"Why Won't You Smile at Me?"...

By Byuugyyi

80K 2.4K 7K


An Unwanted Encounter
Just a Comforting Smile
Justified Anger
Before the Curtains Rise
Little Things Give You Away
A Violent Promise
Dreams of the Past
What Your Lightner Would Have Wanted
A False Sense of Choice
Blood Stress
Hate at First Sight
Death By Chocolate
Q&A: Announcement
SPECIAL: PART FOUR Shattered Dreams
The Power to Protect
Code of a False Knight
The Void Smiles Back at Me
SPECIAL: PART FIVE Secret Destination
Guiltless Crime
The Power of a Name
Puppet on a String
SPECIAL: PART SEVEN Dance with the Devil
The Handsome Menace
Babysitting Blues
Candid Catwalk
Mental Syndrome
War Memories
One Last Performance

Diamond in the Rough

941 44 108
By Byuugyyi

AN: :) Fanart done by @pj_blob at Instagram.

Early mornings around the castle tend to be peaceful. Most workers were just starting to wake up while the kings snored in their lavish quarters. A quiet pleasant morning is the perfect way to get ready for the daily grind.

Unfortunately, you were never awarded that pleasantry. You weren't sure if it was possible that someone else here could have nearly as many problems as you do. The door creaked as you shut it behind you. A heavy burden rested on your shoulders like the shiny helmet on your cranium.

Just staring into the hallway was enough to make you feel queasy. The castle is huge! Where would you even start? Could he be hiding in the throne room? Maybe the cafeteria? How were you supposed to guess when you've never met this weasel before!?

An anguished sigh flops out of your mouth. Maybe... you need some help. Asking the King of Spades where he could be was a death sentence for you. This was your first day and there is no way that he wouldn't be willing to punish you for this... You shudder, your shoulders cuddling into your neck as you imagine what that crazy Spade would do to you.

You shake your head. Yeah, no. You are not doing that. The only other darkner you could ask though... was the blue boisterous bastard... Rouxls Kaard. Your frown digs into the corners of your skin. You would go to the most fire-filled, tortuous part of hell before asking him for help. You could already hear his conceited response inside of your mind.

"Oh! Doth admidith that I, Rouxls Kaard, am the truest bestest babysitter? Youest must tellest me that if i am to help thou! Now speak it to me worm!"

You roll your eyes as a soft growl exits your clenched teeth. You don't think you would be able to stop yourself from punching the dust out of him if he uttered that garbage at you.

Welp, you have no options for help then. How splendid... At least he's just a toddler. They aren't necessarily known for their hide-and-seek skills. A faint smile plays on your lips. The memory of Frisk holding up their blanket as a hiding place when they were just a little kid flashes in your mind.

Yeah... maybe this will be easier than you thought. You look down the hallway, eyeing the staircase. The first floor seems like the best place to start. You place your foot on the first step and walk into the depths of the stairs.

Foot forward, step down. Foot forward, step down.

Walking down these stairs felt so different than before. Like the steps themselves didn't know who you were and we're treating you like a wandering stranger. No longer (Y/N)... now shall only be known as the new name the Spade King gave to you.


Maybe you should start thinking of yourself as such... Just so that you don't accidentally call yourself (Y/N).

"Gee Willikers! Have you ever seen this darkner around before?" A high-pitched screech pierces your ears. Your eyes guide themselves to the source of the noise. A small Rudinn stood on the other side of the staircase moving up the never-ending steps. Before you can react a large white paw slams down on the stair in front of you. Three long snake-like necks rise and tower over you. The three-headed cat Cerberus... Clover.

Your eyes go wide as the necks crane down to surround you.

"Hey~! A new face~"| "I WANT that helmet!"| "I-I'm sorry they are getting so close to you-"

These exact heads were the same ones that surrounded you only a couple of days ago... What Deja vu... You clench your teeth. It's just as horrible as you remember. You open your mouth. "Hey-"

A bead of sweat drips down your face as you quickly shut up. You have talked to them before... They know your voice. What if... they recognize your voice? Oh... If they found out that this vessel is you then everyone in the castle would know- and God knows what the King of Diamonds would do to you then.

The three eyes of the different heads of the cat-like darkener squint. The happy go lucky of the three leaning into you, her ear facing towards you. "Hmmm~ What was that?" | "Speak UP!" | (Maybe they didn't want us to hear it?)

