Shark Bait [H.S.]

By sogoldenarry

912K 25.5K 127K

Shark Bait: One who is in a precarious or vulnerable position. Harry's life consists of power and control, on... More

Chapter Two.
Chapter Three.
Chapter Four.
Chapter Five.
Chapter Six.
Chapter Seven.
Chapter Eight.
Chapter Nine.
Chapter Ten.
Chapter Eleven.
Chapter Twelve.
Chapter Thirteen.
Chapter Fourteen.
Chapter Fifteen.
Chapter Sixteen.
Chapter Seventeen.
Chapter Eighteen.
Chapter Nineteen.
Chapter Twenty.
Chapter Twenty-One.
Chapter Twenty-Two.
Chapter Twenty-Three.
Chapter Twenty-Four.
Chapter Twenty-Five.
Chapter Twenty-Six.
Chapter Twenty-Seven.
Chapter Twenty-Eight.
Chapter Twenty-Nine.
Chapter Thirty.
Chapter Thirty-One.

Chapter One.

50.6K 966 4.6K
By sogoldenarry

Clear blue waters.

That's all I see as I stare out into the distance across the large expanse of land in front of me. The day is warm but the breeze that hits my skin is tamed, just a little on the cooler side as we approach the end of July, heading into August.

Living here in Canada means that we get all four seasons, the summers are hot and the winters are brutally cold, but this.....this is my favourite time of the year. I love spending the last few weeks of subtle warmth at the beach, coming alone and staying here until the sun begins to set — just relaxing. A time away from all my real life responsibilities.

It also helps that fall is my favourite season and I absolutely love Halloween, so I'm incredibly eager for the seasons to change. Jesse loves to tease me about it and he always has ever since we were kids going trick or treating together.

I always went as salt and he went as pepper.

He'd tell me how he didn't claim Halloween to be an 'actual holiday' in his eyes, but he never once complained about dressing up with me and as we grew older, going to parties together eventually led to us handing out candy together.

It's so nice to come here and just escape from the busy city life of Toronto. Sometimes living downtown in the city can be so hectic and overwhelming, sometimes I just need a break. I don't have the time or energy to head up north and spend some time in a cabin in the middle of the woods, so Sugar Beach will just have to suffice for now.

The beach is also the best place to think. Oftentimes I crave inspiration, I need words to jot down onto paper to bind into a story and present it as work so it always helps to just come here and find that little bit of peace and silence to just think. I've found myself doing it a lot more than usual recently.

There's something oddly comforting about the silence speaking to me. I've written so many good stories sitting here, sometimes even ones just for my own personal journal. They're bound to never be found by anyone, purely a way to get words down on paper, but inspiration doesn't tell you when it's coming and I always welcome it.

It just so happened to work out that this time I didn't come alone. I don't mind it, I like having the company of other people around me so long as they give me the quietness that I desperately need sometimes. 

This is not one of those times.

"There's fucking sand in my pants," Jesse complains, shaking his legs out in front of him as if they were asleep. I watch in amusement as the little sand particles slip out past his black wide-legged jeans, returning back onto the ground where they belong. "I don't know why you wore pants to the beach," I comment as I stretch my bare legs out further to bake them under the sun, "I told you we were going to Sugar Beach and yet here you are in literal jeans and a cardigan, in July."

I feel his hand come out and shove my shoulder lightly in annoyance, making me laugh. "Shut it, Indigo. It was cool out this morning, sue me," he scoffs, flicking his shades back down over his eyes. "And anyways, I've got this pretty pink umbrella keeping me covered. When you get skin cancer don't come fucking crying to me."

He can pretend not to care all he wants but I know that if I was ever hurt or injured in the slightest, Jesse would be there with the most intricate first aid kit you could imagine, panicked and all so sweet. We've been best friends for 20 years, having met in school. Jesse failed Kindergarten which I didn't even know was possible, but if anyone was to fail that grade, it'd be him. I remember seeing him in class and being so out of place, being the only six-year-old there. Little five-year-old me bothered the shit out of him until he eventually hung out with me at recess playing alligator on the slide. The rest was history.

