Chapter 84: Race Twenty-Two

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"We're going to be late." The story of Emilia's life. Emilia threw clothes at Lando across the bedroom.

"It'll be fine. We just overslept." Emilia shrugged getting changed herself.

"You don't have a meeting in twenty minutes." Lando pointed out.

"That is true. I'm going down to the buffet to have a three course meal before I leave." Emilia answered rubbing it in Lando's face. Three courses would be too much for a race morning but that wasn't the point.

"Yeah sure enjoy that. I need to go, good luck today." Lando threw a jumper over his head and put on his shoes.

"Good luck I love you." Emilia kissed Lando as he was leaving. "Not even going to brush your teeth."

"I haven't got time, Jon's waiting. I love you." Lando said as he closed the door behind him. Emilia had a much less rushed morning as she didn't need to be at the track until later. She was going to sit by herself at breakfast when Lewis called her name. He was gesturing to join her, Toto was also there.

"Good morning." Emilia greeted as she sat down. "Any news?" Emilia whispered trying to be secretive.

"No I haven't made a fully decision but I'll probably stay, I don't want to get your hopes up." Lewis answered.

"Is that a grey hair I see?" Emilia asked squinting at Lewis' hair. She was trying to not sound disappointed with Lewis' answer.

"What where?" Lewis pulled his phone out to look at the camera when he saw Emilia laughing. He looked at his team principal for support.

"Emilia stop peer pressuring Lewis into retiring." Toto whispered tiredly.

"I forget how grumpy he gets at the end of the season." Emilia said to Lewis who nodded in agreement.

"At least he doesn't have you trying to win F2 as well. Last year he was especially tense."

"Maybe that's why his hair is so grey." Emilia said thoughtfully.

"I am here you know." Toto folded his arms.

"We know." Lewis and Emilia said simultaneously.

"Both of you will lose your jobs." Toto warned.

"Empty threats." Emilia coughed.

"You couldn't afford to lose either of us." Lewis shrugged. "I've won you a billion Championships and Emilia will win you a billion more. You don't want us to go to Red Bull do you?"

"You wouldn't go to Red Bull." Toto replied.

"We would." Lewis said winding Toto up. Emilia felt like she would not be able to get away annoying Toto this much without Lewis being there, he was definitely Toto's favourite child and rightfully so.

"Oh actually I can't, my manager wouldn't let me." Emilia stated.

"Who's your manager?" Lewis asked and Emilia pointed to Toto.

"It's fine, I'll be your manager and we can go be besties with Christian."

"Over my dead body." Toto huffed.

"Toto we won't leave you for Red Bull." Lewis assured. He continued eating his food. "Are you really Emilia's manager?"

"Yeah he is." Emilia responded. "Why? Is that not good?"

"Did he offer to do it or did you ask?" Lewis questioned.

"He sort of told me he was going to be my manager and I was like okay." Emilia replied. "Why? You're concerning me now."

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