Chapter 30

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"Hey guys I'm back." Lando greeted enthusiastically. Emilia turned the volume down as his voice was pounding through her ears. "So today chat I will just be talking. Not really in the mood to play games today." Lando grinned putting his hands behind his chair which flexed his biceps. 

Had Emilia not been on a plane, she would have texted him letting him know her thoughts. The plane had Wi-Fi which was how she was able to watch his stream as she flew to France. She really needed the distraction as flying was not her favourite thing to do. Lando's flight, rather than being on the Tuesday, must have been on the Wednesday unlike Emilia's. It was unusual for the team to fly out on the Tuesday but they wanted extra preparation for France. The track suited their car quite well but they needed extra time to make sure they got the points.

Emilia was still concerned about her dream that she'd had round George's. She knew it wouldn't become a reality because there was no way that crash would have killed him but Emilia still worried. Lando knew it had been bothering her and tried to assure her in the time they'd spent together prior to Emilia flying out.

"Right chat fire some questions at me." Lando requested and waited as the chat filled with comments. "I'm going to get a headache reading all of these." Lando left and came back with his glasses on. Emilia almost stopped breathing seeing how hot he looked in them. Aurelia next to her was asleep and Christine was reading a book so neither of them noticed Emilia's lack of breathing ability.

"Am I staying at McLaren? Um no." Lando blankly answered. Emilia panicked for a second. "No of course I am. You all saw that I signed a new contract." Emilia was relieved because there wasn't really another place for him to go. Plus, McLaren really suited him and he was having a great time there. Loads of questions were popping up in the chat about her and Emilia wondered whether he would answer any.

"Am I dating Emilia? No, we're just friends." Lando laughed but made it sound believable. Emilia decided she didn't want to watch anymore and closed her laptop but made more noise that she had intended. It woke Aurelia up next to her. She didn't understand why Lando didn't tell people about them.

"What the fuck Em." Aurelia shouted annoyed.

"Sorry, Grey's Anatomy killing off characters again." Emilia lied shoving the laptop in her bag. "I need to go speak with George." Emilia left and got up to find George before Aurelia asked anymore questions. George was sitting near the back of the plane with his trainer who was asleep.

"Hey Em." George noticed Emilia and took his headphones off as she sat next to him. On the other side was his trainer. She glanced at Aleix. "He's asleep." George confirmed.

"I know we haven't really got to chat since the sleepover." Emilia started at George leant his head back. It wasn't going to be a very pretty conversation but George needed to know that Emilia can deal with her own problems.

"You can't expect me to be friends with Lando following that." George sighed. Emilia was hoping he would forgive his friend but it didn't look likely unfortunately.

"George, he's your friend. What he did to me shouldn't affect whether you're friends with him or not. You knew him before you knew me and I am definitely not making you pick between us because you can be friends with us both. I've forgiven him and you should too." Emilia tried to convince George but he wasn't having any of it.

"But Em, he hurt you. I don't think I want to forgive him." George responded.

"George I've managed to after he cheated on me. We're back together and it's all fine so just drop it please."

"You're back together?" George whispered but a very loud and pissed off whisper.

"Yeah." Emilia nodded. George clearly didn't like that. "It's my decision, you don't get a say in this."

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