Instinctively you try to step back, your foot hits the stair behind you. Your eyes widen with surprise once it hits the, higher in elevation, step. Your body rocks completely forgetting the delicate art of staying upright. Your hand shoots towards the railing and firmly grasps it stopping your wibbling.

The little Rudinn giggles at your reaction to the large furry beast. "Hey! You don't have to be scared of hers!" They move up the stairs and place their hand against the angry head's cheek. "See!"

A large smile appears on the happy head's face as she moves down to the rudinn. "Oh~ Pet me next!" As the happiness spread the exact opposite was combing over the face of the touched head. "HEY! You're making me look SOFT!"

You grimace. You couldn't speak... and these idiots are wasting your time. Time that should be spent searching for Lancer. You scratch your chin... Maybe you could put on a fake voice to talk to them? But... there was still a chance that it would be too similar to your own voice.

The quiet one sighs softly. "Maybe we shouldn't be doing this in the middle of the stairs..."

You narrow your eyes. Yeah, no kidding... You stare at the disgusting sight before you. Who would want someone to pet them? Hands all over you touching you... Ugh...

The small snake extended their other hand scratching the chin of the optimistic of the three cats. A loud purr comes from her as she moves herselves lower to the ground. The Rudinn smiles innocently as they scratch the top of her head.

Purring... Why did that have to bring back memories? You didn't want to think about him anymore- That bastard who purred when you touched him...

You lean over the wall of the stairs, digging your claws into the metal railing. Why... Why are you still letting him have so much power over you? It's pathetic... It's sickening... He... He really has become the new Chara, hasn't he? He's taken up the fear that they had in your mind.

You slap the top of the helmet. The metal vibrated around your skull, an earthquake in your mindscape. You held the front of the concealing hat and shut your eyes. No more... No more thinking. You are in control. No one else is.

The fear... the anxiety... the agony... That was a part of (Y/N).

You are a vessel now and you won't let the problems of the dead come back to haunt you.

"A-are... You okay?" Clovers' voices reverberate in your metal shell. You were letting them control you. Their presence close to you was stopping you. You're not gonna take that.

They were in your way...

In your way.

You stood up straight and a glimmer touched the edge of your visor. Your throat dipped deep into your chest. "Leave."

The torches that lit the walls snuffed out, plunging the world into darkness. Despite that, you could still make out the faint outline of the other souls here. A screech exploded from the reptile as they clenched their arms around one of Clovers ' necks.

"Eek~! Who turned out the lights?" | "We are getting the HELL out of here!" | (I think I might faint...)

Their eyes were wide, their pupils covering everything else. Their tail tucked between their legs as they softly shook. A large smirk carved through your cheeks at the beautiful sight. Their powerful paws hit the black steps next to you. The world quakes as they sprint up the steps, leaving a crushed-up path behind them.

You look down on your masterpiece of cracked blackness. A twisted delight contorted your features. Even without your eyes to carve into them, you could still demand respect out of others. Maybe... this whole helmet thing isn't so bad.


The first floor was devoid empty of any other living sight. It was still early... But the more reasonable residents of the castle should be waking up by now. When they start moving about it's going to be much harder to find this kid... Clover is the perfect example. How many guards and other staff tried to introduce themselves to you when you first started working here? Countless... Clover was enough of a time sink you don't need more idiots bothering you.

That made this decision in front of you all that more important. Where to look first? Well, Lancer being a kid might have gone into the cafeteria to sneak some darkberry treats as he hid... You did know from experience that the doors to the mess hall were open at this time because whoever was on cleaning duty that night needed to be able to leave the room.

Plus this is one of the first places that gets filled to the brim with darkners in the morning.

You press your hand to the door. It's funny to think how much has happened to you in just these last three days... This is where all this madness started.

You shut your eyes softly shaking your head. You press your cranium to the cold black surface, leaning against the door but not enough that it would open it. Even if you were not assigned to duty that day... You know that devil would have just done something else to meet you. Your choices didn't matter.

The door moves away from your resting head. Your pupils shrink as you quickly gather your composure back. Your soul beats fast inside of your chest.

You might have made a small mistake in your choice... You might have forgotten that someone needs to be in there to cook the food.

"Hello? Like, we aren't scheduled to be open for another hour."