I think Jesse thought that playing with me once at recess would satisfy whatever I was trying to achieve but he was so wrong. I continued to force him to play with me everyday and he willingly obliged with a frown on his face. He was always silent when we played, no laughter or words ever slipped past his lips until a month had passed. I was running up the slide and slipped, causing my chin to smack off the slide and slice wide open. As I was crying on the slide with blood pouring out of my chin, Jesse was standing at the bottom, a chuckle escaping past his lips at the sight.

It was from there on out that we became inseparable.

We've been glued to the hip ever since and I really don't know what my life would be like if he wasn't by my side. I feel so comfortable with him and I know he feels the same way with me. There's no real boundaries between us, everything is out in the open. We've slept together a fair amount of times but we both know it's nothing more than just for pleasure, it's completely platonic. We've got that kind of friendship where nothing can come between us, we're as thick as thieves.

I'd die for Jesse and I know he'd do the same for me. His mom wasn't always around and my family life isn't picture perfect either so the only constant in my life has been him. Because of this, no one will ever be good enough for him in my eyes. He always jokes that I'm "the only one for his black heart" but he almost immediately takes that back once I start singing, it drives him crazy — crazy enough to retract his words.

He's been the only person to remain by my side for years on end and it doesn't matter how long we go without seeing each the end it's always the two of us and nothing else. I love him so much, despite his annoying pestering.

"Why do you even like coming here so much?" Jesse asks, peering at me from above his sunglasses and I turn to face him, my knees tucked up to my chin. "What's not to like about coming to the beach?" I retort with a smile. He only rolls his eyes at my answer, huffing as he splays his hands out behind him. "God Indy, you and your damn questions. Why can't you just answer me without asking me something in return."

I laugh at his words knowing that it's one of my qualities that he 'hates'. I know him though, I know he actually likes it and that it amuses him, he's just too stubborn to admit it. It apparently irks him a lot when I reply to a question with a question, but I always make it a mission to do so every once in a while just to smile at the twitch of his brows when I do. I can't help it, I've picked it up from my job.

"No, but on a serious note, don't you find it calming?" I ask him, staring down at him as he lays beside me now, his arms covering his eyes. "Not with these seagulls, no," he says with a frown on his face and I can't help the laughter that leaves my lips at his words, "These little bastards are worse than the ones in Finding Nemo. Christ."

I stay staring at him for a few minutes, my eyes tracing over the tattoos that litter the entirety of his neck. They are a huge part of his life, especially considering he's a tattoo artist himself. He opened up his own shop about a year ago and that was one of the happiest times in my life — seeing him do something that he has always loved and making a successful career out of it. I was so proud of him. I am so proud of him.

He used to always beg me to let him tattoo me and once I caved in, they slowly became an obsession of mine as well. I've got tattoos scattered all over my body now, from birds on my collarbone to a scorpion on my forearm to a large cross on the side of my ribs....just to name a few. I've got a half-sleeve now on my left arm from my shoulder to my elbow which consists of a flower arrangement, but my forearms are littered with random drawings of Jesse's such as a dagger, angel wings, and an apple.

Jesse pretty much uses me as his doodle board now, trying out different techniques and such since he was running out of space to do so on his own body. I don't mind though, I love how creative he gets with his designs and it only helps him that they are now an obsession of mine too.

"Quit staring at me Indy, I get it, I'm hot stuff." Jesse speaks up and I scoff, shaking my head and breaking my gaze away from him. "Oh please, get your head out of your ass. I was just thinking about how you're practically a colouring book now." I hold myself back from laughing as I say those words because I always make fun of him saying that he should go back to Kindergarten and let all the kids there colour him. He absolutely hates it. "Shut the fuck up, Indy."

I let out a quiet giggle at his words and turn back to look at the water, briefly closing my eyes and letting the sound of it hitting the docks echo in my ear. I can never get tired of this place, it's my home away from home. I feel Jesse shift beside me and open my eyes to see him suddenly hovering in front of me, his hand reaching out towards me. "C'mon, let's go."

