That's Racing Baby | Lando No...

By happywookie

492K 9.2K 6.1K

BOOK ONE Emilia Miller is 2021's new talent replacing Nicholas Latifi for a season in a much improved William... More

2021 Driver Lineup
2021 Race Calender
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3: Race One
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7: Race Two
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11: Race Three
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14: Race Four
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17: Race Five
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20: Race Six
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24: Race Seven
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27: Race Eight
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32: Race Nine
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35: Race Ten
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42: Race Eleven
Chapter 43
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53: Race Thirteen
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56: Race Fourteen
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60: Race Fifteen
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64: Race Sixteen
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67: Race Seventeen
Chapter 68
Chapter 69
Chapter 70
Chapter 71: Race Eighteen
Chapter 72
Chapter 73
Chapter 74
Chapter 75: Race Nineteen
Chapter 76
Chapter 77: Race Twenty
Chapter 78
Chapter 79
Chapter 80: Race Twenty-One
Chapter 81
Chapter 82
Chapter 83
Chapter 84: Race Twenty-Two
Chapter 85
Chapter 86: Race Twenty-Three
Author's Note
Bonus Chapter One
Bonus Chapter Two
Sequel now out!

Chapter 44

4.7K 112 106
By happywookie

Emilia got a few days off to soak in her podium before being required back at Williams' HQ. A few days was not long enough for Emilia to absorb everything that had happened. However, she retuned to work with a big grin on her face ready to sort out some sponsors or do simulator work.

"Emilia, Jost wanted you to go into his office this morning." The receptionist informed as she entered the blue building.

"Okay thanks." Emilia smiled as she headed up the stairs to Jost's office. She wondered whether it was just or congratulate maybe  give her a new contract. Emilia knocked on the door once she'd reached his room and he gestured her in.

"How are you?" Jost asked.

"Yeah I'm great, how are you?" Emilia answered.

"Good, sit down." Jost invited. Emilia had only been in his office a few times and that was for discussing contracts. Maybe it was the start of or rather continuation of her career at Williams. "I wanted to discuss a few things."

"Okay..." Emilia replied. Jost's voice was monotone giving nothing away.

"Firstly, your relationship with Lando. Is that compromising your driving?" Jost questioned. Not the question Emilia was hoping for.

"Did France look like he was compromising my driving?" Emilia retaliated. She wasn't sure whether Jost had seen her interviews but she'd told them they'd been together since Spain roughly.

"You were dating during France?" Jost enquired his tone changing. It was more judgmental than previously.

"Since Spain technically." Emilia responded calmly. "Zak's chill with it." Emilia added though she realised afterwards she probably shouldn't have from his reaction.

"Zak knew and you didn't think to tell me?" This conversation was not going the way Emilia had envisioned.

"We didn't mean to tell him he walked in on us kissing. If you have a problem with us, say it." Emilia replied. She used us unconsciously but it highlighted to her team boss how far into their relationship they were.

"Emilia I am only concerned with where your priorities lie." Jost stated. Emilia knew that was bullshit. He was worried about bad press from the media which would result in sponsors pulling out or not being able to sign more.

"Did you have any concerns with my priorities before you knew about Lando and I?" Emilia questioned. Jost didn't reply. "Exactly." Emilia got up thinking they were done but Jost interrupted her.

"Emilia sit back down please, that's not the main reason I called you in here." Jost admitted. Emilia recomposed herself as she took a seat. There was an inkling of hope in her that he was about to offer her a new contract. Maybe the paper was sitting there in one of his mysterious draws he had. Aurelia could have already been in and checked it over so she would be given the okay to go ahead and sign it. "Latifi is coming back next year." Jost revealed.

"Huh?" Emilia responded. Here she was thinking her future would be solved for the next few years when the opposite was actually occurring.

"Nicky will be joining us at Williams next year again." Jost repeated. Emilia didn't understand but she wasn't about to shout.

"So I'm being dropped after Abu Dhabi?" Emilia questioned.

"If George decides to stay here next season, then yes you will be without a seat." Jost confirmed. He acted tranquil which pissed Emilia off more.

"Does it have anything to do with Lando?" Emilia wanted the truth because it was coincidental that this had occurred after Lando kissed her on the podium.

"No, we spoke to Nicky before Austria and informed us he would like to return. His contract is signed and will be official shortly. We thought with everything going on after Austria we would wait to tell you." Jost said.

"Oh so wait until I finally get a whiff of happiness." Emilia huffed as she rolled her eyes. "Why him over me? His contract was going to terminate at the end of the season so why renew his contract when I'm here?" Emilia wanted to know how she could improve. The tiny level-headed voice in her brain told her to ask that.