You freeze. Him... Wearing a chef's hat. Dark circles hid underneath his eyes as his usual smile felt corrupted and forced.

"Hey, wait.." The crack of the door widened letting you see the soft pink apron he had on. "Yo, are you the other darkner on cooking duty?"

No... no no no... Was this the Angel's idea of torture? The eyes that stare into yours had that same kinder stare. The only thing different was that there was a cloud, a cloud of worry. Worry... That you knew had to do with you.

"Yo, you alright bro?" He tilts his head at you raising an eyebrow. "You're kind of shaking-" His hand tumbles down to yours gently grabbing your wrist. "I'm sorry if you aren't feeling okay, but like I really need help right now."

You flinch from the touch but... it didn't hurt. There was vague pain and discomfort, nothing compared to what you normally felt. D-did you... trust him enough to make the phobia better?

Or... were you just too focused on seeing him again that your brain didn't register it?

"I know that like- it sucks to put together darkner's meals but like someone has to do it." You stare down at his grasp. Hot hyperventilating breath made your helmet turn into a sauna for your head. The usual sensation, the small needles digging into your wrists, showed its ugly face again.

"Yo, so bro-" The snake's hand leaves you and your eyes draw toward the sound. Surprise grapples your heart. A familiar disgusting environment burns your soul. You were so preoccupied with your thoughts that you didn't even notice him leading you into the kitchen!

The place seemed clean-ish this time around but- instead of the giant pile of plates and mess instead, there was a giant mound on the table that would even make Rouxls Kaards hoarding be jealous.

"You remember what you're supposed to do right?" Your eyes narrow at the pile trying to make out what was inside of it. You take a step closer...

Plastic bags with... Club Sandwiches in them.

"Gosh- You really don't remember do you?" A stab of guilt hits your soul as you hear the slight disappointment in the Rudinn's voice. "That's chill... That's fine." His hand scratches the back of his head as a soft sigh overcomes him. "Okay so do you know like the chefs for the castle? They kind of look like those animal cracker things lighteners would sometimes eat?"

Oh yeah... You do remember sometimes seeing those chefs when grabbing what you wanted for a meal. They are really strange... You can't even begin to think of what caused a lightner to create beings like that. You nod.

"Perfect! So like, it's their birthday and because of that, they decided to take the day off. So, dude, we are like the replacement chefs." He holds his arm out gesturing at the massive heap of food. "I've already got like a head start but uh... we are going to need a lot more."

You didn't have time for this. There was no way that Rudinn was close to finishing at this point. If you helped you would be here for hours just making sandwiches over and over again... By that point, the spade king would know that Lancer had disappeared. But...

It was haunting seeing that amount of desperation in your dear friend's eyes. The madness of your life and the stress of the one he lived cracked that once chill exterior leaving a saddened worried shell of a darkner. You... couldn't just leave him, could you?

Maybe... you can help just a little bit.

Grabbing a loaf of bread, you open it and throw its contains onto the counter space in front of you. The bread lands in a perfect row of fluffy whiteness.

A small smile shows up on the Rudinn, which felt still off of the traditional smile of your partner. "Hey thanks, man, I really needed your help." His eyes returned to his own station. "You know I haven't... been like the best recently." He placed down a line of bread before tossing the ingredients for the sandwiches into the air. Sharp diamond-shaped magic enters the air, bright white crossing, turning and cutting. Despite the excitement of the attack, Rudinn's eyes lowered. "You know uhh..." The food landed right on top of each of the pieces of bread. "My partner hasn't... returned since last night."

He grabs a plastic bag sliding the sandwich inside. "Things have been... Kinda wild with them and like it's... "The sealing of the bag echoed around the room, the hollow sound taking up the space of your thoughts. "Scary." His eyes shot to yours behind the helmet. Your soul leapt in your chest. Those goddamn eyes... Just seeing all the worry, you have done. All the problems you had caused. You flinched, grabbing some of the vegetables and putting them randomly on the sandwiches.

If only... things were different.

"You know bro- you may have actually heard of them..." The sound of the sealing up bags made your eye twitch every time you heard the sound. "They kind of remind me of you actually- you both got the same vibes ya know?" The armor you were in grew heavier, as your lips pursed together. "(Y/N) was their name and like... they were kind of stand-offish and... I'll be real, Bro was threatening." The white scales on his face shined a light red as he started scratching the back of his neck. "No offense to you of course!"

