OC & Canon Crossovers

LuunaaPhase द्वारा

548 32 20

Crossover fics involving my OCs meeting characters from canon works that I love or hate. There will be crosso... अधिक

Author's Note
Hell Girl x Demonophobia
Hell Girl x Demonophobia 2
Green-Eyed Monsters vs. Twilight pt. 1
Green-Eyed Monsters vs. Twilight pt. 2
Green-Eyed Monsters vs. Twilight pt. 3
Green-Eyed Monsters vs. Twilight pt. 4
Green-Eyed Monsters vs. Twilight pt. 5
Green-Eyed Monsters vs. Twilight pt. 6
Green-Eyed Monsters vs. Twilight pt. 7
Green-Eyed Monsters vs. Twilight pt. 8
Green-Eyed Monsters vs Twilight pt. 10
Green-Eyed Monsters vs. Twilight pt. 11
Green-Eyed Monsters vs. Twilight pt. 12
Green-Eyed Monsters vs. Twilight pt. 13
Green-Eyed Monsters vs. Twilight pt. 14
How to write a crappy fanfiction
Green-Eyed Monsters vs. Twilight pt. 15
Green-Eyed Monsters vs. Twilight pt. 16
Green-Eyed Monsters vs. Twilight pt. 17
Green-Eyed Monsters vs. Twilight pt. 18
Green-Eyed Monsters vs. Twilight pt. 19
Green-Eyed Monsters vs. Twilight pt. 20
Green-Eyed Monsters vs. Twilight pt. 21
Green-Eyed Monsters vs. Twilight pt. 22
Green-Eyed Monsters vs. Twilight pt. 23 (END)
Resident Evil Village vs. Twilight
Resident Evil Village vs. Twilight pt. 2
Resident Evil Village vs. Twilight pt. 3 (END)

Green-Eyed Monsters vs. Twilight pt. 9

21 2 2
LuunaaPhase द्वारा

Part 9

Biyu, Jian, Weimin, and Jun are in Jian's car. On their way to the hospital.

They arrive and Jun is taken to the ER.

Biyu, Jian, and Weimin sat in the waiting room, waiting for a doctor to come out. Biyu sat apprehensively, her knees trembling uncontrollably.

"I don't think you should go to school in the morning," Jian tells Biyu, seeing that she is distraught and the fact Jun is injured. Biyu nods her head in agreement. She is worried about Jun's health and safety. His nose is bleeding most likely due to internal bleeding.

"If I leave him alone. What if Edward comes back and kills him?" Biyu said.

"Edward? Is that the burglar's name?" Jian asked.

Biyu nodded her head frantically.

"Yes, that's his name. I should've told you sooner," Biyu confirmed.

"How did you know his name?" Weimin asked.

"He stayed at Hyun-ae's inn, along with his girlfriend and family. Mrs. Jang learned of their names and Hyun-ae told me, Jun, and Jong-suk. That's how I knew," Biyu explained.

"Did Mrs. Jang get their full names?" Jian asked.

Biyu nodded her head.

"Cullen. So his name is Edward Cullen," Biyu replied.

"Edward Cullen..." Weimin said.

"Looks like we got the upper hand. We got his name and his wanted poster is out. I think the police will be able to update the posters and then they will be able to take him down faster," Jian said.

A doctor appears to greet the trio.

"Are you with Jun Song?" The doctor asked.

"Yes, we are his friends," Jian answered.

"What happened? Is he okay?" Biyu asked the doctor.

"He's bleeding internally. We need to perform surgery to stop the internal bleeding," The doctor said.

Biyu, Jian, and Weimin gasp in horror and look at each other in worry.

"We need to call his family," Jian suggested.

Biyu remembered she brought along Jun's phone. She unlocks it, taps the contacts, and finds Mrs. Song's number which Jun labeled "Ka-san".

Biyu taps Mrs. Song's number and waits for her to pick it up.

"Come on, come on. Please pick up, Mrs. Song," Biyu mumbled urgently.

Mrs. Song answered, causing Biyu to gasp in relief.

"Jun? Why are you calling so late? You have school in the morning," Mrs. Song said in an exhausted voice.

"Mrs. Song, this is Biyu. I'm borrowing his phone. Jun is hurt and injured and we're at the hospital!" Biyu said urgently.

"What? The hospital?!" Mrs. Song asked in disbelief and horror.

"He's going to undergo surgery for internal bleeding and it's a long story," Biyu explained.

"Hang on. I'll get my husband and we will be there as soon as we can! Stay on the call!" Mrs. Song told Biyu.

Biyu placed Jun's phone down and sighs in relief.

"His family is coming," Biyu informed Jian and Weimin.

"Let's call Mom and Dad, too" Jian suggested.

