✅ Set Me Free |The Phantom Se...

By MistressElle

183K 7.5K 1K

After seventeen years of living in the darkness, Elijah Harris was finally free and intent on discovering and... More

Character Info
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
AU Extra Chapter: The Wolf and the Bunny
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34 (M)
Chapter 35: Finale
Extra Chapter: Sick Devon

Special Chapter

3.4K 143 27
By MistressElle

Devon meets Ryzel

As usual, Devon woke up early, did his routine, and after freshening up, decided to check Elijah in his room. Devon starts to get restless whenever he fails to get a glimpse of his sunshine, an unfathomable emotion Devon did not expect to feel; until he met Elijah, that is.

Elijah's room is only another room away from Devon, and if you ask the older man, he prefers to have Elijah inside his arm, where the boy is within Devon's reach. However, Devon does not want to pressure Elijah. He wants to give the boy some space.

If things go according to his will, Devon would have already confessed to the boy and asked Elijah to marry him, but that would be going too fast. Massaging his temples, Devon sighed deeply, and when he got to Elijah's room, twisted the knob slowly and heaved a sigh of relief when he found the boy softly sleeping.

It was only six-thirty in the morning, and Elijah is usually awake by seven-thirty. Devon sat on the left side of Elijah and softly brushed the boy's hair. A wave of protectiveness washed over Devon as he gazed upon the innocent boy, sleeping like an angel. Elijah was so peaceful that it steeled Devon's resolve to not mar such peacefulness.

Elijah stirred and was roused in his sleep when he felt a warm hand caressing his cheek. Instead of getting alarmed, Elijah leaned into the warmth and sighed pleasantly. "Dev..." He softly mumbled with a small smile, moving closer towards the warmth.

Joy and pride blossomed in Devon's heart when Elijah called him in a sleepy haze. Instead of waking the boy up, Devon planted a kiss on Elijah's forehead and reached for the boy's body pillow. Devon used it as a replacement for his hands. Then, Devon opened the bedside drawer and wrote a note.

"Sleep tight, baby." Devon stepped out of Elijah's room with a heavy heart. As much as he would like to spend the day snuggling with his adorable sunshine, Trevor is here with a guest.

Since Devon decided to officially inherit the Salazar clan, Devon had to take a crash course from Trevor. There are so many things Devon needs to learn, so time should not be wasted. He can't complain. If only Devon was more responsible, he would not be in a difficult position right now. With a deep sigh, Devon climbed downstairs.

Before leaving his villa, Devon activated the security alarm and made sure that the entire estate is secured from intruders. Stefan's mansion is just a few meters away from Devon's villa, so if Elijah wakes up, the latter can easily find Devon. Also, Devon reminded Elijah to call him every morning when he wakes up, especially when Devon is not around. And Elijah complied with Devon's request with so much eagerness.

My obedient and adorable sunshine. Just the thought of Elijah brings a smile to Devon's lips. It does not take more explanation to see how deeply Devon has fallen for his sunshine.

Devon entered Stefan's mansion and found Stefan on his way upstairs. "They are in my office, Dev. I'll go back to my baby. It's still early," Stefan informed his friend when he noticed the latter.

"Then why are you up?" Devon walked towards Stefan who yawned softly.

"I was just checking if the fruit tea I made for Ollie is chilling nicely. Anyways, I'll go ahead," Stefan said sleepily and Devon nodded, then went on his way to the office while Stefan went back to their bedroom.

There are moments when Devon still can't believe that Stefan fell in love. Stefan's not a player, but he's very meticulous when it comes to his partners.

Part of the reason why Stefan's relationships do not last was because he's always comparing them to the boy he met in the past. But he's not doing it with Oliver. I believe that our friend is so lovestruck he can't think of anything else.

Shaking his head, Devon wants to smack himself in the head. A pot calling the kettle black. He was in the same situation, and his sunshine changed him. Elijah changed Devon for the better. That's why Devon is willing to do everything for Elijah; to protect Elijah and to give the boy a happy life.