I slap my hand into his as he yanks me up harshly and I go flying, a shriek leaving my lips. "You're such an ass!" I yell out, slapping his arm as I regain my footing. He only cackles out a laugh before pulling me to walk away from the beach with him, shaking his legs as we go to get rid of any excess sand.

"Can we get some gelato? I think I deserve some after being forced to sit out here with you," Jesse complains as he throws his arm over my shoulder, pulling me in close. I reach up and link my hand with his as we began to walk. "Forced," I echo with a laugh, nudging my hip with his, "Don't think I didn't see the subtle smile on your face as we sat there, you can't hide shit like that from me, J. You forget that I can read you like a book." I smile as I catch his cheeks tinting, telling me I was right. "Shut up Indy," he murmurs as he squeezes my hand, quickening his steps towards the shop which makes me stumble in tow.

"Guess who's here!" Jesse proclaims as we walk through the doors of Lick It Gelato, making everyone's heads turn toward us. He drops his arm from around my shoulder as we walk further into the store, one we're very familiar with. The customers at their tables immediately gravitate their eyes towards Jesse's torso which is bare under the cardigan and covered in ink — his entire body is for that matter. The only areas on his body that aren't touched by ink are his face, ass, and dick. Other than that, he's completely covered but he pulls it off so well.

Jesse's attractive and he knows that. He's never been ashamed of the person he is and I admire that so much about him. He's so comfortable in his body and everything he does, not giving one single fuck about what someone has to say about his ink-covered skin. I'm in awe of him everyday.

The workers here all know Jesse and I very well, the two of us come here at least once a week, most of the time late at night and against my will. "Hey you two," Milly quietly says from behind the register, her cheeks bright red. She has a crush on Jesse but she's done a shit job at hiding it. "Hey sweet cheeks," Jesse replies, smiling as her cheeks only deepen in colour. I subtly pinch his side as a hint to stop, knowing that he's just egging her on. The poor girl is cute but she isn't his type and I hate that he feeds into her little fantasy of him possibly liking her, it isn't fair.

"Hi Milly," I say sweetly with a smile, "Can we just get our usual please?" She quickly nods and turns away to grab my cup of honey lavender gelato and Jesse's cup of key lime.

As soon as her back is turned to us I swat Jesse's chest, my eyes narrowed. "Stop doing that," I hiss, "The poor girl is gonna think she has a chance with you, stop fucking toying with her Jesse." He thinks it's funny but I think it's anything but that. People's emotions are not something to play around with, I hate that more than anything and Jesse knows that.

"Hey, relax," he says, "I'm sorry, yeah? I can't help it, Indy, she just makes it so easy to flirt and I like the reaction I get." I let out a huff, "That doesn't make it okay Jesse." He pinches my side, "I know, okay? I can't help being so irresistible." He jokes, making my eyes narrow. Jesse pinches my side again, "I'm sorry. Here, let me pay for the gelato, okay?"

He digs his wallet out from his back pocket, an apologetic look taking over his features. I grab our cups from Milly before she rings us up, "I was gonna make you pay anyways for dragging me here again," I mutter, nudging my hip with his as he pays. "I should've known." He playfully rolls his eyes as I hand him his cup with a smug look written on my face. He looks at Milly, this time giving her a small smile as he quietly mutters out a "thanks Milly" and she's quick to give a smile back before the two of us are heading out.

We walk back to my place like we usually do after we hang out at the beach considering it's not that far from me. It's just starting to get dark outside and the streets are a lot less busy, but still mingling with people who are just getting out for the night.

Considering we're downtown, no night is ever vacant. There's always something somewhere going on and I fucking love it. I love the fast-paced city life, it always keeps me on my toes — there's never a dull moment. I've got the attention span of a puppy and so does Jesse, so a city like Toronto is the perfect place for me because there's always something to do at any hour of the day.

"Have you heard anything from that hot boss of yours recently?" Jesse asks with a mouthful of his gelato. My eyes roll as I unlock the door to my apartment, shoving him inside. "Yeah actually, Derek's got a new story for me. I think he's gonna send it tonight."

