Chapter 37

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Emilia slept in a lot longer than she should have. When she woke up, she turned over to see her clock which stated it was already afternoon. Emilia panicked remembering she was supposed to be at the hospital as soon as visiting hours started and that her Grandad would be waiting for her to arrive. She threw some clothes on and ran downstairs to get some food to eat on the way to the hospital. Emilia noticed her phone on charge and tapped the screen. She was heading out of her kitchen but the notifications on her phone screen stopped her.

There were tonnes of missed calls and messages. She was concerned that a photo of her and Lando got leaked but if that was the case, why were there no missed phone calls from Lando or Aurelia. The missed calls were from her Mum and an unknown. Both of those numbers had called her several times in the past few hours though none recently. That was odd. Maybe her parents had decided to visit Fred again and they'd had an argument or Emilia's Mother was phoning in anger that Emilia was Fred's emergency contact.

Emilia decided to call the unknown number. Usually, Aurelia got all the calls so Emilia's number was never given to anyone she didn't want to have it. The likelihood was that this was a spam caller randomly picking up her number. It rung a few times before they picked up.

"Hello?" Emilia greeted uncertainly. She didn't want to give away who she was because if it was a spam caller or something similar they'd have her number and tell everyone then she would have to get a new phone number. Emilia had done that previously and was not about to make the same mistake.

"Hi, this is the hospital regarding Fred Miller. Is this Emilia Miller speaking?" A bubbly voice asked. Why would the hospital be phoning her?

"Yes it is. What's wrong?" Emilia questioned concerned. Maybe there had been a big row between her parents and Fred.

"I will put you through to Dr Everard." The voice replied losing its bubbly tone.

"Hello Emilia, this is Dr Everard." She didn't sound particularly happy either. Emilia's thoughts went to the immediate worst outcome.

"Tell me what happened?" Emilia pleaded feeling tears well in her eyes already.

"I'm so sorry we did everything we could." The doctor apologised.

Emilia put her hand over her mouth as the realisation came to her. Her vision blurred as her eyes filled with water. "Fred had another heart attack during the night which sent him into cardiac arrest and resuscitation was not successful. I am so sorry." Emilia broke down into tears sliding her back against the counter as she sat on the floor in pieces. "We tried to call you earlier but there was no answer. Your parents came to the hospital this morning unaware of the news so we told them. We would have told you when you visited the hospital but we wanted you to be aware as soon as possible. Again, I am so sorry there was nothing more that we could do. I understand this is a difficult time so please take your time to recover. Your parents are sorting out the paperwork so you don't need to do anything. Oh and before I go, I was doing some tests when your Grandad had his heart attack. We were talking about you and I don't watch Formula 1 but you sound amazing at it. He was talking about how excited he was to go to Silverstone with you." The doctor's voice began to sound as if she was welling up with tears as well. "I'm sorry, I shouldn't be attached to patients but your Grandad was such a good man, he did not deserve this. He was talking to me just before his heart attack. He told me and I quote 'Em's going to be world champion one day, I can feel it.'"

"Thank you for telling me." Emilia tried to stop crying so she could form a sentence.

"No problem. Your family have gone home after receiving the news. When you see them, please offer my condolences to them again." Dr Everard finished then she hung up. She'd spent less than a day with Fred but knew what an amazing person he was. He had that effect on people.

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