Chapter 26

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Most people's least favourite day of the week was Monday. Not Emilia. She disliked Thursdays. Why? Thursday was media day. And why did Emilia dislike media day? She doesn't like talking to people. Especially, this week as she'd been paired up with Valtteri Bottas whom she'd had an incident with in Baku. This was definitely going to be a horrible day.

"Let's just get this over with." Emilia sighed as they entered the paddock. She had Aurelia and Christine beside her as she waved at Kym Illman who was lying down on the floor taking photos of the additions to the lively paddock.

"For today, you have a press conference, team meetings most of the afternoon and you'll have dinner here. Then you have a call with your parents this evening but you can do that in your hotel room." Aurelia informed. Emilia was glad she had her because she had completely forgotten that. Well today was going to be a shit day.

"Good luck with that." Christine sniggered. Emilia nudged her friend next to her.

"It's not funny. You're going to have to deal with a grumpy me all day as well. Maybe if you didn't keep pushing me so hard I would be in a better mood as well." Christine had been training Emilia extra hard this week and she was not very appreciative of it.

"Just because I'm your friend doesn't mean you get it easier. Plus, you don't have the testosterone that the boys do so you're at a disadvantage and have to work harder." Christine explained. 

"Emilia, it is ten in the morning. You have got a shit day ahead of you, you can't sulk already." Aurelia reasoned. Emilia made a further effort to sulk to annoy Aurelia. "Brighten up, Lando's ahead."

"Why does that mean I need to brighten up?" Emilia quietly asked.

"Because you need to show him what he's missing. Show him that you're happy without him." Aurelia justified.

"But I'm not." Emilia answered.

"Smile." Aurelia whispered harshly. Emilia stood tall and strode towards Lando without even looking at him.

"Em, can we talk?" Lando cut in front of her so she couldn't step further.

"Emilia has places to be." Aurelia spitefully replied for her friend and dragged her round Lando. Emilia turned her head to look at Lando as she was being pulled away. "Emilia, no."

"I don't see how one conversation can be bad." Emilia whined once he was out of earshot. She desperately wanted to talk to Lando, wanted to be in his arms, wanted to run her fingers through his hair as she kissed him.

"Because it won't just be one conversation. You'll end up getting back with him." Aurelia lowered her voice but was still quite loud. "I love you and I don't want you to get hurt by him again."

"He left me coffee and flowers this morning." Emilia exhaled deeply.

"Why's that significant?" Christine joined the conversation after being Switzerland per usual.

"You know how Lando got hammered at Alex's birthday? Well he came back to my room and he threw up. As he was leaving with George, he asked whether he could do anything to repay me and I said coffee and flowers. That was like three months ago."

"You think coffee and flowers make up for cheating?" Aurelia queried judging the driver.

"No, I'm just saying it's cute that he remembered." Emilia shrugged and drunk from her water bottle to hide her smile. It was a really thoughtful gift. When the hotel caterers turned up with it at her door, she instantly knew who it was from. It came with a note saying sorry but nothing too elaborate.

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