Chapter 74

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"So he told me he was going to move to Monaco and then didn't ask me to move with him." Emilia complained.

"He didn't ask you to move in?" Christine asked appalled. The two of them were strolling down the paddock in Austin chatting about Emilia's weekend in Monaco.

"No, like what was the point in telling me? I get we're not keeping secrets but I thought he was going to ask me to move in with him." Emilia huffed. She gave a wave and smile to the cameras and went back to her miserable face.

"But I thought you didn't want to move to Monaco." Christine pointed out. She had to wait for a response as Emilia was signing a cap from a fan.

"No I don't want to move to Monaco particularly." Emilia admitted.

"Then why are you mad that he didn't ask you to move in with him?" Christine questioned trying to figure Emilia out.

"Well I want to live with him and Monaco wouldn't be the end of the world if I meant I lived with Lando."

"You are so confusing." Christine sighed. "Maybe it's too soon for you two to be buying a house together. You've only just got back together. You need to see if the changes you said you were going to make to your relationship will work. They may not and then you will be stuck in an even bigger hole."

"See this is why I talk to you. You're very good at this."

"You know what they say, coaches don't play."

"Some do." Emilia stated. "Lampard but he wasn't brilliant. Gerrard, Vieira, there are loads. Coaches can play."

"Hmm, you're not convincing me to get on the playing field. Side lines are pretty comfy to be fair."

"But life isn't about being comfortable, well it is eventually. But we're young, we need to party and celebrate everything." Emilia persuaded. "Oh, also George told me he loved me."

"Ugh finally." Christine responded. Emilia glanced at her trainer after the unsurprised reaction.

"You knew too?" Emilia exclaimed. Clearly, they hadn't been exaggerating saying she was the only person not to know.

"It's so obvious." Christine rolled her eyes. "But what are you going to do about it?"

"George says nothing, just stay friends. He sees that I love Lando and I don't love him and he says he's okay with that."

"Utter bullshit."

"I know right but I can't really tell him he's not okay with it. There's nothing I can do and that's not great. I feel bad but imagine how George feels."

"He's okay with you being happy." Christine answered.

"How do you know that?"

"I speak to him."

"Is there anyone you don't give relationship advice to?" Emilia enquired.

"Lando but maybe I should start." Christine replied as they entered the Williams motorhome.

"Good morning Emilia, we have a special guest with us this weekend." Jost greeted. A man turned around having finished his conversation with George.

"Oh my God McDreamy." Emilia blurted.

"Hi Emilia, great to meet you." Patrick Dempsey shook Emilia's hand.

"I'm so sorry Mr Dempsey, I didn't mean to call you that." Emilia held her hand over her mouth embarrassed. It would have been less bad if the Off Grid cameras weren't filming, but of course they were.

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