Jesse flops himself down onto my olive-coloured couch, one I found at a flea market a few years ago and instantly fell in love with. It's from the 70s and it's got that velvet feel with short skinny wooden legs and wide cushions, ultimately feeling like heaven. It's my favourite piece of furniture in my tiny little box apartment minus my circle bed, that's another one of my most prized possessions. Jesse always makes fun of me for it by saying "you've got your shapes mixed up Indy" but I don't see him having much to say when he naps on it practically every other day.

I love my circle bed, and so did whomever I brought home after a night out. I've never had any complaints from people while I was being fucked on it, or fucking them. It always serves as a nice conversation piece post-sex if I feel like entertaining them.

I'm not shy when it comes to my sexuality, I've been open about it and I have Jesse to thank for that. One thing I pride myself on is being able to compartmentalize my emotions and feelings. Because of this, I can easily have sex and not let feelings come into play — Jesse is the same way which is why we can have some fun together once in a while. It's never affected our friendship and it never will, we have too much of a strong bond to let some fun time between us ruin it.

Even if we ever tried to date it wouldn't work out, Jesse didn't really do relationships and his taste in people was not anyone like me. We occasionally get stares when we go to clubs together and it always ends with me reassuring people that he and I aren't anything. I could see where they got it from and why they would think that, but it was never a big deal to us.

I turn to put my empty cup on the table and as I swivel back around I see Jesse attempting to feed Princess some of his gelato. "Quit that!" I exclaim as I hit him with a throw pillow. My poor little leopard gecko is always being tormented by Jesse, I feel bad for my sweet girl. I move from the couch and make my way over to grab her container of crickets, they're her favourite and I feel like she deserves them after having to deal with Jesse.

"Somebody deserves a treat," I coo, "You've been so good putting up with Uncle Jesse—" I dump a few crickets in and watch as she immediately starts devouring them, jumping around her tank to catch them, "—you deserve all the crickets in the world sweet girl." I watch her with a smile on my face as I hear Jesse scoff from his seat on the couch beside us. "It's a gecko not your daughter," he teases, resulting in me smacking him upside the head.

"You're just jealous she's stealing my attention," I childishly tease back, sticking my tongue out at him as I curl up beside him, my head on his shoulder. I feel immediate warmth rush through me as he curls his arm around my back, pulling me in even closer. I always feel so safe with him. "Bet she's the jealous one now, aren't you Princess Consuela Banana Hammock?" He asks her, making me laugh as I look over to see her happily munching on her last cricket, ignoring the two of us completely.

"She doesn't look too bothered to me," I smile. Jesse's hand gently squeezes my shoulder as I snuggle closer into his warmth, he's like a damn furnace all the time. "Do you think she gets lonely? Maybe you should get her a partner to spice up her life a bit," he whispers. I lift my head up off his shoulder to peer up at him, my brows furrowed in amusement. "I mean, I don't know. I definitely don't want her to have babies, I can't take care of them all," I laugh, "And not everything is about sex you know."

When his eyes meet mine, I know he's about to say something completely brazen. "What's the point of living life if you don't have someone to call you a little slut every once in a while?"

I was right....but so is he.

"Shut up!" I laugh as my hand makes contact with his chest, feeling it rumble, "She's a damn gecko." The more I think about it, the harder I begin to laugh. "Imagine fucking gecko's dirty talking like 'Oh yeah, I love the way you decapitated that cricket'," I giggle, "Or if he was like 'God, you shine so pretty under that heat lamp, splaying yourself on the rock just for me'."

I can barely get my sentences out without crumbling into fits of laughter, burrowing my face into Jesse's chest as it harshly moves under me. He can barely contain his laughter himself. "Stop Indy," he breathes as he sits up, effectively making me rise up off him and hunch over my legs as I attempt to calm myself down, "I take it back, I think Princess should remain single."

Lack of oxygen begins to make my chest hurt which forces me to calm down quickly, or as quickly as I can at least, Jesse's own chuckles are a catalyst for my own. As the burning sensation within me slowly begins to fade, I look over at Princess to see her back turned to us, sleeping under her favourite rock. Yeah, she doesn't need a partner, she's completely fine on her own.

