Chapter 35: Race Ten

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"Emilia Louise, I want you out of bed now!" Aurelia shouted knocking on the door loudly. Her voice was slightly muffled by the thick door but her message was still clear. Emilia sat up rubbing her eyes and carefully moving Lando's arms from round her waist. He was still asleep even through Emilia's persistent alarm. Aurelia wasn't her favourite alarm. She preferred using her phone but she must have slept through it.

"Yeah okay I'm awake." Emilia opened her door letting her manager know she was up. The hallway was bright and made her squint. She was pretty sure she saw Toto walk past so he would have seen her like this; even with him being a nice boss, she didn't intend for him to see her having recently woken up.

"Breakfast in ten." Aurelia ordered and went off to sort out Emilia's day so she shut the door then returned to bed. Lando rolled over to face the Williams driver and slowly opened his eyes. Emilia had closed her eyes again ignoring Aurelia's wishes. Emilia wasn't able to get much sleep as Lando woke her up planting kisses all over her face. Her eyes fluttered open and she could just about make out Lando's face from the lack of light in the room.

"Morning love." Lando smiled. Emilia responded by cupping his face and giving him a long morning kiss. "You have an interesting alarm."

"Shit I need to get up." Emilia realised pulling the covers off her and standing up.

"No Emi, come back to bed." Lando complained still in bed.

"Do you want my alarm to go off again? She'll be a lot louder and angrier next time." Emilia questioned as she threw her pyjamas at Lando. It was dark enough for Emilia to get changed in the room where she threw her team wear on and her hair up in a ponytail.

"Fine." Lando huffed burying his face in her pillows. "It smells like you."

"Of course it does I've been sleeping there. I need to go so you can see yourself out. Remember to turn the lights off." Emilia rushed around the dark room trying to get everything ready. It would be a miracle if she didn't forget anything.

"Okay, I'll come find you before the race. I love you." Lando answered. Emilia dropped her bag and quickly walked over to the bed giving Lando a kiss.

"I love you too." Emilia ran her fingers through his hair. "I need to go, see you later." Emilia met Aurelia in the corridor who must have been heading to the driver's room as she wasn't at breakfast. "I'm coming."

"We're going to be late." Aurelia huffed.

"When are we not?" Emilia chuckled.

"It makes me look like I can't do my job." Aurelia responded giving Emilia a glare as they got into the lift.

"Well if you weren't here, I'd be extra late." Emilia shrugged.

"You're impossible." Aurelia answered.

"Impossible to beat, yeah I know." Emilia grinned as they exited the lift.

"Cough cough George." Aurelia fake coughed referring to being outqualified by her teammate.

"I thought I could actually beat him yesterday." Emilia sighed. "Oh well, there's next time and Grandad will be there to see it."

"What's up with the positivity today?" Aurelia asked impressed. "I am absolutely not complaining, it makes Christine's job a lot easier."

"I feel good about today. Plus my Grandad comes to the race after this one so there's a lot of reasons to be this positive today." Emilia replied as they sat down for breakfast. They ate their food then travelled to the track with Christine. "Morning." Emilia greeted Max from across the car park.

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