Chapter 4

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"No we did not." Emilia gasped. George and Alex had spun the story slightly as neither her nor Lando remembered a large proportion of the night. The two not hungover drivers told the hungover drivers they'd hooked up during the party. Both of them were in disbelief.

"I don't even like her really why would I have done that?" Lando argued throwing a look at Emilia. The four of them were eating breakfast in the hotel restaurant after an eventful Sunday night.

"I know I didn't hookup with you." Emilia replied. She sat back and folded her arms. Emilia couldn't remember what happened but she was certain she didn't.

"No amount of alcohol would make me go near you." Lando protested. George and Alex were enjoying themselves a bit too much and probably should tell them that it never happened but it was rather funny.

"You're literally sitting next to me, you're pretty near me I'd say." Emilia pointed out. Lando was pretty annoying and she still refused to believe that she kissed him. 

"Okay, okay. We made it up to wind you up." Alex admitted. Emilia rolled her eyes and Lando elbowed his friend viciously in the side.

"You two are hilarious to watch." George laughed. Emilia followed Lando and jabbed her teammate in his ribs with her elbow.

"That was mean, from both of you." Emilia said. She breathed a sigh of relief. Though she never believed them, there was a niggling feeling that did want to believe it.

"I'm sorry it was way too entertaining." George howled. He got his phone out and showed the others the videos he took of them stumbling down the path. Emilia had to accept it was funny even though she did notice how close she was to Lando. 

"What are we all laughing at?" Aurelia appeared at her drivers' side breaking up the hilarity of the previous night.

"Oh hey, you should see this video of Em from last night." George sniggered. He pressed play on the video again and pushed away Em's arms which were trying to grab the phone.

"Hilarious. Are you hungover then?" Aurelia asked. Emilia shook her head but the other three nodded. She sighed in defeat. "Well as long as you get all the stuff done that you need to do it's fine."

"What's that?" Emilia had probably been told some point over the weekend but she was so focused on racing she wouldn't have remembered.

"You have a meeting with some potential sponsors in an hour and then we need to go out shopping to get you some more clothes and an outfit for Alex's birthday as well as a present for him because I think you've forgotten that." Aurelia chuckled. Emilia had forgotten it but she can't have been the only one.

"I can imagine Lando hasn't remembered it and he's known him way longer than I have." Emilia stated. From the look on Lando's face he had forgotten it.

"Why did you say me and not George?" Lando questioned clearly unhappy that Emilia had outed him. She offered him a sarcastic smile.

"Let's face it mate, you're more likely to forget than George." Alex agreed. It was Lando's turn to sulk and it made everything burst into laughter.

"Your Grandad also wanted to speak to you again. He sent a very kind text message to you this morning." Aurelia noted sweetly. It prompted and aw from Alex.

"Okay, I can definitely find time to speak to him later." Emilia decided. She agreed to meet Aurelia in thirty minutes in an office room where the virtual meeting would commence. Her potential sponsors were based in Europe and with the races being so close to each other she didn't have time to fly over there and back so a Zoom call was arranged.

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