Chapter 21

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Emilia had an amazing sleep; probably because she was in Lando's arms. There were no nightmares, no more vomiting, just an uninterrupted sleep. Until the light peeking through the blinds that hadn't been shut rudely woke her up. When they'd got in the room last night it was dark so Emilia didn't feel the need to shut them and the thought didn't even cross her mind. Lando didn't seem to be bothered by the sun like she was as he was still snoring lightly.

Carefully, Emilia moved Lando's arm from round her waist and got up to go to the toilet. She caught sight of herself in her mirror and examined how much of a mess she was. Lando had stayed with her even though she looked like that? Damn. Emilia grabbed some makeup wipes and collected the remainders of the cosmetics leaving her face bare but looking a lot better. She brushed her hair then her teeth and picked up her other clothes but discovered her dress already hung up.

Emilia went back into the bedroom and found Lando awake and on his phone. He had one arm behind his head which caught Emilia's attention as his biceps were prominent. It caught her attention and she didn't realise she was staring until Lando spoke.

"Morning." He smiled and sat up. Emilia blinked and continued putting her stuff away in her dirty clothes bag.

"Did you hang my dress up?" Emilia queried as she started clearing up all the makeup scattered across the dressing table that had been left out because she had been in a rush.

"Yeah, I did. Was I not supposed to?" Lando questioned.

"Well you didn't have to but it saves it being creased, thank you." Emilia replied and walked over to the bed where she pushed Lando's curly hair off his forehead and gave him a kiss there.

"No problem." He grinned. She hadn't moved back so they were still within centimetres. Close enough to kiss. Alas, Emilia wasted another opportunity and continued cleaning up her room. She regretted moving away almost instantly. It's not that she didn't want to kiss him, of course she did. Emilia was just scared of getting too attached. "What are you doing today?"

"Same as you. Flying back to England." Emilia responded while she wound the wire round her curlers. "Why?"

"I had a dream." Lando shortly answered. Emilia stopped what she was doing and stared at him so he would elaborate. He didn't take the hint.

"About what?" Emilia asked.

"We went to Paris." Lando wasn't very descriptive with his dream and it was frustrating Emilia because she had no idea where this was going.

"And what do you suggest we do? Go to Paris?" Emilia joked.

"Yeah." Lando nodded seriously. Emilia's eyes widened in shock.

"You want me, to go with you to Paris, today?" Emilia clarified.

"Exactly." Lando grinned. Emilia was completely puzzled by the suggestion.

"You want to go somewhere because you had a dream about it? What are you, a Jedi?" Emilia enquired. She did not think she would be contemplating whether to go to Paris with another driver when she woke up this morning.

"Unfortunately no. But I mean I've never been to Paris, have you?" Emilia shook her head. "Exactly, so pass me your laptop I'll book a hotel and plane tickets and we can leave in a few hours." Lando instructed. It seemed exceptionally irrational and irresponsible but then a spontaneous trip would only be for a few days and that was what Emilia needed right now.

"Okay fine. We have flights to the UK this afternoon; what do we do about that?" Emilia was trying to be organised and not completely illogical for once.

"Just don't get on the plane. You say you're going to Paris and I'll say I'm going to visit some family in Belgium." Lando suggested which was actually a brilliant idea. Obviously, they couldn't be pictured together or anything while they were in Paris which would be a bit of a challenge.

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