Chapter 69

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"Morning Jost." Emilia greeted her Team Principal with enthusiasm knowing it would not be returned.

"Emilia take a seat please." Jost gestured to the seat opposite him but he himself was not sitting. He'd called Emilia into a conference room at the hotel, different to the one Emilia had been in the previous day though it would probably be the same conversation but with a little more yelling. "I'm not going to mess around here. You embarrassed yourself, you embarrassed me, you embarrassed the team with your behaviour on Sunday. I am utterly appalled. What have you got to say for yourself?"

"I'm sorry for the team." Emilia apologised truthfully.

"Is that it?" Jost huffed.

"Toto's making me go to therapy." Emilia added hoping that was what he wanted to hear.

"What about me Emilia? You personally insulted me in that recording of your conversation."

"You personally insulted me by making me the last person to find out about losing the seat. So don't expect me to make any apology when you haven't given me one either." Emilia stood up folding her arms.

"I don't need to apologise for that." Jost defended. Emilia knew this was her boss and she shouldn't really argue with him but he was being unreasonable.

"I specifically asked you to tell me if you were looking at someone else and you didn't, you continued to lie to me telling me I was getting the contract. You lied for weeks possibly months misleading me. And you did this sober. It wasn't a thing that slipped out in the moment like mine was, you knew what you were doing. Yet you still don't think you need to give me an apology." Emilia pointed out.

"Well when you put it like that, it makes me seem bad." Jost sighed. "Yes I guess I should apologise for that. I'm sorry Emilia. But we do need to talk about the rest of your season with Williams."

"You can't terminate my contract." Emilia stated. Aurelia had made sure there were no loopholes in case Emilia was an idiot and did something stupid like get arrested.

"I am aware." Jost replied.

"So you looked? You tried to?" Emilia quickly asked.

"Yes I will admit we did look. Sidelining is still an option. You could still have the contract and we could bring Jack in for a few practices and races, there is a loophole." Emilia silently swore. She had been worried about being dropped from the wrong team. "However, we are not going to bring Jack in."

"That's the right decision." Emilia assured.

"Is it Emilia? Is keeping you a good decision? I disagree really." Emilia's stomach dropped. There was no way he could drop her.

"But you can't drop me."

"No we cannot. And if we could, the replacement wouldn't be better. This Championship is tight and although I don't like it. You will race until Abu Dhabi." Jost confirmed. Emilia took that as a compliment that they were unable to find anyone better. "Oh I don't know whether you were expecting to discuss it, but we are not looking to take you on as Williams reserve driver."

"I didn't think you'd offer so I'm looking elsewhere." Emilia answered.

"Where are you looking? You've been quite busy with Toto this week." Jost observed.

"Yes I have. I've been looking at offers from all sorts of teams. F1 and not."

"Have you accepted any offers?" Jost enquired.

"Seeing as you just said you'd drop me if you could right now, I don't think you really care. You're just being polite." They both knew Jost wasn't being polite instead scooping for gossip. Emilia had at least learned her lesson picking up on when people were trying to do that.

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