Chapter 41

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The atmosphere entering the paddock on Friday was incredible. It was a lot of team's and driver's home race so there was a big desire to do well. Excitement could be felt; even though it was only practice, teams wanted to get settled and ready for the weekend.

"How are you?" Aurelia questioned picking up on Emilia's lack of enthusiasm. The driver had laid in Lando's bed for longer than she should have causing her arrival time to be later that it should be. Lando had already left by the time she was up even with Lando nagging her that she needed to move otherwise she'd be late.

"I'm fine." Emilia lied. She certainly was not.

"That's a big lie. I know that. Girl, you don't need to lie. You can be honest with me." Aurelia responded. "It's okay to not be okay."

"I don't know how I'm going to get through this weekend without him. Maybe if he wasn't supposed to come here then I wouldn't be so upset about it." Emilia told herself she was going to get through today without crying. They passed Lewis and Emilia smiled at him.

"Emilia, we need to talk." Lewis interrupted the conversation she was having.

"Yeah what's up?" Emilia asked.

"I just thought you'd want a heads up that the photo of me kissing you in Baku got leaked again and people figured out it was you." Lewis revealed and Emilia groaned. "It's probably my fault. People must have worked it out from yesterday's press conference."

"Honestly Lewis, it's fine." Emilia smiled. It wasn't but she didn't want Lewis to beat himself up over it.

"Okay, see you later." Lewis headed off in the other direction to Emilia.

"Ugh that's so what I needed today." Emilia complained to her manager as they entered the Williams building. She needed coffee desperately because that would solve a lot of problems. "Did you not know about it?" Emilia questioned Aurelia as they went up the stairs.

"No I didn't." Aurelia sighed.

"I fucking hate the media." Emilia purposely banged her head on the wall before she turned the corner. "I'm honestly done with this shit." Emilia told the Spaniard as they headed into the room where their briefings were. Most of the team would be in the garage preparing for practice so the room was empty apart from one table. On that table was George and his family. Brilliant. "Oh sorry I didn't realise anyone would be here."

"Em this is my Mum and Dad." George gestured to the two people on his table. They all stood up to hug Emilia which caught her off guard.

"Lovely to meet you." George's Mum Alison greeted as she wrapped her arms around George's teammate. Emilia wasn't prepared to be hugged so her efforts to hug them back were lame. She really should make an effort with George's family as George had with her Grandad. But she knew George was a lot more selfless than she was and Emilia knew she could never be as altruistic as George even when she tried.

"I'm sorry I'm not usually smashing my head against walls and swearing." Emilia laughed.

"Oh no it's alright George has said enough nice things about you for that not to matter." George's Dad Steve replied.

"What happened?" George questioned sitting back down.

"The photo of Lewis kissing me got leaked and people figured out it was me, yay." Emilia revealed. She had completely forgotten that George's parents were there and had now spilled a secret the media would pay millions to get their hands on.

"Oh I was hoping you were single so George could find himself another girlfriend after Carmen. She was a lovely girl; I still don't see why you two broke up." Alison sighed.

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