Save You (Levi Ackerman X Rea...

By Xythe_Phantasma

113K 6.3K 1.6K

"Isabel! Farlan! No..." how much boxes of tissue did she need just to watch this painful moment come through... More

000. Intro
00. Still Pondering If This is a Dream
01. Reality Hits Hard When You're in a Fictional World
02. When You Meet Unexpected Side Characters that You Love
03. When You Suddenly Became a Survivor
04. The Quest To The Infamous Underground in Search of Future Heichou
05. When Your Character is a Difficult Person
06. Oh, Let's Go Have Some Fun!
07. Too Touchy. I'm Gunna Die!
08. What In the Fanfic Shitshow Is This?!
09. Hah, You Think There's an Escape Way, Side Character?
10. The Expedition and Bean Protection Mission
11. Unexpected and Uninvited Guest
12. Play A Game Of Fools
14. It Is Not Waking Up From A Long Dream
15. Something Empty, Something Bland
16. Just Came Back and Saved Someone Already
17. Meeting My Ungrateful Subordinates
18. I'm Such A Special Character Now so Bow Down MC!!!
19. The YouTube Chef is Back
20. In The End, I Still Don't Belong Here
21. Heichou, Calm Down!
22. I Need A Forever Day Off
23. Sometimes, Villains Need Counselling
24. Since When?
25. It's Like Two Acquaintances Walking
26. What The Heck Is Going On Here?
27. Time To Go
28. Another Saint?!
29. Should We Keep it a Secret?
30. It all Started Because I want to Save You
31. Nightmare
32. unintentionally Publicizing Relationship

13. Dead But Not Dead

3.5K 193 49
By Xythe_Phantasma

13. Dead But Not Dead

He was getting closer and closer. He managed his horse to run more and more until from the fog, he saw the titan opening its mouth.

The unconscious female hung on its hand. Helpless.

His eyes widened watching as the woman was wholly swallowed through its mouth.


Levi shouted despairingly as he took out his sword and felt a surge of pressure ran deep within his blood.

Anger, desperation, adranaline. He didn't know which vessel rushed into his body as he charged in an inhumane speed as if something had snapped and like lightning, his nerves flickered and cut the giant hand that had once held the girl. The titan looked around but the next attack came to its back. It was attacked multiple times to the point that it staggered.

Levi finished off his gas to the very end and hit the nape as it fell to the ground. While doing so, he dug through its steaming stomach and finally brought her back out in one piece.

Her eyes were closed and her body, covered in a slimy substance belonging to the titan's stomach.

He lay her down on the ground and began to do cpr. He kept on putting pressure at between her chest until there was a little cough.

His heart eased hearing the small sound. She opened her eyes half and saw a blurry image in front of her. But basing on the structure, she can tell it was Levi.

"Is everyone... alive?" She weakly asked.

"Yes. How are you feeling?" He asked.

His frown deepened seeing the look of relief in her blurry eyes.

"Nothing." She whispered. The girl closed her eyes once more ignoring Levi's calls.




Isabel, Farlan and the others were rushing back from where they left Y/n.

At most, Levi was the fastest among them and hoped that either Y/n managed to kill that titan or Levi managed to buy time and saved her.

After saving Erwin from his possible death, everyone were too worried that their vice commander didn't even arrive in the scene. They did believe her skills that she could handle that titan, but thinking about it, Y/n had also killed more titans earlier so her gas storage is probably little to none.

Rushing onto the scene they were met with a titan already beginning to steam off of existence. Beside it was Levi's back, standing in front of them while in his arms, was another person.

"Aniki!" Isabel called out, getting off her horse and ran towards him, Farlan followed suit.

Levi turned around and they finally had a clear view of the female he was carrying. Blood on her mouth, eyes closed and body dangled in his arms like a lifeless marionette.

Erwin went closer with a medic on his side to check her pulse and shook his head. "It's almost faint. We might not make it even if we rush back."

"Are you sure?" Isabel was a little bit teary.

"Let's go back--" before Erwin could finish, he heard a short cough. His eyes quickly turned around to look back at her.

Her eyes were slightly blurry. They can tell that she couldn't see.

"Commander..." her tone was soft and weak. Her hand twitch trying to reach someone out in the air in expectations.

Erwin quickly came closer and touched her forehead. "Yes, I'm here." Then her grabbed her outreached hand.

A sigh of relief escaped her lips when she heard him and looked in daze. They were right, she couldn't really see. "It's... dangerous. Please go... back. I'm sorry..."

"Y/n, rest assured. Someone has managed to slay the titan." Erwin said.

But the girl shook her head. "Final report." She felt her voice becoming into a whisper.

Erwin frowned at what she said as her bloodied lips parted and spoke.

"Titan... talking... same language... 20 meters... beast."

Her words escaped her lips and slowly closed her eyes once more. The hold on Erwin's hand loosened as her head hung down and fell into Levi's chest, her hair slightly dropping to her face, losing consciousness.

The group were silent. Levi squeezed her shoulders as the female looked like a brittle glass in front of him. She looked so weak unlike when she was the nonchalant vice commander.

