Make You Mine

By pinktulips13

130K 2.8K 80

The Dark Angel's Series. "You are mine and no one can't have you other than me. Soon, I will make you mine be... More

Damn Paperwork's!
Men are the worst!
See her again soon
You'll see
Until hell freeze!
I hate roses
A flower again?!
Did you see the news?
You mean your date?
That jerk!
Wrong decision
Don't give up
No freaking way...
I like you
This is a mistake
You're just jealous
Brutal, but nice
Are you jealous?
Fun reunion?
Trip down to memory lane
Your secret safe with me
Sweet? More like weak
One date
The date
The ex-boyfriend
When can we meet him?
Meet the sisters
I love you


2.5K 66 2
By pinktulips13

Claire Amber Rose

After a long day of work, I could finally go home. I parked my car at the basement then made my way up to my penthouse. I think I'm going to have a hot bubble bath to relax myself. As soon I stepped out from the lift, my eyes spotted 2 women standing in front of my doorstep carrying what seems like a box of makeup?

Okay, what the hell is this?

"Excuse me, who are you?" I asked politely.
"I'm Gracie and this is Marie, we are here to help you get ready." She said with a bright smile. "Get ready for what?"

"For the event that you'll be going." I sighed. "Let me guess, Dennis Harrington was the one who send you, am I right?" She nods her head.

That idiot! He really want me to go, huh? Sorry Dennis, but I will stick on my ground.

"I'm sorry, but he got the wrong person." They shared a look of confusion. "Aren't you Ms. Claire Amber Rose?"

"Yes, I am. But I am not the only one who name Claire. Did he send you a photo of Claire?" They both looked at each other then shook their heads. Nice! "If he didn't then you got the wrong person."

"But you know Dennis Harrington." Marie said. I nodded. "Yeah, I know him. Let me tell you, that guy is delusional. He is obsessed with this Claire so every girl who name Claire, he will assume it's her." I explain calmly.

I could see that Gracie is curious and want to ask something but she held it. "If you want to ask just ask, it's okay." I smiled. "So... he's..." She used her index finger then move it in circle near her temple. As if asking me he's crazy.

I stifled a laugh, but try ro maintain a calm face. "A little."

Take that Dennis!

I told them to go home and if he call, don't answer it just turn the phone off. They finally bought my lie then leave my place. I laughed loudly as soon as they left the place. I could finally have my hot bubble bath without any interruption.

Heading inside my hose, I made my way to my room to take a bath. Turning the water on, I pour a bath bomb and a bubble soap. While waiting till the bubble to grow, I head downstairs to serve myself a glass of wine then went back upstairs. Seeing the tub is fully filled with bubble, I turn the water off. I strip myself and dip my body inside the tub.

As soon as the warm water touch my skin, I could feel my body relaxing. My aching muscles are slowly fading away. It really relaxes me and I almost dozed off until I heard a loud knock on my door.

Who is that?

I groaned. "Go away!"

The knocking stop and I lean my head back again. Not even a minute later I hear it again. I just ignore whoever that is, but the knock is getting louder and I can't relax as long as the sound is there. I groaned loudly and decided to see who the hell is that.

Putting on my robe loosely, I head downstairs to open the door. My guts was right, I should've ignore it. I glared daggers towards him.

"What do you want? Can't you see I'm busy?" I crossed my arms over my chest. He glares back at me. "Didn't you get my message? No, I'm sure you read it. Why did you turn your phone off? I was calling you non-stop." I raised my eyebrow at him.

"I was texting you back, but you turn your phone off too." He invites himself in and I looked at him in disbelief.

The audacity!

Closing the door shut, I face him. "What are you doing here? I thought you have a place to be."

"I am, but my date didn't show up." I rolled my eyes. "Find yourself another date, I'm tired."

"What if I don't want to?"

"Then feel free to miss up the event." I said with a shrugged as I walked past him. "Where's the stylish I send here?" I tilt my head slightly. "You mean Gracie and Marie?"
"I don't know their name."

"I send them away." I said casually. A looked of shocked spread out in his face. "What? How?!"

I sat on the couch crossing my left leg to the right then turned to him. "I lied."

His eyebrow scrunched. "What did you say to them?"

"I told them you got the wrong Claire."

"And they believe you?" He make his way to the couch and sit across me. "Yup, I told them I'm not the only one whose name Claire and you..." I pointed at him. "are obsessed with every girl name Claire. Let's just say I called you delusional and a bit...meh, you know what I mean."

"Don't tell me you called me crazy."

"Maybe." He sighs. "Now that everything's clear, you better get ready." My eyebrow knitted together. "Excuse me?"

"You heard me."

I scoffed. "Who are you telling me?"

"I'm your friend." He emphasize the word "friend". Annoyance plastered on my face, as he smirks at me. I stood up and lean my body towards him. His eyes raked my chest area as I wore my robe loosely.


I mentally rolled my eyes and ignore his gaze. "See something you like?" I said with a smirked. He cleared his throat as his eyes met mine. "It'll be a lie if I say no, but that's not what I'm here for. We're almost late to the event and you should get ready now." He said sternly.

I frowned as I straighten my posture. "No, if you really want to go then go. I'm not stopping you."

"Do you want me drag you to the bathroom and dress you up? You know I'm very capable doing it." My eyes widen.

That shit!

By force, I went back to my room to get dress. I swear Dennis! I will surely get back at him. A mischievous idea cross my mind and I decided to go with it.

Let's see if Dennis could keep his temper in check.

Hey guys, I'm back! Sorry for not updating, college sure is stressful, but I'm okay. For now, lol.
Anyway, enjoy this chapter. I'll be updating soon 😉
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Have a nice day y'all

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