Chapter 55

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Emilia felt good going into Saturday. She was fine with both Lando and George even though they wouldn't talk to each other still. Though, it had only been a week, she couldn't expect everything to go back to normal between the two of them yet. It had concerned her that neither of them had mentioned Sophie before especially as it seemed to cause such a reaction from Lando when George brought it up. Emilia couldn't figure boys out.

Luckily, Emilia could figure her car out. She knew how to drive that and everything seemed to be working in harmony. Obviously, things didn't stay that way. Emilia crashed her car into the banked corner that was Hugenholtzbocht in FP3. Her rear was damaged and it meant she couldn't go out for the rest of the session so Emilia didn't get the chance to practice any low fuel qualifying runs. That made qualifying especially hard as she'd never raced on this circuit before. Sure, Emilia had done work on the simulator but she didn't feel comfortable going into Q1.

"Why do you always manage to find drama?" Christine sighed as she massaged her driver's neck.

"No, drama finds me." Emilia protested.

"So that wall found you?" Christine laughed.

"I feel bad because the mechanics have to work all lunch now." Emilia changed the subject. "I should go and get them stroopwafels."

"Well you can wait because I need to finish loosening your muscles here." Christine decided. Emilia let Christine do her job then strolled through the paddock to find enough stroopwafels for the team's mechanics. They had lost their lunchtime because Emilia couldn't keep her rear wing out of the barrier. Emilia didn't have to look hard for a stroopwafel stand and ended up buying all of ones that were ready leaving Daniel Ricciardo behind her annoyed.

"You don't need that many!" Daniel complained.

"I crashed my car, yeah I do." Emilia responded trying to juggle all the food.

"You're going to break the weigh bridge if you have that many stroopwafels in you." Daniel chuckled.

"Some people, unlike you Ricciardo, buy things for others because they are nice people. These are not all mine." Emilia replied as she turned to go back to the garage. The team seemed to be very grateful for Emilia's snacks.

"Where's mine?" John laughed watching Emilia handing out her purchases to the mechanics.

"You haven't got to spend your lunch mending a car because the driver is an idiot." Emilia answered.

"Nope but I have to somehow calculate what time you're going to put in without any data." John replied.

"Would you like me to go and get you a stroopwafel?" Emilia sighed putting her hands on her hips.

"Did someone say stroopwafels?" George poked his head round the corner from his side of the garage.

"Not for you Russell." Emilia shook her head. "Unless you're offering to fix my car because I think they need an extra set of hands to get it ready for qualifying."

"I'll get myself a stroopwafel thanks." George smiled declining the offer.

"What are you doing here anyway? Practice ended like twenty minutes ago." Emilia questioned. "Bumlicking Jost again?" She teased.

"I think you're the one that needs to do the bumlicking now. I've got a seat for next year." George shrugged grinning as he left the garage heading towards to his driver room.

"Dickhead." Emilia muttered under her breath making John laugh. "Are you still going to be here next year?" Emilia asked her engineer.

"Only if you are." John smiled.

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