The reputation you held was one not lost on you. You knew that whenever you stepped into the hallways many darkners would scatter away from you once you gave them your chilling look. Your nose was always in books or to the floor and you kept a poker face of disgruntlement wherever you went. There is no wonder that your reputation proceeded you with this as well... not to mention that you didn't... exactly stop acting like such when you got a partner.

"I remember like when we got assigned together. The first thing they did when I entered the room was throw one of my gems straight into the wall next to me! I mean like-"

A diamond was summoned into the air and it aimed itself right at the wall. A dull thud filled your ears as the magic crumpled up against the wall before falling right back to the ground. "Kinda like that but- uhh... my partner managed to blow a hole straight through the wall and the gem ended up on the other side of the hall..."

A soft curve came to the sides of your mouth. Yeah... that was a fun time of being told off for being careless with their 'indoor training'. They assumed it was Rudinn at first, but you didn't want him taking credit for how strong that hit was, so you told them you were the one who did it. Ha! They ran away as fast as their legs would carry them after that


"But! After the gem stuff, they like said that they aren't my friend and to not stand in their way!" Rudinn's usual emerald gaze flickered in his eyes, like a fire turning back on inside of him. A warm chuckle exited his mouth and you had to bite your lip to stop yourself from joining him.

God! You got that 'you aren't my friend. Just don't get in my way" line from one of Frisk's favorite books! It feels so weird to remember that you tried to emulate that character so that you could be just as badass and brooding. You could barely taste the same feeling of disgust on your tongue that you got when you first met Rudinn. You thought that he was just a weakling... You could sense that he wasn't that powerful, so you thought that he was just going to be a burden to you.


Who's the burden now?

"Like and- My god! My soul was beating pretty fast at that...Hahaha! But man, like- even though they were trying to be scary" A soft sigh came from the darkners big, toothed grin as his eyes focused on the dark countertop in front of him. "-now that, I like, met them-"

"I understood that deep down they were the one that was really scared."

Your pupils shrank, as the slight smile on your face was replaced with a slightly ajar mouth. Back then, every darkener that approached you, every night waking up every other hour over some slight noise... You were terrified. You didn't know who you could trust... Hell, you didn't want to trust anyone at all, and Rudinn... managed to understand that before even you understood yourself. "I...I hope they are alright..." Another sigh slipped out of the snakes out.

You hadn't been doing anything to make the sandwiches for a while now. You just... kept alternating at looking at Rudinn and the uncut vegetables on bread before you. Neither was Rudinn he seemed to have stopped creating sandwiches too... All of his progress was still just in the almighty pile of sandwi-

Wait... You squint your eyes. Weren't the sandwiches right there on the table...?

Oh no.

The smacking of a sandwich against the floor, drew your attention right back to Rudinn... who was holding the clear bag in his hand as the carnage of the sandwich ingredients falling apart on the floor painted a clear picture of what just occurred. A single drop dribbled onto the top of the deconstructed food.

A... teardrop?

R-rudinn...? H-his eyes suddenly had tears waiting at the gates ready to spill out. Y-you've never... seen him cry before.

"Do... Do you think... that they... are still alive...?" His voice came out as barely a whisper as if saying the question out loud would cause the nightmare in his mind to come true. "I-I... I tried to h-help them-"The darkners sleeve rubs against his face trying to get the tears out of them.

Your hands trembled as you had to fight the tears coming in your own eyes. It felt so wrong witnessing this. This wasn't Rudinn. Rudinn never acted like this with you. He was composed silly and lovable... He... You couldn't...

You stared down at your hand before closing your eyes. You... said you were... going to help him.

Silently, your gloved hand slipped itself onto his shoulder...

Helping each other is what partners are for.

For the first time, since you have been stuck in this dark world hell... For the first time, since... Chara happened to you.

You didn't feel any fear.

You couldn't be a Vessel like the spade king wanted you to be, devoid of the pleasures of your first life. Despite everything, it's still you and you weren't going to stop being you.

The snake froze up before turning his head and looking right into your visor, staring right into the blackness. Slowly, his arms wrapped themselves around your waist. "T-thank you..."