"Nicky already had an established place in the team and George will most likely go to Mercedes anyway so there will be a spare seat." Jost explained dodging the question.

"It was because of the money and the sponsors then." Emilia replied. Jost was beating around the bush and not directly answering the question. Emilia had met Nicky and raced with him several times; she knew he was a nice guy and he couldn't help that he had a rich Dad. She wasn't blaming him at all but she had the satisfaction of knowing that she's here for her driving ability or apparently not if he's coming back.

"If you need money or sponsors I can get you some." Emilia answered. Jost's expression changed. "It's not because of the sponsors." Emilia sighed.

"Your reputation with the media isn't the best and it sets a bad example for Williams." Jost explained calmly.

"They give me stupid questions so I give them stupid answers." Emilia shrugged. 

"But Emilia unfortunately you cannot do your media duties like that. They are trying to get a reaction and you give it to them." Jost argued. Emilia folded her arms and huffed.

"If George goes to Mercedes, is his seat mine?" Emilia enquired. She needed something positive to take out of this.

"Potentially." Jost replied giving nothing away. Emilia saw no point in staying here any longer as this conversation wasn't getting anywhere other than Emilia getting extra sim hours.

"If you make a decision or are considering anyone else, I am the first to know." Emilia decided.

"Fine. Also Nicky has already been seen here so the media are suspecting something. You can tell George or Lando but make sure you don't slip anything out to the press at Hungary." Jost clarified. Emilia nodded and left. If she started speaking her frustration would be conveyed and possibly misinterpreted by the Team Principal. She was frustrated at herself for putting her into this situation of relying on George's performance to get her seat. She wanted her future to be entirely in her hands. 

Emilia was embarrassed to get dropped this early on in the season. No one lost their seat in July. In Pierre's case he was dropped from Red Bull late August. Emilia wasn't losing her seat like Pierre did but she wouldn't be having it the following season. Just when she thought she'd done it enough to prove everyone wrong, it turns out it wasn't enough.

Emilia sat down round the corner of Jost's office hoping the CEO wouldn't walk out and see her like this. He didn't but her teammate strolling past did.

"Morning Em, oh what's wrong?" George questioned as he came and sat next to her on the floor. She didn't want to tell him that Nicky was back. Emilia almost felt embarrassed to tell George that her future in F1 relied on him and he already had enough pressure on him she couldn't add more.

"Jost giving me shit about Lando but it's fine." Emilia answered. She didn't meet his eyes as she wouldn't be able lie to him.

"What's his problem?" George asked.

"That Lando will distract me from my driving. Clearly he hasn't and Jost didn't realise how long we've been together. It just pissed me off like it wasn't necessary to ask that but he did. Why me? Why didn't he ask you that when you were with Carmen?" Emilia ranted.

"Is the problem that Lando's a driver or that he's a McLaren driver?" George questioned. Emilia didn't pick up on why he was asking.

"I don't know, I don't care." Emilia huffed.

"Come grab lunch with me in the canteen and I'll go with you to do you sim hours." George offered and gave her a hand up. They ate their lunch with little conversation from Emilia who was now in a rotten mood. "What have you got planned for the rest of the day?"

"Well I'll do the sim stuff, look at another sponsor then Lando's taking me out for dinner on our first public date." Emilia replied. She wouldn't have enough time to go home and change so she had to bring her clothes here and meet Lando there as he was at MTC all day.

"Where are you going?" George queried.

"I don't know exactly. Lando picked but its nice and secluded so hopefully not too much press." Emilia responded.

"Sounds good." George answered. They chatted about non-racing things mostly during lunch because their lives revolved around their jobs so it was nice to discuss other things even during work. George was called into a meeting for some sponsors so he didn't join Emilia for her sim session which she was okay with. She headed out of the canteen and towards the simulator room. Emilia turned a corner and saw Jost on the other side. She didn't really want to encounter him right now and there were other ways to get to her destination. However, she stayed round the corner for a minute as she heard her name.

"We should have put that rule on her contract." Jost sighed.

"It's never affected her driving." The other voice said. Emilia hadn't seen who the other person was but she didn't want to peek her head round the corner and risk being seen. After all, she wasn't supposed to hear this conversation.

"Maybe not, but it gave us bad press. We're finally progressing forward and now we're being held back by bad press about our driver's love life. We thought she wouldn't be interested in dating them and she assured us she was focused on her career which is why we didn't put the rule in about her dating other drivers." Jost said. Emilia had no idea that they were considering putting a rule down about that. Aurelia had never mentioned anything either about it; maybe she didn't know.

