Chapter 82

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"He doesn't remember anything from that night." Emilia sighed. She was on her way to Lando's house but had to take the train as she couldn't drive with her ankle yet. The team doctor had indicated she could race in Saudi Arabia if she didn't put any pressure on it hence why Emilia had brought crutches with her to use.

"Because he was too drunk?" Christine replied through the phone. Emilia was talking in public and was hoping not using Lando's name would cover them because Lando had a unique name. Emilia also didn't want the press to pick up on the fact that she was mad at him because he didn't remember asking her to move in. She had her hood up so hopefully people would recognise her and the crutches.

"Yeah he woke up, I told him what happened to his ankle and he doesn't even remember falling down the stairs." Emilia replied. "Which means he doesn't remember asking me to move in."

"Ouch, that's bad. Are you going to talk to him about it?" Christine asked.

"I kind of want him to bring it up today, but if he doesn't I will." Emilia answered.

"Do you want to move in with him?"

"Well yeah I want to move in with him but I don't particularly want to move to Monaco." Emilia whispered. She was aware there were possibly other people on the train listening to her conversation. "It's just too busy and too many celebrities. Yeah, it would be nice to be around some of the other drivers but I'd rather move somewhere quieter because we're in the spotlight an awful lot."

"So what are you going to do?" Christine questioned.

"I'll move in with him because realistically we won't be home much anyway especially if our schedules aren't the same." Emilia answered. She was never home much anyway but jumping between F1 and WEC would mean her schedule would probably be busier.

"What about the long term though?" Christine asked.

"Eventually we'll be rich enough to buy two houses which we can alternate living in and then we both get what we want." Emilia chuckled. "No that's a very optimistic plan but I don't know. We'll have to see."

"I'm sure you'll be fine. You two have come through a lot this year and even though you broke up and got back together like eight times, you're still going." Christine replied. "Oh and I just wanted to check that you found a replacement for me for Saudi."

"Yeah I have, I'm still going to pay you though and that's not up for debate." Emilia stated. Since Christine was transgender, she didn't think it was safe to come to Saudi Arabia where it was illegal to be transgender. She recently came out to the world on social media and Emilia supported her all the way through it. "How's the social media? Anyone bothering you?"

"I mean there's always some people unfortunately but most have been supportive. Thank you for being so supportive of me." Christine answered.

"It's the least I can do for you. I might need to hang up though because my stop is next and I need to somehow get off this train on crutches." Emilia said.

"Okay, I'll come and check on your ankle tomorrow afternoon."

"Yeah that's fine with me. Let me know if you need anything, bye." Emilia hung up and made her way to the door of the train and got a taxi to Lando's house. She knocked on his door when she arrived.

"Aw look we're twinning how romantic." Lando said lifting up his crutches. "Come in." Lando moved out of the way to let Emilia in. Both of them managed to make it to his sofa unharmed. "Are you racing next week?"

"Are you asking as my rival or as my boyfriend?" Emilia asked.

"Your boyfriend." Lando replied.

"Yes I probably will be. What about you?"

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