"I'll call the police," Weimin said, phoning the police.

Jian took out his phone and called his mother. When she picked up, Jian started explaining everything.

"We will come right over. We are on our way," Mrs. Huang said.

Biyu, Jian, and Weimin continued to sit and wait in apprehension. Waiting for the police, their parents, and Jun's family to arrive.


Edward hid on the top of a roof after escaping from the Huang family home. He sat down, feeling dejected. His expression shifts from despair to anger. He is angry at Biyu for choosing Jun over him. Come to think of it, Edward realized he doesn't mind having more than one girlfriend, let alone more than one wife (Considering the fact that his creator is a Mormon and some Mormons from certain denominations still practice polygamy to this day. Also, Twilight is strongly influenced by Mormonism.). Biyu can join his harem if he could just get her to see how nice and beautiful he is. Since Bella fell in love with Edward, Edward assumed that Biyu will do the same just in a slightly different way.

Edward pulled out the purikura photo he stole from Biyu and stares at it. He glances at Jun in the photo and glares even more angrily. He hated Jun. He hates him from the bottom of his heart. He hates that Biyu chose Jun over him.

"Soon she will see.." Edward said to himself. He disappeared from the roof and went to reunite with Bella and his family.


It has been several hours now ever since Jacob played with his little friend. He laid on the ground butt-naked, his shorts and underpants still at his ankles and panting amorously.

"That felt good," Jacob said.

He stood up and looked around to make sure nobody is looking. He looked out from the alley in the direction of the Jang family home.

"When school starts for her, I'm making my move," Jacob said to himself.


The same police officers arrived again. The police did not get a chance to introduce themselves earlier.

Lee (older cop) and Shin (younger cop).

The officers waited with the victims at the hospital.

Mr. and Mrs. Song and Gun, their younger son, finally arrive at the hospital. They talked with the doctor who informed them that Jun will be done with surgery soon.

Biyu explained the whole story to Mr. and Mrs. Song and how Jun got injured.

"I know it's hard to believe but it's true," Biyu said, feeling that Mr. and Mrs. Song would not believe her story and would get angry that Jun stayed the night at Biyu's home.

"We saw wanted posters of that man you just described. So it was him who broke into your house and he had the nerve to do it again. Don't worry, we believe you," Mrs. Song said.

"That burglar is still at large, we have to be vigilant," Mr. Song said.

Mr. and Mrs. Huang arrived and their children tell them the whole story.

Since Mr. and Mrs. Huang already knew about Edward beforehand, they were outraged that he returned.

"That ferocious man had the nerve to come back again and he even injured Jun!" Mrs. Huang said bitterly.

"Usually, burglars don't ever come back to the house they broke into but if they come back a second time, they're a stalker," Jian informed.

"We need to do something fast. He needs to be put behind bars," Mr. Huang said

"We got his name from Mrs. Jang," Biyu said.

"Edward Cullen," Jian said.

"We don't know how it's actually spelled so we need to talk to the Jangs again tomorrow," Weimin said.

"We have to stop this man," Mr. Huang promised.

After a while, the doctor finally arrived to inform them that the operation was a success and Jun's internal bleeding has stopped.

Jun's family and the Huang siblings sighed in relief. Jun made it.

"He will have to rest for a few days and then we will discharge him," The doctor informed.

"He was lucky. If he came here later than usual, the worst could have happened," The doctor said.

Mr. and Mrs. Song gasp in shock. Biyu gasps, her eyes widening and pupils dilating.

"That stalker needs to be put in his place," Mr. Song fumed, bitter at Edward for hurting his son.

The next day...

Hyun-ae and Jong-suk are in their classes. Jong-suk is not in Hyun-ae's and Biyu's class but he knew that Biyu and Jun are absent since they did not walk with him and Hyun-ae to school.

Hyun-ae sat quietly at her desk, listening to the history teacher lecturing. She glanced to her left, seeing that Biyu's desk is empty. Hyun-ae tenses up, feeling worried and concerned. Biyu did not inform her that she is not coming to school today. 

Hyun-ae and Jong-suk were the only ones in the group who walked to school together today.

Where did they go? Hyun-ae thought, worried about Biyu and Jun. She is convinced that the Cullens, particularly Edward have played a role in Biyu's and Jun's absence.

Earlier...prior to school

Hyun-ae waved goodbye to Mrs. Jang before leaving to head to school. She exits the inn gates and closed the gate behind her.

Jacob, who has been sleeping in the alley nearby looked out upon sensing Hyun-ae's presence. He spotted Hyun-ae walking in his direction, about to pass the alley he hides in. He immediately hid in the alley, feeling like his heart is about to burst out of his chest. Jacob then felt something stick up. He looked downwards, seeing a large bulge protruding from the front of his shorts.