"I've gotta head out Indy," Jesse says, making my head snap over to him, "I've got a back piece I need to do on Joe tonight, he's heading to the shop straight from work." Jesse ruffles my hair as he stands up, causing me to pout. He's been so busy recently with work and being alone is all fun and games, but sometimes I just miss the company of others, more specifically my best friend. "Don't do that to me," Jesse complains as he turns to face me, only making me pout harder, "Indigo...."

I huff out an annoyed breath. It's times like this where I wish my job was more consistent instead of just waiting around for Derek to contact me. I watch him walk towards the door which quickly kicks me into gear to stand up as well. "I know, I know," I concede as I walk over to give him a hug. "I know I'm amazing and you can't get enough of me Indy but I do have a job, you know what that is, right?" He teases as he pinches my side, something he does way too often.

I scowl and shove him away with a laugh as he opens my door and blows a kiss to Princess. "Goodbye my 'sweet girl', Uncle Jesse misses you already!" He jokes, forcing me to shove him out the door, his laughter loud as it echoes in the hallway. "Bye J, call me tonight," I remind him, smiling as he kisses my forehead and pinches my cheek. "Always do, Indy."

I watch him walk into the elevators only to see him turn around and dramatically blow me a kiss, smirking as my eyes roll when the doors shut. "Looks like it's just you and me tonight Princess," I softly whisper as I reach into her tank to stroke her back, smiling as she looks up at me. "Bite Uncle Jesse's finger next time would you? Teach him a lesson."

It's also times like this that I wish I had more friends than just Jesse. Whenever he's busy, I just mope around my apartment, watching a movie or starting a new TV series that I know I won't ever finish. It's hard to keep myself busy, especially when I never know when I'll be going back to my job. The inconsistency of it is the only negative aspect of it.

I end up starting a movie, flicking through my TV and just settling on something already playing. I know it's more background noise for me, so I couldn't really care what it is that I 'watch' tonight.

As the credits roll around, my stomach begins to growl. Tonight feels like a comfort food kind of night for dinner, which for me consists of plain pasta and butter. I used to eat this all the time in university really living up to that broke student stereotype, and since then it's become a comfort food of mine. Add a few shakes of salt, pepper, and some chili flakes and I'm in heaven.

I quickly play some music from my phone as I turn the stove on to heat some water before I dig my pasta out from my cupboards. Cooking is another thing I find very calming and relaxing, just a little escape from the busy and hectic city I reside in. Despite how much I love the chaoticness of the city, I can't help but to enjoy some quieter activities as well, especially when my mind is running wild.

Jesse has always told me that I'm a person who focuses on the smaller things in life rather than the big things, and I think he's right. I take pleasure in the way my pillow molds against my face in the morning, wearing warm clothes straight out of the dryer, seeing an excited child getting ice cream from their parents....just the little things in life that we don't really think about too much.

I've always just been the type to appreciate those things a bit more than the average person, most certainly more than Jesse, and I'm not sure why I'm like that but I wouldn't trade it for anything. I always make sure to take a second and just appreciate what I'm surrounded by no matter how insignificant it may seem, I've always been one to pay attention to detail.

As I stir my pasta, I hum along to Foreigner when my phone suddenly dings. I scurry over to the other side of the kitchen to see that Derek has finally emailed me my new case, making excitement rush through my body. My eyes widen in glee and I quickly shut the stove off and strain my pasta, adding my salt, pepper, and chilli flakes before grabbing my bowl and heading into the living room, phone in hand.

I shut my music off and quickly grab my laptop from off the table to open it up and access my email. It's been a while since I've felt this kind of rush with my job, and the excitement is seeping through me at the realization that I finally have something to keep me busy. I'm sure Jesse will be thankful, I know I can be a lot sometimes.

I take a few bites of my pasta as I wait for my computer to load, my knee bouncing in anticipation. As soon as the email pops up on my screen I put my pasta down and delve in.

From: Derek Thompson

To: Indigo Crawford

Hi Indigo,

Please find attached your next case. This could very well be the big moment you've been waiting for, kid. Don't screw it up.