"We'll wait and see what Mercedes do." The other person decided. Emilia had had enough and walked away. She'd been treated differently from the beginning which she wasn't happy with. 

Emilia was not focused going into the simulator session. Her times weren't very good and too often did she go off the track or crash. It wasn't her day but her date with Lando later in the evening cheered her up slightly.

After what seemed like forever, Emilia finally finished work and used one of unused conference rooms to get changed in. She had carefully folded an off shoulder, black top that was low cut and fairly loose on her with a tight, red skirt that had a slit in one of her legs. She used her phone as a mirror to apply her makeup and left her hair how it was: down and straight. Heels were the last addition to her outfit and she carefully folded her Williams clothes into her bag otherwise she would regret it later when she found them creased.

George was chatting to the receptionist as Emilia was leaving. He grinned when he saw her and finished his conversation with the lady at reception.

"Lando's a lucky guy." George commented.

"Aw I love it when my best friend hypes me up." Emilia smiled. "Were you flirting with that receptionist?"

"Uh no." George clarified.

"Traffic's bad so I don't want to be late but I'll see you tomorrow if you're here?" Emilia replied. George nodded indicating he was in tomorrow.

The drive to the restaurant wasn't as bad as Emilia had anticipated. It was Friday so the traffic would be worse than usual but even then, Emilia didn't have that much trouble. She arrived prior Lando and patiently waited for him to arrive. Unsurprisingly, Lando's car was heard before it was seen. He parked right next to her and came round to open her door for her.

"You look amazing as always." Lando complimented giving her a kiss on her cheek which wasn't enough for Emilia so she went in for a proper kiss. Lando rested his hands on her hips and pushed her against her car. "I'm a lucky man."

"That's what George said." Lando suddenly lost his elated expression. "Come on, I'm hungry." Emilia rolled her eyes and pulled her McLaren driver into the restaurant. She didn't understand what Lando's problem was but she needed a good thing to happen to her today so she saved the discussion for another time. They were seated in a booth that was away from the rest of the tables. It was around six so the restaurant was almost full. It seemed the waiters knew who Lando was as the pair were given extra treatment. Emilia couldn't decide so Lando ordered for her and she was satisfied with his decision. "So how's your day been?"

"Yeah good. Hungary is looking alright. Upgrades are coming after summer break which'll hopefully help a lot. How was yours?" Lando replied. He'd given away information that Williams didn't know but he was confiding in his other half rather than the Williams driver. When they were with their teams and on the race track, they were able to separate their relationship from their work life which is why they worked so well. After Lando had crashed into her in France, they'd worked especially hard on making sure that their relationship didn't suffer because of their careers.

"That's good. Yeah my sim session today was horrific. Hungary's not that difficult compared to some but I still struggled." Emilia responded.

"How come?" Lando asked concerned. Emilia was not about to tell him that it was because Latifi was coming back. She knew she was only his temporary replacement but she felt kind of embarrassed that she was notified of being replaced this early on in the season.

"I don't know. One of those days I think." Emilia shrugged. As she was driving home, she could only have two glasses of wine and she was well into the first. With the day she had had, she needed more than two but for legal reasons, she couldn't.

"Well I hope this makes it better." Lando grinned.

"It certainly does." Emilia smiled. Food arrived which stopped the conversation as they tucked into a delicious meal. "This is good."

"It is but you for pudding will be better." Lando coolly responded. Emilia had to stop herself choking on her food. She felt her cheeks colour and focused on her food. "Was it something I said?" He grinned.

"You've got to stop saying stuff like that." Emilia decided.

"But I know you're thinking it." Lando replied. Emilia didn't answer and examined at her food. "Seems I'm always right."

"That is a fat lie." Emilia disagreed. "You are not always right. Sometimes maybe."

"On this occasion?"

"Yeah fine but I mean how can I not?" Emilia answered. There was a lot of sexual tension. They finished their meal and walked out into the car park. The couple were one of the last to leave the restaurant as they relished every moment they got together. Emilia was now living at her house again which meant she didn't get to see Lando as often as she'd like with their work hours often clashing. Race weekends meant they were in the same place and now they could be together in public but their schedules were so full it was difficult though they made it work.

"Are you cold?" Lando asked and Emilia shook her head but Lando could tell she was. It was towards the end of July but it happened to be one of those colds nights in Britain that makes you question what season you're in.

"Not really." Emilia replied. Her mood had improved a lot and with no sight of the media,

"I can feel your hand in mine and it's cold." Lando pointed out. "I know a way we can warm up." Lando lowered his voice as he closed the space between them. Emilia responded by pressing her lips to his. Lando put his hands on her butt and pulled her closer to him. Emilia reached a hand behind Lando and opened her car door. Lando took the invite and sat down in her car with Emilia sitting on top of him. She shut the car door leaving them two alone in the car.