Just seeing her turns me on! Jacob thought, smiling lustfully.

Hyun-ae checked her text messages to see if Biyu sent her a text. There are no new texts. She noticed Jun did not send any new texts either.

Hyun-ae texts Biyu to ask where she is. No response appeared shortly after.

She's probably busy with something and might appear at school later...Hyun-ae assumed.

She texted Jong-suk to ask where he is. Jong-suk replied and informed her that he is nearing the checkpoint where they and their other friends usually meet before walking together.

Hyun-ae passes the alley Jacob hid in. When she is eight meters away, Jacob exits the alley and starts tailing Hyun-ae.

Every time Hyun-ae looks behind her, Jacob would hastily climb onto the buildings and hide.

It feels like someone is watching me... Hyun-ae thought.

Hyun-ae finally arrived at the designated checkpoint, seeing that Jong-suk has arrived first and is waiting for her.

They greeted each other and continued their way to school.

"Hey, Jong-suk. Have you texted Jun and Biyu? They are not replying to their messages." Hyun-ae asked.

"They did not reply to me either. I think something came up. Maybe they are arriving to school later..." Jong-suk replied.

"Yeah, I thought the same," Hyun-ae said.

Hyun-ae then looked away nervously and apprehensively.

Jong-suk noticed Hyun-ae looking tense, feeling concerned.

"Is something scaring you?" Jong-suk asked.

"It feels like someone is watching or even following me around," Hyun-ae replied. She looked back again, seeing that there is nobody following close behind. There are only elderly passersby walking in the opposite direction. Jong-suk also looked back to see.

"Do you....think the Cullens have anything to do with this?" Jong-suk asked.

"There's no way it's them. They left because Edward is wanted by the police. Why would they come back here if Edward is recognized by many other neighbors?" Hyun-ae replied skeptically.

Jong-suk looks away, feeling apprehensive and worried.

Unbeknownst to the pair, Jacob has been following them and watching them closely. Jacob could not believe his eyes. Upon seeing Hyun-ae reunite with Jong-suk, he became dismayed.

Who is he? Jacob thought, assuming that Jong-suk is Hyun-ae's boyfriend. Envy starts filling up Jacob's soul.

He clenches his fists, jealous of Jong-suk.

Who does he think he is? Trying to steal Hyun-ae from me? Jacob thought enviously.

Hyun-ae and Jong-suk arrived at school, they looked around to see if Biyu and Jun are around. There is no sign of them.

"Maybe they're already in the classrooms," Jong-suk speculated.

Hyun-ae arrived in her and Biyu's classroom. She noticed Biyu's desk is empty, further worrying her.

Where has she gone? She is never late for class.. Hyun-ae thought worriedly.

Back to the present

It was lunchtime. Hyun-ae and Jong-suk sat outside together, eating their home-cooked lunches. Biyu and Jun are officially absent and they have not sent any messages in the group chat.

"I think we should see where they are after school. I don't want to bother them," Hyun-ae suggested.

Jong-suk nodded his head in agreement.

Jacob hid behind a bush, closely watching Hyun-ae and Jong-suk. He glares at Jong-suk, seeing him as competition for Hyun-ae's affections and as an obstruction.

Other students walking around the school grounds spoke amongst each other.

"Hey, did you hear? There's a creepy guy who broke into someone's house and he is still at large." A girl asked another girl.

"Yeah, that guy looks so scary. He has eyes that stare deep into your soul." The other girl replied.

Jacob overhears the conversation of the girls but did not understand a single word they said. He turned his attention to Hyun-ae and Jong-suk again to see if they will display any affection. So far they did not from Jacob's perception.

After school

Hyun-ae and Jong-suk walked home together. Their first stop is Jun's home since it is the closest. Jong-suk rang the doorbell and waited for the door to open. No answer.

He rang the doorbell again. No answer.

"Nobody's...home...?" Hyun-ae said in disbelief.

"His parents are out of town and now he and probably Gun..."Jong-suk remarked.

The pair head to Biyu's home and ring the doorbell. To their surprise, Biyu answered the door. They notice Biyu is wearing her pajamas.

"Oh, hi guys," Biyu greeted.

"Hey, what happened?" Hyun-ae asked.

Biyu looks around and beckons Hyun-ae and Jong-suk to come inside.

Biyu gave Hyun-ae and Jong-suk oolong tea and they sat in the living room to chat.

"I didn't come to school today. There was a horrible incident..." Biyu began.

Hyun-ae and Jong-suk gasp in horror.

"What happened?" Jong-suk asked.

"He came back..." Biyu replied.

"He...You mean Edward?" Hyun-ae asked.

Biyu slowly nodded her head yes, still traumatized from last night.

Part 9 End

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