Both excitement and nerves shoot through my body at the thought of this being my big break. Being a start-up investigative journalist is something I love, but investigating the same local crimes and political scandals gets boring after a while. I wanted something bigger, something more wide-scaled, something dangerous. I hope this is exactly that.

It's especially hard to move up in a career like this when there are so many more experienced people, those who have been working for years and have only just begun to get massive cases. So who was I to expect one so soon?

It didn't mean that I didn't crave one though. I liked the idea of doing something huge, of working towards something that would be so monumental in my life, of achieving something and feeling like I succeeded somewhere. I just had to be patient.

Taking a deep breath full of nerves, I move my cursor over to the attachment and click on it, every limb of mine jittery in excitement.


Shark Bait
288 Bremner Boulevard
Toronto, ON

Shark Bait is known as Canada's infamous aquarium. It's home to thousands of sea creatures from sharks to shrimp, and a site that attracts millions of people every year. It may seem like just an aquarium on the surface, but I've received a tip that there's something much darker going on behind the scenes. It's your job to uncover the secrets hidden behind the glass tanks, behind closed doors.

In two days you'll have a job interview there at 2pm as one of the ticket sales employees. Keep me updated on your progress and be patient, this case is going to be a lot of work and require your undivided attention but I trust you, you've earned it.

Persons of Interest:

Harry Styles: Owner of Shark Bait with a scar running from his chin up to the hinge of his jaw — cause unknown. Main target.

Zayn Malik: The head aquatic veterinarian and equally as present as Harry. Keep an eye on him as well.

I know this isn't a lot of information but it's all I've got. This case — if the tip that was provided to me really is true — is exactly what we need to break into the journalism world. Be fearless and take risks, that's the only way you're going to uncover the secrets they hide.

Take a dive into Shark Bait Indigo, but don't drown, kid.


I scan the email at least five times before I shut my laptop. I'd be an idiot to not know what Shark Bait is, I've been there with Jesse a few times — it's absolutely beautiful. They've got so many exhibits and the amount of exotic fish they have is truly remarkable, they are all so beautiful. Harry or whatever his name is has done a good job with it, so it shocks me that Derek thinks something shady is occurring.

From my experiences there, it exudes a very family-friendly environment and nothing would strike you as out of the ordinary but clearly I'm missing something, something very important. Derek wouldn't have given me this case unless he truly believed in his tip, and his tips are usually almost always right.

I feel excitement flow through my veins as I take in what I've just read. I have a case, a huge case, which is going to be the most exciting thing I could do for my career. The thought of being the person to bring down Shark Bait is thrilling but it's also nerve wracking at the same time because I don't know how dangerous it can be. I don't know what I'm getting myself into when I take on these cases, but that's the whole thing about being an investigative journalist.....they can be anything.

"I've got a case Princess!" I exclaim to her, watching with a smile on my face as she sticks her front legs up onto the glass and peers up at me. She's got such a cute dopey look to her, one that never fails to make me smile.

I impulsively got her one day when I walked past a random reptile shop. Being impulsive like this has gotten me into trouble more times than I can count but this was one time that it actually paid off. As soon as I walked past the store, she was the first one I saw. I swear my heart grew ten times its size when she pressed herself up against the glass wall, giving me eyes that'd give Puss in Boots a run for his money.

I went inside and knew right then and there that I couldn't walk out of the store without having her in my arms. I've always wanted a pet of some sort but I'm allergic to cats and a dog was too much of a commitment. I couldn't devote myself to taking care of one when I didn't have a set schedule and never knew where my cases would lead me — it wouldn't be fair to the poor thing.

So, a gecko was perfect, plus I knew Jesse would take care of her for me if I ever had to leave for work for a few days. I'll never forget the look on his face when he came over and saw Princess sitting proudly in her tank on my coffee table, soaking up the rays from the heat lamp.

"What in the fuck is that?"

I punched his shoulder before he made his way closer to 'that', inspecting her like she was some foreign object. "'That'," I said sharply, "Is my new best friend, Princess. Be kind to her or I'll make her bite your dick off."

