Chapter 57

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Emilia was definitely nervous to tell Lando. She hated how late she had left it to tell him but she had had no good opportunities to talk to him. Why telling him at a party, where there would be alcohol to fuel an argument, was a good idea, Emilia didn't know. However, she did know she had to be the one to tell him before anyone else did. She was surprised he or anyone else hadn't mentioned anything. With George and Lando not being on good terms, George could easily slip it out to her boyfriend.

Emilia had fucked up and she acknowledged that. There was no way to fix it as such but she would feel a lot better if she was the one to tell Lando. Though there was also the fact that it was Max's home Grand Prix celebration, she didn't want to ruin it for him either. Right now, Emilia thought it would be great if the ground swallowed her up but no, she had to own up to her mistakes. With the party attire, at least she would look good doing so.

"Em you ready?" Aurelia knocked on her door. Emilia grabbed her bag making sure everything she needed was in there.

"Yeah just coming." She replied putting her shoes on. When she opened the door both Aurelia and Christine were there. "Damn you look good tonight."

"Says you, red is your colour." Christine complimented. Officially, Christine and Aurelia had not been invited but Max was never fussy on who was there at his parties and he was happy to see everyone.

"Channelling your inner devil I see." Aurelia smiled. If only she knew what Emilia had done.

The three of them had a short walk complaining about heels and dresses riding up for the duration of it. They arrived and could already hear the thump of music from inside. When they got inside, Emilia went to find Lando but had no luck. She texted him asking if he had arrived yet but got no response so she enjoyed the party instead.

Going to get another drink, Emilia bumped into her teammate. She turned away hoping he hadn't seen her. George had and went after Emilia.

"Em, Em wait." George called after her. She stopped and turned to face her teammate.

"I can't talk to you right now I need to find Lando." Emilia stated not meeting her teammate's eyes.

"Yeah I was going to tell you he's looking for you, he's outside." George answered. Emilia thanked and went outside to find him.

She hadn't realised how hot it was inside until the cold air hit her. Lando was standing away from the door facing the road. Emilia had a really sick feeling in her stomach. He knew. There was no way of telling for sure but Emilia just felt that she knew. She didn't know how to approach him. Emilia walked up to her boyfriend her heels clicking against the concrete and Lando spun around to face her before she could reach him.

Anger flashed across his face when he saw Emilia before being replaced by hurt and disappointment. She opened her mouth to speak but nothing came out. Lando waited there silently for her to say something. She had worked out how she was going to tell Lando and how best to word it to make him feel as least bad as she could but she stood there in silence.

"I was hoping that I would see you and you would tell me that it's not you in the photo. That it's someone else and you love me and would never cheat on me." Lando vented. He didn't sound angry, he wasn't shouting which was somehow worse for Emilia.

"I had a plan. I've been trying to tell you. I tried to tell you today but you rushed off to McLaren, I tried to find you at the driver's parade. I phoned you several times yesterday." Emilia explained.

"That photo wasn't taken today?" Lando interrupted.

"No it was taken yesterday. How did you even get the photo?" Emilia questioned calmly. Her voice came out calm but inside she felt like she was going to combust. She was a mess, she hated seeing Lando like this and she wanted to fix it but she knew she deserved to not get the chance to. He was like this because of Emilia.

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