Finally arriving at the office, Devon knocked first before entering, but when he stepped inside, Devon stilled. Alarmed, he immediately reached for his gun but the person in front of him cocked his gun and kept it pointed on Devon's head.

"Make one move and your head will explode," threatened the man, his angry lavender eyes trained on the emotionless Devon. Gritting his teeth, Devon conceded and slowly dropped his gun.

Devon can swiftly unhand the man's weapon, but when Devon caught a glance of Trevor in the farthest corner, enjoying himself, Devon just sighed. He's not a threat, Devon referred to the furious man holding him at gunpoint.

Devon examined the man. He has long, silvery hair, a lavender set of eyes, is tall, and with a great physique. However, Devon still has a larger build if compared to the man.

Ryzel clucked his tongue. The person who stole Elijah from him is just a shot away, but Ryzel knows more than anyone that Elijah will loathe him if something happened to the man. Despite that, Ryzel found himself gripping his gun tightly, so close to releasing the trigger, so Trevor had to interfere.

"Ryzel, stand down. I don't want any bloodshed here," Trevor ordered in a stern and authoritative tone that sent chills to Devon and Ryzel.

Ryzel immediately obeyed and dropped his gun, but his sharp glares remained trained on Devon. Being held at gunpoint did not sit well with Devon and he wanted to let Ryzel pay for his insolence, but Elijah's tearful expression as the boy calls out for Ryzel tamped down Devon's building hostility.

With a low growl, Ryzel sat on the couch, his bloodlust never ceasing, like a watchdog ready to pounce on the intruder. Devon remained emotionless, but deep inside, he was silently observing Ryzel, with so many questions he wanted to ask. Trevor can see sparks shooting off of Ryzel and Devon, and as much as Trevor enjoys situations like these, Trevor has no time to babysit them.

After all, Trevor's schedule is packed. The mafia boss canceled all of his appointments for his fiance because Trevor wanted to spend his time with Jesse. Trevor has plans for a surprise date for his babe which will end with amazing sex.

Trevor released a deep sigh and approached the two, then leaned on the edge of Stefan's desk with folded arms. "It seems that the two of you have no plans in introducing each other, let me do the honor instead," Trevor said sarcastically and raised his brow.

"Ryzel Thompson. One of my captains from The Phantom, European Branch," Trevor began and that caught Devon's attention.

"We have a European Branch? How come I didn't know that?" Devon knows the reason why The Phantom was established, and it was mainly for family protection. What Devon did not expect was that there was another branch.

Ryzel just watched as shock befell on Devon's emotionless face. The European Branch is a secret organization that aims to protect the carriers. It was created by their Boss, Trevor Hathaway, to purge the laboratories who are into carrier experimentation and research.

It's understandable if Devon doesn't know about it. After, it was just recently that Devon accepted his duty as an official heir. "The European Branch mainly focuses on rescuing and protecting the carriers. The American Branch was established to protect you guys," Trevor explained, but it just added confusion to Devon.

"Izen is the founder of the American Branch, right?" Stefan still doesn't know about this, but Oliver's father, Izen Jacobs Pines, was the head of the Intelligence Unit of
The Phantom before Trevor took over.

Trevor nodded, and there was nothing to hide anyway. Ryzel knows about the information Trevor is about to divulge, so Ryzel just listened and let calmness wash over him. If Blue was around, he would reprimand Ryzel for being so hostile and aggressive.

"The European Branch was established earlier than the American Branch. The latter branch came into existence because Izen asked me for a favor. It was beneficial for me too since that would mean I could assure Stefan and your safety while staying here. It's a valuable resource at your disposal, Primo, so I agreed. Izen shouldered the funding, and Stefan also contributed, so there was no problem," Trevor explained the truth, and Devon only knows about it because he's officially part of the family now.

Devon, still perplexed about the whole thing, massaged his temples and groaned lowly. "These revelations are making my head hurt," Devon mumbled which made Ryzel roll his eyes.

"Boss, what am I doing here? You're making it so hard for me to control myself. My Eli is here, right?" Ryzel's emphasis on the possessive noun made Devon snap his head and threw a sharp glare at Ryzel.