Jesse only stifled a laugh as he tapped on the glass, startling my little girl. "Compared to her, my dick will seem like fucking King Kong or some shit," he laughed, making my brows quirk. "Did you just inadvertently call your dick small?" I teased as I sat back on the couch, laughing as I watched his face morph into one of realization. " what- Indy fuck off. You know it's not, or shall I remind you?" He teased, wiggling his brows as his hands dropped down to his belt, "Maybe we should give Princess a nice little show to welcome her home."

I let out a laugh and shoved him away, hating his antics but loving them all the same. He's grown to love her over these last two years, just like I knew he would. When he finds out he'll probably have to come over and feed her while I'm working this case I already know he's gonna pretend to be annoyed but he'll secretly be very excited. He has some sick obsession with watching her eat the live crickets. Sicko.

Despite her love of crickets and worms, Princess is just so innocent and I think that just makes me love her even more. She also just fits perfectly in my small little apartment. I don't have any hassles of walking her or letting her roam around the house, she just stays in her little tank and loves to be my listener when Jesse isn't here and I need someone to rant to. She keeps me company, I couldn't ask for anything more.

I run my finger over the glass in front of her face as I quickly shove the rest of my pasta down my throat, eager to start working the case already. Princess watches my cheeks bulge with pasta as I empty the bowl, probably wondering what the hell I'm doing.

I drop my fork into the now empty bowl and jump off the couch, my adrenaline pumping as I throw my dishes into the dishwasher and run into my room, an extra bounce to my step as I do so. I yank open my work drawer, shuffling through it to find my new journal. It's dark blue and sleek, all around perfect for me to jot things down as I work this case. I've been waiting for a case like this to put this journal to use. I pull it out of my drawer and run my hand over the smooth cover, excited that I get to fill yet another journal with information I'll uncover myself.

I don't really remember how I got into investigative journalism, it might have been the mystery of my dad....but either way I love it so much. I love the thrill of it all, uncovering the truth and digging deep into the lives of strangers. My mom used to work a lot leaving me home alone more often than not, and the cable we had only gave us a few channels, one of them being a crime one. The shows they aired probably weren't ones I should have been watching as a child but I'm thankful that I did.

I was fascinated by the private investigators and the journalists who would cover crime stories, I loved how they had to work for the information they wanted, I admired their drive and their passion — it made me want to be just like them.

Some find it invasive and intrusive, but I find it thrilling and exhilarating. The rush I get from uncovering the truth is one like no other, it's addicting and I crave it at all hours of the day. When Derek gives me a new case, nerves immediately overpower every single sense of mine in the best possible way because I never know what's gonna come of it.

Although my job can be dangerous, the end reward of closing a case is so fulfilling — it's nice to know I can help produce a tangible outcome, one that has a positive impact. It gives me great satisfaction to know that I'm at least doing some good in my lifetime.

My pay is usually pretty good too but it's never been about that for me. I could care less about how much I make. As long as I've got a roof over my head and food in my fridge, I'm content. I grew up with less so anything I have now I'm more than thankful for.

The rest of my night is spent looking up whatever I can about Shark Bait, with an interruption by a phone call from Jesse. He usually talks to me on his way home from work, either telling me about his clients or just mindless random things he sees on the street as he walks.

When I scour the internet, I don't really find anything too interesting about Shark Bait itself. It's all about the aquarium and reviews boasting about how incredible it is, nothing out of the ordinary really. All the videos, news reports and articles about it seem to look okay which surprises me, but if anything, it also makes me more intrigued.

I end up falling asleep thinking about it, nervous about what two days from now is going to hold for me. I wonder what Harry Styles and Zayn Malik are like and how they're going to be as I get to know them more. I hope they like me. It makes me excited just thinking about what new things I'm going to uncover while I'm doing what I need to do.

Being the one to uncover the secrets that Shark Bait holds gets me excited, I just hope I don't drown.

Author's Note: Welcome to Shark Bait!! First few chapters are always the hardest but we're so excited to write this and we hope you are excited to read it!!

Twitter: sunfiowernarry (the l in 'flower' is an i) - link in wattpad bio

Shark Bait Playlist: link also in wattpad bio

Love you all, stay safe & take care of yourself!! See you Thursday!!

A & S <3

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