This was definitely a bad idea but Emilia didn't care she just wanted Lando. There were only a few other cars in the car park which was round the corner from the restaurant so she was sure they wouldn't be interrupted, unless the press found them. However, that wasn't her priority right now. Her priority was Lando.

Emilia unzipped Lando's trousers and immediately touches the bulge in his trousers. Lando bit his lip as Emilia stroked his length up and down. She looked at him for his reaction which she was satisfied with. Lando slipped a hand on the inside of her thigh which he knew made her weak. He pulled down her underwear so it fell down to her shins. Carefully, he slipped two fingers inside her which made Emilia moan.

"You're always so wet for me." Lando said as he moved his fingers in circled. This wasn't enough for Emilia. She needed him inside her. Lando took the hint and removed his fingers. She inched closer to him as Lando inserted himself and Emilia gasped as she adjusted to his length. Emilia thrusted slowly but began to pick up pace. "Fuck you look so good." Lando managed to get out even though he was partly out of breath. Emilia continued riding him as they got close to their climax. "I'm close babe." Emilia cried his name out as she reached hers.

"I love you." Emilia said once she'd caught her breath. She was lying on top of Lando with the McLaren driver running his hands through her hair.

"Me neither. Just remember to take your birth control because I didn't use a condom." Lando reminded.

"Did you not bring one with you?" Emilia asked and Lando shook his head. "You didn't think this date would end with sex? Everything we seem to do nowadays ends with sex."

"Yeah good point. I knew you weren't coming back to mine or vice versa so I presumed we wouldn't." Lando replied. "But we couldn't help it. I just can't resist you." Lando grinned. Emilia leant in for another kiss which started off slowly but they picked up the pace again.

"Babe we can't." Emilia stopped them kissing. "Otherwise I won't be able to walk tomorrow and I have sim stuff to do."

"That's the point." Lando smirked as he left a trail of kisses from Emilia's neck to her breasts.

"Lan I'm serious." Emilia stared into his eyes. He met hers and sighed. "I love you. Now get out my car."

"Fine. You are coming round mine tomorrow evening and I will make you scream my name so loud everyone is going to hear it." Lando promised in a low voice and it turned Emilia on again. Alas, she knew she had to get home as she had to be up early.

"Deal." Emilia replied. She climbed off Lando and got in the other side of her car as Lando had been seated on her passenger seat.

"Text me when you get home." Lando requested as he gave her one final kiss.

"You'll probably be home before me so make sure you text me." Emilia insisted. Lando nodded as she shut her car door. Emilia smiled to herself thinking about how lucky she was to be with him. He made her so joyful and if he was taken away from her she wouldn't know how to go on. Though, she had said that about her Grandad before he passed and that she was managing to live through it. Time didn't heal her, it showed her how to deal with the pain. Losing Lando would be worse than that. She was convinced they were soulmates. Hopefully he felt the same way.

Lando waved to her as he reversed his McLaren out of the parking spot and headed back to Woking. Emilia drove in the opposite direction to him and turned up her music. Before she left, she had connected her phone to the car and selected a playlist. This playlist was dominated by One Direction who she loved lots.

She enjoyed their music and was badly singing to it. Emilia arrived at a four-way junction that looked horrible to cross. There were no traffic lights as it was a small country road which clearly hadn't been tended to as the hedges on the side of the road were obscuring her view. She needed to go straight over it and as it didn't seem like there were any cars coming, she accelerated.

Emilia didn't make it across the road.

A car coming from the right hit into her driver side of the car. It didn't have lights on so Emilia could never have seen it coming or heard it as her music was playing loudly. Emilia was going at a slow speed due to her having to stop at the junction. However, the car that hit her wasn't. The driver was way over the speed limit. The car hit her at a high speed so the impact was immense. It was bad. Worse than anything Emilia had experienced in racing. In racing, there was time usually until she hit the barrier which was all padded and designed for their safety. But now, she had none of this.

Did I just kill Emilia? I really put you guys through all sorts in this chapter but I hope you enjoyed it. If anyone also spots any plot holes that I miss please let me know because I can't see everything. 

Whenever I need an outfit for Emilia, I literally go on Boohoo and randomly click on a dress or top or whatever and just describe the first thing I see. If anyone does want photos of the outfits because my descriptions are poor just tell me I'm not going to be offended.

Also thank you all so much for your support! I do try and respond to all your comments but school takes up a lot of my time now but I do appreciate that you all take time out of your day to read this! Take care of yourselves <3

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