Ryzel cracked a smug smile after seeing Devon's reaction. I won't let you have it easy. You stole Eli from me, Ryzel thought and decided to make it hard for Devon. Ryzel can be pretty nasty when he wants to, a part of Ryzel's dark personality that only Trevor, and now Devon, knows.

Devon clenched his fist to control himself from slugging Ryzel. Jealousy was slowly building up, and Ryzel noticed this, so he specifically use words to provoke Devon. A man's true personality shows when he's angry, and Ryzel is aware of Devon's infamous reputation: Satan's right hand.

Ryzel will never hand over Elijah to someone like Devon, even if it meant Elijah will hate Ryzel for doing so. Ryzel had enough experience to know that being in a relationship with people suppressing their aggression is not a walk in the park. Elijah has suffered so much, and Ryzel wants the best for Elijah.

"Once this matter is resolved, I will be taking Elijah," Ryzel stated and he witnessed how Devon's bloodlust transformed into a very intimidating and cold aura. Ryzel can't explain it, but the way those brown eyes stared at Ryzel made Ryzel remember his nightmares that he started to tremble.

Devon felt numb. From fuming anger, his emotions numbed and his senses went silent. Devon has a monster deep inside of him. Everyone does, but Devon's beast is different. It lays dormant inside Devon's body and had not made its presence known, even when Devon found out about Elijah's abuse.

Ryzel's provocation stirred Devon's monster, but it was not enough to awaken the dormant beast; until Ryzel uttered the words that alarmed Devon to his greatest core. He will take my sunshine away. Devon is a patient person. He's indifferent and cruel to things he doesn't care about, but he is very protective of the people he considers his treasure.

Elijah is Devon's treasure and sunshine. Devon would not hesitate to exterminate anyone who dares to take Elijah away from Devon. In Devon's dark prison, Elijah served as Devon's guiding light. Devon will not let anyone remove his light.

Trevor went on alert and cursed when Devon's expression became cold and blank. It was the first time Trevor witness Devon acting like that, so Trevor has no idea what to do. Before this, Trevor reminded Ryzel not to provoke Devon, but Ryzel did not listen.

"Ryzel," Devon called the man's attention in a voice which Ryzel could describe as eerie and chilly. Devon placed his gun on the table and gave Ryzel a blank stare. "I could snap your neck easily, but I won't do that. I could easily kill all the people important to you... what's his name again? Oh, Blue Winters," Devon chuckled softly, but it was not out of humor. It was dry, sarcastic, and threatening.

Ryzel clenched his fist and his jaw ticked when Blue's name was mentioned. "You fucker--"

"But I won't do that," Devon cracked a sinister smile that made Ryzel realize that he provoked a very dangerous man. "I don't care much for the mocking jabs you throw at me, but threatening to take Elijah away from me? I hope you're prepared. My sunshine is the single, most important person in my life. You see, I don't care for people or things. However, Elijah is different. He accepted all of me. His intentions are pure, and I will never be able to meet a person like him in this lifetime. I hope you understand that I am willing to do whatever it takes to keep my sunshine. I have become so dependent on him that I have no idea what to do if he leaves me," Devon explained in a calm voice, but the tension was so thick, Ryzel feels suffocated.

Ryzel couldn't find his voice. He was shaken to the core. He did not expect that the carefree Devon has a dark personality.

Trevor's phone beeped and he released a sigh of relief when he saw the message. "Primo, Elijah's awake. Your sunshine is looking for you." Devon blinked and turned to Trevor, then a wide grin cracked Devon's face, the tension dissolved, with Ryzel and Trevor finally able to breathe freely. Just like that, Devon reverted back to his normal self.

"Are we done here? Can I see him now? I still have to cook his breakfast," Devon said cheerfully as if he didn't threaten to kill Ryzel and practically everyone who dares to take Elijah away from him. Ryzel was baffled at the sudden switch of personality, so he just stared at Devon with wide eyes.

Devon felt Ryzel's stare and gave the latter a small smile. "It was nice talking to you. By the way, Elijah misses you, so I hope the two of you can meet," Devon said and got on his feet. He picked up his gun and slid it on his waist. Before he stepped out of the room, he gave Ryzel one last glance. "Even if you know things about my sunshine, I will catch up to you soon," Devon promised and left, leaving Ryzel in utter shock, his jaw on the floor.

