what he'd say because I knew my anger was getting the best of me. "No you owe me bitch!" Before he got finished his sentence I slit his throat with my razor. After I had packed my things in a hast I was so afraid.

I grabbed my stash of money and Deuces money and left my mother was to high to know what had happened and when she woke up and notices all the money was gone and Deuce was dead she probably pass out but I didn't care about her. I walked to the bus stop and got on the bus and rode to the studio. I opened the unlock window around the back and crawled in I slept there for the night.

Tomorrow's word of the day is wake up and try and find myself a job.

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