Chapter 38

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Song: Lost Without You by Freya Ridings. 

I don't usually put songs in chapters but I heard this one as I was planning this chapter and I thought it fitted. 

Emilia stared at herself in the mirror. Her dress was black, for the funeral. She'd tried several times to put on her makeup but she kept bursting into tears so it kept running. Emilia gave up trying.

Fred's funeral was today and Emilia wanted to get it over and done with. With the unexpectedness of Fred's death, she would never get the closure she needed. The box that lay unopened at the end of her bed would provide more maybe but she didn't feel strong enough to open it. Emilia wondered why he had a box for her because that would suggest he knew this day was coming but he couldn't have could he? Fred would have told her if anything was wrong.

This time next week, she'd be in the garage preparing for the first free practice. Emilia should be showing her Grandad around and introducing him to all her team. Excitement would be running high in the garage for their home Grand Prix. Emilia would be aiming for a good points finish and potentially a podium. Now, she was considering not competing because she saw no point. Tears were now flowing as she set herself off again. She sat in her bathroom at her parent's house on the floor with her back leaning against the cupboard.

It had been only four days without him and she knew people always said time healed everything but she was desperate for time to pass quickly so she could be mostly herself again. Emilia knew it would never be the same and she would always miss him. Though she had hope. Hope that one day the pain would stop but it never does. The pain of someone passing never goes away. You just learn to live with it.

Emilia's breathing quickened and she positioned her head between her knees. It probably wasn't the best position to help her breathe but she didn't care. She heard footsteps coming up the stairs and they quickened. Emilia didn't want her parents or brother to see her like this so she tried to hold her breath so they didn't hear her hyperventilating but she could only hold it for a few seconds because she was panicking. The door opened but Emilia ignored it.

"Oh shit Emi." Lando's voice immediately calmed Emilia a bit and she looked up to him. Lando quickly sat down on the floor with Emilia. "Em, breathe with me. Touch your pressure point." Her hands were resting on her head and he gently moved them so he could press in her palms which was her pressure point that helped her feel better. Eventually, she calmed down and sobbed into Lando's shoulder. He didn't know what to say to make her feel better.

"I need to straighten my hair." Emilia mentioned between cries.

"That's okay. I can do that." Lando offered stroking her hair. He led Emilia back into her bedroom and managed to turn on her straighteners. Straightening Emilia's hair was a lot harder than he anticipated. Emilia briefly explained how he needed to split it into layers and she sat there expressionless but still releasing tears. Lando did his best and it was a pretty good job but it took a long time. "I can try doing your makeup but I don't think that's going to go very well." Lando chuckled. Emilia smiled at him.

"I'll go bare faced it's fine." Emilia replied. She turned around so she could face him. "You look good in a suit. You should wear one more often." Lando laughed.

"For our next date, I'll wear a suit." Lando promised pressing a kiss to Emilia's forehead. "Today's going to be horrible but I promise I will be by your side for every second." Lando pressed another kiss to Emilia's lips.

"Every second?" Emilia questioned and Lando nodded. "I don't need you to come to the toilet with me." Emilia blankly stated.

"Okay good point but I would if you needed me to – not in a creepy way though." Lando smirked and Emilia smiled as well. "I love your smile."

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