Chapter 19

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Although there were no official practices on the Friday in Monaco, Emilia did not get the day off. Most of it was spent at the track but she was allowed the evening off. She'd decided she wanted to go out with Christine and Aurelia and have fun.

"Yay, let's go." Aurelia clapped her hands in excitement once all of them were changed. They headed out into the lively dwelling that was Monte Carlo. The hotel they were staying at was at a pretty high point so they could see rows of apartment that were brightly lit and beyond them, the sea which wasn't currently illuminated by the sun as it had set a few hours ago. It blended in with the sky though the only way you could tell between the two was that the body of water was rippling ever so slightly and the sky was covered in a glitter of stars.

They had a reservation at a restaurant that was recommended to Emilia by Charles when she spoke to him the previous day between practices. The place was almost fully booked but they managed to squeeze in and at a reasonable time as well. They were seated in a booth and Emilia noticed a large group of people on one of the tables.

"Is that McLaren?" Aurelia noticed and subtly pointed to the large group of people. Emilia and Christine both turned around and observed them for a moment until Daniel's rather infectious laugh was heard.

"That's definitely McLaren." Christine agreed. Emilia scanned the table and spotted Lando whom she made eye contact with immediately. They shared a brief smile before Lando was nudged and pulled back into conversation with who Emilia thought was his trainer.

"Emilia, stop staring." Aurelia scolded. It transformed Emilia's cheeks to a shade light shade of red red as she faced the girls again. "It's a girl's night, we don't need men involved." Aurelia reinstated. That girl's night was ruined within seconds as Daniel and Zak Brown walked up to the table.

"Fancy seeing you here." Emilia smiled and got up to hug the Australian while giving the American a nod completely ignoring what Aurelia had just said. It's not like any man she spoke to was anything but a friend excluding Lando and he was still sat down at the table so it's okay.

"Yeah, sure you're not on spying duties?" Daniel teased as Emilia sat back down.

"Nah, Charles recommended the place yesterday so we thought we'd check it out." Emilia explained.

"And who are these lovely ladies with you?" Zak grinned.

"This is Christine, my trainer, and this Aurelia, she's sort of a mix of my manager and also my PR and best friend." Emilia introduced gesturing at the right friend when she mentioned them.

"And your life organiser." Aurelia added. It prompted a laugh from Daniel.

"Even with a life organiser, you're still late to everything." Daniel agreed.

"At least I'm faster on track." Emilia poked her tongue out at the McLaren driver.

"She has you there." Zak howled. Emilia became aware of how nice of an CEO he was. Not that she was complaining about hers, it just appeared Zak had a real connection with his drivers. It was nice to see and rare in something as competitive as Formula 1 where tension was high and results were everything.

"I was quicker in FP1." Daniel countered. He still wore his big smile even though his boss had just sided with their rivals.

"But not FP2 and Emilia's ahead in the championship." Aurelia pointed out and Emilia high-fived her friend across the table.

"We were on higher fuel runs." Daniel argued unintentionally slipping out the information.

"I'll pass that one on." Emilia winked and grinned. She really liked Daniel; obviously, she didn't like him in the same way she liked Lando but Daniel was a great person to be around because he was so cheery and chill at the same time.

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