Make You Mine

By pinktulips13

130K 2.8K 80

The Dark Angel's Series. "You are mine and no one can't have you other than me. Soon, I will make you mine be... More

Damn Paperwork's!
Men are the worst!
See her again soon
You'll see
Until hell freeze!
I hate roses
A flower again?!
Did you see the news?
You mean your date?
That jerk!
Wrong decision
Don't give up
No freaking way...
I like you
This is a mistake
You're just jealous
Brutal, but nice
Fun reunion?
Trip down to memory lane
Your secret safe with me
Sweet? More like weak
One date
The date
The ex-boyfriend
When can we meet him?
Meet the sisters
I love you

Are you jealous?

2.8K 72 1
By pinktulips13

Claire Amber Rose

Dennis brought me to a French restaurant that I never knew exist. Maybe I was too caught up with my work and didn't put much attention to my surrounding. The waitress led us to our table and we took a seat. Another waitress That is in her 20s with pale skin and blonde hair, came by our table. From the way her eyes twitching I know that she's trying to get Dennis attention.

I sighed inwardly. Every place that I went with him there is always women who tried to get his attention. Young, old, no matter their age they always try to get his attention. what kind of charm did he use to attract those women?

She handed out the menu and give us time to choose what this we're going to order. My eyes scan all the menu and have no idea what kind of food they will suit my taste bud. I don't really know much about French dishes all I know is their dessert and their bread, like croissant, crème bule, macarons, éclair and much more.

I lift my head up to the waitress and ask her about recommend dish. But she they didn't look at my way her eyes kept staring at Dennis. My eyebrow furrowed and I coughed to get her attention. She finally turns her head to me and looked down shyly while muttering an apology. I rolled my eyes and ask her about a recommend dish.

"Soupe à l'oignon and Ratatouille are the most recommend dishes." I nodded. "I'll have the Ratatouille."

"And I'll have Steak frites." She wrote it down at the notepad. "For the dessert, we'll have a chocolate souffle." I added. She nods. "Oh, and a red wine please." Dennis finishes it of then handed her the menu while shooting the waitress his charming smile.

The waitress blush then took the menu from us. I frowned looking at him. Unfortunately, Dennis caught me staring at him. He raised his eyebrow; the corner of his lips curls up.

"What's wrong?" he asked. I shook my head and looked away.

Dennis Harrington

I stared at her with a smirk on my face especially when I shot the waitress my charming smile. From the start, I know that she took interest in me and Claire noticed it. I remember our time at the event a week ago. She was trying to make me jealous by dancing and almost kiss that stranger.

An idea crossed my mind and I decided it's payback. I Purposely not knowing if the waitress took interest in me by being nice and sweet. I caught her got annoyed by the waitress when Claire asked her but she didn't get any respond. I muster a smile that was going to formed on my face.

Even when our food arrived, her frowned is still etched on her face.

I sipped my wine, looking at her. "How's the food?" I asked her. "It's good. I didn't know this place exist if you haven't brought me here." I smiled softly at her. "Well, I'm glad you enjoy it." she looks away, continuing eating her dishes.

As we finish our food, our dessert came. Her eyes lit up as she took a bite of the chocolate soufflé with an ice cream on the side.

I guess dessert is her favorite food then.

I can't help chuckled seeing her eating like a kid. I reach my hand out and wipe the corner of her lips. She froze as my finger brush her lips. She didn't say anything, only stared at me. I lick the chocolate that was in my finger.

She blushes then looked down. Wow, I can't believe she blushed. I thought she is not capable of blushing considering herself cold. "Wait, did Claire Amber Rose, known as the cold designer just blush?" I teased her. She raised her, throw a glared at me.

"Who said I'm blushing? You're seeing things." She said still glaring at me. I chuckled then took a bite of my dessert. Surprisingly, the soufflé taste amazing. The ice cream eases the sweetness from the chocolate so it has a balance taste.

When we're finished our dessert, I call the waitress for the bill. Claire was about to put her card, but I beat her to it and hold her card. When the waitress walked away, I handed her back the card.

"Can you please stop paying for my food? I can pay you know."

"I know. But a gentleman must be the one who pays. Especially when he was the one who asked her to have lunch." She rolls her eyes then mumbled something under her breath.

The waitress came back and handed me my card. My finger accidentally brushes her and I send her a smile. Leaving her a tip, I turned to Claire and saw the chair in front of me is vacant. Where the hell is she? I head out and saw her waving for a taxi. I grab her wrist, turning her to me.

She glares at me. "Let me go." She said coldly.

"Why did you just leave me?" she yanked her wrist, crossing her arms over her chest. "Because I'm a busy woman and I don't have time watching you flirt around." My eyebrow knitted. "Flirt? What do you mean flirt?"

"I'm not dumb Dennis. From the time we arrived, you kept taking glanced at that waitress and even hold her hand. Tell me if that isn't flirting?"

"I'm not holding her ha- wait, are you jealous?" her eyes slightly widen. She looked away avoiding my gaze. She scoffs. "Jealous you say? Jealous is not in my vocabulary." Keep saying that to yourself Claire.

"Oh really? Then why are you mad at me because of a waitress?" I said teasingly.

She opens her mouth to speak. "I-" then stop. I smirked widely. "Can we please go? I still have a lot of work to do." She said feeling annoyed.

"You know, you looked cute when you're jealous." She didn't answer and glares at me hard. I lift my hand up in surrender then head to the car.

As we got in, I drive away. We didn't talk along the ride but we stay in a quite comfortable silence. I took glanced at her, but her face remains expressionless. I shake my head. It felt weird seeing her mad at me because she was jealous. Somehow, it brings me warmth and I know I still have a chance with her. If only she let me date her and give me a chance.

We arrived at her studio and she open the door to get out. She mumbles a thanks but I stop her. "Claire, wait," she turns to me raising her eyebrow.

I lean closer to her until I'm only inches apart from her lips. I move up to her cheek and breathed out. I could feel her shivering even when I'm not touching her. I whisper to her ear and replying her words from the party.

"Just a reminder, I win. And that makes us even." I planted a kissed on her neck and pull away. If only my phone didn't run out of battery, I totally will take a picture of her. Claire expression is making me want to burst out laughing.

You may go, you're a busy woman, right?" she blinks her eyes then composed herself. Before she leaves my car, she glares daggers to me then slammed my door shut. I drive away then burst out laughing.

Gosh, her face. I totally will give anything to see her caught off guard like that.

I have a feeling Claire will be mine. It just needs a little more time then she is mine. 

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