It felt just like when... Frisk would hug you. Warm... caring... Tears fell down your cheek. You missed this feeling so much. No, clawing and aching... no danger. Just love... A comradery. Nothing romantic or anything just... trusting. "I-i..." Rudinn's voice cracked as he spoke. "I-I needed this..."

"Hohohoho! What's this? Hugging without me?" A completely unfamiliar voice echoes around the room. The voice sounded young and imprecise with its speech like it didn't know how to speak correctly yet. "Hahahaha! they didn't even know I was here's! That's why I'm not in the hug!" Your eyes dart to the source of the sound.

Finally! After all of this time! You found him. His rotund body... The spade onesie the boy was wearing... The necklace on his neck connected to a small spade-themed pacifier... and the biggest indicator of all the giant grin with the spade-shaped shade on the face. There was no doubt about it. This was the son of the King of Spades, Lancer.

What did... surprise you though was that he was on a tricycle. A tricycle with marker yellow and orange lines to mimic flames, and right next to the small boy sharing the rather large seat was a familiar towering pile of sandwiches.

Your jaw nearly fell completely out of its bone.

The snake holding you soon released himself as he slowly slithered towards the prince with a shocked expression on his face. "Yo! little dude! What are you doing with our sandwiches?"

How... How did...

He is two, right? How could a two-year-old be competent enough to steal like this right underneath both of your noses? Well, now that you found him you aren't going to let him get away. If you knew one thing about toddlers it's that they will never give in without a fight, and you weren't going to be bested by a small round boy again today.

The child giggled at the perplexed faces in Infront of him driving his tricycle in a circle as he pointed his index fingers straight into the air "I'm being a bad guy! Duh-"As he moved some of the sandwiches fell right to the floor with a splat making the little infant giggle even louder.

Rudinn moved fast as he started to grab some of the food that hit the ground. "Little dude I need these sandwiches to feed the other darkeners in this castle though-"

You eye the door to the cafeteria. That is the only exit you know of in the room; If you can just block such then he will be putty in your palms. Your eyes narrow as you crouch down. Oh, you were so ready for this... As soon as he starts riding his way over here you will slide to the door and grab him before he can escape. It's a perfect plan!

A blue tongue falls out of Lancer's mouth as he laughs maniacally. "Hohoho!" He places both of his feet right against his pedals. As you bite your lip as you concentrate. "If you want it then catch me!"

That was the signal.

His feet start pushing against the pedals as he zooms forward, faster than you expected the toddler to be able to go. Still, that wasn't that fast- His eyes lined up with the door and your eyes sharpened...





You slide right to the door ready to catch the little bastard. The wheels on the darkeners tricycle turn before the doorframe. It rides straight into an open cabinet on the floor. "See you, clowns!" Cackled the evil darkener child as the sound of a flap opening hit the room.

You quickly got on your knees and peered into the cabinet. A... a doggy dog? A small black doggie door sat right inside. You could feel a blood vessel in your brain burst.

W-WHO..??? WHAT?

Who does that?!

You slam the cabinet door as you rise back up, causing the poor wood to fall right off of its hinges. "How dare he..." You mumbled under your breath. Not in a million years would you have, number one noticed the open door and number two, have connected that to being an escape route for the toddler. That's how he must have gotten in without either of you noticing.

Well, how are you supposed to find him now...

You walked over to the kitchen door peering inside. You could feel the lightbulb appear over your head as a grin overcame your features. Darted all along the path to the door were fallen sandwiches straight from the prince. All that him stealing all that food did was leave a breadcrumb trail, even though in this case it's more of a bread trail straight to Lancer. You walk through the doorway, your head held high knowing that it won't be long till your quest is finally over.

As you move eyes bore into the back of your head has the sound of panting vibrates in the air. You turn back to see Rudinn leaning against the opened door, with a large pile of the fallen sandwiches resting right in his hands. Your hands press against the door in front of you, knowing that you can't spare a single second or Lancer might decide to ditch the sandwiches.

"Wait..." He huffs out as he tries to catch his breath. His face stares at your helmet, his eyes coated in shock. Your heart jumps in your chest as you press further on the door opening it up to the outside world. "Y-you're-"

Before you heard the rest of it the sound of a distant "Hohohoho!" made you sprint into action leaping away from the door and running towards the site of the sound.

The snake takes in a huge breath as one of his sweat drops hits the kitchen floor. He stared right where your soul had been... and whispered.


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