"Everyone, let's go back!" Erwin announce, carefully taking Y/n from Levi's hold. "I'll take over." He said softly as the raven didn't have a choice but let go and watch as the girl was taken into the wagon.

Her skin was so cold, it felt like ice. And her dazed eyes looked like they lost the colours in them.

"Levi, let's go back." Farlan tapped his shoulder as the other nodded at him.

Everyone rode back to wall Maria with a gloomy mood that day. In addition to their bad mood, as soon as they reached Shiganshina district, a group of church followers and pastors stood before them awaiting their return.

Although this looked odd, the survey corps remained quiet in thoughts that this was merely nothing but a simple trip to those followers of the wall.

However, they were all determined to block their path.

"Commander Erwin." Said the person who seemed to be their head. The rain had stopped by then, welcomed by the orange afternoon skies. "I am pastor Brent. The representative of the church." He introduced.

He was an old man, probably around the age of fifty. His was a short year fat man, his wrinkles could be seen. He was nearly bald as well like any old men.

"My apologies pastor Brent, but we are in a hurry. Many of our soldiers needs immediate treatment as soon as possible." Erwin explained.

"Is that so. Then please hand over lady Callenreese to us." The pastor said.

The soldiers looked at him wide eyed. Not expecting the sudden demand from the church.

And lady Callenreese? What would they possibly want with the vice commander?

"Once again, I'll have to decline." Erwin stated. "Y/n Callenreese is currently in line to life or death. She also needs immediate treatment."

"There is no need to bother yourself." Brent was quite persistent and confident despite not seeing the patient's condition. "The church will personally take care of their saintess."

"What did you say?" Erwin doubts he heard that right.

"Y/n Callenreese is baptised in the church. The king, who held her head saw something far more from this child and thus, appointed her as the saintess once she turns eighteen." The pastor explained. "This is a strict order from the king and the church. Dead or alive, Lady Y/n Callenreese must be surrendered to us."

As soon as the mention of the king had popped out of the topic, everyone were surprised. They knew Y/n was a noble, so it was normal to meet the king in some occasion. But to give her a title as the saintess of the church? Isn't that odd?

"Then please wait and let the doctor check the vice commander." Erwin said.

"No. It needs to be now."

"She's already dying! Can't you at least give consideration to her!" One of the soldiers asked, almost impatient.

"Yeah. We cannot waste more time. The longer you block our way, the higher the probability that she'll die!"

The survey corps began agree. Their voices reached and formed a crowd. "The vice commander is also an important person in the scouts! Let her at least be checked by a doctor!"

"As I've said, she is also the Saintess of the church! Hand her over to us and we will handle the matter." The impatient church members also voiced out. "The longer you refuse to give her, the more you'll fail to save her."

"This heartless pigs--"

Erwin raised his hand to stop further arguments.

"I am a doctor." Suddenly, from the crowd, a man with long brown hair spoke. He swam through the crowd while saying his profession until he reached the two parties. "Would it be alright if I take a look?" He asked.

"And who are you, sir?" The commander asked.

The brunette male fixed his glasses. Behind him was a boy with brown hair peeking through as well. "I am Grisha Jaeger. A doctor." He explained.

Erwin pondered for a moment. He hummed and then turned back to the pastor. "As much as you value Y/n, she is also valuable to us. So if it's alright with you, we will escort her back to the church while dr. Jaeger checks her injuries." He said.

"Fine." The pastor grunted unwillingly.

"Thank you." Erwin clenched the reign of his horse before turning to Grisha. "Then please, we'll leave the vice commander to you."

Grisha nodded back at him. "Eren, you stay here for a while and protect your mom and sister. Father needs to do his job." He patted the boy's head who vigorously nodded. Seeing this, the doctor smiled and climbed the wagon seeing the female lying there.

Her eyes closed peacefully. Her cushion was made out from the soldier's cloaks that had been put together the same with her blanket. At a glance, she looked like she was only sleeping, but her pulse said otherwise. He checked if she had any blood stains that can prove her wound but there was none.

"Internal injuries." He concluded. He checked his kit and took the necessary items before removing her uniform for treatment. Only female soldiers were allowed inside the wagon to help. It was also hard to do such a first aid, especially inside a rocky transport.

It took a few hours before they reached Trost, which was the entrance towards wall Rose. Grisha did his best for the treatment, but that doesn't mean he can guarantee someone who's in death's door survival.

Y/n opened her eyes again, but closed them back after a few seconds. It would  have been better to keep her conscious, but at best, her body was beginning to give up.




(Toot toot madafakah 🤪)

Y/n opened her eyes.

The bright white ceiling welcomed her awake. The monitors attached to her body slowly flickered. Her ears heard it and felt a bit irritated because of how high pitched it sounded.

E/c eyes roamed the room.

She was alone there.

Unconsciously, her eyes began to moisten with tears. It dribbled down to the side of her eyes as if she had gone through an unbelievable dream.

In her head, she head the strangest whisper. Almost unrealistic but sounded to real at the same time.

Don't die.

Come back.

Don't you fucking dare close your eyes.

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