"Boss... what the fuck just happened?" Ryzel sagged against the sofa and breathed out, still unable to recover from that very tense exchange.

Trevor brushed his hair back. "You tell me. I have never seen him like that. I have an idea that Devon has a hidden personality, but I never expected him to be that scary and dangerous," Trevor commented, pleased.

Ryzel turned to the mafia boss. "More dangerous than you?"

Trevor smirked and gave Ryzel an intense stare, letting him take a peek at his true self. "Devon has a monster, but I have so many beasts that only Jesse was able to tame." Just one sight of Jesse and Trevor calms down. One smile from Jesse, and Trevor surrenders. Trevor is not embarrassed to admit that Jesse commands Trevor's senses.

Ryzel gulped hard and tried to remember how he got mixed up with such dangerous individuals. Then, Blue's innocent and handsome face flashed in Ryzel's mind. Asúl, save me. Ryzel just groaned, reached for a throw pillow, and buried his face on it.


Elijah was making his bed when he heard a familiar voice. "Sunshine! I'm back!" Elijah's expression lit up and rushed what he was doing when Devon's voice echoed. With a giggle, he wore his slippers, excited to see Devon. Seeing the older man first thing in the morning is what completes Elijah's day.

Stepping out of his room, Elijah climbed downstairs carefully to avoid getting hurt. Devon will be in pain if Elijah gets hurt, so Elijah takes care of himself so Devon will not be sad. Finally at the landing, Elijah went to the living room. There, Elijah saw Devon popping off two buttons down from his white shirt. The morning sun rays seeping off the open windows touched the side of Devon's face, making him more handsome from that angle.

Elijah's heart started to pound, his arms pressing his stomach as a hoard of butterflies fluttered. Devon sensed Elijah's presence, and the boy's burning cheeks and shy gaze almost melted Devon on the spot. "Hey, baby. Good morning." Devon walked towards Elijah and combed the boy's bedhead. "How was your sleep?" Devon's voice was so soft and gentle that Elijah couldn't help but encircle his arms to feel Devon.

"I slept well, Dev. Where were you?" Elijah lifted his head and his cheeks burned brighter at Devon's soft gaze. Elijah never thought that someone would look at him like this... like he's a very precious person.

Devon crouched a little and lifted Elijah, surprising the boy. Pleased that he can finally see Elijah face to face, Devon grinned. "I had a meeting with Trevor, baby."

"Oh," Elijah nodded and placed his hands on Devon's shoulder. Devon brought Elijah to the sofa, with the boy comfortably perched on Devon's lap. "Were you done?" Devon nodded and buried his face on Elijah's neck. Elijah's scent was so calming, it sent Devon's beast to a slumber. Elijah smiled and stroked Devon's hair, knowing that Devon wants to be spoiled.

"Are you okay, Dev? Did they bully you out there?" Devon chuckled at Elijah's question and leaned back slightly. Elijah blinked adorably, his blue eyes filled with curiosity.

Devon shook his head. I might have been the bully. "Were you worried about me?" Elijah nodded and cradled Devon's face in his small hands.

"I am. I won't let them hurt you. Even if I'm like this, I promise to protect you too, Dev. Okay? I may be weak, but I can throw a mean punch," Elijah said proudly and lifted his closed fist.

Devon raised his brow and his eyes dance with amusement and Elijah's adorableness. "I will remember that, baby. Thank you."

Elijah nodded and giggled, while Devon remained entranced at the most beautiful sight in front of him. Elijah doesn't have to do anything; just a smile and a giggle from the boy are enough to make Devon's pulse race and his mind mushed.

So many emotions filled Devon's heart, close to overflowing, and Devon knows that it's only about time before he confessed.


Ryzel promised that he will never love again. He will never show affection. He will never get attached. He will never depend on somebody else. These are the principles that Ryzel upholds, and so far, these were effective in guarding his jaded heart, until he came; until Blue Winters came.

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